Руководство пользователя шкода карок

  • #1

Здесь Вы можете просмотреть или скачать и распечатать свежее руководства пользователя и другую бортовую документацию к Вашему автомобилю Шкода Карок.

Skoda Karoq Руководство по эксплуатации. Русский язык. Версия 11.2020
Skoda Karoq Owners Manual. English. Версия 11.2020
Skoda Karoq Owners Manual. Deutsch. Версия 11.2020

1 Владелец автомобиля
6 О данном руководстве
8 Видеоруководства
8 Пояснения
9 Электронное руководство в системе Infotainment автомобиля
9 Приложение, краткое руководство
10 Общий вид автомобиля
10 Передняя часть автомобиля
12 Задняя часть автомобиля
13 Место водителя
13 Центральная консоль и место переднего пассажира
14 Моторный отсек
14 Контрольные лампы
14 Принцип действия
14 Обзор контрольных ламп
18 Правильно и безопасно
18 Вводные указания для правильной эксплуатации
18 Новый автомобиль или новые детали
18 Регулярный контроль
19 Непрофессиональная адаптация систем автомобиля
19 Поддержание работоспособности датчиков и камер
19 Моторный отсек
19 Обращение с эксплуатационными жидкостями
19 12-вольтная аккумуляторная батарея
20 Использование электрических розеток в автомобиле
20 Перед поездкой
20 Безопасная посадка
20 Правильное положение ленты ремня безопасности
21 Правильное положение рулевого колеса
21 Правильно обезопасить детей
21 Безопасная перевозка предметов
22 Безопасное движение
23 Безопасная остановка автомобиля
23 Покидание автомобиля
23 Климатические условия, отличные от привычных
23 Аварийный вызов
24 После ДТП
26 Ключи, замки и аварийная сигнализация
26 Ключи
27 Функция памяти ключа зажигания
27 Центральный замок
29 Система запирания без ключа (KESSY).
30 Противоугонная сигнализация
31 Двери, стёкла и крышка багажного отсека
31 Двери
31 «Детская» блокировка
32 Стеклоподъёмники с электрической регулировкой
33 Подъёмно-сдвижной люк
34 Солнцезащитная шторка с электрическим управлением
35 Солнцезащитные козырьки
35 Крышка багажного отсека с механической регулировкой
35 Крышка багажного отсека с электрической регулировкой
37 Управление крышкой багажной отсека с электроприводом по сигналу датчика
37 Отпирание крышки багажного отсека
38 Сиденья, рулевое колесо и зеркала
38 Переднее сиденье с механической регулировкой
38 Переднее сиденье с электрической регулировкой
38 Функция памяти сидений
39 Задние сиденья
40 Складывание спинок задних сидений со стороны багажного отсека
40 Парковочное положение задних ремней безопасности
40 Задние сиденья VarioFlex
43 Подголовники
43 Передний подлокотник
43 Задний подлокотник
43 Люк для перевозки длинномерных грузов
44 Рулевое колесо
45 Внутреннее зеркало заднего вида
45 Наружные зеркала заднего вида
47 Удерживающие устройства и подушки безопасности
47 Ремни безопасности
48 Детское сиденье
50 Элементы крепления детских сидений
53 Подушки безопасности
54 Выключатель с замком для подушки безопасности переднего пассажира
55 Освещение, стеклоочистители и стеклоомыватели
55 Наружные световые приборы
58 Функции наружного освещения COMING HOME, LEAVING HOME
58 Ассистент управления дальним светом Light Assist
59 Замена ламп накаливания
62 Освещение салона
62 Внутренняя эстетическая подсветка
62 Стеклоочистители и стеклоомыватели
65 Отопление и климатическая установка
65 Климатическая установка с ручным управлением
66 Автоматическая климатическая установка Climatronic
67 Автономный отопитель и автономная вентиляция
70 Обогрев стёкол
70 Подогрев сидений
71 Подогрев рулевого колеса
71 Информационная система водителя
71 Аналоговая комбинация приборов
73 Цифровая комбинация приборов
74 Бортовой компьютер
75 Предупреждение при превышении скорости
76 Состояние автомобиля
76 Секундомер в комбинации приборов
77 Секундомер в системе Infotainment
77 Сведения о спорте
77 Персонализация
78 Система Infotainment Swing
78 Обзор системы Infotainment
78 Система
79 Экран
80 Клавиатура системы Infotainment
81 Центр управления
81 Радио
84 Носители
87 Управление мобильными устройствами
89 Телефон
90 SmartLink
93 Система Infotainment Bolero
93 Обзор системы Infotainment
94 Система
95 Экран
96 Клавиатура системы Infotainment
97 Голосовое управление
98 Центр управления
98 Радио
102 Носители
106 Изображения
107 Управление мобильными устройствами
109 Телефон
112 Wi-Fi
113 SmartLink
116 Система Infotainment Amundsen
116 Обзор системы Infotainment
116 Система
117 Экран
118 Клавиатура системы Infotainment
119 Голосовое управление
121 Центр управления
121 Головное устройство
125 Носители
129 Изображения
130 Управление мобильными устройствами
132 Телефон
135 Wi-Fi
136 SmartLink
139 Навигационная система
144 Система Infotainment Columbus
144 Обзор системы Infotainment
144 Система
145 Экран
146 Клавиатура
147 Голосовое управление
148 Центр управления
149 Радио
152 Носители
156 Изображения
157 Управление мобильными устройствами
159 Телефон
162 WLAN
164 SmartLink
166 Навигационная система
171 Пуск и движение
171 Запуск с помощью ключа
172 Запуск нажатием кнопки
172 Проблемы при пуске
173 Система СТАРТ/СТОП
174 Механическая коробка передач
174 Автоматическая коробка передач
176 Режим движения автомобиля
177 Экономичный стиль вождения
178 Движение с прицепом
179 Буксирная проушина и процесс буксировки
180 Тормозная система
181 Электромеханический стояночный тормоз
182 Автоматическая функция удержания Auto Hold
183 Вспомогательные системы водителя
183 Системы торможения и стабилизации
184 Ассистент контроля дистанции спереди
185 Система распознавания пешеходов
185 Ограничитель скорости
187 Круиз-контроль
187 Адаптивный круиз-контроль
190 Ассистент движения по полосе Lane Assist
191 Ассистент Travel Assist
192 Ассистент смены полосы движения Side Assist
193 Ассистент распознавания дорожных знаков
194 Превентивная система безопасности Crew Protect Assist
195 Ассистент распознавания усталости Driver Alert
195 Ассистент Emergency Assist
195 Ассистент движения на спуске
196 Системы парковочного автопилота
196 Система помощи при парковке Park Pilot
197 Камера заднего вида
198 Система кругового обзора Area View
200 Ассистент выезда с парковки
201 Ассистент руления при парковке
202 Ассистент маневрирования с прицепом Trailer assist
204 Двигатель, система выпуска ОГ и топливо
204 Капот
204 Моторное масло
205 Охлаждающая жидкость
207 Электроника двигателя
207 Сажевый фильтр
207 Система контроля отработавших газов
207 Топливный фильтр
208 Жалюзи радиатора
208 Крышка лючка заливной горловины
208 AdBlue
209 Бензин
211 Дизельное топливо
212 12-вольтная аккумуляторная батарея и предохранители
212 12-вольтная аккумуляторная батарея
214 Использование пусковых кабелей
215 Предохранители
215 Предохранители в передней панели
217 Предохранители в моторном отсеке
218 Колёса
218 Шины и диски
220 Всесезонные или зимние шины
220 Цепи противоскольжения
220 Запасное и докатное колесо
221 Замена колеса и подъём автомобиля
222 Комплект для ремонта шин
224 Давление в шинах
224 Индикатор контроля давления в шинах
225 Колпачки колёсных болтов
225 Полноразмерный колёсный колпак
226 Места для хранения и оборудование салона
226 Оборудование в багажном отсеке
226 Оснащение для экстренных случаев
227 Набор бортового инструмента
227 Вещевой отсек для сигнального жилета
227 Элементы крепления в багажном отсеке
228 Крючки для пакетов в багажном отсеке
228 Элементы Cargo в багажном отсеке
228 Багажная сетка
228 Сдвижные крючки
229 Перегородка-сетка
229 Двусторонний коврик
229 Жёсткая полка багажного отсека
230 Свёртываемая шторка багажного отсека
230 Трансформируемый пол багажного отсека
231 Чехол
232 Оборудование салона спереди
232 Оборудование салона сзади
233 Зажим для парковочного талона
233 Резиновая лента в обивке двери
233 Отделение для бутылок в вещевом отсеке передней двери
233 Отделение для бутылок в вещевом отсеке задней двери
234 Разъёмы USB
234 Крючки на средних стойках кузова
235 Отделение для очков
235 Держатель для ручки
235 Отделение для пластиковых карточек, монет и карт SD
235 Отделение для пластиковых карточек в вещевом отсеке на стороне водителя
235 Вещевое отделение для зонта
236 Отсек для мобильного телефона (Phonebox)
236 Подстаканники
236 Подстаканник Easy Open
237 Контейнер для мусора
237 Пепельница и прикуриватель
237 Откидной столик
238 Многофункциональный держатель
238 Держатель планшета
239 Розетка 12 В
239 розетки 230 В
239 Розетка 230 В и разъёмы USB
240 Вещевой ящик с дефлектором
240 Багажник на крыше и тягово-сцепное устройство
240 Багажник на крыше
240 Поворотное тягово-сцепное устройство
243 Уход и очистка
243 Наступление срока технического обслуживания
244 Техническое обслуживание, регулировки и внесение технических изменений
244 Салон
246 Наружная сторона
247 Скребок для льда
248 Технические характеристики и предписания
248 Предписания к техническим характеристикам
248 Данные автомобиля
248 Разрешённая максимальная масса
249 Снаряжённая масса
250 Размеры автомобиля
250 Спецификации двигателя
252 Аварийный регистратор данных (Event Data Recorder)
253 Персональные данные
253 Информация о радиоустройствах в автомобиле
254 Гарантийные обязательства ŠKODA
256 Алфавитный указатель

Последнее редактирование: 18-03-2021


1 Владелец автомобиля

5 О данном руководстве

6 Видеоруководства

6 Пояснения

7 Руководство в системе Infotainment

7 Принцип действия

8 Общий вид автомобиля

8 Передняя часть автомобиля

10 Задняя часть автомобиля

11 Место водителя

11 Центральная консоль и место переднего


12 Моторный отсек

12 Контрольные лампы

12 Принцип действия

12 Обзор контрольных ламп

16 Правильно и безопасно

16 Вводные указания для правильной


16 Новый автомобиль или новые детали

16 Регулярный контроль

16 Непрофессиональная адаптация систем


17 Поддержание работоспособности датчиков

и камер

17 Моторный отсек

17 Обращение с эксплуатационными


17 12-вольтная аккумуляторная батарея

18 Использование электрических розеток в


18 Перед поездкой

18 Безопасная посадка

19 Правильное положение ленты ремня


19 Правильное положение рулевого колеса

19 Правильно обезопасить детей

19 Безопасная перевозка предметов

20 Безопасное движение

21 Безопасная остановка автомобиля

21 Покидание автомобиля

21 Климатические условия, отличные от


21 Аварийный вызов

22 После ДТП

24 Ключи, замки и аварийная


24 Ключи

25 Функция памяти ключа зажигания

25 Центральный замок

27 Система запирания без ключа (KESSY).

