Skyrim полное руководство

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Prima Official Game Guide — это официальное руководство по игре The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, написанное Дэвидом Ходжсоном (David Hodgson) и опубликованное Prima Games. Существует пять изданий книги в стандартной мягкой обложке и коллекционное издание в твёрдом переплёте.

Данное руководство содержит очень большой объём информации обо всех аспектах игры начиная от основ создания персонажей, заканчивая детальным описанием всех квестов и локаций.

  • 1 Издания
  • 1.1 First Edition
  • 1.2 Revised Expanded Edition

    Издание выпущено 20 сентября 2012 года. Содержит 854 страницы. Данное издание также известно под названием «Second Edition». В книгу добавлена информация о дополнениях «Dawnguard» и «Hearthfire».

    • Полностью переработанная версия официального руководства с описанием контента Dawnguard и Hearthfire.
    • Детальное описание основных и побочных квестов Dawnguard.
    • Подробная информация по строительству усадьбы и усыновлению.

    Legendary Edition

    Издание выпущено 4 июня 2013 года. Содержит 1120 страниц. В книгу добавлена информация о дополнение «Dragonborn».

    Skyrim: полное руководство ассасина. Как создать идеального убийцу

    • Большой 2-сторонний плакат с картой: помечены важные места с подписями.
    • Описание более 500 противников и 2000 предметов.
    • Подробная информация о 350 квестах Скайрима и Солстхейма.
    • Списки более 250 предметов для коллекционирования.
    • Коллекционное издание также содержит 24-хдюймовый плакат с изображением стены Алдуина и подписями от Bethesda Game Studios.

    Special Edition

    Издание выпущено 28 октября 2016 года. Содержит 1120 страниц.

    • Переработанная информация предыдущего издания.
    • Мобильный eGuide: включает в себя код для доступа к eGuide, веб-версии полного руководства с доступом к интерактивной карте мира.
    • Коллекционное издание имеет эксклюзивную книжную закладку.

    Atlas Edition

    • Обзор версии Skyrim Nintendo Switch.
    • Карты для более чем 150 локаций.
    • Подробное описание более 300 предметов коллекционирования с указанием их местоположения.
    • eGuide оптимизирован для работы на втором экране.


    Информация в Official Game Guide отражала виденье игры со стороны разработчиков — некоторые моменты, которые в игре реализованы не корректно, в книге описаны именно так, как должны работать. Поэтому разработчики Unofficial Skyrim Patch довольно часто использовали данные руководства для определения тех или иных моментов игры.

    Другим важным моментом, отражённым в руководстве, является систематизация локаций — определены чёткие границы владений, даны чёткие описания большинства основных локаций и описаны все второстепенные (неотмеченные) локации с указанием их условных названий. По сути, Official Game Guide является единственным официальным источником информации о названиях второстепенных локаций.

    5 Советов начинающим | TES V: Skyrim

    Каждое издание руководства содержит плакат с картой Скайрима. Эта карта стала основным источником о реалистичном расположении локаций и расстояний между ними.


    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guides [PDF, ENG]

    А на руссишь вообще кто-нибудь собирается переводить?

    400 метров,да ещё и на английском?

    И что? С английским что-то не так? Будет стимул Вам, сударь, его подучить

    Мой английский в порядке,следи лучше за своим,ок да?

    Merinostas а ты будто владеешь разговорным английским. вот для того что бы пользоваться такими гайдами нужен разговорный иначе увидешь слово «brick» и его в штаны то и сделаешь , и то здесь выепнуться пиписькой каждый может, а на деле использует promt и т.п. Ы

    весь нет облазил, нашел только здесь! спс автору +10! (а английский я знаю=))


    [The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim] Официальное руководство по игре

    Две тысячи человекочасов. 656 страниц. 550 тысяч слов. 150 карт. Более тысячи скриншотов.

    Подробнейшие описания рас, прокачки, крафтинга, подземелий, бестиария, боевой системы. Все это вы найдете в официальном руководстве The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim стоимостью $26.99. И не только это.

