Soundcraft ui12 инструкция на русском pdf

инструкцияSoundcraft UI12

User Guide v3.0

For Soundcraft Ui12 & Ui16


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Александр • 1-3-2023Нет комментариев

Как соединить Soundcraft Ui 12 с ПК для работы в Cubase 5.Если нужны драйвера, то какие.

Алексей • 7-9-2022Нет комментариев

Можно ли скрыть на экране каналы, которые в данную минуту не использую. И как это сделать?

Эдуард • 12-4-20211 комментарий

Как правильно заканчивать работу с пультом soundcraft ui 12?

Можно ли подключить его к компьютеру проводом

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UI12 | SCR0592
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Harman Soundcraft Ui12 User Manual

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User Guide


For Soundcraft Ui12 & Ui16



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Summary of Contents for Harman Soundcraft Ui12

  • Page 1
    ® series User Guide v2.0 For Soundcraft Ui12 & Ui16 ®…
  • Page 2
    E&OE September 2014 Soundcraft is a trading division of Harman International Industries Ltd. Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor. Soundcraft shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of information or any error contained in this manual.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CONTENTS CONTENTS 1.0 AN INTRODUCTION TO Ui 5.0: CHANNEL EDIT 1.1: Safety 5.1: DigiTech 1.2: Warranty 1.3: Specifications 5.2: Parametric EQ 5.3: Graphic EQ 2.0: GETTING STARTED 2.1: System Overview 5.3.1 AFS — Feedback Elimination 2.2: Hardware I/O & Control 5.4: Dynamics 2.3: Input Channel Routing 2.4: Getting Connected 5.5: Aux / FX Sends 3.0: SOFTWARE CONTROL 3.0.1: Updates & Requirements 6.0: MIX FEATURES 3.1: Software Navigation 6.1: View & Mute Groups 3.1.1: Control / Gesture Summary…

  • Page 4: Ui12, Ui16 User Manual

    Linux devices, and can use up to 10 control devices simultaneously. In addition, the Ui12 and Ui16 each feature built-in HARMAN signal processing from dbx, DigiTech and Lexicon, including dbx AFS DigiTech Amp Modeling, and more. Both models feature fully recallable and remote-controlled mic gain and phantom power, along with 4-band parametric EQ, high-pass filter, compressor, de-esser and noise gate on input channels.

  • Page 5: Safety

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 1.1: SAFETY INTRODUCTION > SAFETY SAFETY NOTICES For your own safety and to avoid invalidation of the warranty please read this section carefully. Important Symbols Cautions Alerts the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.

  • Page 6
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 1.1: SAFETY INTRODUCTION > SAFETY WARNINGS • Read these instructions. • Keep these instructions. • Heed all warnings. • Follow all instructions. • Clean the apparatus only with a dry cloth. • Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat resistors, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
  • Page 7
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 1.1: SAFETY INTRODUCTION > SAFETY WARNINGS ADVICE FOR THOSE WHO PUSH THE BOUNDARIES Although your new console will not output any sound until you feed it signals, it has the capability to produce sounds which, when monitored through an amplifier or headphones, can damage hearing over time.
  • Page 8: Warranty

    INTRODUCTION > SAFETY WARRANTY 1 Soundcraft is a trading division of Harman International Industries Ltd. End User means the person who first puts the equipment into regular operation. Dealer means the person other than Soundcraft (if any) from whom the End User purchased the Equipment, pro- vided such a person is authorised for this purpose by Soundcraft or its accredited Distributor.

