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Volkswagen Amarok — документация по ремонту

VW Amarok (2HA, 2HB) 2011 — 2016

VW Amarok (S1B) 2013 — 2016

VW Amarok (S7A, S7B) 2017 —

VW Amarok (S6B) 2017 —

Быстрый переход по разделам:


Система охлаждения, отопления и кондиционирования

Системы впрыска, зажигания

Топливная система

Передняя и задняя подвеска

Тормозная система

Рулевое управление

Коробки передач, сцепление



Общая документация

Общая документация по автомобилю

VW Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance (eng.)
Workshop Manual. Редакция 01.2011

Руководство по сервисному обслуживанию Фольксваген Амарок.

Дизельные двигатели CDBA и CDCA.

Содержание: 1 — Engine list, 2 — Service work, 3 — General, 4 — Descriptions of work 5 — Exhaust emissions test, 6 — Glossary.

155 страниц. 2 Mb.

VW Amarok 2017 — Maintenance (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok с 2017 года выпуска.

Описание сервисных работ Фольксваген Амарок (S7) с бензиновыми двигателями: CFPA и дизельными двигателями: CDBA, CDCA, CNEA, CNFA, CNFB, CSHA, DDXA, DDXB, DDXC, DDXD, DDXE. Редакция 02.2021

Heading: Engine list, Service work, General information, Descriptions of work, Exhaust emissions test, Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI).

138 страниц.

Volkswagen Amarok 2010 (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Пособие по программе самообразования 463 VW/Audi.

С пикапом Amarok подразделение Volkswagen Коммерческие автомобили становится игроком сегмента
пикапов среднего класса. Amarok представляет собой не только четвёртый по счёту модельный ряд под маркой
Volkswagen Коммерческие автомобили, но и первый европейский пикап в классе грузоподъёмности до одной
тонны. В новой модели необходимые пикапу мощность и надёжность объединены с инновационными
технологиями, высокими стандартами безопасности и превосходными характеристиками топливной
эффективности, комфорта и эргономичности.

Содержание: Кузов, Системы пассивной безопасности, Двигатели (буквенные обозначения двигателей: CDCA, CDBA, CFPA), Коробки передач, Ходовая часть, Отопитель и климатическая установка, Электрооборудование, Головное устройство и навигационная система.

Volkswagen Amarok (rus.) Техническое обучение VW.

Содержание: Маркетинговое описание, Оснащение, Двигатели, Трансмиссия, Электрооборудование и электронные компоненты систем комфорта, Система безопасности пассажиров, Технический сервис.

Volkswagen Amarok 2017. Введение (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 565 VW/Audi.

VW Amarok 2017 продолжит созданную почти 6 лет назад концепцию «прочность и надёжность в сочетании с инновационными технологиями». Новый дизайн передней части кузова и передней панели подчёркивает энергичность облика Amarok и вместе с новыми эргономичными сиденьями переводит его в более высокий класс.
Для успеха в сегменте с такой интенсивной конкуренцией, как сегмент пикапов, требуется современный автомобиль с мощным двигателем. В странах ЕС для двигателей действует экологический класс Евро-6. В Фольксваген Амарок 2017 двигателем этого класса является двигатель 3,0 л V6 TDI. Повысившийся крутящий момент передаётся через усиленную 8-ступенчатую автоматическую коробку передач или через 6-ступенчатую механическую.
В VW Amarok 2017 устанавливаются головные устройства нового поколения, с навигационной системой или без неё. К этому добавляются вспомогательные системы для водителя и системы безопасности. Новыми являются, например, функция автоматического торможения при аварии и система контроля давления в шинах.

Содержание: Введение, Конструкция кузова, Силовые агрегаты (буквенное обозначение двигателей: DDXA, DDXB, DDXD, DDXC, CNFB, CNEA, CSHA, CFPA) , Трансмиссия (6-ступенчатая механическая коробка передач: 0F6, 0C6, 8-ступ. автоматическая коробка передач 0CM, 0DR,), Ходовая часть, Электрооборудование, Отопитель и климатическая установка, Аудиосистема, навигационная система, телефон.

Общая информация по сервисному обслуживанию

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi



Двигатели для автомобилей Volkswagen Amarok (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Рассмотрены двигатели 2.0 TDI 90 кВт (CDBA), 2.0 TDI 120 кВт (CDCA), 2.0 FSI 118 кВт (CFPA).

4-cylinder injection engine (2.0 l direct injection engine, turbocharger) Engine ID: CFPA (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

Руководство по ремонту двигателей. Редакция 02.2011

Двигатель с буквенным обозначением: CFPA устанавливался на автомобили:

VW Amarok (2HA, 2HB) 2011 — 2016

VW Amarok (S7A, S7B) 2017 —

Содержание: 00 — Technical data, 10 — Removing and installing engine, 13 — Crankshaft group, 15 — Cylinder head, valve gear, 17 — Lubrication, 19 — Cooling, 20 — Fuel supply system, 21 — Turbocharging / supercharging, 24 — Mixture preparation — injection, 26 — Exhaust system, 28 — Ignition system.

259 страниц. 8 Mb.

4-cylinder diesel engine (2.0 l engine, common rail) (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

VW Amarok 2011 ➤ Engine ID: CDCA, CDBA, CNEA, CSHA, CNFA, CNFB.

Руководство по ремонту дизельных двигателей с буквенным обозначением: CDCA, CDBA, CNEA, CSHA, CNFA, CNFB. Редакция 04.2013

Эти двигатели устанавливались на автомобили:

VW Amarok (2HA, 2HB) 2011 — 2016

VW Amarok (S1B) 2013 — 2016

VW Amarok (S7A, S7B) 2017 —

VW Amarok (S6B) 2017 —

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 10 — Removing and installing engine, 13 — Crankshaft group, 15 — Cylinder Head, Valve Gear, 17 — Lubrication, 19 — Cooling, 20 — Fuel supply system, 21 — Turbocharging / supercharging, 23 — Mixture preparation — injection, 26 — Exhaust System, 28 — Glow plug system.

00 — технические данные, 10 — снятие и установка двигателя, 13 — группа коленчатых валов, 15 — головка блока цилиндров, клапанный механизм, 17 — система смазки, 19 — система охлаждения, 20 — система подачи топлива, 21 — турбонаддув / наддув, 23 — приготовление смеси, впрыск, 26 — выхлопная система, 28 — система свечей накаливания.

419 страниц. 8 Mb.

Информация по ремонту двигателей VAG / Engines repair

Данная информация по ремонту двигателей подходит ко всем автомобилям VAG. Для того чтобы быстро найти документацию по Вашему двигателю просто нажмите на клавиатуре Ctrl-F и наберите буквы своего двигателя. Например: 2E или BSE (только на английском языке!)

Система охлаждения, отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования

(Cooling, Heating, Air Conditioning and Climate Control Systems)

VW Amarok (2H) 2011 ➤ Heating, air conditioning (eng.)
Workshop Manual. Редакция 04.2013

Руководство по ремонту систем отопления и кондиционирования на Фольксваген Амарок.

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 80 — Heating, 87 — Air conditioning system.

79 страниц. 8 Mb.

VW Amarok — Auxiliary heater (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok с 2011 года выпуска.

VW Amarok с 2017 года выпуска.

Руководство по ремонту систем дополнительного отопления Фольксваген Амарок (код модели: 2HA, 2HB, S1B, S7A, S7B, S6B). Редакция 12.2020

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 82 — Supplementary heating.

Technical data, Supplementary heating, Auxiliary/supplementary heater, Coolant circuit with auxiliary/supplementary heater, Fuel supply, Regulation of auxiliary/supplementary heater, Other controlling and regulating components.

75 страниц.

Дистанционное управление дополнительным / жидкостным отопителем Eberspächer / Webasto

Значение мигания контрольной лампы пульта ДУ дополнительного отопителя.