    Некоторые товарищи уже получили свои копии руководства. Разумеется, не забыли они сделать фотографии.

    Здесь можно было бы написать, на что необходимо обратить внимание, но автор фотографий сделал все за нас.

    Вы можете копировать, изменять, распространять и исполнять данное произведение, даже в коммерческих целях, не спрашивая разрешения.

    [2013-08-06] [The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim] The Generation’s Greatest Game по мнению пользователей Amazon UK

    [2013-05-13] [The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim] «Легендарное» издание в России

    • оригинальная игра The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim;
    • дополнение The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim – Dawnguard;
    • дополнение The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim – Hearthfire;
    • дополнение The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim – Dragonborn.

    The Elder Scroll V: Skyrim – Legendary Edition для PlayStation 3 и Xbox 360 поступит в продажу 7 июня 2013 года в оригинальной английской версии. Версия игры для PC выйдет полностью на русском языке, о дате релиза будет сообщено дополнительно.

    [2013-04-18] [The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim] «Легендарное издание»

    Легендарное издание

    Польское отделение Eurogamer сообщает о том, что местный ритейлер Ultima предлагает приобрести готовящееся к выходу 7 июня этого года издание The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim — Legendary Edition, включающее в себя все вышедшие официальные дополнения — Dawnguard, Hearthfire и Dragonborn. Цена за версию для PC (примерно $44) не скажет нам, пожалуй, ничего, кроме того, что игра будет стоить столько же, сколько стоила в момент своего выхода 17 месяцев назад. Комментировать »

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    Если б вы дарили девушкам жареных крыс, как мы — скольких проблем можно было бы избежать!

    Ланн, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous


This Complete Guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim provides everything that beginners and veterans alike need to know about the seminal RPG.

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub

Quick Links

  • Getting Started – Beginner Tips
  • New Skyrim Anniversary Edition Content
  • Followers & Factions
  • Weapons, Armor, and Spells Guides
  • Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, and Beyond
  • Skyrim Build Tips And Curses
  • Unique Items Guides
  • Daedric Princes And Artifacts
  • Skyrim Mods and Addons
  • Quests, Puzzles, And Locations
  • Advanced Skyrim Tips And Exploits

The release of Skyrim Anniversary Edition marks the ten-year birthday of one of the most celebrated RPGs of all time. A decade is a long time for any game to last, yet somehow Skyrim still feels as fresh as it did on its initial release all the way back on November 11, 2011. It’s no wonder that Skyrim is also one of the most re-released RPGs of all time, too.

Over the last ten years, Skyrim has seen a lot of updates and additions which make it a very replayable game. This collection of Skyrim tips and guides covers almost everything in the game including crafting, quests, and builds ranging from beginner tutorials to tips that even the most knowledgable Skyrim experts might not know.

Updated January 7, 2022 by Erik Petrovich: This Complete Skyrim Guide has been updated to include several new entries throughout each overarching section, including new build and gameplay tips, more specific Alchemy guides, and things all players should know about, like Legendary Skills or what a Steward does. This guide has also been updated to include a new section dedicated to all things Daedric, including Daedric Princes and their Artifacts as well as some lore information about the Elder Scrolls’ most meddling gods.

Getting Started – Beginner Tips

Screenshot from The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim showing the opening cart ride cutscene from a different angle.

Compared to many fantasy RPGs on the market (and certainly compared to previous Elder Scrolls titles), Skyrim is a relatively easy game to get into. Players stepping into the world of Tamriel for the first time get a basic introduction to the game and its mechanics after the cart ride to Helgen, but there’s plenty of things the game doesn’t fully explain when starting out.

  • Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In Skyrim
  • Skyrim: Tips To Get Off To A Good Start As A Beginner
  • Mistakes Everyone Makes On Their First Playthrough Of Skyrim
  • Things We Wish We Knew Before Playing Skyrim For The First Time
  • The Best Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Quests To Do Early
  • Skyrim Anniversary Edition: Beginner Tips For Survival Mode You Need To Know
  • Skyrim: How To Hire A Steward
  • Skyrim: Guide To Legendary Skills

New Skyrim Anniversary Edition Content

Skyrim Complete Guide Anniversary Edition Content

Skyrim Anniversary Edition, released on the 10th birthday of Skyrim, includes every single Creation Club element alongside 26 of its own unique addons, ranging from new questlines to new homes and much, much more. The following is a collection of guides for new content introduced with Skyrim Anniversary Edition, including new unique items, new mechanics like Fishing and Horse Taming, and a few guides for new questlines and expansion-like addons included with the upgrade such as The Cause and Ghosts of the Tribunal.

  • Skyrim: Every New Rare Curios Item (And What They Do)
  • Skyrim: Every New Player Home in Anniversary Edition (And How To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: How To Tame Wild Horses (And Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Complete Guide To Survival Mode and Camping
  • Skyrim: Complete Guide To Fishing
  • Skyrim: Everything You Should Know About The Cause
  • Skyrim: Everything You Should Know About Forgotten Seasons
  • Skyrim: Everything You Should Know About Saints And Seducers
  • Skyrim: Everything You Should Know About Ghosts Of The Tribunal
  • Skyrim: Every New Unique Armor In Anniversary Edition (And Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Every New Unique Weapon In Anniversary Edition (And Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Every Alternate Armor in Anniversary Edition (And How To Get Them)

Followers & Factions

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub Followers

Skyrim offers players a wide range of followers to accompany them on their travels, as well as factions to join that affect the story’s progression. Followers can be combat-oriented, made to carry gear and fight for the player, or married, where they typically maintain the homestead and allow the player to have a family. While there is no Fighter’s Guild or Mage’s Guild in Skyrim, other similar factions take their place in addition to a variety of new causes the player can join.

  • Skyrim: All Joinable Factions, Ranked From Worst To Best
  • Skyrim: How To Join The Thieves Guild
  • Skyrim: Best Followers In The Game, Ranked
  • Skyrim’s Most Memorable Companions
  • Skyrim: Best Husbands In The Game (& How To Marry Them)
  • Skyrim: Best Wives & How To Marry Them

Weapons, Armor, and Spells Guides

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub Shout Spell Weapon Armor

Weapons and armor in Skyrim are as varied as the races that inhabit it, with hundreds of pieces of gear available for players to find in their journeys across the Nord homeland. Some are found easily through the main questlines, while others require players to complete specific tasks to be acquired. The most unique weapons in the game are even more enigmatic.


  • Skyrim: Most Powerful Weapons, Ranked
  • Skyrim: Best Common Weapons For Players Who Don’t Like Rare Items
  • Skyrim: The Best One-Handed Weapons In The Game (& How To Obtain Them)
  • Skyrim: The Best Two-Handed Weapons (& Where To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: The Best Bows In The Game (& How To Obtain Them)
  • Skyrim: The Best Daggers (& Where To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: Ways To Never Run Out Of Stamina


  • Skyrim: Best Common Armors That Aren’t Legendary Items
  • Skyrim: The Best Pieces Of Light Armor (& Where To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: The Best Pieces Of Heavy Armor (& Where To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: Must-Have Armors For Any Type Of Character

Spells and Shouts

  • Skyrim: The Best Shouts In The Game, Ranked
  • Skyrim: The Best Staves (& Where To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: Best Destruction Spells, Ranked
  • Skyrim: Ways To Never Run Out Of Magicka

Alchemy, Enchanting, Smithing, and Beyond

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub Crafting

There are three main crafting skills in Skyrim: Alchemy, Enchanting, and Smithing. Each of these skills has an associated skill line to progress through, though there are other types of crafting skills in the game like Cooking, Tanning, Woodcutting, Mining, and Smelting. The Skyrim crafting system is robust, though very different from previous entries in the franchise.