  • Page 9: Specifications

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 1.3: SPECIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION > SAFETY • EQ Outputs SOUNDCRAFT Ui TYPICAL SPECIFICATIONS 32 band GEQ, 20Hz — 20KHz +-15dB • Frequency Response • Compressor outputs 20Hz-20kHz +/- 1.5 dB Threshold -90dB +6dB • THD Ratio 1:1 — 50:1 -20dBFS @ 1kHz <0.006% Attack 1ms — 400ms Release 10ms — 2000ms…

  • Page 10: Getting Started

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 2.0: GETTING STARTED GETTING STARTED — AN INTRODUCTION TO THIS MANUAL Anyone with minimal audio experience should be able to operate the Soundcraft Ui Series consoles without reading too much of this manual, though we do recommend you take the time to go through it. An excellent place to start would be the feature list on the introductory page (section 1.0), the Wi-Fi and software set-up guide (3.1), and the software control guides for phone (3.2) and tablet (3.3) soft- ware.

  • Page 11: System Overview

    2.1: SYSTEM OVERVIEW Ui12, Ui16 User Manual GETTING STARTED > SYSTEM OVERVIEW This Soundcraft Ui console uses a compact main unit with built-in I/O, processing, and web server. Phones, tablets, and PCs can connect to the web server via Wi-Fi for platform-independant software control. 2.1: SYSTEM OVERVIEW…

  • Page 12: Hardware I/O & Control

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 2.2: HARDWARE I/O & CONTROL GETTING STARTED > HARDWARE The Ui main unit hosts local audio inputs and outputs, including power (at side of main unit) and USB Drive sockets. PHONES Set level for headphones outputs This controls the level on both headphone outputs.

  • Page 13: Aux Outputs

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 2.2: HARDWARE I/O & CONTROL GETTING STARTED > HARDWARE HEADPHONES OUT Parallel headphone sockets These are not independent, meaning each output receives the same signal. The headphone outputs receive the same audio signal as the main outputs unless a channel Solo is active, or the ‘AUX’ option is set in SETTINGS (this assigns the highest-numbered aux pairs to the headphones outputs).

  • Page 14
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 2.2: HARDWARE I/O & CONTROL GETTING STARTED > HARDWARE MEDIA — REC USB Socket for USB Flash Drive — for recording audio The Soundcraft Ui mixer will record the Master Channel stereo output as a stereo file onto the storage device. See guide for playback and recording instructions — section 9.0.
  • Page 15: Input Channel Routing

    2.3: INPUT CHANNEL ROUTING Ui12, Ui16 User Manual GETTING STARTED > INPUT CHANNEL ROUTING The diagram shows the audio signal path through an input channel — from physical input to bus sends (Aux, FX, Mix, and so on). Please note: The entire signal path (except for the hardware pre and output DACs) is clip-free with infinite headroom.

  • Page 16: Getting Connected

    2.4: GETTING CONNECTED Ui12, Ui16 User Manual GETTING STARTED > GETTING CONNECTED The Soundcraft Ui series uses built-in web server technology to enable computer, tablet, and phone-based in-browser control of all functions — simply connect to the Ui Wi-Fi access point and browse to the appropriate URL.

  • Page 17: Software Control

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 3.0: SOFTWARE CONTROL SOFTWARE CONTROL The browser-based software control for the Ui Series is available to any device in two versions. The small-screen version is optimised for phone-sized devices; the large-screen version is optimised for tablets and computers. In order to make best use of your Ui mixer, please read this section of software control.

  • Page 18: 1: Updates & Requirements

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 3.0.1: UPDATES & REQUIREMENTS SOFTWARE UPDATES & REQUIREMENTS The browser-based software control for the Ui Series actually runs from a virtual web server in the main Ui unit itself and is compatible with any modern browser software running on your control device.

  • Page 19: Software Navigation

    3.1: SOFTWARE NAVIGATION Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > SOFTWARE NAVIGATION There are many navigation / gesture techniques common to both the Tablet and Phone versions of the Ui control software. This section describes the main ones. Section 3.7 summarises all control gestures. Please Note: The screen shots shown are from the phone version of the software, except where the two differ significantly in content.

