Satec pm130p plus руководство по эксплуатации

Satec PM130P Reference Manual

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Series PM130 PLUS Powermeters


PROFIBUS DP Communications Protocol

Reference Guide

BG0444 Rev. A2


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Summary of Contents for Satec PM130P

  • Page 1
    Series PM130 PLUS Powermeters PM130P/PM130E/PM130EH PROFIBUS DP Communications Protocol Reference Guide BG0444 Rev. A2…
  • Page 2
    Every effort has been made to ensure that the material herein is complete and accurate. However, the manufacturer is not responsible for any mistakes in printing or faulty instructions contained in this book. Notification of any errors or misprints will be received with appreciation.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents 1 GENERAL ………………….5 2 PROFIBUS DP PROTOCOL IMPLEMENTATION ……….6 PROFIBUS ID N GSD-F ………………6 UMBER AND PROFIBUS V ………………….6 ERSION ………………………6 ATES ……………………6 DDRESS ………………..6 NPUT AND UTPUT UFFERS ………………..6 XTENDED IAGNOSTIC PROFIBUS F …………………6 AULT CTION …………………….6 US IN LINE…

  • Page 4
    Setpoint Status SP1-SP16 (bitmap) ………………… 20 ………………21 INIMUM AXIMUM EGISTERS Minimum Phase Values ……………………21 Minimum Total Values…………………….. 21 Minimum Auxiliary Values ……………………21 Maximum Phase Values ……………………21 Maximum Total Values……………………. 22 Maximum Auxiliary Values ……………………22 Maximum Demands ……………………..22 …………….24 EVICE ONTROL AND…
  • Page 5: General

    1 General This document specifies the PM130 PROFIBUS DP messaging protocol used to transfer data between a master PROFIBUS station and the PM130. The document provides the complete information necessary to develop third-party communications software capable of communication with the Series PM130 PLUS devices. Additional information concerning communications operation, configuring the communications parameters, and communications connections is found in «Series PM130 PLUS Powermeters, Installation and Operation Manual».

  • Page 6: Profibus Dp Protocol Implementation

    2 PROFIBUS DP Protocol Implementation 2.1 PROFIBUS ID Number and GSD-File The PM130 uses the certified AnyBus®-IC PROFIBUS communication module from HMS Industrial Networks AB with the registered PROFIBUS ID number 0x1810. The GSD file hms_1810.gsd is shown in Section 6 and is provided with the device on an accompanying 2.2 PROFIBUS Version The PM130 supports the basic version V0 of the PROFIBUS DP protocol.

  • Page 7: Profibus Messaging Protocol

    2.8 PROFIBUS Messaging Protocol Overview Since the PM130 transfer buffers only support 32 bytes or less transfer blocks, all of the device registers cannot possibly be sent over PROFIBUS DP every scan. However, a messaging mechanism allows a master to access all the device registers by placing a command request pointing to the requested items in the output buffer and by receiving a corresponding response in the input buffer.

  • Page 8: Device Response Block

    Table 2-1 Read Request Block Bytes Description Range Type Notes Command control See Table 2-3 UINT16 Start point ID 0x0000-0xFFFF UINT16 Table 2-2 Write Request Block Bytes Description Range Type Notes Command control See Table 2-3 UINT16 Start point ID 0x0000-0xFFFF UINT16 4-31…

  • Page 9: Transfer Synchronization

    Byte Bits Description Range Notes 5-6 Unused 7 Synchronization bit Synchronized with the master synchronization bit when command handling is completed 0-3 Word count 0-14 Indicates the number of words in the data block 4-7 Exception code See Table 2-7 Note: Bit 0 is a least significant bit (LSB).