  • Skyrim: A Complete Guide To Alchemy
  • Skyrim: Tips To Become A Master Of Alchemy
  • Skyrim: The Health Potion Recipe & How To Craft It
  • Skyrim: Devastating Poisons & How To Make Them
  • Skyrim: How To Make An Invisibility Potion
  • Skyrim: How To Make A Paralysis Poison
  • Skyrim: How To Make A Restore Magicka Potion
  • Skyrim: How To Make A Restore Stamina Potion
  • Skyrim: How To Get A Daedra Heart (And What It Does)


  • Skyrim: How To Level Up Enchanting Fast
  • Skyrim: Everything You Need To Know About Enchanting
  • Skyrim: All Weapon Enchantments, Ranked
  • Skyrim: The Best Armor Enchantments, Ranked
  • Skyrim: How to Fill Soul Gems


  • Skyrim: A Complete Guide To Smithing
  • Skyrim — Armor Material Hierarchy Guide
  • Skyrim — Weapon Material Hierarchy Guide
  • Skyrim: Where To Farm Every Type Of Ore
  • Skyrim: How to Get Netch Leather
  • Skyrim: How to Get Stalhrim
  • Skyrim: How To Get An Ebony Ingot

Other Crafting Skills

  • Skyrim: A Complete Guide To All Food
  • Skyrim: The Ingredients & Crafting Items You Should Always Pick Up
  • Skyrim: How to Get Sawn Logs

Skyrim Build Tips And Curses

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub Vampire Werewolf Builds

Skyrim prides itself on letting players do just about everything in the game on a single character, though it can be fun to go for a specific build and roleplay in the universe of The Elder Scrolls. Builds in Skyrim vary from cosmetic-only to being utterly game-breaking, but sometimes the only way to get the skills and gear you want is by learning how to level effectively.

Builds and Tips

  • Skyrim: Best Items For A Mage (And How To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: Best Items For An Archer (And How To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: Best Items For A Thief (And How To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: Best Items For An Assassin (And How To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: Best Items For A Fighter (And How To Get Them)
  • Skyrim: Stealth Archer Tips And Tricks
  • Skyrim: One Handed Tips And Tricks
  • Skyrim: Battlemage Tips And Tricks


  • Skyrim: How to Become A Vampire
  • Skyrim: How To Cure Vampirism
  • Skyrim: How To Become A Werewolf

Unique Items Guides

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub Unique Items

There are dozens and dozens of unique items in Skyrim, most of which are given a name to differentiate them from more common equipment. Some unique items can only be acquired by serving a Daedric Prince, but others are only found in the game’s DLC packs, hidden in side quests, or included in out-of-the-way content out in the world.

Unique Weapons

  • Skyrim Guide: How To Get Unique Weapons
  • Skyrim: Every Unique Sword In The Game, Ranked Worst To Best
  • Skyrim: Every Unique Two-Handed Hammer In The Game, Ranked Worst To Best
  • Skyrim: Every Unique Bow In The Game, Ranked Worst To Best

Unique Armor

  • Skyrim: Best Unique Pieces Of Armor (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: How to Get Dragon Priest Masks & What They Do

Other Unique Items

  • Skyrim: Every Black Book (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Best Non-Daedric Items With Unique Enchantments
  • Skyrim: The Most Exceedingly Rare Items In The Game

Daedric Princes And Artifacts

Split image: Azura, Sheogorath, Mehrunes Dagon Elder Scrolls

The Daedric Princes of The Elder Scrolls series are some of the most iconic «villains» in fantasy RPG gaming, if one would go as far as to call them evil. With the exception of Molag Bal and a few others, the Daedric Princes are generally protective or at least friendly to their followers, and the Dragonborn can become the champion of just about all of them. They often bequeath special artifacts that are some of the most coveted items in the entire game, too, each of which is well worth hunting down for their unique effects, stats, or aesthetic.