28 Противоугонная сигнализация

29 Двери, стёкла и крышка багажного


29 Двери

29 «Детская» блокировка

29 Стеклоподъёмники с электрической


30 Подъёмно-сдвижной люк

31 Солнцезащитная шторка с электрическим


31 Крышка багажного отсека с механической


32 Крышка багажного отсека с электрической


33 Управление крышкой багажной отсека с

электроприводом по сигналу датчика

34 Отпирание крышки багажного отсека

34 Сиденья, рулевое колесо и зеркала

34 Переднее сиденье с механической


35 Переднее сиденье с электрической


35 Задние сиденья VarioFlex

38 Подголовники

39 Передний подлокотник

39 Рулевое колесо

40 Наружные зеркала заднего вида

41 Удерживающие устройства

и подушки безопасности

41 Ремни безопасности

43 Детское сиденье

45 Элементы крепления детских сидений

47 Подушки безопасности

48 Выключатель с замком для подушки

безопасности переднего пассажира

49 Освещение, стеклоочистители

и стеклоомыватели

49 Наружные световые приборы

50 Дневные ходовые огни

50 Функция автоматического управления


51 Дальний свет и световой сигнал

51 Указатель поворота

51 Противотуманное освещение

52 Функция аварийной световой сигнализации

52 Функция стояночных огней

52 Функция CORNER

52 Функции адаптивного освещения фар


53 Ассистент управления дальним светом

Light Assist

54 Замена ламп накаливания

57 Освещение салона

57 Стеклоочистители и стеклоомыватели


Skoda Karoq 2019 Owner's Manual

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Related Manuals for Skoda Karoq 2019

Summary of Contents for Skoda Karoq 2019

  • Page 1
    Your Owner’s Manual Electronic version available on the Internet http://go.skoda.eu/owners-manuals OWNER´S MANUAL ŠKODA KAROQ ŠKODA KAROQ 07.2019 Angličtina/English 57A012720AE…
  • Page 2
    Documentation of vehicle delivery Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Date of vehicle delivery ____ / ____ / ________ ŠKODA Partner Stamp and signature of the vendor I confirm that I have taken delivery of the vehicle in good condition, have received information on how to operate it correctly, and have had the terms of the warranty explained to me.
  • Page 3: Vehicle Owner

    Vehicle owner Vehicle owner First Vehicle owner Second Vehicle owner This vehicle with the registration plate This vehicle with the registration plate __________________________________________ __________________________________________ belongs to: belongs to: Title, name/company: Title, name/company: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Address: Address: __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________…

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Table of Contents VarioFlex rear seats Headrests Front armrest Vehicle owner Rear armrest About the Owner’s Manual Load-through device Seat heating About the Owner’s Manual Steering wheel Heated steering wheel Explanations Interior rear-view mirror Vehicle overviews Exterior mirror Front vehicle area Restraint systems and airbags Rear vehicle area…

  • Page 5
    Table of Contents System Brakes Screen Electric parking brake Infotainment keyboard Auto Hold automatic holding function Voice control 170 Driver assist systems Radio Braking and stabilising systems Media Front Assist Images Pedestrian detection system Mobile device management Speed limiter Telephone Cruise control system SmartLink Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)
  • Page 6
    Table of Contents 203 Storage space and interior equipment Equipment in the boot Emergency equipment Fasteners in the boot Fastening nets Sliding hooks Net partition Double-sided floor covering Flooring in the luggage compartment Removable light Rigid boot cover Roll-up luggage compartment cover Variable loading floor in the boot Through-loading bag Overview of passenger compartment…
  • Page 7: About The Owner’s Manual

    Complete information is included in the electronic version of the Owner’s Manual. This is available on the ŠKODAweb pages as well as in the mobile appli- cation MyŠKODA, which can be downloaded. http://go.skoda.eu/owners-manuals ▶…

  • Page 8
    Explanations Explanations Terms used “Specialist garage” — A workshop that carries out specialist service tasks for ŠKODA vehicles. A specialist can be a ŠKODA Partner, a ŠKODA Service Partner, or an independent workshop. “ŠKODA Service Partner” — A workshop that has been contractually authorised by ŠKODA AUTO or its distribution partner to perform service work on ŠKODA vehicles and to sell ŠKODA…
  • Page 9: Vehicle Overviews

    Vehicle overviews › Front vehicle area Vehicle overviews Front vehicle area Under the windscreen Camera for assist systems ▶ Light sensor for automatic driving light circuit » page 46 ▶ Rain sensor for automatic wiping » page 52 ▶ Bonnet release lever (on the inside of the flap) »…

  • Page 10: Rear Vehicle Area

    Vehicle overviews › Rear vehicle area Rear vehicle area Handle of the boot lid Manually operated boot lid » page 28 ▶ Electrically operated boot lid » page 28 ▶ Camera for assist systems ▶ Radar sensors for assist systems (in the bumper) Ultrasonic sensors for assist systems Swivelling hitch »…

  • Page 11: Driver’s Seat

    Vehicle overviews › Driver’s seat Driver’s seat Centre console and passenger seat Door opening lever » page 24 Infotainment (depending on trim level): Columbus » page 127 Side Assist lane change assist system indicator ▶ Amundsen » page 99 light »…

  • Page 12: Engine Compartment

    Indicator lights › Engine compartment Indicator lights Depending on the equipment: Shift lever (manual transmission) » page 162 ▶ Functionality Selector lever (automatic transmis- ▶ sion) » page 163 The indicator lights in the instrument cluster indicate the current status of certain functions or faults. The illumination of some of the indicator lights may Engine compartment be accompanied by acoustic signals and messages in…

  • Page 13
    Indicator lights › Indicator light overview Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning Automatic gearbox overhea- Airbag system faulty » page » page 164. Illuminates 4 s — Front passenger air- Automatic gearbox im- bag deactivated with key paired » page 164. switch »…
  • Page 14
    Indicator lights › Indicator light overview Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning The fuel supply has reached the re- Front Assist is started » page 172. serve area. » page 190, » page 191. ACC activated » page 174. Illuminates — Power assisted steering faulty »…
  • Page 15
    Indicator lights › Indicator light overview Symbol Meaning Snow Driving Mode » page 165. Offroad Driving Mode » page 165. Driving mode Individual » page 165.
  • Page 16: Correct And Safe

    Correct and safe › Introductory notes for correct use Correct and safe Regular checks What should be taken into account before driving? Introductory notes for correct use A vehicle with technical defects can increase the risk of accidents and injuries. Read this Owner’s Manual carefully, as proceeding ▶…

  • Page 17: Engine Compartment

    Correct and safe › Engine compartment If there is damage suspected to the sensors or Do not tilt the vehicle battery, as it may leak bat- ▶ ▶ cameras, seek the help of a specialist garage. tery acid. If battery acid comes into contact with skin, wash ▶…

  • Page 18
    Correct and safe › Before your journey Keep your feet in the footwell. Correct steering wheel position ▶ Use the entire seat. ▶ Hold the steering ▶ Do not lean forward or sit to the side. ▶ wheel with both hands Do not hold your limbs out the window.
  • Page 19: Safe Driving

    Correct and safe › Safe driving A child that has been properly secured in a child If the vehicle issues a warning signal, then park the ▶ seat vehicle safely and follow the information in the in- strument cluster, and in this manual. There must be enough room between the child Using assistance systems in a clever way…

  • Page 20: Emergency Call

    The current declaration on the protection of person- al data can be found on the following website: http:// Carry out the following activities in the specified or- www.skoda-auto.com/data-privacy/. der when parking. › Stop the vehicle and keep the brake pedal de- Serious accident — automatic call pressed.

  • Page 21: After An Accident

    Correct and safe › After an accident Manual call › Keep the key press- ed down. › Confirm the connec- tion to the emergency call centre in the Info- tainment screen. Starting a manual con- versation can then be used, for example, if you also report an accident in which you are not directly involved.

  • Page 22: Keys, Locks And Alarm System

    20 Keys, locks and alarm system › › Keys, locks and alarm system Fold out the key bit. › Release the battery cover with your thumbnail or by insert- Key Overview ing a flat-head screw- driver at the marked Locking the vehicle points.

  • Page 23: Central Locking

    Keys, locks and alarm system › Central locking Storing driver’s seat and exterior mirror position DANGER for driving forwards Risk of death! Storing takes place automatically every time the ve- When the vehicle is locked and the SAFE function is hicle is locked.

  • Page 24: Keyless Locking (Kessy)

    22 Keys, locks and alarm system › Keyless locking (KESSY) › Single door Release the door handle. Using the button on the key, the driver’s door and Locking and unlocking the fuel filler flap are unlocked. › Left-hand drive: Insert the key with the but- In vehicles equipped with a keyless unlocking sys- tem, the door near to which the key is located and…

  • Page 25: Alarm System

    Keys, locks and alarm system › Alarm system › Unlocking Then try to unlock or lock the vehicle using the sensors on the handle. › Grab the door handle. › If keyless locking does not work, seek the help of a ›…

  • Page 26: Doors, Windows And Boot Lid

    24 Doors, windows and boot lid › Doors Doors, windows and boot lid Settings The following functions of the alarm system can be Doors deactivated once. Opening/closing the door Interior monitoring. ▶ Towing protection. ▶ Opening from the outside Deactivation will also switch off the SAFE func- ›…

  • Page 27: Window — With Electrical Operation

    Doors, windows and boot lid › Window — with electrical operation Electrically operated fuse Overview of the operating buttons on the driver’s door › Press the left button to switch on/off the fuse in the left rear door. Depending on the equipment: ›…

  • Page 28: Sliding/Tilting Roof

    26 Doors, windows and boot lid › Sliding/tilting roof › Sliding/tilting roof Turn off the ignition, open the driver’s door, and hold down the driver’s window button until it What you should be mindful of stops. Depending on the setting, only the driver’s win- Force limiter dow can be opened in this way.

  • Page 29: Sunblind — With Electrical Operation

    Doors, windows and boot lid › Sunblind — with electrical operation Sunblind — with electrical operation After another movement to position the sliding/ tilting roof opens completely. Operation After switching off the ignition, the sliding/tilting roof can still open and close for about 10 minutes so To open long as none of the doors are opened.

  • Page 30: Boot Lid — With Manual Operation

    28 Doors, windows and boot lid › Boot lid — with manual operation Operation Closing › Grasp the fixture Heated rear window › and pull the lid down. Press the key to turn on the heated rear win- dow. Heated windscreen Applies to Climatronic.