Общая информация по системам охлаждения, отопления и вентиляции

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Много информации по системе охлаждения, относящаяся к конкретным типам двигателей, находится в разделе «Двигатели»

Системы впрыска, зажигания

(Injector, ignition system)

Системы впрыска и зажигания

Данная информация по системам впрыска подходит ко всем автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi.

Общая информация по системам зажигания

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Топливная система

(Fuel System)

Общая информация по топливным системам

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Передняя и задняя подвеска

(Front and rear suspension)

VW Amarok — Running gear, axles, steering (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

VW Amarok 2011 ➤

Руководство по ремонту ходовой части, мостов, рулевого управления Фольксваген Амарок (2HA, 2HB). Редакция 01.2013

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 40 — Front suspension, 42 — Rear suspension, 44 — Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry, 48 — Steering.

00 — Технические данные, 40 — Передняя подвеска, 42 — Задняя подвеска, 44 — Колеса, шины, углы установки колес, 48 — Рулевое управление.

134 страницы. 9 Mb.

Общая информация по подвеске

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Тормозная система

(ABS, EDS, ESP / Brake system)

VW Amarok: Brake system (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok (2H) с 2011 года выпуска,

VW Amarok (S7) с 2017 года выпуска.

Руководство по ремонту тормозной системы Фольксваген Амарок (коды модели: 2H, S7). Редакция 12.2020

Repair Group: 00 — Technical data, 45 — Anti-lock brake system, 46 — Brakes — mechanism, 47 — Brakes — hydraulics.

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Технические данные, 45 — антиблокировочная система тормозов, 46 — тормоза — механика, 47 — тормоза — гидравлика.

146 страниц.

Общая информация по тормозным системам, ABS, EDS, ESP и др.

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Рулевое управление


VW Amarok — Running gear, axles, steering (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

VW Amarok 2011 ➤

Руководство по ремонту ходовой части, мостов, рулевого управления Фольксваген Амарок (2HA, 2HB). Редакция 01.2013

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 40 — Front suspension, 42 — Rear suspension, 44 — Wheels, tyres, vehicle geometry, 48 — Steering.

00 — Технические данные, 40 — Передняя подвеска, 42 — Задняя подвеска, 44 — Колеса, шины, углы установки колес, 48 — Рулевое управление.

134 страницы. 9 Mb.

Общая информация по рулевому управлению

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Коробки передач, сцепление

(Transmission, clutch)

8-speed automatic gearbox 0DR (eng.)
Repair Manual.

VW Amarok 2017 ➤

Руководство по ремонту коробки передач 0DR. Редакция 08.2020

Identification code: RMK, RUP, SZG, SZH, SZZ.

Engine 3.0 l — 150 kW turbo diesel

Engine 3.0 l — 165 kW turbo diesel

Engine 3.0 l — 190 kW turbo diesel

Repair Group: 00 — Technical data, 32 — Torque converter, 37 — Controls, housing, 38 — Gears, control,

89 страниц.

VW Amarok — Трансмиссия и концепция привода (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Пособие по программе самообразования VW 464.

Содержание: Введение, История полного привода в коммерческих автомобилях Volkswagen, Схема привода в Amarok, Трансмиссия, Органы управления, Программа для движения по бездорожью, 6-ступенчатая механическая коробка передач 0C6, Конструкция и работа коробки передач, Коробка передач в разрезе, Схема передачи крутящего момента, Привод рычага переключения передач, Механизм переключения передач в картере КП, Раздаточная коробка с подключаемым приводом передней оси 0C7, Раздаточная коробка с самоблокирующимся межосевым дифференциалом 0BU, Привод задней оси 0CC, Привод передней оси 0C1.

Amarok 6-ти ступенчатая механическая коробка передач 0C6 (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Коробка передач 0C6 разработана по заказу Volkswagen компанией ZF (выпускает завод в Бразилии). Буквенные обозначения MQU, MQV и др.

Технические характеристики, Устройство, Схемы передачи крутящего момента, Внешний механизм переключения, Внутренний механизм переключения, Выключатель фонарей заднего хода, Техническое обслуживание.

Amarok 2012 8-ступенчатая АКП 0CM (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения по технике

Автоматическая коробка передач Amarok представляет собой абсолютно новую 8-ступенчатую АКП, при разработке которой максимальное значение придавалось эффективности, комфортабельности переключения передач и скорости переключения, небольшой массе и надёжности Переключение передач происходит без разрыва потока мощности, а скорость переключения передач находится на уровне коробок передач DSG

Содержание: Введение, Трансмиссия, Раздаточная коробка, Конструктивные особенности, 8-ступенчатая АКП 0CM, Новый двигатель TDI 2,0 л 132 кВт, Селектор, Модуль селектора, Переключение селектора, Блокировка извлечения ключа зажигания, Аварийная разблокировка селектора, Конструкция коробки передач, Схема, Гидротрансформатор, Система подачи масла, Планетарная передача, Система управления коробки передач, Блок Mechatronik, Датчики, Исполнительные элементы, Работа коробки передач, Гидравлические устройства сопряжения, Система Старт-стоп, Гидравлический импульсный энергоаккумулятор HIS, Техническое обслуживание, Специнструмент, Адаптация коробки передач

8-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач 0D5 (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 584 VW.

На VW Touareg 2019 устанавливается 8-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач с гидротрансформатором 0D5 производства ZF. Она уже зарекомендовала себя на VW Amarok и на различных моделях Audi.

Эта 8-ступенчатая АКП оснащена гидротрансформатором с маятниковыми гасителями крутильных колебаний. Такая концепция обеспечивает при замкнутой муфте блокировки гидротрансформатора плавное движение при низкой частоте вращения.
А заметное сокращение времени переключения и реакции позволяет двигаться и в спортивно-динамичной манере. Дополнительные функции, такие как размыкание в неподвижном состоянии, система старт-стоп и режим движения накатом, сокращают расход топлива, а значит, и выбросы CO2.

Технические характеристики:

Производитель: ZF Getriebe GmbH,

Обозначение в службе сервиса: 0D5

Обозначение компании: ZF 8HP-65A

Обозначение в системе VW: AL552-8Q

Тип коробки передач: 8-ступенчатый планетарный редуктор с электрогидравлическим управлением

Гидротрансформатор: Со встроенными маятниковыми гасителями крутильных колебаний и блокировкой с регулированием по проскальзыванию

Масса, включая масло: Примерно 141 кг.

Диапазон передаточных чисел: 7,03

Макс. крутящий момент: До 700 Нм.

Содержание: Введение, 8-ступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач 0D5, Селектор, Определение положений селектора, Блокировка селектора, Конструкция коробки передач, Основные особенности, Гидротрансформатор, Насос ATF, Масляные контуры, Охлаждение масла ATF, Планетарный редуктор, Система управления коробки передач, Блок Mechatronik, Датчики и исполнительные механизмы, Схемы передачи крутящего момента на отдельных передачах, Размыкание в неподвижном состоянии, Функции коробки передач, Импульсный гидроаккумулятор, Блокировка трансмиссии на стоянке, Аварийная разблокировка трансмиссии на стоянке, Техническое обслуживание, Буксировка.

Volkswagen Amarok, концепции привода (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Управление, Полный привод, Раздаточная коробка Part Time (Offroad), Привод передних колес, Задний мост, Структурная схема полного привода, Раздаточная коробка Torsen (Onroad).

Информация по ремонту коробок передач VAG / Transmission repair

Данная информация по ремонту коробок передач подходит ко всем автомобилям VAG.



Volkswagen Amarok 2011 ➤ Body Repairs (eng.)
Workshop Manual. Редакция 10.2010

Руководство по ремонту кузова Фольксваген Амарок.

Размеры кузова, контрольные точки, геометрия кузова, сварка, ремонт, замена кузовных деталей и пр.