  • The Daedric Princes in The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Explained
  • Skyrim: Most Useful Daedric Artifacts in the Game
  • Skyrim: Every Daedric Quest, Ranked
  • Skyrim: Who To Sacrifice For Boethiah’s Calling
  • Skyrim Special Edition: How To Get Daedric Gear At Level One
  • Skyrim: How To Get Spellbreaker (And What It Does)

Skyrim Mods and Addons

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub Mods

Skyrim would not have maintained its place in the cultural zeitgeist if not for its dedicated and talented modding community. In fact, almost everything in the Special Edition Creation Club being added officially to the Anniversary Edition was created by fans, not Bethesda. With tens of thousands of mods for Skyrim out there it can be hard to figure out which ones are worth downloading and which ones aren’t. Keep in mind, too, that mods not downloaded through the Creation Club or the Steam Workshop must be installed manually.

  • Skyrim: Best Mods (December 2021)
  • Skyrim: A Complete Beginner’s Guide To Modding
  • Skyrim: Best VR Mods
  • The Most Downloaded Skyrim Mods (According To Nexusmods)
  • The Best Skyrim Mods, Ranked
  • The Weirdest Skyrim Mods Ever
  • Skyrim: Amazing Mods That Add Exciting New Areas To Explore
  • Skyrim: Quality Of Life Mods We Can’t Live Without
  • Skyrim: Combat Mods That Make It More Challenging
  • Skyrim: The Most Brutal Difficulty Mods, Ranked

Quests, Puzzles, And Locations

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub Quests Puzzles

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of quests available for players to take on in Skyrim. Though the main questline feels short, the sheer volume of side content and explorable locations makes it one of the most fully realized open-world RPGs ever made. This section is dedicated to helping players figure out puzzles, find unmarked map locations, and decide the best way to take on complex quests.

Quest and Puzzle Guides

  • The Toughest Decisions Players Have To Make In Skyrim (& What Happens When You Make Them)
  • Skyrim: A Complete Guide To The No Stone Unturned Quest & The Crown Of Barenziah
  • Skyrim: A Complete Guide To The Lost To The Ages Quest
  • Skyrim: How To Complete «Forbidden Legend»
  • Skyrim: Blood On The Ice — A Step By Step Quest Guide
  • Skyrim: How To Complete «Arniel’s Endeavor»
  • Skyrim: Volskygge Puzzle Solution
  • Skyrim: Saarthal Puzzle Solution

Skyrim Locations

  • Skyrim: Whiterun’s Most Interesting Unmarked Locations (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: The Rift’s Most Interesting Unmarked Locations (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: The Reach’s Most Interesting Unmarked Locations (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Falkreath Hold’s Most Interesting Unmarked Locations (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Hjaalmarch’s Most Interesting Unmarked Locations (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Eastmarch’s Most Interesting Unmarked Locations (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Winterhold’s Most Interesting Unmarked Locations (& Where To Find Them)
  • Skyrim: Solstheim’s Most Interesting Unmarked Locations (& Where To Find Them)

Advanced Skyrim Tips And Exploits

Complete Guide To Skyrim Hub Advanced

Skyrim is by no means a new game – while the Anniversary Edition seeks to modernize it significantly, it doesn’t change the fact that many have already played hundreds of hours exploring the game. For veteran players returning to Skyrim, it can be more fun to try playing the game in a completely new way – and there are lots of ways to totally break the game (and one’s immersion), too.

  • Skyrim Special Edition: How To Duplicate Any Item
  • Skyrim Special Edition: How To Make One Million Gold At Level One
  • Skyrim Special Edition: How To Get One Million Damage
  • Skyrim Special Edition: How To Get One Million Armor Rating
  • Skyrim: How To Add Perk Points With Console Commands

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is available on Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 3, 4, and 5, and Xbox 360, One, and Series X|S

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а че он на английском?

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Martireu2012, ссылку дайте, будьте добры. ненашел что-то Inezzz да, на английском

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  • скопировать ссылку по ней пройди… там увидишь ссылку, ее в Download Master и вуаля))

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так это и есть файл, выложенный мной))

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ахаха..а что хотел?)