  • Page 31: Electrically Operated Contactless Boot Lid

    Doors, windows and boot lid › Electrically operated contactless boot lid Handle in the tailgate Settings › Press the handle to Set the uppermost position of the tailgate and open, close or stop the store it movement of the tail- It makes sense to set the top position of the tailgate, gate.

  • Page 32: Unlocking The Boot Lid

    30 Doors, windows and boot lid › Unlocking the boot lid Unlocking the boot lid Operation Opening/closing the lid Unlocking › Insert a screwdriver in- to the opening in the panel. › Release the flap by moving it in the direc- tion of the arrow.

  • Page 33: Seats, Steering Wheel And Mirror

    Seats, steering wheel and mirror › Front seat — with manual operation Seats, steering wheel and mirror Front seat — with electrical operation Controls on the seat Front seat — with manual operation Adjusting the seat Controls on the seat Adjust in a longitudi- nal direction Adjust the inclination…

  • Page 34: Rear Seats

    32 Seats, steering wheel and mirror › Rear seats › Stop position change Adjust the position of the front seats in such a way › With the ignition off and the driver’s door open, that they are not damaged by the folded-down press any button on the seat to be adjusted.

  • Page 35
    Seats, steering wheel and mirror › VarioFlex rear seats NOTICE Folding the backrests forwards and folding up Risk of damage or restriction to functionality of the the seats plugs and sockets! Before folding the backrests forwards Check the plugs or sockets for dirt before instal- ▶…
  • Page 36
    34 Seats, steering wheel and mirror › VarioFlex rear seats › Pull on the loop and press the seat back into the position shown in green, about 4 cm deep into the seat. › Let go off the loop. NOTICE Risk of damage to centre console components! If the seat touches the centre console when folded up, the seat back is in the yellow or red position.
  • Page 37: Headrests

    Seats, steering wheel and mirror › Headrests › After removing the Moving middle seat, close the › Fold up the outer seat cover cap for the sock- and release it by press- et outlet in the floor. ing the seat locks. ›…

  • Page 38: Front Armrest

    36 Seats, steering wheel and mirror › Front armrest Load-through device Removing and inserting the rear headrests Removing Open and close › Move the headrest up Open from the passenger compartment to the stop. › Fold down the armrest. › Hold safety button ›…

  • Page 39: Steering Wheel

    Seats, steering wheel and mirror › Steering wheel Conditions illuminates — partial failure of the power assis- ted steering, possible reduction in power ✓ The engine is running. steering › Turn off the ignition, start the engine and drive a few meters.

  • Page 40: Interior Rear-View Mirror

    38 Seats, steering wheel and mirror › Interior rear-view mirror Exterior mirror The output level of the heating is indicated by the number of illuminated warning lights in the Operation switch. Positions of the rotary knob and adjustment of the mirror surface Settings The mirrors can be folded manually or electrically,…

  • Page 41: Restraint Systems And Airbags

    Restraint systems and airbags › Seat belts Restraint systems and airbags ✓ The mirror position is saved. ✓ The reverse gear is engaged. Seat belts ✓ The adjustment knob is in the position. The mirror automatically resumes the home position Functionality when driving forward at speeds above 15 km/h or af- Seat belts that are fastened correctly offer very…

  • Page 42: Child Seat

    40 Restraint systems and airbags › Child seat Operation Setting › Fastening the seat belt Move the seat belt height adjuster up- › Grasp the buckle latch wards to increase the and slowly pull the belt height. over the chest and pel- vis towards the buckle.

  • Page 43
    Restraint systems and airbags › Child seat Child seats according to standard ECE-R 44 are The following instructions must be followed when marked with the test symbol: large E in a circle, with using a child seat on the front passenger seat. the test number below.
  • Page 44: Fasteners For Child Seats

    42 Restraint systems and airbags › Fasteners for child seats Group Weight of the child up to 10 kg up to 13 kg 9-18 kg 15-25 kg 22-36 kg Recommended child seats Approval number Group Manufacturer Type Attachment Order number (E1 …) Britax Römer Baby Safe Plus Isofix base frame…

  • Page 45
    Restraint systems and airbags › Fasteners for child seats i-Size Passenger seat with acti- Passenger seat with deac- Outer rear seats Middle rear seat vated front airbag tivated front airbag i-UF The seat is suitable for forward- and backward-facing i-Size child seats of the «Universal” category. X The seat is not suitable for i-Sizechild seats of the «Universal»…
  • Page 46: Airbags

    44 Restraint systems and airbags › Airbags WARNING Danger of serious or fatal injuries! Maintain the correct seating position. ▶ Do not keep your limbs in the deployment area of ▶ the airbags. In the following situations, no airbags are deployed. Minor frontal and side collisions.

  • Page 47: Key Switch For The Front Passenger Airbag

    Restraint systems and airbags › Key switch for the front passenger airbag Additional operating controls for a physically disad- Switch front passenger front airbag on/off ▶ vantaged driver are installed in the vehicle. › Switch off the ignition. The vehicle has special seats, e.g. orthopaedic ›…

  • Page 48: Lighting, Windscreen Wipers And Washers

    46 Lighting, windscreen wipers and washers › Exterior lighting Lighting, windscreen wipers and Operation washers Switching off the lights except the Exterior lighting daytime running lights Functionality Switching the low beam on/off auto- Unless otherwise stated, the light works when the matically ignition is switched on.

  • Page 49
    Lighting, windscreen wipers and washers › Exterior lighting Fog light when the ignition is switched off, the light will not switch off automatically. Fog light — lights up When the parking light is switched on, an acoustic warning signal sounds after the ignition is switched Rear fog light — lights off and the driver’s door is opened.
  • Page 50: Coming Home, Leaving Home Exterior Lighting

    48 Lighting, windscreen wipers and washers › COMING HOME, LEAVING HOME exterior lighting Operating conditions ✓ Visibility has worsened. ✓ The light switch is in the position. Troubleshooting Settings Turn signal light defective This function is set in the following menu in the Info- flashes faster — turn signal light on the right de- tainment system.

  • Page 51: Replace Light Bulbs

    Lighting, windscreen wipers and washers › Replace light bulbs › Press the locking lugs and remove the base with the bulb. Replace light bulbs What you should be mindful of DIY replacement of the following bulbs is possible. Have the remaining light sources replaced by a spe- cialist garage.

  • Page 52
    50 Lighting, windscreen wipers and washers › Replace light bulbs Rear turn signal and reversing lights Replacing the light bulb › Unlock and remove the Loosen and remove the light lamp holder › Open the relevant cover in the luggage compart- ment.
  • Page 53
    Lighting, windscreen wipers and washers › Replace light bulbs NOTICE Inserting a new bulb and cover cap in the wheel arch Risk of damage to the electrical system! › Make sure that the cables between the light and Insert the plug into the new bulb until it clicks into ▶…
  • Page 54: Interior Lighting

    Lighting, windscreen wipers and washers › Interior lighting Interior lighting The lighting only works when the dipped or parking lights are on. Operation The lighting is also switched on automatically after opening the door (e.g. when getting in or out). Operation of the lighting Switching on Rear lighting…

  • Page 55
    Lighting, windscreen wipers and washers › Windscreen wipers and washers Depending on the vehicle equipment, the wind- NOTICE screen washer nozzles of the windscreen can be Risk of damage to the headlights! heated automatically after starting the engine. Only use washer fluid that does not attack polycar- ▶…
  • Page 56: Heating And Air Conditioning System

    54 Heating and air conditioning system › Manual air conditioning Heating and air conditioning Replace the windscreen wiper blade system CAUTION Risk of an accident! Change the windscreen wiper blades once or twice Manual air conditioning ▶ a year. What you should be mindful of ›…

  • Page 57: Climatronic Automatic Air Conditioning System

    Heating and air conditioning system › Climatronic automatic air conditioning system When the fan is on and the air distribution control- ✓ The engine is running. ▶ ler is in the position. ✓ The blower is switched on. In this case, the recirculation mode is switched off. If the air distribution controller is not in the posi- ▶…

  • Page 58: Auxiliary Heating And Ventilation

    56 Heating and air conditioning system › Auxiliary heating and ventilation Briefly switching on recirculation mode can increase Automatic air recirculation — Automatic re-circulated air ▶ the cooling effect. mode on/off. Automatic supplementary heater — Switch fast interior heating WARNING ▶…

  • Page 59
    Heating and air conditioning system › Auxiliary heating and ventilation Operating conditions Settings and information in the Infotainment screen ✓ The battery charge is sufficient. ✓ The fuel supply is sufficient, the instrument clus- ter does not light up . Operation Switching on/off via the control panel of the air conditioning system…
  • Page 60: Driver Information System

    58 Driver information system › Analogue instrument panel Driver information system Running the auxiliary heater after stopping the en- gine After switching off the system, the coolant pump Analogue instrument panel and the auxiliary heating will continue running a little Overview while longer in order to burn the remaining fuel in the heating.

  • Page 61: Digital Instrument Cluster

    Driver information system › Digital instrument cluster › Wait 4 seconds, the display shows the initial set- Set time ting. The time is set in the following menu in the Infotain- ment system. The time is set in the Infotainment system in the fol- lowing menu.

  • Page 62: Instrument Cluster Display

    60 Driver information system › Instrument cluster display ▶ Classic — Information about the selected gear Main menu items and the current speed Driving data » page 61 ▶ ▶ adjustable pre-selection options Assist systems — Activate/deactivate assist sys- ▶ tems Setting the pre-selection option for the display of Navigation — e.g.

  • Page 63: Driving Data

    Driver information system › Driving data Memory Press — Return to the menu one level higher The system saves the driving data in the following Hold — Show main menu memories. From start or «1» (depending on display type) Driving data Driving data from the time of switching on the ig- ▶…

  • Page 64: Speed Limit Warning

    62 Driver information system › Speed limit warning Speed limit warning Select and reset the memory for driving data in the display of the instrument cluster using the Usage control lever › To set the memory for The system offers the possibility to set a speed limit the displayed driving beyond which an acoustic warning signal will sound data, press button…

  • Page 65: Stopwatch In The Instrument Cluster

    Driver information system › Stopwatch in the instrument cluster Statistics — Evaluate and reset the measured times Activation/deactivation of information ▶ ▶ regarding the messages of the START-STOP ▶ Fastest — the fastest lap system in another screen display Slowest — the slowest lap ▶…

  • Page 66: Information Sport

    64 Driver information system › Information Sport Information Sport Vehicle status Settings Vehicle status The Sport information display is shown in the menu The account changes e.g. when changing drivers in the Infotainment. while traveling. This avoids unwanted re-setting of Sport the personalized functions in the active user account.

