Star ccm руководство




    2006 CD-adapco

  • Version 4.02 i



    1-1The Basic Modelling Process
    1-1Spatial description and volume discretisation
    ………………………………………………….. 1-2

    Solution domain definition
    1-3Mesh definition
    1-4Mesh distortion
    1-5Mesh distribution and density
    1-6Mesh distribution near walls
    1-7Moving mesh features

    Problem characterisation and material property definition
    ………………………………… 1-8Nature of the flow
    1-9Physical properties
    1-9Force fields and energy sources
    1-9Initial conditions

    Boundary description
    1-10Boundary location
    1-11Boundary conditions

    Numerical solution control
    1-13Selection of solution procedure
    1-13Transient flow calculations with PISO
    1-13Steady-state flow calculations with PISO
    1-15Steady-state flow calculations with SIMPLE
    ………………………………………… 1-16Transient flow
    calculations with SIMPLE
    ……………………………………………. 1-17Effect of
    round-off errors
    1-18Choice of the linear equation solver

    Monitoring the calculations
    1-19Model evaluation

    2 BASIC STAR-CD FEATURESIntroduction
    2-1Running a STAR-CD Analysis

    Using the script-based procedure
    2-3Using STAR-Launch

    pro-STAR Initialisation
    2-12Input/output window
    2-13Main window

  • ii Version 4.02

    The menu bar
    Housekeeping and Session Control

    Basic set-up
    display control

    Set Manipulation

    Basic functionality
    table editor

    Plotting Functions
    screen control

    The Users Tool
    On-line Help
    STAR GUIde Environment

    Panel navigation system
    GUIde usage

    General Guidelines

    Cell Table

    Cell indexing
    Property Setting

    Setting up models

    Setting up compressible flow models
    points on compressible flow

    Non-Newtonian Flow
    up non-Newtonian models
    points on non-Newtonian flow

    Turbulence Modelling
    Re models
    wall boundary condition

  • Version 4.02 iii

    Reynolds Stress models
    3-15DES models
    3-15LES models
    3-15Changing the turbulence model in use
    …………………………………………………. 3-16

    Heat Transfer In Solid-Fluid Systems
    3-16Setting up solid-fluid heat transfer models
    ……………………………………………. 3-17Heat
    transfer in baffles
    3-18Useful points on solid-fluid heat transfer
    ……………………………………………… 3-19

    Buoyancy-driven Flows and Natural Convection
    …………………………………………… 3-20Setting up
    buoyancy-driven models
    3-20Useful points on buoyancy-driven flow
    ……………………………………………….. 3-20

    Fluid Injection
    3-21Setting up fluid injection models

    4-1Boundary Location

    Command-driven facilities
    4-2Boundary set selection facilities
    4-3Boundary listing

    Boundary Region Definition
    4-5Inlet Boundaries

    4-9Useful points

    Outlet Boundaries
    4-11Useful points

    Pressure Boundaries
    4-12Useful points

    Stagnation Boundaries
    4-14Useful points

    Non-reflective Pressure and Stagnation Boundaries
    ……………………………………….. 4-16Introduction
    4-16Useful points

    Wall Boundaries
    4-19Thermal radiation properties
    4-20Solar radiation properties

  • iv Version 4.02

    Other radiation modelling considerations

    Baffle Boundaries
    up models
    radiation properties
    radiation properties
    radiation modelling considerations

    Symmetry Plane Boundaries

    up models
    set manipulation

    Free-stream Transmissive Boundaries

    Transient-wave Transmissive Boundaries

    Riemann Boundaries

    Attachment Boundaries

    Radiation Boundaries

    Phase-Escape (Degassing) Boundaries
    Domain Initialisation

    Steady-state problems

    5 CONTROL FUNCTIONSIntroduction
    Controls for Steady-State Problems
    Controls for Transient Problems

    Default (single-transient) solution mode

  • Version 4.02 v

    Load-step based solution mode
    5-6Load step characteristics
    5-6Load step definition
    5-8Solution procedure outline
    5-9Other transient functions

    Solution Control with Mesh Changes
    5-15Mesh-changing procedure

    Solution-Adapted Mesh Changes

    Setting Up Porous Media Models
    6-1Useful Points

    7 THERMAL AND SOLAR RADIATIONRadiation Modelling for Surface
    7-1Radiation Modelling for Participating Media
    7-3Capabilities and Limitations of the DTRM Method
    …………………………………………. 7-5Capabilities
    and Limitations of the DORM Method
    …………………………………………. 7-7Radiation