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в первом комментарии парень написал, что уже было)

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Не на английском как-то…вникать долго)

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За*бесь 450 мегов трололо

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На буржуйском не надо ! Руссиш +

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А на руссишь вообще кто-нибудь собирается переводить?

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400 метров,да ещё и на английском?

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И что? С английским что-то не так? Будет стимул Вам, сударь, его подучить

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Мой английский в порядке,следи лучше за своим,ок да?

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Merinostas а ты будто владеешь разговорным английским….? вот для того что бы пользоваться такими гайдами нужен разговорный иначе увидешь слово «brick» и его в штаны то и сделаешь , и то здесь выепнуться пиписькой каждый может, а на деле использует promt и т.п…. Ы

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весь нет облазил, нашел только здесь! спс автору +10! (а английский я знаю=))

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Skyrim: Complete Guide And Walkthrough

We’ve got guides for main quests, DLC quests, some side quests, and most of the basics right here.

An annotated image of the Dragonborn walking down a street.

Table of contents

Quick Links

  • Getting Started
    • Gameplay Basics
    • Builds
    • Tips And Tricks
  • Skyrim And Its People
    • Hold Capitals
    • People Of Skyrim
    • Secrets Of Skyrim
  • Quests And Adventures
    • Main Quests
    • Side Quests
    • Civil War
    • Daedric Artifacts
    • Ancient Artifacts
  • Factions
    • The Companions
    • The College Of Winterhold
    • The Thieves Guild
    • The Dark Brotherhood
  • Dawnguard
    • Main Quests
    • Side Quests
  • Dragonborn
    • Main Quests
    • Side Quests

There are few games that have as great an impact as Skyrim. It has an enduring popularity that never seems to wane. Between its multiple releases and its passionate community, the expansive province has never stopped playing host to adventures as it is explored and saved over and over again.

Related: Skyrim: Side Quests We’d Love To Experience All Over Again

Despite how well-explored it is, Skyrim always seems to have more secrets to share in its caves and ruins. So, if you are struggling to defeat the World-Eater or trying to get married and build a home or anything else, we have a guide to help you find your place in Tamriel’s frozen north.

  • Getting Started

    A cropped screenshot of the character creation screen.

    Infamous carriage ride aside, your first moments in Skyrim might be overwhelming. You are asked to pick a race, design your character, and run for your life within minutes. If you are overwhelmed, these guides will help you get your bearings and have an idea on what to expect.

    • Gameplay Basics

      These are some of Skyrim’s basics, from how the races work to making piles of gold.

      • Complete Guide To Leveling Up

      • Complete Guide To Races

      • Beginner’s Guide To Fishing

      • How To Become A Vampire (And How To Cure Vampirism)

      • How To Become A Werewolf And How To Cure Lycanthropy

      • Every Standing Stone (And Where To Find Them)

    • Builds

      • Spellsword Build Guide

      • Paladin Build Guide

      • Stealth Archer Build Guide

      • Two-Handed Build Guide

      • The Best Builds For Dark Elves

      • The Best Builds For Redguards

      • The Best Builds For Bretons

      • Mage Build Guide

      • Assassin Build Guide

    • Tips And Tricks

      • How To Sell Your Stolen Goods

      • The Best Places To Find Building Materials

      • Shadowmarks And Their Meanings

      • The Shrines Of Skyrim

      • The Best Mines To Dive Into

      • Unlock Every Hearthfire Home Pet

  • Skyrim And Its People

    A cropped image of Whiterun

    A huge part of Skyrim’s appeal is the world that it creates. Between its nine holds and all the cities, towns, and settlements within are people that live their own lives. We outline what you can expect from its Hold Capitals and how to get the most out of the province.