  • Page 67: Infotainment Swing

    Infotainment Swing › Infotainment overview Infotainment Swing Units. ▶ Restore factory settings. ▶ Infotainment overview Sound settings The Infotainment sound is set in the menu Sound. The following menu items can be set. Setting the maximum volume when Infotainment is ▶…

  • Page 68: Screen

    ŠKODA internet pages. Switch off the screen. ▶ Display the time. ▶ Confirmation sounds and animations. ▶ Infotainment keyboard http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal ▶ › Visit available updates. Keypad overview › Save the update to a USB source. The arrangement of the keypad characters depends ›…

  • Page 69: Radio

    Infotainment Swing › Radio Radio Numeric keypad Overview Display main menu › Tap on Analogue and digital radio reception Keypad example Input line Delete characters before the cursor ▶ ▶ Tap: delete the last character ▶ Hold: delete all characters Select frequency range Keypad functional surfaces Depending on the frequency range…

  • Page 70
    68 Infotainment Swing › Radio Operation Delete favourites › In the Radio main menu , tap Delete presets. Select station › To delete one preset button for preferred stations, tap the desired station button and confirm the de- letion. › To delete all preset buttons for preferred stations, tap All and confirm the deletion.
  • Page 71: Media

    Infotainment Swing › Media Switch automatic frequency control (AF) on/off Enable/disable automatic programme tracking of a Applies to the FM frequency range. DAB station Applies to the DAB frequency range. When the function is switched on and the signal of the FM station currently being listened to is weak, When the function is switched on and the DAB sta- Infotainment automatically sets the same station to…

  • Page 72
    70 Infotainment Swing › Media Traffic › To turn on/off the traffic monitoring during the playback of media files, go to the Media main menu and tap on Traffic programme (TP). Safely disconnect the connected device NOTICE Risk of damage to the data on the connected device! To safely disconnect/remove the device, proceed as follows.
  • Page 73
    It is possible to check the ŠKODA web pages to see if Infotainment is compatible with the selected mobile device being tested. This check is carried out by using the following reference or by reading the QR code. http://go.skoda.eu/compatibility ▶…
  • Page 74: Mobile Device Management

    Infotainment Swing › Mobile device management Compression for- Codec type File exten- Max. bit rate Max. sam- Multi channels sion [kbps] pling rate [kHz] Mono, dual mono, MPEG 1 Layer 3 32 — 320 32, 44, 48 Stereo, Joint Stereo MPEG MPEG 2 Layer 3 16, 22, 24…

  • Page 75
    QR › Select the desired device from the list of Blue- code. tooth® devices. › http://go.skoda.eu/compatibility Confirm the PIN; enter it if necessary and then ▶ confirm. › If two devices are connected to the Infotainment, select the device to be replaced.
  • Page 76: Telephone

    Infotainment Swing › Telephone › Telephone Enter the telephone number using the numeric keypad that is displayed. Telephone main menu The displayed numeric keypad can also be used for searching for contacts. Display main menu › If, for example, the digits 32 are entered, contacts Tap on with the letter sequence DA, FA, EB etc.

  • Page 77: Smartlink

    Infotainment Swing › SmartLink Import telephone contacts Overview of the SmartLink connection After first connecting the main telephone with Info- Main menu SmartLink tainment, telephone contacts will start to be impor- › Tap on ted into the Infotainment memory. Infotainment can import up to 2000 telephone con- tacts together with contact pictures.

  • Page 78
    76 Infotainment Swing › SmartLink Hold: Switch on voice control (Siri) Conditions for MirrorLink ▶ ✓ The device to be connected must have Mirror- MirrorLink LinkSupport. A list of devices and applications that the Mirror- Link connection supports can be found on the websites of Car Connectivity Consorcium®.
  • Page 79: Škoda Connect Online Services

    Turn on the mobile device. nect application. › Connect the mobile device to the front USB input ŠKODA Connect website using a cable. http://go.skoda.eu/skoda-connect ▶ › Choose to connect via Android Auto. For example, the ŠKODA Connect web- Android Auto — Disconnection site contains the latest information ›…

  • Page 80
    The application can be downloaded to the mobile de- › To display the designations and the status of the vice after scanning the following QR code or link. services, select the desired service. http://go.skoda.eu/skodaconnectapp ▶ › For detailed information about the service tap . ›…
  • Page 81
    Infotainment Swing › ŠKODA Connect online services the sticker at a visible point in the vehicle (e.g. on the Localisation services are restricted or disabled. roof cladding). Detailed information about the online services can be viewed in the Online Services Administra- This sticker must not be removedas long as the on- tion.
  • Page 82: Infotainment Bolero Infotainment Overview

    80 Infotainment Bolero › Infotainment overview Infotainment Bolero Infotainment overview Grid display Touchscreen Rotary control on the left Press: Switch Infotainment on/off ▶ Turn: Adjust Volume ▶ List Rotary control on the right Restriction Press: Confirm menu item ▶ For safety reasons, operation of some Infotainment Turn: select menu item/set value ▶…

  • Page 83: Screen

    ▶ Setting the audio profiles according to genre. ▶ Adjusting the subwoofer volume. ▶ Configuration wizard The configuration wizard helps to set certain Info- http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal tainment functions. ▶ › Visit available updates. The configuration wizard is automatically displayed › if, after switching on the Infotainment system, there Save the update to a USB source.

  • Page 84: Infotainment Keyboard

    82 Infotainment Bolero › Infotainment keyboard Dragging up or down with two fingers Keypad for search. ▶ Quickly review the list ▶ of phone contacts. Keypad example Pulling apart with two fingers Input line Enlarge image. ▶ Delete characters before the cursor ▶…

  • Page 85: Voice Control

    Infotainment Bolero › Voice control If context-sensitive, alphanumeric characters can Operation be entered by holding a functional surface with a Voice control process digit. › To turn on voice control, press the button the multifunction steering wheel. Operation › Tap on The Infotainment keypad is used to enter characters, letters and numbers.

  • Page 86: Radio

    84 Infotainment Bolero › Radio You cannot use voice control while a phone call is in Depending on the frequency range progress. FM: Radio text DAB: Name of the station group Preset buttons for preferred stations Settings List of available stations The following voice control functions are set in the Manual station search menu…

  • Page 87
    Covering the panes with foils or metal-coated la- bels may affect the reception of the radio signal. Settings http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal ▶ Save the station currently being listened to as a fa- Delete station logos vourite from the Radio main menu Applies to AM, FM and DAB frequency ranges.
  • Page 88: Media

    86 Infotainment Bolero › Media › Switch automatic frequency control (AF) on/off In the Radio main menu, tap on Advanced settings Applies to the FM frequency range. DAB — DAB station tracking. When the function is switched on and the signal of Turn on/off automatic switching from a DAB sta- the FM station currently being listened to is weak, tion to the same FM station…

  • Page 89
    Infotainment Bolero › Media Traffic › To turn on/off the traffic monitoring during the playback of media files, go to the Media main menu and tap on Traffic programme (TP). Safely disconnect the connected device NOTICE Risk of damage to the data on the connected device! To safely disconnect/remove the device, proceed as follows.
  • Page 90
    It is possible to check the ŠKODA web pages to see if Infotainment is compatible with the selected mobile device being tested. This check is carried out by using the following reference or by reading the QR code. http://go.skoda.eu/compatibility ▶…
  • Page 91: Images

    Infotainment Bolero › Images Compression for- Codec type File exten- Max. bit rate Max. sam- Multi channels sion [kbps] pling rate [kHz] Mono, dual mono, MPEG 1 Layer 3 32 — 320 32, 44, 48 Stereo, Joint Stereo MPEG MPEG 2 Layer 3 16, 22, 24 Mono, 8 — 160…

  • Page 92
    90 Infotainment Bolero › Images Show the previous im- ▶ age. Select source Enlarge view. ▶ Manage files Settings Operation Touch operation Zoom out. ▶ Look at images Show the next image ▶ Show the previous image ▶ Maximize image/ ▶…
  • Page 93: Mobile Device Management

    This check is carried out by paired. using the following reference or by reading the QR The range of the connection of the mobile device code. ▶ to Infotainment is limited to the passenger com- http://go.skoda.eu/compatibility ▶ partment.

  • Page 94: Telephone

    92 Infotainment Bolero › Telephone › Confirm the PIN; enter it if necessary and then confirm. › If two devices are connected to the Infotainment, select the device to be replaced. Bluetooth® compatibility of mobile devices Connect Infotainment to a mobile device that is not already paired Due to the large number of mobile devices, it is not possible to guarantee total Bluetooth®…

  • Page 95
    Infotainment Bolero › Telephone › Enter the details you wish to find. Choice of storage group for the preferred con- tacts › To establish a connection with a contact, tap the functional area showing the desired contact. Name of telephone service providers If the symbol is displayed in front of the name, If a contact has multiple telephone numbers, select ▶…
  • Page 96: Smartlink

    94 Infotainment Bolero › SmartLink Send a text message Depending on the type of telephone, import confir- › mation may be required. In the Telephone main menu, tap New text mes- sage. Update telephone contacts › Write a text message and confirm; a view of the When re-connecting the telephone with Infotain- message is displayed.

  • Page 97
    Infotainment Bolero › SmartLink MirrorLink › Tap on It is not possible to operate the application while driving Previously connected device Return to the SmartLink main menu Currently connected device List of running applications Display information about SmartLink Display of the last running application in connec- Separation of the active connection ted mobile devices Settings for the SmartLink menu…
  • Page 98: Škoda Connect Online Services

    96 Infotainment Bolero › ŠKODA Connect online services A list of devices and applications that the Mirror- Bluetooth® before establishing the MirrorLink con- Link connection supports can be found on the nection. websites of Car Connectivity Consorcium®. ✓ The MirrorLink application needs to be installed Settings on the mobile device.

  • Page 99
    ŠKODA Connect Portal as well as the ŠKODA Con- The application can be downloaded to the mobile de- nect application. vice after scanning the following QR code or link. ŠKODA Connect website http://go.skoda.eu/skodaconnectapp http://go.skoda.eu/skoda-connect ▶ ▶ For example, the ŠKODA Connect web-…
  • Page 100
    98 Infotainment Bolero › ŠKODA Connect online services Changing the user Localisation services include, for example, informa- › Switch on the ignition and the Infotainment. tion on the last parking position, area notification or › speed notification. ŠKODA Connect (online services) Registration. ›…
  • Page 101: Infotainment Amundsen

    Infotainment Amundsen › Infotainment overview Infotainment Amundsen Infotainment overview Grid display Touchscreen Rotary control on the left Press: Switch Infotainment on/off ▶ Turn: Adjust Volume ▶ List Rotary control on the right Restriction Press: Confirm menu item ▶ For safety reasons, operation of some Infotainment Turn: select menu item/set value ▶…

  • Page 102: Screen

    ▶ Setting the audio profiles according to genre. ▶ Adjusting the subwoofer volume. ▶ Configuration wizard The configuration wizard helps to set certain Info- http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal tainment functions. ▶ › Visit available updates. The configuration wizard is automatically displayed › if, after switching on the Infotainment system, there Save the update to a USB source.