    8-1Local Source Models
    8-2Presumed Probability Density Function (PPDF) Models
    ………………………………….. 8-3

    Single-fuel PPDF
    8-3Multiple-fuel PPDF

    Regress Variable Models
    8-10Complex Chemistry Models
    8-11Setting Up Chemical Reaction Schemes

    Useful general points for local source and regress variable
    schemes ……….. 8-16Chemical Reaction Conventions
    8-18Useful points for PPDF schemes
    8-18Useful points for complex chemistry models
    ………………………………………… 8-21Useful points
    for ignition models

    Setting Up Advanced I.C. Engine Models
    8-22Coherent Flame model (CFM)
    8-24Extended Coherent Flame model (ECFM)
    ……………………………………………. 8-26Extended
    Coherent Flame model 3Z (ECFM-3Z) spark ignition …………
    8-28Extended Coherent Flame model 3Z (ECFM-3Z) compression ignition
    .8-29Useful points for ECFM models
    8-30Level Set model
    8-31Write Data sub-panel

  • vi Version 4.02

    The Arc and Kernel Tracking ignition model (AKTIM)
    ………………………….8-33Useful points for the AKTIM
    Double-Delay autoignition model

    NOx Modelling
    Combustion Modelling

    Stage 1
    and constants for coal modelling
    settings for the Mixed-is-Burnt and Eddy Break-Up models

    9 LAGRANGIAN MULTI-PHASE FLOWSetting Up Lagrangian Multi-Phase

    Static displays

    Engine Combustion Data Files

    up multi-phase models

    Useful points on Eulerian multi-phase flow
    …………………………………………..10-411 FREE

    Free Surface Flows
    up free surface cases

    Cavitating Flows
    up cavitation cases

    12 ROTATING AND MOVING MESHESRotating Reference Frames

    Models for a single rotating reference frame
    ………………………………………….12-1Useful points
    on single rotating frame problems
    …………………………………….12-1Models for multiple
    rotating reference frames (implicit treatment)
    …………..12-2Useful points on multiple implicit rotating frame
    problems ……………………..12-4Models for multiple rotating
    reference frames (explicit treatment) ……………12-5Useful
    points on multiple explicit rotating frame problems

    Moving Meshes
    up models

  • Version 4.02 vii

    Automatic Event Generation for Moving Piston Problems
    ……………………. 12-13Cell-layer Removal/Addition

    Basic concepts
    12-14Setting up models
    12-15Useful points

    Sliding Meshes
    12-18Regular sliding interfaces

    Cell Attachment and Change of Fluid Type
    12-22Basic concepts
    12-22Setting up models
    12-23Useful points

    Mesh Region Exclusion
    12-28Basic concepts

    Moving Mesh Pre- and Post-processing
    12-28Action commands
    12-29Status setting commands

    13 OTHER PROBLEM TYPESMulti-component Mixing

    Setting up multi-component models
    13-1Useful points on multi-component mixing
    ……………………………………………. 13-3

    Aeroacoustic Analysis
    13-3Setting up aeroacoustic models
    13-3Useful points on aeroacoustic analyses
    ………………………………………………… 13-4

    Liquid Films
    13-5Setting up liquid film models
    13-5Film stripping

    14 USER PROGRAMMINGIntroduction
    14-1Subroutine Usage

    Useful points
    14-4Description of UFILE Routines

    Boundary condition subroutines
    14-5Material property subroutines
    14-6Turbulence modelling subroutines
    14-9Source subroutines
    14-10Radiation modelling subroutines
    14-11Free surface / cavitation subroutines
    14-11Lagrangian multi-phase subroutines

  • viii Version 4.02

    Liquid film subroutines
    multi-phase subroutines
    reaction subroutines
    reference frame subroutines
    mesh subroutines
    flow characterisation subroutines
    ………………………………….14-17Solution control

    Sample Listing
    Coding Practices
    Coding in parallel runs

    15 PROGRAM OUTPUTIntroduction

    Input-data summary

    Printout of Field Values

    16 pro-STAR CUSTOMISATIONSet-up Files

    Panel creation
    definition files



    Naming conventions
    used files

    Special pro-STAR Features
    environment variables
    pro-STAR executables
    of temporary files by pro-STAR