Содержание: 00 — Technical data, 50 — Body — front, 51 — Body — centre, 53 — Body — rear.

259 страниц. 8 Mb.

VW Amarok: General body repairs, interior (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok (2H) с 2011 года выпуска, VW Amarok (S7) с 2017 года выпуска.

Руководство по ремонту кузова (интерьера) Фольксваген Амарок (коды модели: 2H, S7). Редакция 03.2021.

В документации рассматриваются: внутреннее оборудование, защита пассажира, подушки безопасности, ремни безопасности, внутренняя отделка, каркасы сидений, обивка сидений / чехлы.

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 68 — Interior equipment, 69 — Passenger protection, 70 — Trim, insulation, 72 — Seat frames, 74 — Seat — padding, covers.

309 страниц.

VW Amarok: General body repairs, exterior (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok (2H) с 2011 года выпуска, VW Amarok (S7) с 2017 года выпуска.

Кузов / экстерьер Фольксваген Амарок (коды модели: 2H, S7) подробное руководство по разборке и ремонту. Редакция 12.2020.

Рассматриваются разделы: 50 — Кузов — перед, 55 — Капот, крышка багажника, 57 — Передние двери, компоненты дверей, центральный замок, 58 — Задние двери, компоненты дверей, 60 — Люк в крыше, 61 — Откидная крыша, жесткая крыша, 63 — Бамперы, 64 — Остекление, 66 — Наружное оборудование.

Содержание: 50 — Body — front, 55 — Bonnet, rear lid, 57 — Front doors, door components, central locking, 58 — Rear doors, door components, 60 — Sunroof, 61 — Convertible roof, hardtop, canopy, 63 — Bumpers, 64 — Glazing, 66 — Exterior equipment.

464 страницы.

Монтажные кузовные работы на VW Amarok 2011 (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Кузов, передний бампер, поперечина рамки радиатора, капот, крыло, расширитель колесной арки переднего колеса, передняя дверь, задняя дверь.

Body builder guidelines Amarok (eng.)
Руководство для желающих модифицировать кузов своего Амарока или полностью переделать его. 130 страниц.

Общая информация по кузову, шинам и дискам

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi


(Electrical equipment)

VW Amarok: Electrical system (eng.)
Repair Manual

VW Amarok (2H) с 2011 года выпуска

VW Amarok (S7) с 2017 года выпуска.

Руководство по ремонту электрооборудования Фольксваген Амарок (коды модели: 2H, S7). Редакция 12.2020

Технические данные, Стартер, источник тока, круиз-контроль, Датчики, приборы, Система омывания / очистки стекла, Фары, лампочки, выключатели — снаружи, Фары, лампочки, выключатели — интерьер, электропроводка.

Группы ремонта: 00 — Technical data, 27 — Starter, current supply, CCS, 90 — Gauges, instruments, 92 — Windscreen wash/wipe system, 94 — Lights, bulbs, switches — exterior, 96 — Lights, bulbs, switches — interior, 97 — Wiring.

275 страниц.

Volkswagen Amarok — Fitting Locations (eng.)

Расположение всех электронных блоков, предохранителей и реле, места установки разъемов. Номинальная величина предохранителей и за что они отвечают. Распиновка всех разъемов для Фольксваген Амарок (2HA, 2HB) 2011 — 2016

76 страниц 1 Mb.

VW Amarok — Current Flow Diagram (eng.)
Wiring Diagrams

Полные цветные электросхемы для Фольксваген Амарок с 2010 года выпуска.

2.0l diesel engine, CDBA from December 2009

2.0l diesel engine, CDCA from December 2009

2.0l petrol engine, CFPA from December 2010

2.0l diesel engine, CNEA, CSHA from September 2011

2.0l diesel engine, CNEA, CSHA, CNFA, CNFB from June 2012

8-speed automatic gearbox with Tiptronic, (G1G)

1041 страница

VW Amarok 2016 — Current Flow Diagram (eng.)
Wiring Diagrams

VW Amarok 2017 ➤

Полные цветные электросхемы для Фольксваген Амарок (код модели: S7A, S7B) с 2016 года выпуска.

2.0l petrol engine CFPA

2.0l diesel engine, CNFB

2.0l diesel engine, CNEA, CNEB, CSHA

2.0l diesel engine with start/stop system, CNEA, CNEB, CSHA

3.0l diesel engine, DDXA, DDXB, DDXC, DDXD, DDXE

8-speed automatic gearbox with Tiptronic

721 страница.

Volkswagen Amarok, электронный компоненты и системы комфорта (rus.)
Техническое обучение VW.

Электрооборудование и система освещения, Концепция информационной сети, Блок управления бортовой сети, Радио и антенны, Климатические установки.

Ремонт генератора — нет зарядки, подмигивание лампы генератора (rus.)

Навигационная система Volkswagen RNS 310 и RNS 315 (rus.)
Руководство по эксплуатации на русском языке.

Коды комплектаций: RNS 310 — 7T2 и RNS 315 — 7UC.

Данные системы навигации RNS 310 и RNS 315 устанавливались в Volkswagen Amarok, VW Caddy, VW Golf, VW Golf Plus, VW Jetta, VW Passat, VW Polo, VW Tiguan, VW Touran, VW Transporter/Caravelle и др.

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Техническая документация по ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Amarok

( все годы выпуска) Бесплатно, без регистрации и СМС

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Volkswagen Amarok

— полные технические характеристики Volkswagen Amarok
— особенности эксплуатации Volkswagen Amarok
— устранение неисправностей
— цветные электросхемы


Руководство по эксплуатации Volkswagen Amarok

— полные технические характеристики Volkswagen Amarok
— особенности эксплуатации
— устранение неисправностей Volkswagen Amarok
— цветные электросхемы


Руководство по ремонту в фотографиях Volkswagen Amarok

— полные технические характеристики Volkswagen Amarok
— особенности эксплуатации 
— устранение неисправностей
— более 2000 фотографий процесса ремонта Volkswagen Amarok


Каталог деталей и сборочных единиц Volkswagen Amarok

— таблица взаимозаменяемости деталей автомобилей Volkswagen Amarok
— предназначен для работников СТО и владельцев автомобилей Volkswagen Amarok
— каталог деталей


Подробная электросхема Volkswagen Amarok

— полное описание электрооборудования Volkswagen Amarok
— подробно описан алгоритм поиска неисправностей электрооборудования (стартер, генератор, система зажигания) 
— подробная схема электрооборудования ( электро схема ) Volkswagen Amarok


Руководство по ремонту двигателя Volkswagen Amarok

— полные технические характеристики двигателя Volkswagen Amarok
— особенности конструкции и ремонта двигателя 
— устранение неисправностей двигателя своими руками Volkswagen Amarok
— подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки двигателя с фотографиями


Руководство по ремонту коробок передач КПП Volkswagen Amarok

— полные технические характеристики КПП Volkswagen Amarok
— особенности конструкции и ремонта КПП Volkswagen Amarok
— устранение неисправностей КПП
— подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки КПП  с фотографиями

Коды ошибок инжектора Volkswagen Amarok

— описание и схема инжектора
— расшифровка кодов неисправностей двигателя Volkswagen Amarok
— устранение неисправностей инжектора Volkswagen Amarok
— цветные электросхемы

Руководство по тюнингу Volkswagen Amarok

— тюнинг своими руками Volkswagen Amarok
— тюнинг двигателя
— тюнинг кузова
— тюнинг подвески

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  5. Amarok 2011
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Amarok 2011 ➤

Edition 01.2011

Service Department. Technical Information


Related Manuals for Volkswagen Amarok 2011

Summary of Contents for Volkswagen Amarok 2011

  • Page 1
    Service Maintenance Amarok 2011 ➤ Edition 01.2011 Service Department. Technical Information…
  • Page 2
    In addition, the normal basic safety precautions for working on motor vehicles must, as a matter of course, be observed. All rights reserved. No reproduction without prior agreement from publisher. Copyright © 2011 Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg D3E8027339B…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Contents Engine list …………. .