  • Page 103: Infotainment Keyboard

    Infotainment Amundsen › Infotainment keyboard Infotainment keyboard Dragging up or down with two fingers Quickly review the list Keypad overview ▶ of phone contacts. The arrangement of the keypad characters depends on the Infotainment language that has been set. In Infotainment, the following types are used, de- pending on the context.

  • Page 104: Voice Control

    102 Infotainment Amundsen › Voice control Voice control Numeric keypad Functionality Voice control principle Voice control works according to the principle of dialogue between the user and the Infotainment sys- tem. The user says a voice command. The Infotainment system responds or executes the voice command. Keypad example Operating conditions Input line…

  • Page 105: Radio

    Infotainment Amundsen › Radio Radio Stopping the played back message › Press the button on the multifunction steering Overview wheel. Ending voice control Display main menu › › Press and hold the button on the multifunction Tap on steering wheel. ›…

  • Page 106
    ŠKODA web pages. Covering the panes with foils or metal-coated la- bels may affect the reception of the radio signal. Settings http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal Save the station currently being listened to as a fa- ▶ vourite from the Radio main menu Delete station logos ›…
  • Page 107
    Infotainment Amundsen › Radio › Activating / deactivating automatic station logo In the Radio main menu, tap Advanced settings Radio assignment Data System (RDS). Applies to the FM and DAB frequency ranges. If the RDS function is disabled, the following menu When the function is switched on, a station logo items in FM station settings are not available.
  • Page 108: Media

    106 Infotainment Amundsen › Media Media Tap: start playback Tap: pause What you should be mindful of Within 3 seconds of starting playback, tap: play Do not save any important data or that which has ▶ the previous song not been backed up on the connected audio sour- After 3 seconds from the start of playback, tap ces.

  • Page 109
    Infotainment Amundsen › Media › SD card Disconnect the USB device. A USB device can be connected directly to the NOTICE Risk of damaging the SD card reader! USB port or via a connection cable. We recommend that you use extension cables from Do not use SD cards with a broken slide for write ▶…
  • Page 110
    It is possible to check the ŠKODA web pages to see if Infotainment is compatible with the selected mobile device being tested. This check is carried out by using the following reference or by reading the QR code. http://go.skoda.eu/compatibility ▶…
  • Page 111: Images

    Infotainment Amundsen › Images Images Gesture control Show the next image. Overview ▶ Display main menu › Tap on Show the previous im- ▶ age. Select source Manage files Settings Operation Enlarge view. ▶ Touch operation Zoom out. ▶ Look at images Show the next image ▶…

  • Page 112: Media Command

    110 Infotainment Amundsen › Media Command Display image size. ▶ Display image duration during the slideshow. ▶ Slideshow repeat. ▶ Supported sources and files Source Interface Specifica- File system tion Standard Main menu for two tablets size SD card Choice of connected tablet SD card reader SDHC…

  • Page 113
    Infotainment Amundsen › Media Command Decrease the audio volume of the tablet http://go.skoda.eu/service-app ▶ View control options for two tablets View control options for a tablet Mute the tablet Unmute the tablet Movement within the title is also possible by drag- Connect tablet with Infotainment hotspot ging a finger over the timeline.
  • Page 114: Mobile Device Management

    QR The scope of available applications and their func- code. tionality is dependent on the type of Infotainment, as http://go.skoda.eu/compatibility ▶ well as the vehicle and country.

  • Page 115: Telephone

    Infotainment Amundsen › Telephone Connection set-up Delete a paired mobile device › Bluetooth Paired devices. Connect a mobile device to Infotainment › To delete a mobile device, tap and confirm the › Turn on the ignition. deletion. › Turn on the Bluetooth® on the mobile device. ›…

  • Page 116
    114 Infotainment Amundsen › Telephone › The Bluetooth® function of the Infotainment is To switch the call tone from the telephone to the switched on in the menu item Bluetooth speakers, tap . Bluetooth. Conference call ✓ Visibility of the Infotainment is switched on. A conference call is a joint telephone conversation The visibility of the Infotainment is switched on in with a minimum of three and a maximum of six par-…
  • Page 117: Wi-Fi

    Infotainment Amundsen › Wi-Fi Option to answer the message by means of a Number for the voice mailbox › template. To set the voice mailbox number in the Telephone Delete message. main menu, tap on User profile Mailbox number:. Recognise phone numbers in the message. ›…

  • Page 118: Data Connection

    116 Infotainment Amundsen › Data connection › Settings In the mobile device, switch on the option for con- nection via WPS. Connect a mobile device to the Infotainment hot- › Wait for the connection to be established and, if spot necessary, confirm the respective messages.

  • Page 119: Smartlink

    Infotainment Amundsen › SmartLink › Insert a SIM card with activated data services into Overview of the SmartLink connection the CarStick device. Main menu SmartLink The required dimensions of the SIM card, as well as › Tap on the correct procedure during insertion can be found in the instructions enclosed with the Car- ›…

  • Page 120
    118 Infotainment Amundsen › SmartLink Conditions for MirrorLink Depending on the duration of operation: ✓ The device to be connected must have Mirror- Tap: Return to the Apple CarPlay main menu ▶ LinkSupport. Hold: Switch on voice control (Siri) ▶ A list of devices and applications that the Mirror- MirrorLink Link connection supports can be found on the…
  • Page 121: Škoda Connect Online Services

    › Turn on the mobile device. ŠKODA Connect website › Connect the mobile device to the front USB input http://go.skoda.eu/skoda-connect ▶ using a cable. For example, the ŠKODA Connect web- › Choose to connect via Android Auto. site contains the latest information…

  • Page 122
    The application can be downloaded to the mobile de- › To display the designations and the status of the vice after scanning the following QR code or link. services, select the desired service. http://go.skoda.eu/skodaconnectapp › ▶ For detailed information about the service tap . ›…
  • Page 123: Navigation

    Infotainment Amundsen › Navigation At the same time the symbol of the data con- Switch online services on/off nection type can be displayed. It is possible to have the online services switched off/on exclusively by a ŠKODA service partner. The ŠKODA Connect online services are not available.

  • Page 124
    122 Infotainment Amundsen › Navigation Map overview Map options Vehicle position Automatic map display in day or night mode (de- pending on the currently active vehicle lighting) Route Daytime map display Functional surface for the operation of the map Night-time map display display Function surface of the POI Switch the split screen display on/off…
  • Page 125
    Infotainment Amundsen › Navigation › To turn on navigation in the main menu, tap Depending on the search mode, the following symbols are displayed The functional surface is highlighted in green. › — Display the map as well as the list of the ▶…
  • Page 126
    124 Infotainment Amundsen › Navigation The navigation announcements provided may vary — stored destinations ▶ from the actual situations, e.g. due to out-of-date ▶ — Flag destination navigation data. Vehicle position at the time of storing flag Route overview destination. During route guidance the display of a route over- ▶…
  • Page 127
    Infotainment Amundsen › Navigation › For switching the traffic flow display off / on in Zoom out of the map the main menu, tap Navigation Map Settings traffic flow. NOTICE ŠKODA AUTO does not accept responsibility for the availability, content, up-to-dateness or evaluation of TMC traffic reports or other data provided by third parties.
  • Page 128
    Map Show traffic must be requested from a ŠKODA partner, or refer sign. to the following ŠKODA websites. http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal Switching the fuel warning on / off ▶ When the function is switched on and the fuel sup- Navigation data source Amundsen ply reaches the reserve area, a warning message ap- The navigation data is stored on an Original SD Card.
  • Page 129: Infotainment Columbus

    Infotainment Columbus › Infotainment overview › Infotainment Columbus To display the menu tap The graphic display type for the MENU menu can be Infotainment overview set. Grid display Touchscreen All menus Favourite menus Increase the volume Decrease the volume Condition-based: Infotainment switched off ▶…

  • Page 130: Screen

    › To switch off the automatic display, tap on Don’t http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal ▶ show again when the configuration wizard is displayed. ›…

  • Page 131: Keypad

    Infotainment Columbus › Keypad Turn two fingers Bar with the functional surfaces of the displayed menu Rotate image. ▶ Other pages of the menu Operation NOTICE Danger of screen damage! The Infotainment screen is operated by touching it ▶ lightly with your finger. In principle, operation by touch is identical to the op- Finger movement eration of a mobile phone.

  • Page 132: Voice Control

    130 Infotainment Columbus › Voice control Alphanumeric. Keypad functional surfaces ▶ Numeric. ▶ Confirm the characters that have been entered ▶ Keypad for input. ▶ If context-sensitive, alphanumeric characters can Keypad for search. ▶ be entered by holding a functional surface with a digit.

  • Page 133: Radio

    Infotainment Columbus › Radio Operation You cannot use voice control while a phone call is in progress. Voice control process › To turn on voice control, press the button the multifunction steering wheel. Settings The following voice control functions are set in the ›…

  • Page 134
    132 Infotainment Columbus › Radio DAB: Name of the station group Restriction Preset buttons for preferred stations Parking garages, tunnels, tall buildings or moun- ▶ List of available stations tains can restrict radio reception. In the rear side windows, there are antennas for re- Manual station search ▶…
  • Page 135
    RDS Regional:. › Select one of the following menu items. Fixed — If there is a loss of signal, another station ▶ http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal ▶ must be set manually. Delete station logos Automatic — automatic selection of the station with ▶…
  • Page 136: Media

    134 Infotainment Columbus › Media When the corresponding DAB station can be re- This product is designed such that the laser is re- ▶ ceived again, the station automatically changes from stricted to the inside of Infotainment. However, FM to DAB. the installed laser could be classified in a higher class were the housing to be removed.

  • Page 137
    Infotainment Columbus › Media Operation Manage jukebox In the Jukebox (in the Infotainment internal memo- Operation — Basics ry), supported audio files can be imported from con- nected devices. › To display jukebox management and the level of internal Infotainment memory in the main menu, tap Media Manage jukebox.
  • Page 138
    136 Infotainment Columbus › Media To play audio files, use USB ports that support data CD/DVD transfer. The CD/DVD slot is located in an external module in the storage compartment on the front passenger › To disconnect disconnect the USB device first. To side.
  • Page 139
    It is possible to check the ŠKODA web pages to see if Infotainment is compatible with the selected mobile device being tested. This check is carried out by using the following reference or by reading the QR code. http://go.skoda.eu/compatibility ▶…
  • Page 140: Images

    138 Infotainment Columbus › Images Codec type File extension Max. recordings per second bit rate [Mbit/s] mpeg MPEG 2 MPEG 4 (H.264) MPJEG mp4v MPEG 4 (ISO) Xvid Xvid WMV9 Supported video files Codec type File extension M3U8 m3u8 Supported playlists Images Operation Touch operation…

  • Page 141
    Infotainment Columbus › Images Gesture control Maximize image/ ▶ display image size. Show the next image. ▶ Settings Show the previous im- ▶ age. The following Infotainment functions are set in the menu. Display image size. ▶ Display image duration during the slideshow. ▶…
  • Page 142: Video Dvd

    140 Infotainment Columbus › Video DVD Video DVD Hold: fast rewind within the title Tap: play the next song What you should be mindful of Hold: fast forward within the title Movement within the title is also possible by drag- CD/DVD laser product ging the finger over the timeline.