  • Page 20
    3.1: SOFTWARE NAVIGATION Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > SOFTWARE NAVIGATION Double Tap Channel Strip Double tap anywhere except the fader to access the METERS screen or switch back to the MIX screen from the GAIN screen. Scroll Channel Names Touch/click-hold and slide on channel names to access channel names across the whole mixer, including FX Sends, Aux Sends, and Group Faders.
  • Page 21
    3.1: SOFTWARE NAVIGATION Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > SOFTWARE NAVIGATION Long (held) Tap/Click A long tap/click on certain controls brings up a sub-menu specific to that control. For example, a long hold or click on a channel name gives access to channel presets, renaming, copy/paste settings, sub group assignment, stereo linking, channel reset, and the ASSIGN ME function.
  • Page 22: 1: Control / Gesture Summary

    3.1.1: CONTROL / GESTURE SUMMARY Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > CONTROL SUMMARY There are many control gestures, taps, and clicks to help navigate the Ui Control software quickly and intuitively. This is a summary of those control options. List selectors •…

  • Page 23
    3.1.1: CONTROL / GESTURE SUMMARY Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > CONTROL SUMMARY Channel EDIT page > EQ tab Parametric EQ: • Double click/tap in vacant space to navigate to MIX page. • Drag PEQ frequency balls to adjust dB gain and frequency values. •…
  • Page 24: Tablet Navigation

    3.2: TABLET NAVIGATION Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > TABLET / LARGE SCREEN NAVIGATION The MIX Screen is the default for the Ui tablet / large screen software — You can navigate from there to other screens and functions in a variety of ways. The Level 1 Navigation controls take you directly to various primary screens, Level 2 navigation (page tabs) switches layers within the selected screen, and Level 3 navigation controls select individual channels.

  • Page 25
    3.2: TABLET NAVIGATION Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > TABLET / LARGE SCREEN NAVIGATION MIX / GAIN Access the MIX and GAIN pages When the button is orange, the MIX page is shown (channel faders) and when the button is Red, the GAIN page is shown (remote gain faders and input stage controls).
  • Page 26
    3.2: TABLET NAVIGATION Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > TABLET / LARGE SCREEN NAVIGATION SNAPSHOT Access the Show and Snapshots pop-up selector Load shows and snapshots directly from this pop-up. SLIDEOUT Access the SLIDEOUT view on the right hand side of the screen Offers fast view and status switching functionality.
  • Page 27: 1: Keyboard Control

    3.2.1: KEYBOARD CONTROL Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > KEYBOARD CONTROL For users mixing with a device that has a keyboard, please see below a set of easily accessible key com- mands, making it quick and efficient to access the most used features on the mixer. DASHBOARD MIX/GAIN EDIT…

  • Page 28: Tablet Screens

    3.3: TABLET SCREENS Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > TABLET SOFTWARE SCREENS The main tablet software screens are accessed from the level 1 Navigation Buttons along the top of the screen area, or via fast-access routes, such as double-tapping on a fader to access the EQ screen (see section 3.1).

  • Page 29
    3.3: TABLET SCREENS Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > TABLET SOFTWARE SCREENS EDIT The EDIT page provides access to audio processing such as EQ, DYNAMICS, and FX. The specific audio processing tabs available depend on the selected channel type. For example, the aux outputs and Master Channel include Graphic EQ.
  • Page 30
    3.3: TABLET SCREENS Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > TABLET SOFTWARE SCREENS MEDIA The Ui mixer has a built in media player. This can be used for backing tracks or for background music in between sets. The file playback is streamed directly from a USB stick.
  • Page 31: Phone Navigation

    3.4: PHONE NAVIGATION Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > PHONE NAVIGATION The MIX screen is the default for the Ui software — You can navigate from there to other screens and functions in a variety of ways. To access the Menu screen, press the NAV icon in the top right corner of the screen.

  • Page 32: Phone Screens

    3.4: PHONE SCREENS Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > PHONE SOFTWARE SCREENS From the MENU screen you can access the MIX screen (Return button, top right corner) and nine other primary screens via the large colour-coded buttons. PLAYER The Ui mixer has a built in media player. This can be used for backing tracks or for background music in between sets.