  • Page 4
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.34 Engine and components in engine compartment (from above and below): Perform visual check for leaks and damage ……….
  • Page 5: Engine List

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Engine list Diesel engines ⇒ page 1 Petrol engines ⇒ page 1 Diesel engines Note To ease the search for an engine, the engine codes are listed in alphabetical order. Engines: ⇒ Diesel engines…

  • Page 6: Service Work

    Vehicles with PR number „QG1“ With the LongLife system, a new technology was introduced by Volkswagen commercial vehicles whereby an interval service is only performed when the vehicle needs it. What is so special about it is that individual conditions of use and personal driving style are taken into consideration when deter‐…

  • Page 7
    For normal operating conditions achieving these service intervals is technically assured. This means that the indicated mileage or time intervals have al‐ ready been determined and specified by Volkswagen Commer‐ cial Vehicles. Therefore the service intervals for time or distance dependent service are non-flexible.
  • Page 8
    ♦ This means that the mileage or time values have been previ‐ ously determined and specified by Volkswagen. ♦ For normal operating conditions achieving these service in‐ tervals is technically assured.
  • Page 9: Service Tables, Inland

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Press button -A- in dash panel insert four times until „spanner symbol“ appears in dash panel insert -B-. ♦ On the dash panel insert display, an overdue service is indi‐ cated by a minus sign in front of the mileage or day information.

  • Page 10: Service Tables, Export

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Amarok Service intervals, inland 2010 ► From to Engine/ Service: Indication on SID Engine code/ Intervals (with oil change) PR No./Remarks ⇒ page 4 2010 ▶ QG0/QG2 or QG1 vehi‐ Oil change service every cles coded to fixed inter‐…

  • Page 11
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Amarok Service interval, export 2010 ► From to Engine/ Service: Indication on SID Engine code/ Intervals (with oil change) PR No./Remarks 2010 ▶ QG0/QG2 or QG1 vehi‐ Oil change service cles coded to fixed inter‐…
  • Page 12
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Oil change intervals depending on sulphur content in fuel Fuel quality (EN590) ◀ 500 ppm 500-2,000 ppm 2,000-4,000 ppm ▶ 4,000 ppm Change interval 20,000 km 10,000 km 7,500 km 5,000 km Mexico…
  • Page 13: Service Tables, Argentina And Brazil

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Oil change intervals depending on sulphur content in fuel Fuel quality (EN590) ◀ 500 ppm 500-2,000 ppm 2,000-4,000 ppm ▶ 4,000 ppm Change interval 20,000 km 10,000 km 7,500 km 5,000 km Iran…

  • Page 14: Vw Engine Oil Standards

    Only for markets where diesel complies with EN 590. Only for markets with elevated sulphur content in diesel fuel. Further engine oils of other suppliers approved by Volkswagen commercial vehicles can be found in ⇒ Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles ServiceNet, Technical information, Inspections and…

  • Page 15
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Work to be completed Page ♦ Radio code: Request (customer should be informed of radio code IF DESIRED) ⇒ page 99 Vehicle interior ♦ All switches, electrical consumers, sockets, gauges and other control elements: Check function ♦…
  • Page 16: Scopes Of Service

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Work to be completed Page ♦ Brake system: Perform visual check for leaks and damage ⇒ page 60 Engine compartment ♦ Engine and components in engine compartment (from above): Perform visual check for ⇒…

  • Page 17
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 may need to be performed when services are due ⇒ page 15 ♦ It is possible to have additional work done outside the service intervals, with account being taken of the entries in the service schedule (or service sticker: „Your next service dates“).
  • Page 18
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Int. Insp. Measure ♦ Tread depth, condition, wear pattern, age, inflation pressure (including spare tyre): Check, rectify as necessary ⇒ page 56 Vehicle from below ♦ Engine and components in engine compartment (from below): Visual check for leaks and damage ♦…
  • Page 19: Time Or Distance Dependent Additional Work

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Int. Insp. Measure ♦ Headlights: Check adjustment ⇒ page 106 ♦ Vehicle system test: Perform ⇒ page 74 ♦ Service interval display: Reset (observe „2024733“) ⇒ page 109 ♦ „Your next service“ sticker: Enter next due date…

  • Page 20
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Measure: Interval ♦ Dust and pollen filter (cabin filter): Clean housing Every 60,000 km and renew filter element ⇒ page 80 ♦ Spark plugs: Renew ⇒ page 131 ♦ Air filter: Clean housing and renew filter element (reset learnt values of engine control unit -J623- ) ♦…
  • Page 21: Market Specific Deviations — Scope Of Work For Argentina And Brazil

    Wear on brake linings is heavily dependent on operating con‐ ditions and driving style. If urban and short-distance driving are common as well as if there is a sporty driving style, Volkswagen recommends having the thickness of the brake linings checked in the workshop more often than specified in the service schedule.

  • Page 22
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Deviations in scope of work relating to oil change, interval and inspection service Additional work Page ♦ Toothed belt and tensioning roller for camshaft drive: Check ⇒ page 130 • Not with oil change service ♦…
  • Page 23: General

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 General ♦ Sticker ⇒ page 20 ♦ Entries in service schedule ⇒ page 22 ♦ Severe conditions ⇒ page 20 ♦ Vehicle identification number (chassis number) ⇒ page 19 ♦ Vehicle data sticker ⇒…

  • Page 24: Severe Operating Conditions

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 The sticker shows the following vehicle data. 1 — Vehicle identification number (chassis number) 2 — Vehicle type, engine output, gearbox 3 — Engine and gearbox code letters, paint number, interior equip‐ ment…

  • Page 25
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Enter next service due: Enter a cross according to „service interval display“ and enter date and odometer reading. – Apply service sticker on driver side door pillar (B-pillar). 3.5.2 Attaching „vehicle data sticker“ into cus‐…
  • Page 26: Entries In Service Schedule

    Note RME fuel may only be used in vehicles which have been ap‐ ♦ proved by Volkswagen for this purpose with RME fuel — either in the standard version or in vehicles with optional equipment (PR number »2G0«). The production control number »2G0« on the vehicle data ♦…

  • Page 27
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note The RME compatibility of the vehicle is indicated by the pro‐ ♦ duction control number »2G0« on the vehicle data sticker. If the vehicle is not designed to run on biodiesel, the production control number »2G2«…
  • Page 28: Descriptions Of Work

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Descriptions of work ♦ Swivel joints: Visual check ⇒ page 44 ♦ Four-wheel drive: Insert fuse ⇒ page 77 ♦ Lifting vehicle ⇒ page 25 ♦ Reading ash mass (saturation level) of diesel particulate filter ⇒…

  • Page 29: Lifting Vehicle

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Engine oil: Drain or extract; renew oil filter and replenish en‐ gine oil ⇒ page 91 ♦ Oil level: Check ⇒ page 91 ♦ Check breakdown set ⇒ page 96 ♦ Performing road test ⇒…