  • Page 143: Media Command

    Infotainment Columbus › Media Command Supported sources and files Source Interface Type Specification File system SD card SD card reader Standard size SDHC SDXC VFAT USB stick FAT16 FAT32 USB 1.x; 2.x 3.x (without special soft- exFAT or higher with USB ware) NTFS 2.x support…

  • Page 144
    ▶ Deactivate — the operation is deactivated. ring to the ŠKODA mobile application website. ▶ Confirm — Operation requires confirmation at the http://go.skoda.eu/service-app start of the application. ▶ ▶ Allow — the operation requires no confirmation. ✓ In the tablet(s), the ŠKODA Media Command ap- plication is installed.
  • Page 145: Mobile Device Management

    Infotainment Columbus › Mobile device management Supported files Format Codec type Android operating system iOS operating system MPEG-4 Part 2 Video MPEG-4 Part 10 (H264) Xvid MPEG-1; 2 and 2.5 Layer 3 (mp3) (4,1+) (4,1+) Audio flac (4,1+) Mobile device management Overview Mobile device management ›…

  • Page 146
    Infotainment is compatible with the selected mo- not function on all mobile devices. ŠKODA AUTO as- bile device being tested. This check is carried out by sumes no liability for their proper functioning. using the following reference or by reading the QR code. http://go.skoda.eu/compatibility ▶…
  • Page 147
    Infotainment Columbus › Mobile device management The scope of available applications and their func- Disconnect from a mobile device › tionality is dependent on the type of Infotainment, as Bluetooth Paired devices. › well as the vehicle and country. Tap on the Bluetooth® profile icon of the desired mobile device.
  • Page 148: Telephone

    146 Infotainment Columbus › Telephone For accurate parameters for setting the network, Enter the telephone number contact the data service provider. Contact list Set the parameters for the data connection Text messages › Network Data Connection:. Call lists › Set the desired parameters. Settings Connection to the phone via rSAP Bluetooth®…

  • Page 149
    Infotainment Columbus › Telephone › Telephone conversation Tap on Depending on the context of the telephone conver- Display received text messages sation, the following functions can be selected. › In the Telephone main menu, tap E-mails . End connection / reject incoming call / end call ›…
  • Page 150: Wi-Fi

    148 Infotainment Columbus › Wi-Fi › Sort contacts in the phone book Select and set the desired menu item. › In the Telephone main menu, tap on User profile Switching telephone functions on / off in the ex- Sort by:. ternal module ›…

  • Page 151: Data Connection

    Infotainment Columbus › Data connection › Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot Hotspot Settings (Wi-Fi) Delete information about the hotspot connection Network key:. Wi-Fi signal strength of the hotspot › Enter the password and confirm. The Wi-Fi signal from the hotspot is not available ›…

  • Page 152: Smartlink

    150 Infotainment Columbus › SmartLink Insert the SIM card with the bevelled corner on Certification may be conditional upon the use of the the left and the contacts facing downwards until latest update to the particular SmartLink application. it locks. Applications include, for example, apps for route guidance, telephoning, listening to music, etc.

  • Page 153
    Infotainment Columbus › SmartLink Apple CarPlay ✓ The Android Auto application needs to be instal- led on the mobile device. ✓ Some applications require the data connection in the mobile device to be turned on. Conditions for Apple CarPlay ✓ The device to be connected must have Apple CarPlaySupport.
  • Page 154: Škoda Connect Online Services

    ŠKODA Connect Portal as well as the ŠKODA Con- › nect application. Turn on the mobile device. › Connect the mobile device to the front USB input ŠKODA Connect website using a cable. http://go.skoda.eu/skoda-connect ▶ › Choose to connect via Android Auto.

  • Page 155
    ŠKODA Connect Portal as well as the option of downloading the ŠKODA Con- nect application. Settings ŠKODA Connect Portal website http://go.skoda.eu/connect-portal ▶ Registration and activation of online services User registration, as well as the activation of the The ŠKODA Connect Portal website is ŠKODA Connect online services, is completed on the…
  • Page 156: Navigation

    154 Infotainment Columbus › Navigation › To switch the services on/off, tap the Checkbox. sonal data, which are essential for the provision of Care Connect online services, are deactivated. Connection status of the online services › ŠKODA Connect (online services) Services Manage- The connection status of the online services of ŠKO- ment Care Connect.

  • Page 157
    Infotainment Columbus › Navigation Setting navigation announcements Symbols displayed in the map › Target position In the navigation main menu, tap Navigation an- nouncements. Intermediate destination position Location of home address Favourite position Navigation overviews Map options Display main menu ›…
  • Page 158
    156 Infotainment Columbus › Navigation Switch on/off the automatic change of scale When the automatic scale is active, the map scale changes automatically, depending on the type of road used and the manoeuvre you are about to un- dertake. The automatic scale is only active as long as the map is centred on the vehicle position.
  • Page 159
    Infotainment Columbus › Navigation Calculate the shortest route to the destination, even if a longer travelling time is required — the route is highlighted in orange. Infotainment tries to allow for continued guidance even if the navigation data is incomplete or there is no data at all for the given area.
  • Page 160
    158 Infotainment Columbus › Navigation Enter destination by tapping the map item List of traffic reports Zoom into the map Filtering of traffic reports Symbol for the source of the traffic message If no route guidance takes place, the traffic ob- struction in the map is represented by a red line.
  • Page 161
    ŠKODA partner, or refer to the following ŠKODA websites. Switching the fuel warning on / off When the function is switched on and the fuel sup- http://go.skoda.eu/updateportal ▶ ply reaches the reserve area, a warning message ap- Manual online update pears with the option of going to the nearest petrol ›…
  • Page 162: Starting And Driving

    160 Starting and driving › Starting with the key Starting and driving Determining the navigation database version › System information. Starting with the key Notes on starting DANGER Danger of poisoning by exhaust gases! Do not run the engine in an enclosed space. ▶…

  • Page 163: Start At The Push Of A Button

    Starting and driving › Start at the push of a button NOTICE NOTICE Risk of engine overheating! Risk of engine overheating! Do not switch the engine off immediately at the Do not switch the engine off immediately at the ▶ ▶…

  • Page 164: Start Stop

    162 Starting and driving › START STOP The engine makes noises after the cold start Settings The increased running noise is due to the briefly in- Automatic activation creased engine speed. This is not a defect. Upon start-up of the engine. ▶…

  • Page 165: Automatic Gearbox

    Starting and driving › Automatic gearbox Automatic gearbox Stopping temporarily (e.g. at a junction) › Leave the selector lever in the position and se- Lever positions cure the vehicle with the brake pedal. Stopping Parked vehicle › Keep the brake pedal depressed. The drive wheels are ›…

  • Page 166: Vehicle Driving Mode

    164 Starting and driving › Vehicle driving mode Manually changing gear with the shift paddles on Selector lever emergency unlocking the steering wheel › Secure the vehicle with the parking brake. Changing down a › Open the stowage compartment in the front cen- gear tre console.

  • Page 167: Economical Driving Style

    Starting and driving › Economical driving style Offroad information Individual mode The Offroad information serves to determine the Individual mode allows the individual configuration of current driving situation. certain vehicle systems. The Offroad information display is shown in the Snow mode menu item in the Infotainment.

  • Page 168: Towing A Trailer

    166 Starting and driving › Towing a trailer A vehicle with automatic transmission, rolls in neu- ▶ tral position. Towing a trailer What you should be mindful of WARNING When driving with a trailer, special care is required! NOTICE A driving liquid display With frequent towing, the vehicle is excessively loa- With the driving is fluid, the display is located ded so this must also be checked between service…

  • Page 169: Towing Eye And Towing Procedure

    Starting and driving › Towing eye and towing procedure Permitted trailer loads The details in the technical vehicle documentation take precedence over the information in this Owner’s Man- ual. WARNING Risk of an accident! Do not exceed the permissible trailer load. Engine type Transmission Permissible trailer load,…

  • Page 170: Brakes

    168 Starting and driving › Brakes DANGER Danger of a functional restriction of the brake boos- ter! When braking in a vehicle with manual transmis- ▶ sion, when the vehicle is in gear and at low revs, depress the clutch pedal. DANGER Danger of the brakes overheating! Do not depress the brake pedal unless braking is…

  • Page 171: Electric Parking Brake

    Starting and driving › Electric parking brake › Do not drive the vehicle! Seek the help of a special- Manual shut-down ist garage. › Press the brake pedal and at the same time, Brake system and anti-lock braking system faulty press the button.

  • Page 172: Auto Hold Automatic Holding Function

    170 Driver assist systems › Auto Hold automatic holding function Auto Hold automatic holding function Driver assist systems Usage Braking and stabilising systems Auto Hold automatically secures the vehicle from Overview rolling away when stopped. Electronic Stability Control (ESC) ESC helps to stabilize the vehicle in borderline situa- Functionality tions (e.g.

  • Page 173: Front Assist

    Driver assist systems › Front Assist ✓ The driver’s door is closed. goes out when deactivated. Multi-Collision Brake (MCB) MCB helps to decelerate and stabilize the vehicle af- Troubleshooting ter a collision with an obstacle. This reduces the risk of further collisions. ESC or ASR faulty/deactivated by the system illuminates Operating conditions…

  • Page 174: Pedestrian Detection System

    172 Driver assist systems › Pedestrian detection system Pedestrian detection system ✓ The driving speed is higher than 5 km/h. Functionality Function restriction Pedestrian recognition helps to prevent a collision The function may be restricted or unavailable in the with crossing pedestrians by enabling automatic following cases.

  • Page 175: Cruise Control System

    Driver assist systems › Cruise control system Operation Variant with ACC Variant without GRA Activate limiter (control inactive) Deactivate limiter Interrupt control (sprung position) Activate ACC (condition for the subsequent Resume control/Increase limit activation of the limiter). To enable the speed limiter, press the key and in the instru- Start control with current speed/Reduce…

  • Page 176: Adaptive Cruise Control (Acc)

    174 Driver assist systems › Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) WARNING Troubleshooting Risk of the cruise control system starting uninten- Cruise control system faulty tionally! illuminates Deactivate cruise control after use. ▶ › Seek the help of a specialist garage. Status display in the instrument cluster display — the cruise control system is activated Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) — cruise control is active…

  • Page 177
    Driver assist systems › Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) › Depress the brake pedal. The vehicle accelerates and control is temporarily in- terrupted. Upon releasing the accelerator, control is resumed. Operation Interrupting cruise control After pressing the brake pedal. ▶ Operating with the lever By operating the clutch pedal for a long time.
  • Page 178: Lane Assist

    176 Driver assist systems › Lane Assist › Lane change by another vehicle If ACC is still unavailable, check the brake lights on the vehicle or on the attached trailer. › Replace the defective bulb. › If the brake lights are working and ACC is still un- available, seek the help of a specialist garage.