  • Page 33: Aux Sends

    3.5: PHONE SCREENS Ui12, Ui16 User Manual SOFTWARE > PHONE SOFTWARE SCREENS AUX SENDS AUX SENDS is where the AUX mix is created. The AUX input channel faders determine the signal level sent to that aux bus. Select an aux mix on the right to adjust the mix from all channels.

  • Page 34: Mixer Channels

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 4.0: MIXER CHANNELS MIXER CHANNELS The Ui mixers has a variety of input and output channel types. You can view all channels in the main MIX screen and drag-scrolling along the virtual console. You can also use the MIX page Slideout panels to select specific channel types and preset views.

  • Page 35: Input Gain Page

    4.1: INPUT: GAIN PAGE Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > INPUT: GAIN PAGE The Gain page allows you to control the input stage aspects of a Ui input channel. It is a channel strip-type display with red fader level indicators. TABLET: Click/tap MIX/GAIN button to toggle MIX and GAIN pages.

  • Page 36: Input Mix Page

    4.2: INPUT: MIX PAGE Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > INPUT: MIX PAGE The MIX page is the Ui control software’s default page and allows you to control the routing and panning and fader of a Ui input channel. Please note — the phone software displays panning/balance, solo, and mute status, but for control you should use the EDIT page.

  • Page 37: Channel Name

    4.2: INPUT: MIX PAGE Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > INPUT: GAIN PAGE MUTE Turn off the audio signal of a channel MUTE is an immediate audio off, rather than having to slide down the fader (and removes the possibility of forget- ting its original position).

  • Page 38: 1: Input Sub Menu

    4.2.1: INPUT SUB-MENU Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > INPUT SUB-MENU By long-clicking/tapping on a channel name you can access the channel sub-menu for access to various channel parameters… CHANNEL PRESETS Recall and save whole channel settings — Factory and User preset banks. RENAME Rename the channel.

  • Page 39: Aux Sends

    4.3: AUX SENDS Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > AUX SENDS Aux Outputs (short for Auxiliary) are the outputs on the top right of the Ui hardware. These outputs each have their own mix of input sources, separate from the master mix. Generally, aux outputs are used for musicians to hear their own mix on stage via a stage monitor speaker or to headphone amplifiers for in-ear monitoring.

  • Page 40
    4.3: AUX SENDS Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > AUX SENDS M-AUX / COPY MIX Copy the main mix to this aux mix This button copies the fader positions from the MIX page and moves all aux send faders to the same position on the AUX SENDS page.
  • Page 41: 1: Aux Master

    4.3.1: AUX MASTER Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > AUX MASTER CHANNEL The Aux Master channel is the output path for Aux busses. In other words, the Aux 1 mix of contribu- tions from all input channels passes through the Aux 1 Master channel before being sent out of the physical Aux 1 output.

  • Page 42: Fx Sends

    4.4: FX SENDS Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > FX SENDS FX SENDS faders effectively determine the amount of effect (delay, reverb, chorus) on each input channel. They work much like aux sends in that a mix of input channel contributions is created on the FX SENDS page — one for each FX processor.

  • Page 43
    4.5: SUB GROUP MASTER Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > SUB GROUP MASTER CHANNEL If you want to have control over the drum kit mix, for example, but also want single fader control over the whole kit’s contribution to the mix, you would use a Sub Group. When input channels are allocated to Sub Groups, either via the input channel sub-menu, or via the SUBS screen in the DASHBOARD/METERS page, they are mixed together into a single stereo channel, according to the relative positions of the main channel faders.
  • Page 44: Master Channel

    4.6: MASTER CHANNEL Ui12, Ui16 User Manual CHANNELS > MASTER CHANNEL The Master Stereo Channel is the output channel for the main stereo (left & right) mix — determined by the input channel and FX Return channel faders and pan/balance controls. The Master Channel has its own EDIT page tabs, just like other channels (see section 5).