  • Page 10
    — Raw input data in the range of RAW_LO to RAW_HI ENG_LO, — Data low and high scales in engineering units (see Section 4 for device data ENG_HI scales) RAW_LO — Low conversion scale for raw device data: RAW_LO = -32768 for a point with a negative LO scale, RAW_LO = 0 for a point with a zero or positive LO scale RAW_Hi — High conversion scale for raw device data: RAW_HI = 32767…
  • Page 11
    b) Assume device settings (wiring via PT): Wiring 4LN3; PT = 120; CT primary current = 200A; Voltage scale = 144V. Active Power engineering scales (see Section 4): ENG_HI = Pmax = Vmax × Imax × 3 = (144 × 120) × (200.00 × 2) × 3/1000 = 20,736kW ENG_LO = -Pmax = -20,736kW If the raw data reading is 12000 then the power reading in engineering units will be as follows: Watts reading = (12000 — (-32768)) ×…
  • Page 12: Device Register Map

    3 Device Register Map 3.1 Analog Registers, Binary Registers and Counters Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x0000 None UINT16 Special Inputs 0x0101 Phase rotation order 0=error, 1=positive (ABC), UINT16 2=negative (CBA) Counters 0x0A00 Counter #1 0-99,999 UINT32 0x0A01 Counter #2 0-99,999 UINT32 0x0A02 Counter #3…

  • Page 13: 1-Cycle Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x0C1B I1 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1C I2 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1D I3 Current TDD 0-1000 ×0.1% UINT16 2-cycle value 0x0C1E V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT16 0x0C1F V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT16 0x0C20 V31 Voltage…

  • Page 14: 1-Second Phase Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 1-Second Phase Values 0x1100 V1/V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1101 V2/V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1102 V3/V31 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x1103 I1 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1104 I2 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1105 I3 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0x1106 kW L1 -Pmax-Pmax INT32…

  • Page 15: 1-Second Auxiliary Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x1408 Total kvar import 0-Pmax UINT32 0x1409 Total kvar export 0-Pmax UINT32 0x140A 3-phase average L-N/L-L voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x140B 3-phase average L-L voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0x140C 3-phase average current 0-Imax UINT32 1-Second Auxiliary Values 0x1500 Not used UINT32 0x1501 In (neutral) Current…

  • Page 16: Total Energies E

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x161F Not used UINT32 0x1620 Not used UINT32 0x1621 Not used UINT32 0x1622 In Ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 Total Energies 0x1700 kWh import 0-999,999,999 UINT32 0x1701 kWh export 0-999,999,999 UINT32 0x1702 Not used INT32 0x1703 Not used UINT32…

  • Page 17: V2/V23 Harmonic Distortions

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units V2/V23 Harmonic Distortions 0x1A00 H01 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1A01 H02 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1A27 H40 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 V3/V31 Harmonic Distortions 0x1B00 H01 Harmonic distortion 0-10000 0.01% UINT16 0x1B01 H02 Harmonic distortion 0-10000…

  • Page 18: Fundamental Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x290F Power factor L1 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 0x2910 Power factor L2 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 0x2911 Power factor L3 -1000-1000 ×0.001 INT16 Fundamental Total Values 2-cycle values 0x2A00 Total fundamental kW -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0x2A01 Total fundamental kvar -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0x2A02 Total fundamental kVA…

  • Page 19: V1/V12 Harmonic Angles

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x3702 V3/V31 Maximum volt demand 0-Vmax UINT32 0x3703 I1 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3704 I2 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3705 I3 Maximum ampere demand 0-Imax UINT32 0x3706 Not used UINT32 0x3707 Not used UINT32 0x3708 Not used UINT32…

  • Page 20: I3 Harmonic Angles

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range Units 0x6800 H02 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6827 H40 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 I3 Harmonic Angles 0x6900 H01 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6900 H02 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º INT16 0x6927 H40 Harmonic angle -1800-1800 ×0.1º…

  • Page 21: Minimum/Maximum Log Registers

    3.2 Minimum/Maximum Log Registers Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units Minimum Phase Values 0xB000 Min. V1/V12 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB001 Timestamp UINT32 0xB002 Min. V2/V23 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB003 Timestamp UINT32 0xB004 Min. V3/V31 Voltage 0-Vmax UINT32 0xB005 Timestamp UINT32 0xB006 Min.