  • Page 30
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.1.1 Raising vehicle with wheel lifts as main support WARNING ♦ Before driving onto a lifting platform, ensure that there is sufficient clearance between low-lying vehicle compo‐ nents and lifting platform. ♦ Before driving a vehicle onto a lifting platform it must be ensured that the vehicle weight does not exceed the per‐…
  • Page 31
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Vehicle can now be raised and lowered to required working height. 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 32
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 33
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.1.2 Raising vehicle under rear axle tube WARNING ♦ Before driving onto a lifting platform, ensure that there is sufficient clearance between low-lying vehicle compo‐ nents and lifting platform. ♦ Before driving a vehicle onto a lifting platform it must be ensured that the vehicle weight does not exceed the per‐…
  • Page 34
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note When assembly work is performed on running gear (front axle and rear axle) then raising vehicle under rear ♦ axle should only be used as an alternative to main support ⇒ page 26 The vehicle may only be lifted at points indicated in order to avoid damaging vehicle and to prevent vehicle ♦…
  • Page 35
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Vehicle can now be raised and lowered to required working height. 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 36
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 37
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.1.3 Raising vehicle before rear axle tube WARNING ♦ Before driving onto a lifting platform, ensure that there is sufficient clearance between low-lying vehicle compo‐ nents and lifting platform. ♦ Before driving a vehicle onto a lifting platform it must be ensured that the vehicle weight does not exceed the per‐…
  • Page 38
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Perform the following jobs: – Front support arms of lifting platform with rubber plate sup‐ ports are positioned in area of front bolted gearbox cross member. – Rear support arms of lifting platform with rubber plate supports -1- are positioned in front of front leaf spring supports -2- under vehicle frame.
  • Page 39
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 40
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.1.4 Alternative lift for front of vehicle WARNING ♦ Before driving onto a lifting platform, ensure that there is sufficient clearance between low-lying vehicle compo‐ nents and lifting platform. ♦ Before driving a vehicle onto a lifting platform it must be ensured that the vehicle weight does not exceed the per‐…
  • Page 41
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Perform the following jobs: – Front support arms -1- of lifting platform with rubber plate sup‐ ports are positioned in area of front bolted gearbox cross member. – Additionally secure vehicles with tensioning straps -T10038- -2- directly on frame of front and rear support arms of lifting platform.
  • Page 42
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 43
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.1.5 Alternative lift for rear of vehicle WARNING ♦ Before driving onto a lifting platform, ensure that there is sufficient clearance between low-lying vehicle compo‐ nents and lifting platform. ♦ Before driving a vehicle onto a lifting platform it must be ensured that the vehicle weight does not exceed the per‐…
  • Page 44
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note For assembly work on vehicle, e.g. removal of front axle and rear axle, vehicle can be raised before rear ♦ axle tube as an alternative ⇒ page 33 The vehicle may only be lifted at points indicated in order to avoid damaging vehicle and to prevent vehicle ♦…
  • Page 45
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Vehicle can now be raised and lowered to required working height. 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 46
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.1.6 Additional support of vehicle Note Depending on assembly condition of vehicle, it can be secured ♦ using height-adjustable stands -2- in addition to lashing it to support arms of lifting platform with tensioning straps — T10038- .
  • Page 47
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Alternatively, height-adjustable stands -2- can be positioned under rear leaf spring bracket -1- on rear axle tube. 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 48: Swivel Joints: Visual Check

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Swivel joints: Visual check Perform the following jobs: 4. Descriptions of work…

  • Page 49: Reading Ash Mass (Saturation Level) Of Diesel Particulate Filter

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Check boots -arrow- of lower swivel joints for leaks and dam‐ age. – Check boots -arrow- of upper swivel joints for leaks and dam‐ age. Reading ash mass (saturation level) of diesel particulate filter…

  • Page 50
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 ♦ Diagnosis cable, 2 m -VAS 5052/3 A- ♦ Diagnosis cable, 5 m -VAS 5052/3 A-1- Perform the following jobs: – Pull on handbrake.
  • Page 51: Battery: Check Battery Terminal Clamps For Secure Seating

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Select „Measured value block 68 — ash mass DPF“ -arrow- on screen and confirm with button. Done – Follow instructions of vehicle diagnostic, testing and informa‐ tion system -VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- .

  • Page 52
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note The battery terminal clamps must only be connected by hand ♦ without using force, to ensure the battery housing is not dam‐ aged. Battery terminals must not be greased. ♦ Always adhere to the sequence of work steps.
  • Page 53
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Check whether battery clamps are secure on battery terminals by moving battery negative cable -1- and battery positive cable -2- back and forth. WARNING If the battery terminal clamp is not seated securely on the pos‐…
  • Page 54
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.4.2 Battery terminal connections Caution To prevent damage to the battery terminal clamps and the bat‐ tery terminals, observe the following: ♦ The battery terminal clamps must only be connected by hand (without using force).
  • Page 55: Battery: Perform Visual Check And Check Magic Eye

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Battery: Perform visual check and check magic eye Perform the following jobs: – Visual inspection of battery as well as a battery check using „magic eye“ ♦ Battery: Perform visual check ⇒ Electrical system; Rep. gr.

  • Page 56
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Disconnect battery terminal clamp -1- on battery negative ter‐ minal first. – Separate connector -1- between vehicle side cable and wiring harness to battery cut-off relay. – Separate connector -2- of wiring harness for battery cut-off relay from brake fluid reservoir.
  • Page 57
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Loosen hexagon flange nut (10 mm) -1- from battery cut-off relay and remove cable to main fuse box -2- from connection. Procedure for RHD vehicles On RHD vehicles an additional adapter cable is installed to extend the wiring harness of the battery cut-off relay to connect the brake fluid reservoir in right engine compartment.
  • Page 58
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Remove red terminal cap -1- from ashtray and insert it into thread of jump start point -2-. – Reconnect battery terminal clamp to battery negative terminal. – Tighten securing bolt of terminal clamp to specified torque ⇒…
  • Page 59: Front Passenger Front Airbag: Check Key Switch And „On/Off Function

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Front passenger front airbag: Check key switch and „On/Off function“ Note If the airbag is deactivated, the front airbag, side airbag and cur‐ tain airbag are deactivated on the front passenger side. All other airbags in the vehicle remain functional.

  • Page 60: Checking Tyres: Condition, Wear Pattern, Tyre Pressure, Tread Depth

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Checking tyres: Condition, wear pattern, tyre pressure, tread depth Note The following descriptions of work also apply to the spare ♦ wheel, if a spare wheel with standard tyres is fitted. For safety reasons, only tyres of same type and tread pattern ♦…

  • Page 61
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note If damage is determined, always check to see if a new tyre should be fitted. Tests at interval service Perform the following jobs: – Check following areas of tyre for damage: ♦ »Tyre treads«…
  • Page 62
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note This value may vary according to different legislation in indi‐ ♦ vidual countries. The minimum tread depth is reached when the tyres have ♦ worn down level with the 1.6 mm high tread wear indicators -arrows- positioned at intervals around the tyre.
  • Page 63
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ V: up to 240 km/h Tyre pressure table: Applies to all factory-fitted tyre sizes. Permitted axle load Type of tyre Half payload Full payload Full load: FA / RA (kg) front rear…
  • Page 64: Brake System: Perform Visual Check For Leaks And Damage

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Permitted axle load Type of tyre Half payload Full payload Full load: FA / RA (kg) 1420 / 1860 ♦ 205 R16 C 110/108 T • Summer tyres • M&S (winter tyres) •…

  • Page 65: Front Brake Pads/Linings: Check Thickness

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Check brake connections and fastenings for correct seating, leaks and corrosion. WARNING Faults found must always be rectified (repair measure). 4.10 Front brake pads/linings: Check thick‐ ness Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦…

  • Page 66
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Adapter set for tamper-proof wheel bolts -T10190- ♦ Electric hand torch and mirror 4.10.1 Front brake pads Check thickness using test pin -T40139- Note The wheel rim geometry of some vehicles may make it im‐…
  • Page 67
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Wear limit: 9 mm WARNING The brake pads have reached their wear limit at a brake pad thickness of 9 mm (value shown on test pin) (including back‐ plate) and must be renewed. Inform customer!
  • Page 68: Rear Drum Brake Linings: Check Thickness

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Assess or measure inner and outer pad thickness. a — Pad thickness „without“ backplate Wear limit: 2 mm WARNING The brake pads have reached their wear limit at a brake pad thickness of 2 mm (without backplate) and must be renewed (repair measure).