  • Page 45: Channel Edit

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.0: CHANNEL EDIT CHANNEL EDIT The EDIT page is the basic access point for channel-based signal processing: EQ, dynamics, and FX and auxiliary sends. The actual processing and options available depend on the channel type. The selected channel strip will be shown on the left of the EDIT screen. In the phone software, the default EDIT page is a via-point for more detailed views and also offers access to basic channel parameters such as pan/balance, phase, phantom power, and more.

  • Page 46: Digitech

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.1: DIGITECH CHANNEL EDIT > DIGITECH DigiTech input processing and channel view is available to the first two Ui mixer channels, and includes Hi-Z (high input impedance) selection for sources such direct-input guitar pick-ups. The DigiTech processing includes amp modelling: Emulations of guitar amps (with associated param- eters) and cabinets.

  • Page 47: Channel Controls

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.1: DIGITECH CHANNEL EDIT > DIGITECH DIGITECH ON/OFF Turn DigiTech processing on or off When DigiTech processing is turned off, the channel will revert to its standard input stage. PRESETS Open the PRESETS management pop-up You can save and load settings presets for the DigiTech processing using this pop-up. AMP CONTROLS Adjust detailed settings for the selected amp model The controls include GAIN, LEVEL, BASS, MID, and TREBLE.

  • Page 48: Parametric Eq

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.2: PARAMETRIC EQ CHANNEL EDIT > PARAMETRIC EQ EQ adjusts the amplitude of an audio signal at particular frequencies. Ui input channels, FX Return channels, and Sub Group master channels have a four-band parametric EQ, plus High Pass Filter (HPF), and a De-Esser controlled from the same screen.

  • Page 49
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.2: PARAMETRIC EQ CHANNEL EDIT > PARAMETRIC EQ RESET Reset the EQ to default values The EQ is set ‘flat’, and frequency and Q values are reset to defaults. BYPASS Bypass the EQ section of channel processing This control bypasses only the parametric EQ.
  • Page 50
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.2: PARAMETRIC EQ CHANNEL EDIT > PARAMETRIC EQ H — HPF BALL Draggable graphic ‘ball’ for High Pass Filter control Drag this graphic element to control. Left/Right adjusts Cut-Off frequency. Double-click/tap to reset. DE-ESSER FREQUENCY Fader control of De-Esser Frequency Determines the centre frequency of the De-Esser dynamic filter — the frequency on which the de-essing process is focussed.
  • Page 51
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.2: PARAMETRIC EQ CHANNEL EDIT > PARAMETRIC EQ EQ Q Fader control of EQ ‘Q’ Q is effectively a measure of how tall and thin the bell shape of the EQ band is — the lower the Q, the wider the bandwidth affected, and vice versa.
  • Page 52: Graphic Eq

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.3: GRAPHIC EQ CHANNEL EDIT > GRAPHIC EQ Ui Aux Send Master channels and the Stereo Master Channel incorporate Graphic EQ (GEQ) instead of the parametric EQ of the input channels. This includes 31 fixed frequency bands (selected in banks of 16 and 15 with the mini-GEQ graphic) with adjustable boost/cut.

  • Page 53
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.3: GRAPHIC EQ CHANNEL EDIT > GRAPHIC EQ BYPASS Bypass the GEQ processing dbx AFS SETUP Set up and operate the feedback elimination system for this bus. Only available with tablet software. See section 5.3.1 for more detail. PRESETS Save / load GEQ presets Brings up a standard preset management pop-up box.
  • Page 54: Afs

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.3.1: AFS CHANNEL EDIT > GRAPHIC EQ > AFS AFS2 is a dbx feedback suppression system that uses 12 intelligent filters to detect and eliminate feedback across the audio spectrum. You can set AFS2 up on the master stereo output and/or Aux bus master channels by navigating to the channel’s Edit screen and selecting the EQ tab.

