Shihlin ss2 инструкция на русском языке

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Safety Instructions

When using Shihlin inverters, please follow the installation to ensure the safety of user and others.

The following instructions will be classified and described by icons:

It means dangerous instructions, and incorrect handling may result in death or


severe injury.

It means caution instructions. Incorrect handling may result in injury or property



It means caution and execution need to be done. Please operate according to the




Inverters must be used on the location except corrosive gas, water, flammable gas.

Please operate far from flammable substance or explosives.

Please do not lay the inverter on an intense trembling or shaking occasion.

Do not operate wires soaked under oil or water.

Prohibit touching any part in the inverter when power is ON to avoid electric shock.

Three-phase power cannot be connected to terminal U/T1, V/T2, W/T3.

The terminal

of the inverter must be correctly grounded.

Do not conduct wiring when the power is ON.

Do not conduct hi-pot test on internal components of the inverter, for semiconductor

is easily damaged by high voltage.

There are CMOS IC components on PCBAs which are especially sensitive to static

electricity. Please do not touch PCBAs before taking anti-static measures.

Even if the motor stops, a charge may still remain in the main circuit terminals of

the inverter with hazardous voltages.

Only qualified persons are allowed to install, wire and maintain the inverter.

After some functions are set, the motor may start immediately once power is ON.

Please choose the safe area to install the inverter, avoiding heat, direct sunlight,

moisture humidity and splashing of droplets.

When wiring between the inverter and motor is too long, it may damage the layer

insulation of the motor. A reactor can be mounted between inverter and motor,

avoiding insulation is damaged.

For the installation power system of rated voltage, it cannot be over 240V for 220

series; it cannot be over 480V for 440 series.

Only qualified personnel familiar with wiring is allowed to perform wiring.

For the installation direction and method, please refer to the regulations.

Make sure to use the temperature in a safe range.

Please follow the installation to use the voltage.

When there are problems in operation, please first unload the motor, after zero-load

operation is OK, and then connect to the machine.

Please confirm whether the inverter power is in line with the motor power.

Before running, please confirm whether the emergency switch can operate normally.

Power wire, U, V, W wires and signal wire should not be stranded, but separately.

Please turn off the power if it is not used for a long time.

Safety Instructions


Summary of Contents for Shihlin electric SS2 Series

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Презентация на тему: » 1 Shihlin SS2 Особенности Высокопроизводительное бессенсорное управление Стартовый момент 150%/3HZ Точность управления скоростью в пределах 1% Поворотный.» — Транскрипт:


1 Shihlin SS2 Особенности Высокопроизводительное бессенсорное управление Стартовый момент 150%/3HZ Точность управления скоростью в пределах 1% Поворотный диск для настройки Установка на DIN-рейку Простая замена вентилятора Поддержка всех необходимых функций Сертификат CE


2 Поворотный диск для настройки Установка на DIN-рейку, плотный монтаж Пружинные клеммы Простая замена вентилятора Shihlin SS2 Особенности


3 32-bit CISC CPU. Работа на низких оборотах, стартовый момент 150%/3HZ Точность регулирования скорости 1%(при нагрузке 0%~100%). Функция предотвращение опрокидывания до 250%. Shihlin SS2 Особенности


4 Тесты –нагрузка 100% старт/стоп Условия тестирования : выходная частота 50Hz, кратковременная нагрузка 100%. Скорость двигателя. Shihlin-SS2Delta-E Delta-EL Mitsubishi- D700 Time (s) Speed (r/m)


5 Условия тестирования: различная выходная частота, увеличение нагрузки до 200%. Скорость ддвигателя Shihlin-SS2Delta-E Delta-EL Mitsubishi- D700 Frequency (Hz) Torque(%) Тесты — Момент


Применения ПХВ рулонные ворота SS2 Станки SS2 Упаковочная машина SS2 6 Насосная станция SS2 Конвейер SS2 Оборудование для пайки SS2

1. User Manual

Shihlin Electric SS2-TYPE inverters possess many complex parameterized functions that meet most

of the application requirements from the market. But for users who are unfamiliar with inverters,

such a complex inverter may cause confusion. Please read the manual carefully to master the

operation methods of the inverter. In case there is any question, please feel free to contact us.

In Chapter 3 of this manual, all series and the corresponding specifications of Shihlin Electric

SS2-TYPE inverters are listed in detail. Section 3.5 guides the users how to install the inverter and

emphasizes on safety precautions when using the inverter.

Chapter 4 guides the users how to use the inverter. In Section 4.1, the operating mode of the

inverter is outlined and how to use the operation panel is described, and in Section 4.2, simple

operating steps are explained. Chapter 5 explains the functions of each parameter in detail.

Terminologies used in this manual are defined as follows:


Output frequency, target frequency, steady output frequency

• The actual output current frequency of the inverter is referred to as the output frequency.

• The frequency set by user (through operation panels, multi-speed terminals, voltage signals or

current signals) is referred to as the target frequency.

• When the motor starts running, the output frequency of the inverter will gradually accelerate to

the target frequency until reaching the target frequency and becoming steady. The output

frequency at this time is referred to as the steady output frequency.

2. More detailed instructions on parameter settings are presented in Chapter 5. Please note that

arbitrary adjustment of the parameters may result in abnormal operations. All parameters can be

reset to their default values by the parameter P.998. For offsetting this parameter, please refer to

P.998 in Chapter 5.

3. The operating mode of inverter and the working mode of the operation panel:

The operating mode determines the reference source for the target frequency and the signal source

for starting. Shihlin inverter has totally nine operating modes. Please refer to Section 4.1 for


The operation panel is used for numeric value monitoring, parameter setting and target frequency

setting. Shihlin operation panel has totally five working modes. Please refer to Section 4.1 for


4. The difference between terminal name and function name:

A set of printed letters can be found near the terminals of the control board or the main board.

These letters are used to distinguish each terminal, and thus called ‘terminal name’.

For multi-function control terminal and multi-function output terminal, function names have to be

defined in addition to terminal names. A function name indicates the actual function of the


Function name is used to explain the functions of a terminal.


User Manual

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