Runyes автоклав инструкция по применению на русском языке

Стерилизатор Runyes Wave 23

Современный автоматический автоклав Runyes Wave 23, компактный, эффективный и экологичный, станет оптимальным решением для оснащения стоматологического кабинета или небольшой клиники.

Основные преимущества Wave 23:

  • подходит для стерилизации инструментов с полостями, в упаковке и без нее;
  • простое электронное управление;
  • настольное размещение аппарата;
  • трехфазное вакуумирование.

Автоклав имеет надежный запорный механизм для предотвращения открытия дверцы, отличается современным дизайном и высокой эффективностью обработки. Соответствует принятым стандартам и требованиям.

Технические характеристики Wave 23


микропроцессорное автоматическое

Объем камеры

23 литров

Габариты камеры

250 х 450 мм


от 121 до 1340 С




50 кг

Размеры упаковки

длина 70 см, высота 60 см, ширина 60 см

Параметры электропитания


Режим работы

3 фазы вакуума. Механический замок




3 лотка для инструментов

На какие параметры нужно обращать внимание при выборе стерилизатора


На какие параметры нужно обращать внимание при выборе стерилизатора

В зависимости от задач медицинского учреждения, могут потребоваться разные стерилизаторы. Для одних подойдет небольшой настольный автоклав для очистки стоматологических инструментов, а для других необходим большой объем для стерилизации сразу нескольких десятков инструментов 


На какие параметры нужно обращать внимание при выборе стерилизатора

Cуществуют два вида стерилизаторов. Проходные и непроходные. Главное отличие в том, что проходные стерилизаторы имеют большой объем внутренней камеры. Сам стерилизатор можно вмонтировать в стену и двери можно будет открывать с обеих сторон, чтобы погрузить или забрать инструменты.


На какие параметры нужно обращать внимание при выборе стерилизатора

Чтобы врач не тратил большое количество времени на настройку автоклава, современные электронные стерилизаторы оснащены встроенными программами под разные типы инструментов. Для каждой программы устанавливается индивидуальная температура, время и другие параметры

Тип стерилизатора

На какие параметры нужно обращать внимание при выборе стерилизатора

Для разных целей требуется свой тип стерилизатора. Есть паровые, плазменные, кварцевые и УФ. Вакуумные автоклавы предназначены для тщательно стерилизации инструментов, плазменные стерилизаторы нужны для гибкой эндоскопии и материалов с низкой температурой стерилизации.

Класс стерилизации

На какие параметры нужно обращать внимание при выборе стерилизатора

B — Предвакуум, вакуумная сушка (форвакуумные), S — Только Вакуумная сушка, N — Нет предвакуума и поствакуума (только пар).

Форвакуумные модели самые дорогие, диапазон цен от 170.000 — 300.000 рублей, без вакуума стоят дешевле, примерно 80.000 рублей 


На какие параметры нужно обращать внимание при выборе стерилизатора

В зависимости от производителя и модели стерилизатора, можно докупить опции, которые облегчат взаимодействие с оборудованием. Какие бываю опции: лотки, запасные фильтры, системы загрузки (тележки и подъемники для больших стерилизаторов), ПО для подключения к ПК или в сеть, термопринтер и т.д

Цена на стерилизатор Runyes Wave 23

Наши менеджеры имеют медицинское образование и смогут провести профессиональную консультацию по любым стерилизаторам и автоклавам. CordisMed работает напрямую с производителем и имеет максимальные оптовые скидки.

Свяжитесь с нашими менеджерами по бесплатному телефону 8 (800) 555-30-19 или оставьте заявку

Page 1: Runyes Autoclave - Service Manual



1. Signal

1.1 Water level

1.2 Door state

1.3 Temperature

1.4 Pressure

1.5 Electromagnetism valve

1.6 Vacuum pump control

1.7 Heating ring & Heating pipe

1.8 Fan

1.9 Printer

1.10 Sensor parameter emendation

2. Error Code

2.1 Man-made interruption

2.2 Interrupt alarm code

2.3 Water level control error

2.4 Draining. Used water fail

2.5 Printer not working

3. Pipeline diagram & wiring diagram

3.1 Electrical principle diagram

3.2 System diagram

3.3 Pipeline diagram

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1. Signal

1.1 Water level inspector

A. This autoclave has a water tank inbuilt to

supply distilled water to the autoclave unit during

operation. The cycle will be affected if there is

not enough water. The autoclave has a water

level sensor that will alarm when the distilled

water is low and will send a signal to PCB as a

reminder to the user to fill water chamber to

ensure the sterilization cycle can finish


Right figure shows the wiring of lowest water

level sensor.