  • Page 55
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.3.1: AFS CHANNEL EDIT > GRAPHIC EQ > AFS MODE Choose LIVE, FIXED, or LOCK Fixed mode is for pre-performance set-up, Live mode is for use during performance, and LOCK prevents changes to the current filters status. SENSITIVITY Adjust the input level feeding the AFS detector and make AFS…
  • Page 56: Dynamics

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.4: DYNAMICS CHANNEL EDIT > DYNAMICS The Ui dynamics section is a comprehensive audio compressor/limiter and gate section. Basically, a compressor reduces the level of the audio once it passes a particular threshold. You can set the Ui Compressor Release parameter to ‘Inf’…

  • Page 57
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.4: DYNAMICS CHANNEL EDIT > DYNAMICS ATTACK Adjust the compressor Attack This is the speed at which the compressor reacts and reaches the attenuation set by the RATIO parameter. RELEASE Adjust the compressor Release This is the speed at which the compressor returns to ‘no attenuation’ after the signal level has fallen below the threshold level.
  • Page 58
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.4: DYNAMICS CHANNEL EDIT > DYNAMICS SOFT KNEE / HARD KNEE Set SOFT KNEE or HARD KNEE mode for the compressor This determines how threshold level is interpreted. HARD KNEE mode means that the threshold represents an abrupt transition.
  • Page 59: Aux/Fx Sends

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 5.5: AUX/FX SENDS CHANNEL EDIT > AUX/FX SENDS The AUX and FX SENDS tabs in the EDIT screen are a convenient way to access all output contributions for a single channel — as opposed to the ‘mix view’ approach of the dedicated AUX SEND and FX SEND pages.

  • Page 60: Mix Features

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 6.1: VIEW & MUTE GROUPS MIX FEATURES > VIEW & MUTE GROUPS In Ui software you can mute channels individually, or in Mute Groups. There are six Mute Groups available to be assigned to any muteable channels. To mute all channels in a Mute Group, simply select the required Mute Group button.

  • Page 61: More Me

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 6.2: MORE ME MIX FEATURES > MORE ME MORE ME allows users to assign their own channels (which may include a vocal mic and an instrument channel for example) and mix the balance of those channels with a single large fader. This is a simple way to mix your own sound against other band members.

  • Page 62
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 7.0: FX EDIT FX EDIT Digital FX are used in all types of audio to help create depth and colour to a mix. The Ui12 has three internal Lexicon FX processors: Reverb, Delay, and Chorus. The Ui16 has an additional processor that can either be an additional reverb or delay.
  • Page 63: Reverb

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 7.1: REVERB FX EDIT > REVERB Reverberation (or “reverb” for short) is the complex effect created by the way we perceive sound in an enclosed space. Reverb is dependent on many features of that space, including the size, shape and the type of materials that line the walls.

  • Page 64: Delay

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 7.2: DELAY FX EDIT > DELAY Delays repeat a sound a short time after it first occurs. Delay becomes echo when the output is fed back into the input (feedback). This turns a single repeat into a series of repeats, each a little softer than the last. The Ui delay time is set in Milliseconds or in musical values.

  • Page 65: Chorus

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 7.3: CHORUS FX EDIT > CHORUS Chorus creates a lush, full sound by combining two or more signals together where one is unaffected and the other signals vary in pitch very slightly over time. Chorus is commonly used to fatten up tracks and to add body to guitars without colouring the original tone.