  • Page 22: Maximum Total Values

    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units 0xB20A Max. I3 Current 0-Imax UINT32 0xB20B Timestamp UINT32 Maximum Total Values 0xB280 Max. Total kW -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0xB281 Timestamp UINT32 0xB282 Max. Total kvar -Pmax-Pmax INT32 0xB283 Timestamp UINT32 0xB284 Max. Total kVA 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB285…

  • Page 23
    Point ID Description Type Notes Options/Range/Format Units 0xB399 UINT32 0xB39A Not used UINT32 0xB39B UINT32 0xB39C Not used UINT32 0xB39D UINT32 0xB39E Maximum kW export sliding window demand 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB39F Timestamp UINT32 0xB3A0 Maximum kvar export sliding window demand 0-Pmax UINT32 0xB3A1…
  • Page 24: Device Control And Status Registers

    3.3 Device Control and Status Registers Point ID Description Options/Range Units Type Notes Device Reset/Clear Registers 0xA000 Clear total energy registers UINT16 Read as 0 0xA001 Clear total maximum demand registers 0 = Clear all maximum demands UINT16 1 = Clear power demands 2 = Clear volt and ampere demands 0xA004 Clear pulse counters 0 = Clear all counters…

  • Page 25: Device Setup Registers

    +0 Device serial number 0-999999 UINT32 +1 Device model ID 13010=PM130P, 13011=PM130A, UINT32 13020=PM130E, 13030-13032=PM130EH 13010=PM130P, 13030=PM130EH +2-5 Device model name “PM130P”, “PM130A”, “PM130E”, UINT32 Null-terminated string “PM130EH” +6 Device options (bitmap) UINT32 Not used +7-9 Reserved UINT32 +10 Device firmware version number…

  • Page 26: Basic Setup

    Address Description Options/Range Units Type Notes +3 Baud rate COM1: 1=300 bps, 2=600 bps, UINT16 COM2 baud rate does not concern the 3=1200 bps, 4=2400 bps, 5=4800 PROFIBUS baud rate bps, 6=9600 bps, 7=19200 bps, 8=38400 bps, 9=57600 bps, 10=115200 bps COM2: 9=57600 bps +4 Data format COM1: 0=7 bits/even parity,…

  • Page 27: Clock Setup

    Address Description Options/Range Units Type Notes +2 Phase energy calculation mode 0=disabled, 1=enabled UINT16 +3-9 Reserved UINT16 Read as 65535 +10 Energy LED test mode 0=disabled, 1=Wh test, 2=varh test UINT16 LED pulse rate is 10,000 pulses/kWh +11 Starting voltage, percent of FS voltage 15-50 ×0.1% UINT16…

  • Page 28: Data Scales And Units

    4 Data Scales and Units Code Condition Value/Range Notes Data Scales Vmax Voltage scale × PT Ratio, V Imax Current scale × CT Ratio, A 1, 3 Pmax Wiring 4LN3, 3LN3, 3BLN3 Vmax × Imax × 3, W Wiring 4LL3, 3LL3, 3BLL3, Vmax ×…

  • Page 29: Data Formats

    5 Data Formats Format Code Value Description Notes Timestamp Local time in a UNIX-style format. Represents the number 946684800 to of seconds since midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970. 2145916799 The time is valid after January 1, 2000. allowed Wiring Mode 3OP2 — 3-wire open delta using 2 CTs (2 element) 4LN3 — 4-wire WYE using 3 PTs (3 element), line-to- neutral voltage readings…

  • Page 30: Device Gsd File

    6 Device GSD File ;============================================================ ; Profibus Device Database of HMS Industrial Networks AB ; Model : ANYBUS-IC PDP ; Description : ANYBUS-IC Profibus DP slave ; Language : English ; Date : 30 September 2003 ; Author : HMS Industrial Networks AB ;…