B. The autoclave also has a separate tank to collect

the used water. After several cycles, the used

water tank will fill up. There is also a high level

water sensor to remind the users to drain the

used water.

You can see right figure showing the wiring of

highest water level sensor.

1.2 Door State

The chamber is an airtight body, it must afford

max. 2.4Bar pressure during the cycle.

Therefore, the door’s airtight credibility is the

most important thing.

You can see the figure on the right showing the

wiring of the door signal inspection.

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1.3 Temperature

The most basic requirement for autoclave is

constant temperature. In order to achieve the

requirement, the high precision PT1000

temperature sensor CMOS chip is imported from

Germany. With international advanced technology

encapsulation, the precision can achieve ±0.1°C.

There are 2 types, 3 sets temperature sensor,

inner temperature sensor, outer temperature

sensor and steam generator temperature sensor.

(See Fig a, b, c )

You can see the right figure showing the wiring.

1.4 Pressure

During the whole cycle, the chamber is full of

high temperature and high pressure steam.

1.5 Electromagnetism valve

The machine has three types solenoid valve total

five pcs. The simple data of solenoid valve is

following: DC24V 15W

Two position three way solenoid valves.

(One pcs. Fig a)

3 Normally closed solenoid valve.

(Three pcs Fig b)

Normally open solenoid valve

(One pcs Fig c)

Wiring diagram shown on the right.

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1.6 Vacuum pump control

The function of the vacuum pump is to vacuumize

the autoclave. Our autoclave is furnished with a

septum style vacuum pump where the max.

Pressure is 0.9Bar .It can draw out the residual

air from the equipment to reach the request of


(The wiring diagram of the vacuum pump, right


The control of heating ring and heating stick

The machine has adopted electric heating ring and

heating stick to heat the chamber and steam

generator. (Wiring diagram, right figure)

1.8 Fan

The steam in the chamber will become water

during the condensation phase and enter into the

used water tank after the sterilization. The fan is

the most important part of condensation it

exhausts hot steam in the condenser.

(The wiring diagram is right figure)

1.9 Printer

Runyes steam sterilizer can adopt the

prescriptive printer which tracks the record of

sterilization. Runyes steam sterilizers are only

compatible to the micro printer accompanying

this autoclave.

(The wiring diagram of printer, right figure)

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1.10 the data adjusting of sensor

The data of temperature and pressure must be

adjusted before leaving the factory. This phase is

accomplished by the debugging box. If the

customer needs this operation we can offer the

debugging box. (Caution: Every steam sterilizer

has been adjusted so customers needn’t debug

again to avoid the failure.)

Debugging step

1. Turn off the power and open the door.

2. Take off the connective wire of temperature sensor on the PCB board then

add the standard resistance.

3. Take off the connective wire of key-press panel then connect the debugging


4. Open the power switch of autoclave.

5. Press the debug button to enter into the revised page layout. Button “P” is

used to choose the adjust option. P means the pressure, T0 means the

temperature of sensor in the chamber, and T1 means the temperature of

steam generator’s sensor. T2 means the temperature of chamber sensor.

Referenced standard is following:

The adjusted value of pressure is between 0.00 and 0.05 (LED display should

be adjusted to 0.00)

The adjusted value of temperature should be adjusted to 130.0

6. After the above operation, press the debug button to go back to the normal

page layout. The adjustment is over. (Note: We suggest you enter into the

revised page layout to check if the debugging has finished)

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2. Failure and code

2.1 Human interruption

If the user needs to exit the running of the cycle he

or she must press the START button for 3 seconds.

Caution: If you exit the sterilization cycle before

drying phase the instruments in it the chamber

have not been sterilized.

2.2 Interrupt Alarm Code

code E1:

The sensors check has automatically failed, usually there are four situations


Code E1-C1: the chambers inner temperature

sensor has short circuited and cut off or the inner

temperature sensor and inspect the electric circuit

which on mainboard is failed.


If the machine is still very hot, please allow it to cool down first

A. Use the multimeter to check the resistance data

of the inner temperature. Normally, the resistance

will be 1-2k, if not, please change the sensor

B. Turn the power off then check the magnified

chip temperature (LT1014 or MAX479 or LMC660

or MAX478) if its hot or not. If it is hot please

replace the chip.

C. If the above inspections are normal the inner

temperature sensor does not have a problem.

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Code E1-C2:

The steam generator sensor short circuit, cut off or the temperature inspection

electric circuit which on mainboard is failed.


If the machine is still very hot, please wait until it cools then start the machine.

A. Use the multimeter to check the resistance data of the steam generator

temperature sensor. Normally, the resistance will be 1-2k, if not, please replace

the sensor.