  • Page 69: Brake System And Shock Absorbers: Perform Visual Check For Leaks And Damage

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.12 Brake system and shock absorbers: Perform visual check for leaks and dam‐ Check following components for leaks and damage: ♦ Brake master cylinder ♦ Hydraulic unit ♦ Brake calipers ♦ Shock absorber ♦…

  • Page 70
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Brake filling and bleeding equipment -VAS 5234- ♦ Brake pedal actuator -V.A.G 1869/2- ♦ Upgrade kit and extraction unit -V.A.G 1869/4- Perform the following procedure: – Unscrew sealing cover -1- from brake fluid reservoir -2-.
  • Page 71
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Extract as much brake fluid as possible using suction hose from brake filling and bleeding equipment -VAS 5234- . WARNING Do not reuse extracted (used) brake fluid! – Screw adapter -1- onto brake fluid reservoir -2-.
  • Page 72
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Push collector bottle bleed hose -1- onto rear right bleed valve. – Open bleeder valve and let appropriate quantity of brake fluid run out (see table). – Close bleeder valve again. Repeat procedure on rear left of vehicle.
  • Page 73: Brake Fluid Level: Check

    ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue „ETKA“ . Permissible brake fluid specifications ♦ Volkswagen recommends using new brake fluid acc. to VW Standard 501 14 for optimum function of brake system. ♦ Alternatively, a brake fluid acc. to requirements of US standard FMVSS 116 DOT4 or DIN ISO 4925 Class 4 can be used.

  • Page 74: Climatronic: Set Temperature To 22 °C

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.14.1 Checking brake fluid level at delivery in‐ spection At delivery inspection the fluid level must be at MAX. marking -1-. Note In order that brake fluid does not overflow the reservoir, MAX marking -1- must not be exceeded.

  • Page 75: Window Regulators: Check Positioning (Open And Close Functions)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Press -1- The „AUTO High“ function (high blower output) AUTO has been activated. The right-hand warning lamp in the button lights up. – Press -1- again. The „AUTO Low “ function (low blower AUTO output) has been activated.

  • Page 76
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.17.1 Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- or ve‐ hicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- and select func‐ tions Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- or subsequent units ♦…
  • Page 77
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 ♦ Diagnosis cable, 2 m -VAS 5052/3 A- ♦ Diagnosis cable, 5 m -VAS 5052/3 A-1- Note Observe current operating instructions for vehicle diagnostic, ♦…
  • Page 78: Performing Vehicle System Test

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Connect diagnosis cable connector to diagnosis connection with ignition switched off. – Switch on tester. – Switch on ignition. – Touch the field on the screen for Guided fault finding Guided functions –…

  • Page 79
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note If faults are stored, the respective event memory must not be cleared. Reason: If the subsequent fault finding (repair measure) is performed using vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnosis and service information system -VAS 5052…
  • Page 80
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Indicated on display: – Select function -arrow- on display of Vehicle system test vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- . – Start system test by selecting function Start system test on display of vehicle diagnostic, testing and information sys‐…
  • Page 81: Four-Wheel Drive: Insert Fuse

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 There are two ways to clear the event memory: ♦ Clearing event memory by selecting individual control units: Perform the following jobs: – Select control unit in question individually in overview, select and then press…

  • Page 82
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Release fuse holder C -SC- -1- -arrows- and fold down fuse holder C -SC- . – Remove „SC fuse / 25 A“ -arrow-, which is attached to dash panel insert -K- .
  • Page 83
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system — VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- ⇒ page 71 Note ♦ Observe current operating instructions for vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- or vehicle diag‐…
  • Page 84: Protective Bellows: Visual Check

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.20 Protective bellows: Visual check Perform the following jobs: – Check outer and inner CV joint boots -arrows- for leaks and damage. 4.21 Dust and pollen filter: Clean housing and renew filter element…

  • Page 85: Poly V-Belt: Check Condition

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Observe installation position of filter element -arrows-. – Insert new filter -1-. – Close cover -2- and bolt on with bolts -1-. 4.22 Poly V-belt: Check condition Perform the following jobs: – Use a socket spanner to turn the engine at the vibration damp‐…

  • Page 86: High Pressure Pump: Check

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Check poly V-belt -1- for: ♦ Substructure cracks (cracks, core ruptures, cross sectional breaks) ♦ Layer separation (top layer, cord strands) ♦ Base break-up ♦ Fraying of cord strands ♦ Flank wear (material wear, frayed flanks, brittle flanks -glassy flanks-, surface cracks) ♦…

  • Page 87: Fuel System: Bleed (Diesel Engine)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – To pull off lines -1- press release buttons on connecting pieces of fuel filter -2-. – To remove fuel filter -1-, press fuel filter from below -movement arrow- upwards out of holder -2- and remove it downwards.

  • Page 88: Fuel Filter: Drain Water (Diesel Engine)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Perform the following jobs: – Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system — VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- with ignition switched off ⇒ page 71 – Switch on ignition.

  • Page 89
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note From model year 2008 all engines are filled with coolant ad‐ ♦ ditive G 12 Plus Plus (purple). G 12 Plus Plus can be mixed with coolant additives G 11 (green), G 12 (red) and G 12 Plus (purple)! But because of its positive characteristics, ensure that only G 12 Plus is used when replenishing.
  • Page 90
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 The scale -1- of the refractometer is calibrated for coolant addi‐ tives G 11, G 12; G 12 Plus and G 12 Plus Plus. The scale -2- is only calibrated for coolant additive G 13 (initially L80).
  • Page 91
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Initial filling / standard filling Can be G12+ G12++ mixed from 1994 from 1996 from 2000 from 2005 with … G12+ G12++ ♦ „X“ May be mixed ♦ „0“ May NOT be mixed ♦…
  • Page 92: Air Filter: Clean Housing And Renew Filter Element

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note Coolant additive G 12 Plus Plus prevents frost and corrosion ♦ damage, scaling and also raises boiling point of coolant. For these reasons, the cooling system must be filled all-year- round with a coolant and corrosion protection additives.

  • Page 93
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Perform the following jobs: Removing – Before changing air filter, clean outside of components with compressed air. – Seal all openings of components using caps or hood covers immediately after removal. – Pull connector -1- off intake air temperature sender -G42- and connector -2- from air mass meter -G70- .
  • Page 94: Air Filter With Saturation Indicator In Dash Panel Insert

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Then push connector -1- onto intake air temperature sender — G42- and connector -2- onto air mass meter -G70- . 4.30 Air filter with saturation indicator in dash panel insert: Note When rectifying a saturated filter as a separate job, clean air filter housing and renew filter element.

  • Page 95: Engine Oil Level: Check

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.32 Engine oil level: Check Note In engines with engine codes CFPA, CDBA and CDCA, it is only possible to assess and check oil level when engine is at operating temperature. Perform the following jobs: –…

  • Page 96
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.33.1 Draining or extracting engine oil Note For engines with standing oil filter the oil filter must be renewed before changing the engine oil. When removing the filter element a valve is opened, the oil in the filter housing automatically flows into crankcase.
  • Page 97
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Renewing oil filter, engine with engine code CFPA ⇒ page 94 4.33.3 Renewing oil filter, engine with engine codes CDBA, CDCA Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331-…
  • Page 98
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.33.4 Renewing oil filter, engine with engine code CFPA Note Observe disposal regulations! Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- ♦ Oil filter tool -VAS 3417- ♦ Oil filter with tensioning strap Hazet — 2171-1 ♦…
  • Page 99: Engine And Components In Engine Compartment (From Above And Below): Perform Visual

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.33.5 Replenishing engine oil VW engine oil standards ⇒ page 10 Engine oil capacities see ⇒ Engine lubrication; Rep. gr. 17 General notes Perform the following jobs: – After replenishing with oil, wait at least 3 minutes and then check oil level.