  • Page 31
    Implementation_Type = «SPC3» ; Supported DP features Freeze_Mode_supp ; supported Sync_Mode_supp ; supported Auto_Baud_supp ; supported Set_Slave_Add_supp ; supported ; Maximum polling frequency Min_Slave_Intervall ; 100 us ; Maximum supported sizes Modular_Station ; modular Max_Module = 24 Max_Input_Len = 48 Max_Output_Len = 48 Max_Data_Len…
  • Page 32
    Module = «OUTPUT: 4 Byte ( 2 word)» 0x61 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 8 Byte ( 4 word)» 0x63 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 16 Byte ( 8 word)» 0x67 EndModule Module = «OUTPUT: 32 Byte (16 word)» 0x6F EndModule…

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  5. PM130 PLUS

Manuals and User Guides for Satec PM130 PLUS. We have 2 Satec PM130 PLUS manuals available for free PDF download: Installation And Operation Manual, Quick Start Manual

Satec PM130 PLUS Installation And Operation Manual

Satec PM130 PLUS Installation And Operation Manual (161 pages)

Powermeter Series

Brand: Satec
Category: Measuring Instruments
Size: 6.58 MB

Table of Contents
  • Table of Contents


  • Chapter 1 General Information


  • Features


  • Available Options


    • Digital I/O


    • Analog Output


    • Additional Communication Port — COM2


    • TOU — Battery-Operated Clock Unit


  • Customized Options


    • Device Resolution


    • Energy Rollover


    • Display Options


  • Measured Parameters


  • Chapter 2 Installation


  • Site Requirements


  • Package Contents


  • Mechanical Installation


    • Panel Mounting


    • DIN Rail Mounting


  • Electrical Installation


    • Typical Installation


    • Terminals


    • Power Source Connection


    • Voltage Input Connection


    • Current Input Connection


    • Wiring Diagrams


  • I/O Connections


    • 4DI/2DO Module


    • DI Module


    • 12DI/4RO Module


    • 4AO Module — Analog Outputs


    • TOU Module — RTC and 4 Digital Inputs


  • Communications Connections


    • COM1 RS-485 Connection


    • ETH Module — COM2 Ethernet Connection


    • PRO Module — COM2 PROFIBUS Connection


    • RS-232/422-485 Module — COM2 Connection


    • Connecting a GSM/GPRS Modem


  • Chapter 3 Using Front Display


  • Indicators and Controls


    • Device Diagnostics


    • Numeric LED Display


    • Load Bar Graph


    • Energy Pulse LED


    • Port Activity Leds


    • Navigation Buttons


  • Data Display


    • Display Features


    • Navigation Buttons


    • Simple Reset of Accumulated Data


    • Common Measurements Display


    • Min/Max and Maximum Demand Display


    • Harmonics Display (PM130EH)


    • Energy Display (PM130E/EH)