B. Turn the power off then check the magnified chip temperature (LT1014 or

MAX479 or LMC660 or MAX478) if it’s hot or not. If it is hot please replace the


C. If the above inspections are normal the inner

temperature does not have a problem.

Code E1-C3:

The chamber outside temperature sensor short

circuit, cut off or the chamber outside temperature

inspection electric circuit which on mainboard is



If the machine is still very hot, please wait until it cools then start the machine.

A. Use the multimeter to check the resistance data of the chamber outside

temperature sensor. Normally, the resistance will be 1-2k, if not, please change

the sensor.

B. Turn off the power then check the magnified chip temperature (LT1014 or

MAX479 or LMC660 or MAX478) if it’s hot or not. If it is hot please replace the


C. If the above inspections are normal the inner temperature does not have a


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Code E1-C4:The pressure sensor is failed.


A. Replace the pressure sensor

Code E2:Chamber overpressure

(The chamber pressure is above 2.4 bar for longer than 2 seconds)


A. Please check when the pressure rises, the chamber inner temperature will also

rise up. If not or rise up very slowly, then you should check the inner temperature

sensor, please refer to E1-C1 process.

B. The chamber keep vacuum pressure, the vacuum pressure will be -0.7 bar

within 4 minutes under normally room temperature, and it will above 0.1 bar

within 5 minutes if the pressure do not leak out, otherwise, you should check the

chamber cover, solenoid valve, safety valve, vacuum pump, connector welded

points, till you find the problems where and why the pressure leak out, then solve

the problems if you find it.

C. During the machine normally working cycle, please observe if the machine

vacuum could be lower than -0.6 bar, even lower than -0.7 bar if the machine is

still cold.

D. Adjust the chamber cover and tighten a little if necessary.

E. When you run a cycle for the first time with a packed or non packed

instruments and it comes up with E2, please don’t worry. It will not come out with

the E2 alarm again when you run it the second time. When the machine leaves

the factory, the pipe which steam gets into is empty with no water inside.

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Code E3:the chamber overtemperature:

(the chamber temperature above 145 and the time longer than 2 seconds)℃


A. if the machine is cold, please check the machine and refer to E1-C3 process,

you can find the problem as usually, and also please solve the problem.

B. If the machine is hot, please restart the machine at first, if the E3 still

continues or change as E1-C3, then please stop the machine and cool down the


C. Please start the machine when it cooled down enough, if the E3 or E1-C3 will

not stop showing, then the problem must be with the outside chamber

temperature sensor, it cuts off when the machine reaches a high temperature,

and connects again when the machine has cooled down enough. If so, you will

have to change a better outside temperature sensor.

D. If E3 comes out again when it cool down enough, then please check the

machine refer to E1-C3 process, you can find the problem and solve it .

Code E4:constant temperature and constant pressure failed.

(the chamber pressure tolerance is greater than 0.25bar or temperature tolerance

greater than 2.5 )℃


A. please check if you can open the solenoid valve which the steam gets into.

B. please refer to E2 process.

Code E5:release the steam failed

(The steam less than 0.3bar when you release the steam longer than 20 seconds)


A. check if you can open the steam release valve or not.

B. check if the steam release pipe has folded or not.

C. check if the two place three connections valve connected correctly or not,

including the base bottom connectors connected correctly or not.

D. check the pressure sensor on the mainboard is welded correctly.

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Code E6:the door will be opened automatically.


A. Check the limit switch which inspects the door situation, usually, if you press

the limit switch, it will comes out ticktack sound, if not, you should change

another limit switch.

B. When the door is closed, you should adjust the

door if the door bolt is exceed the highest point.

Code E7:the steam generator overtemperature

(the temperature over than 230 and the time longer than 2 seconds)℃


A. if the machine is cold, please check the machine refer to E1-C2 process, you

can find the problem and solve it.

B. If the machine is hot, please restart the machine at first, if the E7 still

continues or change as E1-C2, then please stop the machine and cool down the


C. Please start the machine when it cool down, if the E7 or E1-C2 will not comes

out ,then the problem must be the steam generator sensor, it cuts off when the

machine was in high temperature, and connects again when the machine cool

down enough. If so, you will have to change a better outside temperature sensor.

D. If E7 comes out again when it cool down enough, then please check the

machine refer to E1-C2 process, you can find the problem and solve it .

Code E8:preheating failed

(the outside temperature sensor and steam generator temperature can not reach

at preheating data which is 55 and 150 within 30 minutes)℃ ℃


A. the chamber and the steam generator are all hot, then please check the

outside temperature sensor and steam generator temperature sensor, please refer

to E1-C2 and E1-C3 process.