  • Page 179: Traffic Jam Assistant

    Driver assist systems › Traffic jam assistant › Both lane boundaries are If the system is still not available, seek the help of a highlighted: adaptive specialist garage. lane guidance takes place. Traffic jam assistant In the coloured display, the lines are highlighted Functionality in colour.

  • Page 180: Traffic Sign Recognition

    178 Driver assist systems › Traffic sign recognition Driving situations in which a system warning oc- A very fast approaching vehicle. ▶ curs When going round a sharp bend or a roundabout. ▶ Settings The system settings are made in the display of the instrument cluster in menu item Assist Systems.

  • Page 181: Crew Protect Assist Proactive Occupant Protection

    Driver assist systems › Crew Protect Assist proactive occupant protection Crew Protect Assist proactive occupant Example of additional characters protection Example of several simultaneously rec- ognised road signs. Usage The Crew Protect Assist system increases occupant protection in the front seats if a collision is imminent. Speed units The speed indications in the road signs shown refer to the speed units that are common in the country.

  • Page 182: Emergency Situation Assist Systememergency Assist

    180 Driver assist systems › Emergency situation assist systemEmergency Assist WARNING By actively steering. ▶ There will be no system warning during the so-called micro-sleep. Operating conditions Resetting the break recommendation The break recommendation is reset in the following ✓ Lane Assist is activated and the boundary lines of cases.

  • Page 183: Park Assist Systems

    Park Assist systems › Park Pilot parking aid › Park Assist systems Press the button. Automatic switch-on during forward travel Park Pilot parking aid When approaching an obstacle at a speed of less than 10 km/h. Functionality Automatic switch-on does not activate automatic If an obstacle is detected, the Infotainment will dis- braking.

  • Page 184: Rear View Camera

    182 Park Assist systems › Rear view camera Rear view camera ✓ The driving speed is lower than 15 km/h. Functionality Operation When reversing, the area behind the vehicle is dis- played in the Infotainment screen complete with ori- Switching on ›…

  • Page 185: Park Steering Assistant

    Park Assist systems › Park steering assistant monitor the traffic behind. At the same time, an when leaving a parking place. The driver operates the acoustic signal sounds. pedals and the shift lever/gear selector. The system displays information and notes on the in- strument cluster display.

  • Page 186
    184 Park Assist systems › Park steering assistant Function restriction Park backwards crosswise Park forwards across If the parking space is too small, it is not possible to use the system to initiate a parking manoeuvre. A The parking mode can be changed by pressing the message is shown on the instrument cluster display.
  • Page 187: Engine, Exhaust System And Fuel

    Engine, exhaust system and fuel › Bonnet Engine, exhaust system and fuel Engine oil Checking the fill level and topping up Bonnet Test conditions Opening the bonnet ✓ Park the vehicle on a horizontal surface. Before opening ✓ The parked engine is warm. ›…

  • Page 188: Coolant

    186 Engine, exhaust system and fuel › Coolant › Diesel engines: VW 507 00, ACEA C3 or API CJ-4. Avoid high engine speed. ▶ For vehicles without a particulate filter, VW 505 01 Operating range can be optionally used. High temperature range Changing Have the oil changed by a specialist garage.

  • Page 189: Engine Electronics

    Engine, exhaust system and fuel › Engine electronics › Troubleshooting Continue driving, exercising appropriate caution, and seek the help of a specialist garage. Coolant level is too low illuminates Diesel engine control faulty Message concerning the required coolant flashing check ›…

  • Page 190: Exhaust Control System

    188 Engine, exhaust system and fuel › Exhaust control system If the indicator light does not go off within 30 Functionality minutes, no filter cleaning was performed. In order to reduce pollutant emissions, a urea solu- › Continue driving, exercising appropriate caution, tion is automatically injected into the exhaust system and seek the help of a specialist garage.

  • Page 191: Petrol

    Engine, exhaust system and fuel › Petrol NOTICE Octane number Use the petrol with the octane number prescribed ® Risk of damage to the AdBlue system! for your vehicle. Do not exceed the maximum refill quantity speci- ▶ fied in the instrument cluster. Petrol with an octane number that is one higher than ®…

  • Page 192: Diesel

    190 Engine, exhaust system and fuel › Diesel Requirements for refuelling The fuel supply has reached the reserve area. ✓ Vehicle unlocked. ✓ Ignition switched off. Diesel What you should be mindful of Refilling DANGER Refilling › Risk of death! Open the tank flap.

  • Page 193
    Engine, exhaust system and fuel › Diesel Refilling Diesel Organic share as a Misfuelling protection percentage The fuel filler neck on diesel vehicles may be equip- ped with a misfuelling protection device. In some countries, the diameter of the diesel fuel nozzle may be identical to that of the petrol nozzle.
  • Page 194: Vehicle Battery And Fuses

    192 Vehicle battery and fuses › Vehicle battery › Vehicle battery and fuses Connect the termi- nal of the charger to Vehicle battery terminal of the vehicle battery. Functionality — Discharge protection › Connect the termi- nal of the charger to Possible causes of battery discharge the earth point Frequent short-distance traffic.

  • Page 195: Using The Jump-Starting Cable

    Vehicle battery and fuses › Using the jump-starting cable Connecting Start the engine › › Connect the terminal clamps of the jump start ca- Connect the terminal and then the terminal. bles in the order shown in the legend. After switching on the ignition, the warning lights are lit up.

  • Page 196: Fuses In The Dash Panel

    194 Vehicle battery and fuses › Fuses in the dash panel › Functionality Loosen the brake rod of the storage com- partment. Blown fuse Conditions for the replacing a fuse ✓ Ignition key removed (vehicle without starter button). ✓ Ignition switched off and driver’s door open (vehi- cle with starter button).

  • Page 197: Fuses In The Engine Compartment

    Vehicle battery and fuses › Fuses in the engine compartment Fuse Consumer Fuse Consumer number number Alarm system sensor Locking (luggage compartment lid, rear doors, fuel filler flap), headlight cleaning Air conditioning, auxiliary heater receiv- er, rear window heating, automatic system, front and rear windscreen washer gearbox, ignition key lock (vehicle with…

  • Page 198: Wheels

    196 Wheels › Tyres and rims Wheels Fuse Consumer number Tyres and rims ESC, parking brake What you should be mindful of Engine control system Radiator fan, oil level and oil tempera- NOTICE ture sensor, additional electric heating Protect tyres from contact with lubricants and ▶…

  • Page 199: All-Season Or Winter Tires

    Wheels › All-season or winter tires Overview of tyre labelling Do not use worn tyres. ▶ Tyre manufacturing date Explanation of tyre markings The date of manufacture is indicated on the tyre e.g. 215/55 R 17 94 V sidewall. Tyre width in mm For example, DOT …

  • Page 200: Snow Chains

    198 Wheels › Snow chains › In the driver’s field of view, affix a warning label Emergency wheel with the maximum value of the speed category in- A warning label is displayed on the rim of the tempo- tended for the tyres fitted (applies only to certain rary spare wheel.

  • Page 201: Changing The Wheel And Raising The Vehicle

    Wheels › Changing the wheel and raising the vehicle › › Unscrew the lock nut. In vehicles with a tyre indicator, save the tyre pres- › sure values in the system. Remove the bass loud- › speaker. Have the tightening torque of the wheel bolts of ›…

  • Page 202: Breakdown Kit

    200 Wheels › Breakdown kit Jacking points for the jack Keep the label with the code number of the anti- theft wheel bolts. A replacement upper section can be acquired from ŠKODA original parts based on this. Breakdown kit Content overview The kit is located in a box under the floor covering in the luggage compartment.

  • Page 203: Tyre Pressure

    Wheels › Tyre pressure › › Let all of the occupants get out. During the wheel Shake the tyre inflation bottle back and forth with repair they should not stand on the road, e.g. be- sealant. › hind the crash barriers. Screw the inflation hose onto the tyre inflater bot- ›…

  • Page 204: Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

    202 Wheels › Tyre pressure monitoring system Saving tyre pressure values Inflation pressure for half load Store the tyre pressure values in the infotainment Inflation pressure for › Inflate the tyres to the prescribed inflation pres- environmentally sure. friendly operation ›…

  • Page 205: Full Wheel Frame

    Storage space and interior equipment › Full wheel frame Full wheel frame Storage space and interior equipment Removing and installing the trim Equipment in the boot Applies to factory built or original accessory trims from ŠKODA. Overview Disconnecting › Hang the clamps for removing the wheel trims at the edge of one of the openings in the trim.

  • Page 206: Fasteners In The Boot

    204 Storage space and interior equipment › Fasteners in the boot Fire extinguisher under the passenger seat Lashing eyes for securing the load and the fas- tening nets Max. load 350 kg Vehicle with Varioflex seats Tool kit Depending on the equipment, not all of the following components may be included in the tool kit.

  • Page 207: Fastening Nets

    Storage space and interior equipment › Fastening nets Fastening nets Net partition Overview Attach the net partition Attach at the back The maximum load of the respective fastening nets is 1.5 kg. › First insert the crossbar into the mount on one side and push it forwards.

  • Page 208: Removable Light

    206 Storage space and interior equipment › Removable light NOTICE Inserting Risk of damage to the luggage compartment cover! Before closing the luggage compartment flap, ▶ loosen the floor covering from the bar. Removable light Overview › Insertion takes place in reverse order. Replace batteries Button for switching on and off Light (lights up when the light is in the bracket…

  • Page 209: Roll-Up Luggage Compartment Cover

    Storage space and interior equipment › Roll-up luggage compartment cover › Hold the raised cover Remove and insert in place and press the Take out and insert the roll-up cover underside of the cover › on both sides. Press the end of the ›…

  • Page 210: Through-Loading Bag

    208 Storage space and interior equipment › Through-loading bag Park position For instance, to reach the spare wheel more easily, the variable loading floor can be set to the parking position. › Set the variable loading floor to the upper posi- tion.

  • Page 211: Overview Of Passenger Compartment

    Storage space and interior equipment › Overview of passenger compartment NOTICE In the compartment is a 12-volt power outlet and a USB connection. Risk of damage to the armrest! Handle the bag and the skis with care. The USB connection can be used for charging ▶…

  • Page 212: Storage Compartment Under The Front Seat

    210 Storage space and interior equipment › Storage compartment under the front seat Storage compartment under the front Operating conditions seat Conditions for wireless charging ✓ Ignition is switched on. Opening the storage compartment ✓ The phone supports the Qi standard. The maximum permissible load for storage compart- ✓…

  • Page 213: Waste Container

    Storage space and interior equipment › Waste container Waste container Cigarette lighter › Push in the lighter. Replace bags › Wait until the glowing lighter pops back out. › Remove the lighter and use. › Push the lighter back The socket of the ciga- rette lighter serves as a 12 V socket.