  • Status Display


    • Pulse and Time Counters


    • Alarm Display


    • Diagnostics Display


  • Using the Menus


    • Navigation Buttons


    • Selecting Menus


    • Entering the Password


    • Selecting a Menu Entry


    • Viewing and Changing Setup Options


  • Chapter 4 Using PAS Software


  • Installing PAS


  • Creating a New Site for Your Meter


  • Setting up Communications


    • Communicating through a Serial Port


    • Communicating through the Internet


  • Setting up the Meter


    • Preparing Setups for the Meter


    • Downloading Setups to the Meter


    • Uploading Setups from the Meter


      • Authorization


  • Chapter 5 Configuring the PM130 PLUS


  • Configuring Communications


    • Setting up Serial Communication Ports


    • Setting up Ethernet


    • Setting up GPRS Network


    • Setting up Expertpower Client


    • Setting up TCP Notification Client


  • General Meter Setup


    • Basic Meter Setup


    • Device Options


    • Configuring Digital Inputs


    • Configuring Relay Outputs


    • Configuring Analog Outputs


    • Configuring Counters


    • Configuring Alarm/Control Setpoints


    • Configuring the Display


    • Local Time Settings


  • Configuring Meter Security


  • Configuring Billing/Tou


    • Configuring Billing/Tariff Registers


    • Configuring the Daily Tariff Schedule


    • Configuring the Season Tariff Schedule


  • Configuring Recorders


    • Configuring Meter Memory


    • Configuring the Event Recorder


    • Configuring the Data Recorder


  • Configuring Communication Protocols


    • Configuring Modbus


    • Configuring DNP3


  • Chapter 6 Device Control and Upgrading


  • Resetting Accumulators, Maximum Values and Files


  • Updating the Meter Clock


  • Viewing and Clearing Device Diagnostics


  • Viewing Communication Status and Statistics


  • Remote Relay Control


    • Upgrading Device Firmware


  • Chapter 7 Monitoring Meters


  • Viewing Real-Time Data


  • Viewing Real-Time Min/Max Log


  • Viewing Real-Time Waveforms


    • Viewing Real-Time Harmonic Spectrum


  • Chapter 8 Retrieving and Storing Files


  • Uploading Files on Demand


  • Using the Upload Scheduler


  • Viewing Files On-Line


  • Exporting Files


    • Exporting Files in COMTRADE and PQDIF Formats


    • Exporting Files in Excel Format


  • Chapter 9 Viewing Files


  • Operations with Files


  • Viewing Options


    • Customizing Views


    • Working with Tables


    • Working with Graphic Windows


  • Viewing the Event Log


    • Viewing the Data Log


  • Appendix A Technical Specifications


  • Appendix B Analog Output Parameters


  • Appendix C Setpoint Triggers and Actions


  • Appendix D Parameters for Data Monitoring and Logging


  • Appendix E Billing/Tou Profile Log File


  • Appendix F Data Scales


  • Appendix G Device Diagnostic Codes


  • Index



Satec PM130 PLUS Quick Start Manual

Satec PM130 PLUS Quick Start Manual (4 pages)

Multi-Functional 3-Phase Power Meter

Brand: Satec
Category: Measuring Instruments
Size: 0.61 MB


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Table of Contents for Satec PM130 PLUS:

  • Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S General M E T E R S E T U P PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 83 Display Label Parameter Options Default Description PuLS Pulse width 20-1000 ms 100 ms The actual pulse width is a multiple of the 1-cycle time rounded to the nearest bigger value. The pause time between pulses is equal to the pulse width. Src Pulse source NONE Ac.Ei = kWh IMP Ac.EE = kWh EXP rE.Ei = kvarh IMP rE.EE = kvarh EXP rE.Et = kva

  • Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 72 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series The following table lists available GPRS options. Table 16: GPRS Setup Options Parameter Default Description Access Point Name (APN) internetg The mobile network APN name User name Username (if required) Password Password (if required) 2. Configure your mobile network APN, username, password and GPRS Client/Server mode. Consult your network operator regarding proper network settings.

  • Appendix C S E T P O I N T T R I G G E R S A N D A C T I O N S PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 147 Display Code Designation Description In.Cn.2 INC CNT #2 Increment counter #2 In.Cn.3 INC CNT #3 Increment counter #3 In.Cn.4 INC CNT #4 Increment counter #4 ti.Cn.1 TIME CNT #1 Count operation time using counter #1 ti.Cn.2 TIME CNT #2 Count operation time using counter #2 ti.Cn.3 TIME CNT #3 Count operation time using counter #3 ti.Cn.4 TIME CNT #4 Count operation time using count

  • Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Data D I S P L A Y PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 49 To stop auto scrolling, press briefly the UP or DOWN button. Brightness The PM130 display has a 3-level adjustable brightness. It is normally preset at the factory to the highest level. You can adjust the display through the display setup (see Configuring the Display). Navigation Buttons Figure 3-2: Navigation Buttons See the following table for button operations i