  • Page 100: Bonnet Catch: Clean, Ensure Attachment Is Secure And Lubricate

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.35 Bonnet catch: Clean, ensure attach‐ ment is secure and lubricate Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Universal cloth -VAS 6385- Perform the following jobs: – Clean bonnet catch -arrow- with cleaning solution -D 009 401 04- and, for example, a universal cloth -VAS 6385- .

  • Page 101: Performing Road Test

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note If the breakdown set is not found at the fitting location described, this can be found in ⇒ vehicle wallet . 4.36.2 Check minimum use-by date The breakdown set consists of the compressor and a tyre filler bottle with sealant .

  • Page 102: Wheel Securing Bolts: Tighten To Specified Torque

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Steering: Function, steering free clearance, steering wheel centred when vehicle is travelling straight ahead – Radio/radio navigation system: Function, reception, GALA, in‐ terference noise – Multi-function indicator (MFI): Functions – Air conditioning system: Function –…

  • Page 103: Reading Radio Code

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Hook puller hook into one drilling of wheel hub trim and pull off in -direction of arrow-. Pulling off wheel bolt caps. Note Before removing wheel bolts, remove the cover caps. The puller hook to remove the cover caps is located with the ve‐…

  • Page 104
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 • Available access for the user of the system „GeKo“ (secrecy and component protection) Note The radio codes are read in the central database (Carport, ♦ Fazit) and are indicated on display of vehicle diagnostic, test‐…
  • Page 105: Radio / Radio Navigation System: Enter Anti-Theft Coding Pin

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note Inform the customer about the radio code. Reading radio code using „ElsaWin“ (Electronic Service Informa‐ tion System) and Vehicle Individual Service Notes „FISH“ Reading the radio code was integrated with „ElsaWin“ (Electronic Service Information System) version 3.0 into Vehicle Individual…

  • Page 106: Radio Navigation System: Insert Navigation Cd/Dvd And Perform Update

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 curity codes. Security code means that each unit with an anti-theft coding is programmed with its own code number. This security code is not active when leaving the factory. The security code is found on the unit card, if fitted.

  • Page 107
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Refractometer -T10007- Read precise value for the following tests at bright/dark boundary. Using a pipette, place a drop of water on the glass to improve the readability of the bright/dark boundary. The bright/dark boundary can be clearly recognised on the „WATERLINE“.
  • Page 108
    Windscreen Clear with antifreeze G 052 164. The scale -2- is designed for commercially available windscreen cleanser as well as a mixture of commercially available wind‐ screen cleanser and genuine Volkswagen Windscreen Clear with antifreeze G 052 164. Mixture ratio…
  • Page 109: Windscreen Wiper Blades: Check Park Position

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Windscreen spray jet settings: The washer jets are preset. However, small height differences can be compensated for. Perform the following jobs: – If spray field is not at correct height, adjust spray direction up‐…

  • Page 110: Headlight Adjustment: Check, If Necessary Adjust

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Wiper blade tips should be located at marked position -arrow- on windscreen. – Adjust park position by moving wiper arm if necessary. – Switch windscreen wiper on and off and let it move into park position.

  • Page 111
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Perform the following jobs: – Read fuel level in fuel tank on fuel gauge. Determine additional weight from following table and place weight in luggage com‐ partment. Fuel gauge table Fuel level of…
  • Page 112
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 The bright core of the light beam must be to the right of the vertical line. Note To simplify determination of the breaking point -2-, cover and ♦ uncover left (from driver perspective) half of the headlight a few times.
  • Page 113: Service Interval Display: Reset

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Height adjustment bolt -1- ♦ Height/lateral adjustment bolt -2- – For height adjustment, turn adjustment screws -1- and -2- with same number of turns. – For lateral adjustment, only turn adjuster screw -2-.

  • Page 114
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note Observe current operating instructions for vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- , which are shown on display after selecting the functions…
  • Page 115: Service Interval Display: Recode (Adapt)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Indicated on display: – Select function -arrow- on display. GoTo Indicated on display: – Touch function -arrow- on display. – Select function in „End menu“. – Switch off ignition and separate diagnosis connections.

  • Page 116: Service Interval: Adjusting (Inland)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Select one after another: ♦ „Dash panel insert“ -arrow- ♦ „Adapting service interval extension“. – Perform adaptation according to the information of „Guided functions“. Ending adaptation. Indicated on display: – Select function -arrow- on display.

  • Page 117
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Diagnosis cable -VAS 5051/5A- ♦ Vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 ♦ Diagnosis cable, 2 m -VAS 5052/3 A- ♦ Diagnosis cable, 5 m -VAS 5052/3 A-1- ♦ Battery charger -VAS 5903-…
  • Page 118
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Battery charger, 60A -VAS 5904- Perform the following jobs: – Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system — VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- ⇒ page 71…
  • Page 119
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Select „17 — Adapt service interval“ -arrow- Note With this function, the service interval display is adapted for ♦ vehicles without LongLife service (production control number „QG0/G1“. If this function is performed on vehicles with LongLife service, ♦…
  • Page 120
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Confirm vehicle market query with „Yes“ or „No“ -arrow-. Note Keep confirming the vehicle market query with „Yes“ or „No“ until the desired country appears on the display. – Confirm end of „Adapt interval“ routine with „Done“ button -arrow-.
  • Page 121: Service Interval: Adjusting (Export)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Confirm end of „Adapt interval“ routine with „Done“ button -arrow-. – Exit „Guided functions“. – Switch off ignition. – Remove vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system — VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnosis and service information system -VAS 5052 A- from vehicle.

  • Page 122
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Diagnosis cable, 5 m -VAS 5052/3 A-1- ♦ Battery charger -VAS 5903- ♦ Battery charger, 60A -VAS 5904- Perform the following jobs: – Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system — VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- ⇒…
  • Page 123
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Select „17 — Dash panel insert“ -arrow- – Select „17 — Adapt service interval“ -arrow- Note With this function, the service interval display is adapted for ♦ vehicles without LongLife service (production control number „QG0/G1“.
  • Page 124
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Select service with „1 — Delivery inspection“ ⇒ page 120 -arrow- or „2 — Other service work“ ⇒ page 120 button. „1“ Delivery inspection – Confirm vehicle market query with „Yes“ or „No“ -arrow-.
  • Page 125: Service Interval: Adjusting (Argentina And Brazil)

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – The service selection window is activated again by pressing the -No- button -arrow-. – Confirm end of „Adapt interval“ routine with „Done“ button -arrow-. – Exit „Guided functions“. – Switch off ignition.

  • Page 126
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 ♦ Diagnosis cable, 2 m -VAS 5052/3 A- ♦ Diagnosis cable, 5 m -VAS 5052/3 A-1- ♦ Battery charger -VAS 5903- 4. Descriptions of work…
  • Page 127
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Battery charger, 60A -VAS 5904- Perform the following jobs: – Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system — VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 A- ⇒ page 71…
  • Page 128
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Select „17 — Adapt service interval“ -arrow- Note With this function, the service interval display is adapted for ♦ vehicles without LongLife service (production control number „QG0/G1“. If this function is performed on vehicles with LongLife service, ♦…
  • Page 129
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Confirm vehicle market query with „Yes“ or „No“ -arrow-. Note Keep confirming the vehicle market query with „Yes“ or „No“ until the desired country appears on the display. – Confirm end of „Adapt interval“ routine with „Done“ button -arrow-.
  • Page 130: Track Rod Ends: Check Clearance, Security And Boots

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Confirm end of „Adapt interval“ routine with „Done“ button -arrow-. – Exit „Guided functions“. – Switch off ignition. – Remove vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system — VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnosis and service information system -VAS 5052 A- from vehicle.

  • Page 131
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Perform the following jobs: – Unscrew sealing cover -arrow- with built-in dipstick from tank. – Wipe off dipstick using a clean cloth. – Screw sealing cover on until finger tight and then unscrew again.
  • Page 132: Doors: Grease Door Arrester

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.53 Doors: Grease door arrester Perform the following jobs: – Lubricate door arrester at positions marked -arrows-. – Use lubricating paste -G 000 150- or lock cylinder lubricating spray -G 052 778 A2- .