  • Page 214: Multifunction Holder

    212 Storage space and interior equipment › Multifunction holder Multifunction holder Remove and insert Fasten behind the headrests Overview › Place the open adapter Cup holder on the front guide rods of the headrest and Storage compart- clip in carefully. ment for storing the cover of the 12-volt power outlet…

  • Page 215: 12-Volt Power Socket

    Storage space and interior equipment › 12-Volt power socket Removal Operating conditions › Press the safety button ✓ The engine is running. and unfold the holder. On vehicles with the START-STOP system, the socket also works in STOP mode. Troubleshooting The indicator light flashes red The socket is switched off for the following reasons.

  • Page 216: Roof Rack And Hitch

    214 Roof rack and hitch › Roof rack Roof rack and hitch Swivel tow bar NOTICE Roof rack No trailer or any other accessory can be connected ▶ to the tow bar. Overview A socket or adapter may not be plugged into the ▶…

  • Page 217
    Roof rack and hitch › Swivelling hitch Power supply of the trailer power network accessory, including its load, decreases (e.g. at a dis- In the electrical connection between the vehicle and tance of 60 cm from the ball head, the permissible trailer, the trailer is powered by the vehicle.
  • Page 218: Maintaining And Cleaning

    216 Maintaining and cleaning › Service events Maintaining and cleaning and suitability for your vehicle are guaranteed with these. Service events ŠKODA Service Partner All ŠKODA Service Partners operate according to Service intervals the most recent guidelines and instructions from Compliance with service intervals is crucial for the ŠKODA AUTO.

  • Page 219: Interior

    Maintaining and cleaning › Interior non-legitimate installation in another vehicle (e.g. af- Do not clean the seats with water or other liquids. ▶ ter a theft) or operation outside the vehicle. Do not dry the seats by switching on the heating. ▶…

  • Page 220
    218 Maintaining and cleaning › Exterior NOTICE ▶ Foils. Bird droppings, insect residues, litter and sea salt ▶ Locks. ▶ ® residues, overflowed fuel, AdBlue etc. are to be re- Columns on the vehicle. ▶ moved as soon as possible. ▶…
  • Page 221: Technical Data And Specifications

    Technical data and specifications › Requirements for the technical data Technical data and specifications Foils Films will age and become brittle – this is entirely normal: this is not an error. Requirements for the technical data The following factors have a negative effect on the The emission standard, information on fuel con- life or colour fastness of the films.

  • Page 222: Maximum Permissible Weights

    220 Technical data and specifications › Maximum permissible weights Service Therefore, for every additional 1,000 m in height (or part), the maximum permissible towed weight must Engine number be reduced by 10 %. The engine number is embossed in the engine block. The towed weight is made up of the actual weights of the loaded towing vehicle and the loaded trailer.

  • Page 223: Vehicle Dimensions

    Technical data and specifications › Vehicle dimensions Vehicle dimensions Dimensions Specification Value (in mm) Vehicle height 1603/1607 Vehicle width with folded-in mirrors 1841 Vehicle width with folded-out mirrors 2025 Ground clearance of the vehicle 172/163 /167 Vehicle length 4382/4398 Applies to Karoq 4×4 vehicles. Applies to vehicles with a 1.0 l/85 kW TSI engine.

  • Page 224
    222 Technical data and specifications › Engine specifications 2.0 l/140 kW TSI engine Power (kW at 1/min) 140/4200-6000 Highest torque (Nm at 1/min) 320/1500-4100 4/1984 Number of cylinders/displacement (cm Transmission Maximum speed (km/h) With specified gear engaged Acceleration 0-100 km/h (s) Automatic dual-clutch transmission.
  • Page 225: Event Data Recorder

    Technical data and specifications › Event Data Recorder 2.0 l/140 kW TDI CR engine Power (kW at 1/min) 140/3500-4000 Highest torque (Nm at 1/min) 400/1900-3300 4/1968 Number of cylinders/displacement (cm Transmission Maximum speed (km/h) With specified gear engaged Acceleration 0-100 km/h (s) Automatic dual-clutch transmission.

  • Page 226: Rights Arising From Defective Performance, Škoda Warranty For New Cars, Škoda Mobility Warranty And Optional Škoda Extended Warranty

    The start of the ŠKODA Warranty is the day on 2. Click on “Choose your manual”. which the new car is handed over for use by a ŠKO- 3.

  • Page 227
    Technical data and specifications › Rights arising from defective performance, ŠKODA Warranty for new cars, ŠKODA Mobility Warranty and Optional ŠKODA Extended Warranty tions as well as defects in the vehicle caused by Optional ŠKODA Extended Warranty these. If you also purchased a ŠKODA warranty extension when purchasing your new car, ŠKODA AUTO will The same applies to accessories that were not in- ▶…
  • Page 228: Index

    226 Index Index Analogue instrument panel Android Auto Infotainment Amundsen Infotainment Bolero Infotainment Columbus Functionality Infotainment Swing Troubleshooting see electronic version of the manual Anti-lock Braking System Automatic stop and start see ABS Distance adjustment Anti-Slip Regulation Functionality see ASR Indicator light Apple CarPlay Interruption of cruise control…

  • Page 229
    Index Starting 160, 161 Infotainment Bolero Auxiliary heating and ventilation Infotainment Columbus Change the battery in the remote control Infotainment Swing Operating conditions Breakdown kit Operation 56, 57 Conditions Settings Overview Troubleshooting Purpose Usage Restriction what you should be mindful of Bulbs Front fog lights — Replacing Front turn signal — Replacing…
  • Page 230
    228 Index Cleaning the vehicle Misfuelling protection Outside Prescribed fuel Climatronic Refilling Automatic mode Requirements for refuelling Climatronic Display Standards Operating conditions for the cooling system Tank capacity Operation Troubleshooting Recirculated air mode Digital Setting instrument cluster Troubleshooting Digital instrument cluster What you should be mindful of Additional Information 59, 60…
  • Page 231
    Index Emergency call Selector lever emergency unlocking Factory settings Towing the vehicle Infotainment Amundsen Unlocking/locking the door Infotainment Bolero Using jump start cables Infotainment Columbus Emergency Assist Infotainment Swing see assist systems for emergency situations Fasteners in the boot Emergency Assist System First aid kit Emergency call Floor covering in the luggage compartment…
  • Page 232
    230 Index steering wheel Images — Infotainment Columbus Heated seats Gesture control Conditions Main menu overview Heated steering wheel Show main menu Conditions Supported files Operation Supported sources Settings Touch operation Heated windscreen Images- Infotainment Columbus Operation Settings Setting Immobilizer Indicator lights see Hill Hold Control Foreword…
  • Page 233
    Index Infotainment keypad Amundsen Overview Additional keypad languages Interior Character variants lighting Find Interior lighting Overview Ambient lighting Service Operation Setting additional keypad languages Settings Infotainment keypad Bolero Interior monitoring — Deactivation Additional keypad languages Interior rear-view mirror Character variants see interior rear-view mirror Overview ISOFIX…
  • Page 234
    232 Index Turn signal Windscreen wiper and washer Main beam Liability for defects Manoeuvre Assist Light Operating conditions Change bulbs Restriction Changing bulbs Troubleshooting Clean headlights Manual air conditioning CORNER function Operating conditions for the cooling system Daytime running lights Operation Driving in the opposite direction of traffic Recirculated air mode…
  • Page 235
    Index USB device Connect a mobile device to Infotainment what you should be mindful of Connect Infotainment to a non-paired mobile Wireless player device Media — Infotainment Swing Connect Infotainment to a previously connected Main menu mobile device Safely remove the connected device Mobile Device Management — Infotainment SD card Amundsen…
  • Page 236
    234 Index Motor Slip Regulation POI categories see MSR Route calculation Route overview Multi-Collision Brake Select destination in the map see MCB Select destination you are looking for Multifunction holder Select the stored destination Set navigation announcements Settings Show main menu Navigation — infotainment Amundsen Speed limit warning Fuel warning…
  • Page 237
    Index ŠKODA Connect Portal Website functionality ŠKODA Connect Website Operating conditions Switch services on / off Operation Online services — Infotainment Columbus Parking Delete users Parking operation Set the level of protection for personal data Purpose ŠKODA Connect Application Restriction ŠKODA Connect Portal website see park steering assistant ŠKODA Connect website…
  • Page 238
    236 Index Pictures — Infotainment Amundsen Assign station logo Supported files Automatic assignment of the station logo Power assisted steering Automatic frequency change (AF) Practical equipment Change from DAB station to similar FM station in 12 volt socket 203, 209, 213 event of weak signal 230 volt socket 209, 213…
  • Page 239
    Index Show main menu Rights arising from defective performance Traffic programme (TP) Rigid boot cover Radio — Infotainment Swing Road Sign Recognition Arrow buttons Functionality Assign station logo Restriction Automatic frequency control (AF) Settings Change from DAB station to similar FM station in Usage event of weak signal Roll-up luggage compartment cover…
  • Page 240
    238 Index Put on belt with two buckle latches and put down Setting Troubleshooting SD card Sidelights Infotainment Amundsen see Parking light Infotainment Bolero ŠKODA Connect application Infotainment Columbus Infotainment Amundsen Infotainment Swing Infotainment Columbus see electronic version of the manual ŠKODA Connect Application Seat Infotainment Bolero…
  • Page 241
    Index Apple CarPlay restrictions Functionality Change to another connection type General connection conditions Change to another device Main menu Display main menu MirrorLink Functionality MirrorLink – connection via USB General connection conditions MirrorLink – disconnection Main menu MirrorLink connection conditions MirrorLink MirrorLink restrictions MirrorLink –…
  • Page 242
    240 Index Infotainment Telephone — Infotainment Bolero Instrument cluster Conference call Storage Conference calls Sun protection Connection conditions Activating sun visor operation Display accepted text messages electric operation of the sun blinds Display main menu Operation of the sun visors Enter telephone number Supported media files Establish a connection to the voice mailbox number…
  • Page 243
    Index Sort contacts in the phonebook roof rack Telephone call Update phone contacts see Trailer Stability Assist Tilting/sliding sunroof Turn signal Activation after disconnecting the vehicle battery Type plate Tyre pressure monitor Conditions Indicator light Operation Restriction Troubleshooting Saving tyre pressure values what you should be mindful of Troubleshooting Time…
  • Page 244
    242 Index What you should be mindful of Settings VarioFlex seats Voice control — Infotainment Columbus see VarioFlex rear seats Functionality Vehicle battery Help Charging Operating conditions Checking the condition Operation Discharge protection Restriction Disconnecting and connecting Settings Indicator light Volume when switching on the Infotainment Safety Infotainment Amundsen…
  • Page 245
    Index Change the name of the Infotainment hotspot 149 Connect a mobile device to the Infotainment hotspot Connect Infotainment to the mobile device hotspot Function restriction Functionality Manual connection to the hotspot Overview of available hotspots Quick Infotainment connection to the hotspot Security level of the Infotainment hotspot Settings Tips for a perfect connection…

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Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Skoda требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Skoda?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

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