  • Chapter 3 Using F R O N T D I S P L A Y Status D I S P L A Y 56 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 10 Alar SP.<Setpoint Number> <Alarm Trigger > Setpoint alarms (see Alarm Display below) 11 diAG <Diagnostic Code> <Diagnostic Message> Device diagnostics (see Diagnostics Display below) 12 SEr.n 1 23456 Device serial number 13 SoFt 11. 01.01 Fir

  • Chapter 2 Installation I/ O C O N N E C T I O N S 34 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Figure 2-23 Relay Output Connection Digital Inputs Four optically isolated status inputs are provided for status monitoring, pulse counting, external power demand period, and time synchronization. Figure 2-24 Digital Input Connection

  • 10 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Simple Reset of Accumulated Data ……………………………………………………………….. 49 Common Measurements Display ………………………………………………………………….. 50 Min/Max and Maximum Demand Display ……………………………………………………….. 51 Harmonics Display (PM130EH) ……………………………………………………………………. 52 Energy Display (PM130E/EH)…..

  • Appendix A Technical Specifications 142 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 3. Measurement error is typically less than the maximum error indicated.

  • Chapter 5 Configuring T H E P M 1 3 0 P L U S Configuring R E C O R D E R S 104 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Billing/TOU Profile Data Log #16 Data log #16 is pre-configured for daily billing energy and maximum demand recording for the last 90 days. It is automatically updated once a day. See Billing Profile Log File in Appendix E for the file record structure.

  • Chapter 2 Installation I/ O C O N N E C T I O N S 38 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series TOU module – RTC and 4 Digital Inputs The TOU provides a battery-operated real time clock (RTC) with four optically isolated inputs for status monitoring, time synchronization, pulse counting, and external power demand period. Digital Inputs Figure 2-30 TOU Digital Input Connection TOU – Batter

  • Chapter 4 Using P A S S O F T W A R E Setting U P T H E M E T E R 66 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series 3. Click OK. The opened setup is copied to your dialog window. 4. Click the Save as… button. 5. Select the target database from the file pane. 6. Click OK. To copy all setups from one site database to another site’s database: 1. In the list box on the toolbar, select a source device site from which you wish to copy setups

  • Appendix E Billing/TOU P R O F I L E L O G F I L E 158 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series The number of parameters in each section is automatically configured depending on the number of actual tariffs you defined in the TOU Daily Profiles.

  • Appendix D Parameters for D A T A M O N I T O R I N G A N D L O G G I N G 154 PM130 PLUS Powermeter Series Designation Description FREQ MIN Frequency MAX PHASE Maximum 1-Cycle Phase Values V1 MAX V1/V12 Voltage 1 V2 MAX V2/V23 Voltage 1 V3 MAX V3/V31 Voltage 1 I1 MAX I1 Current I2 MAX I2 Current I3 MAX I3 Current MAX TOTAL Maximum 1-Cycle Total Values kW MAX Total kW kvar MAX Total kvar kVA MAX Total kVA PF MAX Total PF MAX AUX Maximum 1-Cycle Auxiliary Values In M

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Satec PM130P: Available Instructions

Note for Owners: webproject is not a service center of Satec trademark and does not carries out works for diagnosis and repair of faulty Satec PM130P equipment. For quality services, please contact an official service center of Satec company. On our website you can read and download documentation for your Satec PM130P device for free and familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of device.

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BG0425 Rev. A15

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  • Yamaha f100aet инструкция на русском языке
  • Сувардио инструкция по применению цена отзывы аналоги таблетки цена
  • Амлодипин инструкция как принимать утром или вечером
  • Как пить аскорбинку с глюкозой в таблетках инструкция
  • Организация видеонаблюдения в частном доме своими руками пошаговая инструкция