  • Page 66: Shows & Snapshots

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 8.0: SHOWS & SNAPSHOTS SHOWS & SNAPSHOTS A SHOW is a collection of SNAPSHOTS. A SNAPSHOT is a record of every setting on the console. You can save and recall snapshots and shows via the Ui control software — Phone or Tablet. The SHOWS &…

  • Page 67
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 8.0: SHOWS & SNAPSHOTS SHOWS & SNAPSHOTS To set up a show, from a SHOWS & SNAPSHOTS view select SHOWS and press the NEW button. Then name your show. Now take a snapshot by pressing the NEW button (next to the SNAPSHOTS column or in the SNAPSHOTS view).
  • Page 68: Media Player & Recorder

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 9.0: MEDIA PLAYER & RECORDER PLAYBACK & RECORDING The Ui mixer has a built in media player and recorder. The player can be used for backing tracks or for background music in between sets, for example, while the Record facility records the main stereo mix.

  • Page 69: Settings

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 9.0: MEDIA PLAYER & RECORDER PLAYBACK & RECORDING F1 & F2 PLAY In the tablet software the F1 & F2 buttons above the Master fader(and in the phone software the F1 button in the SlideOut panel) can be assigned to play next song (in the SETTINGS > CONFIG/SETUP screens). If the player is set to manual, then the player will stop at the finish of each song.

  • Page 70: Settings

    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 10.0: SETTINGS SETTINGS The SETTINGS page allows the user to manage basic setup configurations, network parameters (including the password setting for the WiFi access point), GUI preferences, and access permissions on a per-user basis. Phone and tablet software versions display the settings in slightly different forms, but al are accessible on either platform.

  • Page 71
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 10.0: SETTINGS SETTINGS METER QUANTISATION OFF, ON Choose between quantised metering — rather like an LED bargraph — or non-quantised (continuous). FADERGLOW OFF, THIN, NORM Options for the coloured lines under the faders. 1. On, 2. Thin and 3. Off. These lines are handy to quickly see which group of faders you are viewing (blue for FX, orange for AUX, and so on).
  • Page 72
    Ui12, Ui16 User Manual 10.0: SETTINGS SETTINGS LANGUAGE ENGLISH, CHINESE, GERMAN, FRENCH, SPANISH The default language for Ui software is English, but here you can change to Chinese or German language version. The browser will automatically refresh when these options are selected. NETWORK The Network options are available for manual set-up, though the most important requirement on this page is to setup a WiFi password.

background image



: Безопасность


: Гарантия

1.3: Технические характеристики



: Обзор системы


: Входы-выходы аппаратного обеспечения 

и управление

2.3: Трассировка входного канала

2.4: Подключение


3.0.1: Обновления и требования

3.0.2: Перезапуск микшера


: Навигация ПО


: Общая информация об 
управлении и жестах


: Навигация с помощью планшета


: Управление с клавиатуры

3.3: Экраны планшета


: Навигация со смартфона


: Экраны смартфона


4.1: Страница регулировки входной 

4.2: Страница микширования входного 

4.2.1: Подменю входного сигнала

4.3: Дополнительные шины эффектов Aux 

4.3.1: Мастер шина Aux Master


: Шины эффектов FX Sends


: Мастер шина групп


: Мастер канал

4.6.1: Подменю мастер канала 



: DigiTech


: Параметрический эквалайзер


: Графический эквалайзер

5.3.1 AFS2 — Подавление обратной 

связи  5.4: Динамика

5.5: Вспомогательные шины/шины эффектов


6.1: Группы вида и мьютирования

6.2: More Me



: Реверберации


: Дилей


: Хор






: Сетевая конфигурация


: Настройки беспроводной точки доступа


: Настройки Wi-Fi


: Настройки ЛВС


Поиск и устранение неисправностей: 

Отсутствует звук?


Поиск и устранение неисправностей: 

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Для ясности в данном руководстве вместо номеров страниц используются ссылки на разделы. В некоторых случаях 
одна ссылка на раздел может включать в себя несколько страниц.



 Ui12, Ui16



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Устройство из раздела: микшерный пульт

Бренд-производитель: SOUNDCRAFT

Наименование модели: SOUNDCRAFT Ui-12

Язык: Руководство на русском языке

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