    • Hold Capitals

      • Complete Guide To Whiterun

      • Complete Guide To Falkreath

      • Complete Guide To Markarth

      • Complete Guide To Solitude

      • Complete Guide To Morthal

      • Complete Guide To Dawnstar

      • Complete Guide To Winterhold

      • Complete Guide To Windhelm

      • Complete Guide To Riften

    • People Of Skyrim

      • Complete Guide To The Blades

      • Complete Guide To Marriage

      • How To Recruit Riekling Followers

    • Secrets Of Skyrim

      • The Unique Forges

      • Bleak Falls Barrow Dungeon Guide

      • Blackreach Dungeon Guide

      • Labyrinthian Dungeon Guide

  • Quests And Adventures

    A cropped image of a hooded man

    The province has no shortage of people worth helping, foes worth slaying, and loot worth taking. We have the guides for the quests that will bring you into contact with all three.

    • Main Quests

      Skyrim’s main storyline focuses on your journey from a prisoner to the Dragonborn of legend as you fight to slay Alduin and save the world. Along the way, you will meet new allies and embark on dangerous adventures. We have guides for all of the quests here.

      • Unbound

      • Before The Storm

      • Bleak Falls Barrow

      • Dragon Rising

      • The Way Of The Voice

      • The Horn Of Jurgen Windcaller

      • A Blade In The Dark

      • Diplomatic Immunity

      • A Cornered Rat

      • Alduin’s Wall

      • The Throat Of The World

      • Elder Knowledge

      • Alduin’s Bane

      • Paarthurnax

      • Season Unending

      • The Fallen

      • The World-Eater’s Eyrie

      • Sovngarde

      • Dragonslayer

    • Side Quests

      Not everything needs to be about saving the world. They can also be about smaller things like restoring a holy tree or hunting down a serial killer. If you need help, here are the guides.

      • Missing In Action

      • The Blessings Of Nature Side

      • In My Time Of Need

      • No One Escapes Cidhna Mine

      • The Forsworn Conspiracy

      • The Heart Of Dibella

      • The Man Who Cried Wolf

      • The Wolf Queen Awakened

      • Lights Out

      • Laid To Rest

      • Kyne’s Sacred Trials

      • The Book Of Love

      • Evil In Waiting

      • Siege On The Dragon Cult

      • Blood On The Ice

      • Rise In The East

      • The White Phial

    • Civil War

      The Civil War gripping Skyrim is one of the first things you learn about in the game. It is hard to ignore when you are being executed alongside the Stormcloak Rebels. With death averted, you can choose which side to fight for and bring peace back to the province.

      • Joining The Legion

      • Joining The Stormcloak Rebellion

      • The Jagged Crown

      • The Battle For Whiterun

      • Rescue From Fort Neugrad

      • Rescue From Fort Kastav

      • Compelling Tribute

      • A False Front

      • Battle For Windhelm

      • Battle For Solitude

    • Daedric Artifacts

      Malevolent deities have long plagued the people of Tamriel, offering powerful artifacts in exchange for services and fealty. You can take them up on these deals in the quests below.

      • Discerning The Transmundane

      • The Cursed Tribe

      • The Black Star

      • A Daedra’s Best Friend

      • A Night To Remember

      • Ill Met By Moonlight

      • Break Of Dawn

      • The Taste Of Death

      • The House Of Horrors

      • The Only Cure

      • The Mind Of Madness

      • Waking Nightmare

      • Boethiah’s Calling

      • Pieces Of The Past

    • Ancient Artifacts

      Not all of Skyrim’s treasure is equal. Some artifacts are ancient marvels that bestow incredible powers on their bearers. We have their guides right here.

      • Forbidden Legend

  • Factions

    A cropped image of the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary.

    There are venerable institutions seeking new members throughout Skyrim. You can join them to master their fields and unlock special rewards.

    • The Companions

      Based out of Whiterun, the Companions are a storied band of warriors that recruit those gifted in honorable, physical battle.

      • Take Up Arms

      • Proving Honor

      • The Silver Hand

      • Blood’s Honor

      • Purity Of Revenge

      • Glory Of The Dead

      • Totems of Hircine

    • The College Of Winterhold

      The College is in an interesting position. It is the greatest magical institution in Skyrim by virtue of its locals shunning magic and being deeply suspicious of the College. You can enroll as a student, only to be wrapped up in a race against time.