B. the chamber is cold, please use multimeter to check the loop of the heating

ring is good or not, usually the resistance will be 30Ω or more or less, if the loop

is cut off, then please the chamber temperature protection device is good or not,

usually it will be good, you can use multimeter to find it good or not. If it’s good,

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then please check the two red connection columns were connected good or not.

C. if the steam generator is cold, please check if you have revolve the

temperature adjustment device till bottom or not, then please use multiemeter to

check the loop of the heating stick is good or not, usually the resistance will be

30Ω or more or less, if there is not any resistance, then please check the two feet

of the temperature adjustment device. Usually it will be good, you can use

multimeter to find it good or not. If it’s good, but the resistance of the whole loop

is very large, then please check the three red connection columns were connected

good or not.

D. if you have finished the above three process, then you should think of to

change another mainboard.

Code E9:get into steam failed

(it can not reach at the preconcerted pressure within 30 minutes)


A. check the electromagnetism valve which the steam gets into, normally you


open it, if you can’t open it, then please change another good one.

B. check the pipe which the steam gets into, it must be expedite as normally.

C. check the water level sensor to see if the there is no water, and the sensor can

not feel the water.

D. please check if you have revolved the temperature adjustment device of the

steam generator till bottom or not, if not, please revolve it till bottom.

E. check the steam generator sensor, please refer to the E1-C2。

F. check the pressure rise up or not when the steam gets into, if not, please

check the pressure sensor which refer to E1-C4 process.

G. if you have check all the above parts and still failed, then please change

another good steam generator.

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2.3 Warning of Water level

During the prodecure, if the distilled water tank

lacks water (water level lower than designed

lowest-location), it comes to warning.See right

figure. If it continues to warn after filled with water,

the lowest water level sensor maybe restricted or

damaged.Please check the wire-connection.You can

replace the sensor for solution.

Regarding the level sensor of used water tank,

followes the same inspect way at the highest water


2.4 Failure of wastewater emission

Sometimes, wastewater can’t exhaust from out-

interface. Please check whether the interface is

blocked, and then remove the dirt.

2.5 Printer out of working

The printer doesn’t work after connecting well. Now

you should check the indicator on the printer if it is

light or not. If the indicator is not light this indicate

that there is no power. You must check the

connecting cable carefully. If cable is good and the

indicator is still not light please replace the printer.

If the two indicators are light the printer still

doesn’t work .You should make sure that the

printer is “on” or “off” in the options. If still won’t

do please replace a new one.

2.6 The time can’t be set up

Sometimes the time data which you have adjusted may be occur the error,

moreover the data can’t be adjusted again. At this time,you should check the

power of battery. One simple solution is that start the machine and let it in a

stand by state for several hours.This will charge the battery Then you will solve

this problem soon.

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3.1 Electrical principal diagram

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3.2 Wiring Diagram

1、 Tench wiring diagram

2、Three times vacuum autoclave wiring diagram (LED)

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3、Class-N autoclave wiring diagram (LED)

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4. Three times vacuum autoclave wiring diagram( LCD display)

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3.3 Pipeline Diagram

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1. Pipeline diagram of Tench

2、Class-B and Class-S Pipeline diagram

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2、 CLASS-N Pipeline diagram

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Автоклав Wave 23 класса В от компании Runyes применяется для стерилизации горячим паром упакованных и неупакованных медицинских инструментов.

В работе используются новейшие технологии – пульсирующий вакуум и вакуумная сушка. За счет этого полноценная дезинфекция происходит вне зависимости от пористости поверхности, а имеющиеся полости полностью очищаются от воздуха. Остаточная влажность менее 0,2. Показатель вакуума – до 0,7 бар.
Встроенная программа автоматической диагностики обеспечивает защиту от излишнего давления и перегрева. Прибор оснащен системой сбора конденсата для максимальной чистоты автоклава и отсутствия утечек.

Для управления работой пользователь может сам задавать программы.

Жидкокристаллический дисплей позволяет контролировать текущие показатели стерилизации. Кроме того, предусмотрена возможность подключения принтера для вывода информации о процессе.

В комплекте поставляются три лотка для инструментов. Объем камеры – 22 литра.

Основные характеристики:
— ЖК-дисплей
— Механический замок двери
— Возможность подключения принтера и USB-накопителя
— Пять режимов стерилизации
— Ускоренная сушка для неупакованных инструментов.

Технические характеристики:
Класс В
Вес    48 кг.
Объем камеры    22 литров.
Габариты камеры: 250 х 450 мм.
Габариты автоклава: 760×550×495 ММ
Температура от 121 до 134 С
Параметры электропитания    220В/50Гц.
Комплектация: поднос с 3 лотками для инструментов
Размер лотка (1шт): 250*450 мм

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