  • Page 133: Underbody Protection: Perform Visual Check For Damage

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.56 Underbody protection: Perform visual check for damage During visual check, also check floor pan, wheel housings and sills. Note Faults found must always be rectified (repair measure). This in‐ hibits corrosion and rusting through.

  • Page 134: Camshaft Drive Toothed Belt And Toothed Belt Tensioning Roller: Renew

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Press button -A- again to mark the minute display. – Briefly pressing -A- changes time by one minute 0.0 / SET for every press. – Pressing -A- for longer changes minute value 0.0 / SET…

  • Page 135: Coolant Pump Toothed Belt Sprocket And Toothed Belt: Renew

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Check toothed belt condition, looking for: ♦ -A- Cracks, cross-sectional breaks, cracks (coating) ♦ -B- Side contact ♦ -C- Fraying of cord strands ♦ -D- Cracks (in teeth base) ♦ Layer separation (toothed belt body, draw strands) ♦…

  • Page 136
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 ♦ Puller -T40039- Removing Perform the following jobs: – Pull out all ignition coils with final output stage from cylinder head approx. 30 mm using puller -T40039- . – Release connector -arrows- and simultaneously pull all con‐…
  • Page 137: Removing And Installing Skid Plate

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 4.62 Removing and installing skid plate Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- (6-50 Nm) Note Get a second mechanic to help you to remove and install skid plate. Perform the following jobs: – Unscrew bolts -2-, -3- and -4- one after another.

  • Page 138: Exhaust Emissions Test

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Exhaust emissions test Note The following exhaust emissions test description is applicable only in countries where no specific exhaust emission regulations have to be adhered to. Exhaust emissions test intervals in Germany: Vehicles with regulated catalytic converter or vehicles with diesel engine: ♦…

  • Page 139: Exhaust Emissions Test For Petrol Engines With Engine Code Cfpa

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Exhaust emissions test for petrol en‐ gines with engine code CFPA Note The following description refers to vehicles fitted with „On‐ ♦ board diagnosis“ (OBD) and regulated catalytic converter. The OBD monitors all components and part systems influenc‐…

  • Page 140
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Initial screen – Select -arrow- button. Exhaust emissions test An overview is displayed to select the respective EET type. – Select -arrow-. EET petrol The display for warm-up phase appears. – Continue exhaust emission test according to instructions on display.
  • Page 141
    ♦ For vehicle identification number (chassis number) -E- – Enter items -1…7- of vehicle data from vehicle registration certificate. ♦ -1- Vehicle manufacturer: „e.g. VOLKSWAGEN — VW“ ♦ -2- Vehicle type: „e.g. 2H“ ♦ -3- Key number to 2 (old) or 2.1 (new): „e.g. 0603“…
  • Page 142
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Enter displayed values on EET data sheet under „Test values for exhaust emissions test“ on display in following sequence: Test speed (idling speed) Warm-up phase for catalytic converter Engine temperature Increased idling speed…
  • Page 143
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Connect diagnosis line connector to EOBD connection. – Switch on ignition. – Perform visual check of „MI lamp“. – If lamp lights up, press button -arrow C-. Lamp On – Follow instructions on display, see -arrow C- and -arrow A-.
  • Page 144
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Follow instructions on display. Measurement starts when the engine speed has reached the re‐ quired level. – Keep engine speed within required rpm range. The remaining time to perform the warm-up phase is displayed — arrow A -.
  • Page 145
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Measuring idling speed and CO content It is automatically switched to display for measuring the idling speed and CO content. Measurement starts when the engine speed has reached the re‐ quired level. The remaining time to perform measurement is displayed -arrow A-.
  • Page 146: Exhaust Emissions Test For Diesel Engines With Engine Codes Cdba, Cdca

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Exhaust emissions test for diesel en‐ gines with engine codes CDBA, CDCA Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Diesel tester -V.A.G 1743- ♦ Engine speed adapter -VAS 6296- ♦ Data sheets for exhaust emissions test…

  • Page 147
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note Faults found are to be rectified. With ignition switched off, connect testers as follows: – Pull on handbrake. – Manual gearbox: Gear lever in neutral – Connect diesel tester -V.A.G 1743- according to ⇒ operating instructions with ignition switched off.
  • Page 148: Exhaust Emissions Test With Obd

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 WARNING If the governed speed (maximum speed) is exceeded, lift off accelerator pedal immediately and perform repair measures. – If the values are not within specified range, a repair measure must be made.

  • Page 149
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- ♦ Diagnosis cable 5m -VAS 5051B/1- ♦ Vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052 ♦ Diagnosis cable -VAS 5052/3- Carry out the following procedure: –…
  • Page 150
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Note Faults found are to be rectified. – Pull on handbrake. – Manual gearbox: Gear lever in neutral. – Connect diagnosis cable connector to diagnosis connection with ignition switched off. – Connect vehicle diagnostic, testing and information system -…
  • Page 151
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 – Select „Generate readiness code“ -arrow-. – Follow instructions of vehicle diagnostic, testing and informa‐ tion system -VAS 5051B- or vehicle diagnostic and service information system -VAS 5052- . Evaluation: After running through readiness code, result appears on screen.
  • Page 152: Glossary

    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Glossary These explanations only apply to „Maintenance Manual“. They are not necessarily generally valid! Letter „A“ ⇒ page 148 Letter „B“ ⇒ page 148 Letter „C“ ⇒ page 148 Letter „D“ ⇒ page 149 Letter „E“…

  • Page 153
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Term Explanation Measurement unit for ignition quality of diesel fuel (Cetane number) Letter „D“ Term Explanation The diesel particulate filter is installed behind the catalytic converter and filters soot (Diesel particulate particles from emissions.
  • Page 154
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Letter „P“ Term Explanation PR number Abbreviation for production control number, it identifies among other things optional equipment, country-specific deviations etc. Letter „Q“ Term Explanation Vehicles are „not“ fitted at the factory with components for LongLife service. For main‐…
  • Page 155
    Amarok 2011 ➤ Maintenance — Edition 01.2011 Letter „X“ Term Explanation „Extra Load“, reinforced tyre, additional designation for tyres with increased load ca‐ pacity 6. Glossary…

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации VW Amarok с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Volkswagen Amarok с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями объемом 2,0 л.

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Устройство и ремонт VW Amarok с 2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Volkswagen Amarok с 2010 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

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Volkswagen Amarok PDF Service Repair Manuals

Volkswagen Amarok

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Volkswagen Amarok is a mid-sized pickup truck developed by Volkswagen. Has a 2- or 4-door cab, rear or four-wheel drive, as well as 3 complete sets – Base, Trendline and Highline.

In 2005, Volkswagen announced that it would supplement its family of off-road vehicles with a pickup truck. In 2007, the popular car site WorldCarFans published the first photos of the future concept built on the chassis Toyota Hilux. In March 2007, the famous photographer Hans Lehmann showed the spy images of the car, made by designer Walter de Silva. In September 2008 Volkswagen realized the concept pickup and said that the future car would be similar to the concept by 95%. Amarok, the first pickup truck from Volkswagen, was presented on December 7, 2009 at General Pacheco, in the province of Buenos Aires, with the participation of Argentine President Cristina Kirchner. In 2010, the car participated in the Dakar Rally. In November 2010, received 4 stars for Euro NCAP, and in February 2011 – 5 stars for ANCAP.

In the spring of 2016 Volkswagen Amarok underwent the first modernization. In the course of it, the exterior, the interior, was slightly changed, in the range of motors a 3.0 liter diesel appeared in different degrees of forcing. 2- and 4-door versions have exactly the same length and wheelbase. Therefore, the dimensions of the cargo platform for the two modifications vary considerably – in the 2-door version the platform is more than 1.5 times longer.

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