      • Under Saarthal

      • Hitting The Books

      • Good Intentions

      • Revealing The Unseen

      • Containment College Of Winterhold

      • The Staff Of Magnus

      • The Eye of Magnus

      • Complete Guide To The College Of Winterhold

    • The Thieves Guild

      If petty theft and grand heists appeal to you, the Thieves Guild is perfect for you. You can join the group right as they are down on their luck and help them reverse their fortunes.

      • A Chance Arrangement

      • Skyrim: Taking Care Of Business Thieves Guild Quest Walkthrough

      • Loud And Clear

      • Dampened Spirits

      • Scoundrel’s Folly

      • Speaking With Silence

      • Hard Answers

      • The Pursuit

      • Trinity Restored

      • Blindsighted

      • Darkness Returns

      • Under New Management

      • How To Fully Restore The Thieves Guild

    • The Dark Brotherhood

      You can join this secretive band of assassins through a misunderstanding and stolen kill. They are impressed enough to offer you a place among their ranks, sending on a spree of assassinations.

      • Delayed Burial

      • Innocence Lost

      • With Friends Like These

      • Sanctuary

      • Mourning Never Comes

      • Whispers In The Dark

      • The Silence Has Been Broken

      • Bound Until Death

      • Breaching Security

      • The Cure For Madness

      • Recipe For Disaster

      • To Kill An Empire

      • Death Incarnate

      • Hail Sithis

  • Dawnguard

    A divider of a gargoyle in a castle.

    Skyrim’s first expansion, Dawnguard, puts you in a conflict between a castle full of vampires and a newly-established castle full of vampire hunters. You will pick a side and bring the war to a close.

    • Main Quests

      • Dawnguard

      • Awakening

      • Bloodline

      • A New Order — If you sided with the Dawnguard

      • Prophet

      • Seeking Disclosure

      • Chasing Echoes

      • Beyond Death

      • Unseen Visions

      • Touching The Sky

      • Kindred Judgement

    • Side Quests

      • Lost To The Ages

      • How To Marry Serana

      • Find Arvak’s Skull

  • Dragonborn

    A screenshot of Miraak, heavily cropped.

    The final expansion brings you to a new island and a new foe; the very first Dragonborn. As you might expect, it brings some of the game’s toughest challenges. We have a guide for its quests here.

    • Main Quests

      • Dragonborn

      • The Temple Of Miraak

      • The Fate Of The Skaal

      • Cleansing The Stones

      • The Path Of Knowledge

      • The Gardener Of Men

      • At The Summit Of Apocrypha

    • Side Quests

      • March Of The Dead

      • The Final Descent

      • Served Cold

      • The Chief Of Thirsk Hall

      • A New Source Of Stalhrim

      • Lost Legacy

      • How To Find And Beat The Ebony Warrior


Материалов: 9


Крафт в Skyrim

Приготовление пищи


Плавильное дело

Кузнечное ремесло



Здоровье, мана, выносливость

Книги навыков


Вступление в Круг, превращение в оборотня, а также плюсы и минусы звериной формы

Компаньоны в Скайриме

Подробное описание всех компаньонов, их особенности, характеристики и многое другое

Маски драконьих жрецов

Расположение масок драконьких жрецов

Создаем идеального персонажа в Skyrim

Выбор класса и перков для создания идеального персонажа

Атлас драконов

Список известных драконов, как живых, так и умерших

Описание провинции Скайрим

Описание провинции Скайрим, самые интересные места.

Новые высоты: мир Skyrim

Третий из серии дневников о Skyrim.

Факты о Skyrim

Факты о Skyrim — боевая система, AI_ графика и прочие аспекты игры, собранные на основе новостей и статей до выхода игры

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Список консольных команд

Руководство по настройке

Набор различных советов от сайта TweakGuide. Полная информация о настройке игры под свое железо.

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Дополнительная настройка .ini-файла — часть Руководства по настройке Skyrim

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