    The StarWatch Utility

  • Version 4.02 ix

    Running StarWatch
    17-15Choosing the monitored values
    17-17Controlling STAR
    17-17Manipulating the StarWatch display
    17-20Monitoring another job

    Hard Copy Production
    17-21Neutral plot file production and use
    17-21Scene file production and use


    Command Input Conventions
    A-1Help Text / Prompt Conventions
    A-3Control and Function Key Conventions
    A-4File Name Conventions


    Runs Using STAR-NET

    Running under IBM Loadleveler using STAR-NET
    …………………………………F-8Running under LSF using
    under OpenPBS using STAR-NET
    …………………………………………F-10Running under
    PBSPro using STAR-NET
    under SGE using STAR-NET
    under Torque using STAR-NET




  • Version 4.02 1


    The Methodology volume presents the mathematical modelling
    practices embodiedin the STAR-CD system and the numerical solution
    procedures employed. In thisvolume, the focus is on the structure
    of the system itself and how to use it. Thispresentation assumes
    that the reader is familiar with the background informationprovided
    in the Methodology volume.

    ContentsChapter 1 introduces some of the fundamental principles
    of computationalcontinuum mechanics, including an outline of the
    basic steps involved in setting upand using a successful computer
    model. The important factors to consider at eachstep are mostly
    explained independently of the computer system used to perform
    theanalysis. However, reference is also made to the particular
    capabilities of theSTAR-CD system, where appropriate.

    Chapter 2 outlines the basic features of STAR-CD, including GUI
    facilities,session control and plotting utilities. Chapters 3 to 5
    provide the reader with detailedinstructions on how to use some of
    the basic code facilities, e.g. boundary conditionspecification,
    material property definition, etc., and an overview of the GUI
    panelsappropriate to each of them. The description covers all
    facilities (other than meshgeneration) that might be employed for
    modelling most common continuummechanics problems. Mesh generation
    itself is covered in a separate volume, theMeshing User Guide.

    Chapters 2 to 5 should be read at least once to gain an
    understanding of thegeneral housekeeping principles of pro-STAR and
    to help with any problemsarising from routine operations. It is
    recommended that users refer to theappropriate chapter repeatedly
    when setting up a model for general guidance and anoverview of the
    relevant GUI panels.

    Chapters 6 to 13 describe additional STAR-CD capabilities
    relevant to modelsof a more specialised nature, i.e. rotating
    systems, combustion processes,buoyancy-driven flows, etc. Users
    interested in a particular topic should consult theappropriate
    section for a summary of commands or options specially designed
    forthat purpose, plus hints and tips on performing a successful

    Chapter 14 outlines the user programmability features available
    and provides anexample FORTRAN subroutine listing implementing
    these features. All suchsubroutines are readily available for use
    and can be easily adapted to suit themodel’s requirements.

    Chapter 15 presents the printable output produced by the code
    which provides,among other things, a summary of the problem
    specification and monitoringinformation generated during the

    Chapter 16 explains how pro-STAR can be customised, in terms of
    user-definedpanels, macros and keyboard function keys, to meet a
    users individualrequirements.

    Finally, Chapter 17 covers some of the less commonly used
    features ofSTAR-CD, including the interaction between STAR and
    pro-STAR and howvarious system files are used.



    Version 4.02 1-1


    The aim of this section is to introduce the most important
    issues involved in settingup and solving a continuum mechanics
    problem using a computational continuummechanics code. Although the
    discussion applies in principle to any such code,reference is made
    where appropriate to the particular capabilities of the
    STAR-CDsystem. It is also assumed that the reader is familiar with
    the material presented inthe Methodology volume.

    The process of computational mechanics simulation does not
    usually start withthe direct use of such a code. It is indeed
    important to recognise that STAR-CD, orany other CFD, CAD or CAE
    system, should be treated as a tool to assist theengineer in
    understanding physical phenomena.

    The success or failure of a continuum mechanics simulation
    depends not only onthe code capabilities, but also upon the input
    data, such as:

    Geometry of the solution domain Continuum properties Boundary
    conditions Solution control parameters

    For a simulation to have any chance of success, such information
    should bephysically realistic and correctly presented to the
    analysis code.

    The essential steps to be taken prior to computational continuum
    mechanics(CCM) modelling are as follows: Pose the problem in
    physical terms. Establish the amount of information available and
    its sufficiency and validity. Assess the capabilities and features
    of the STAR-CD code, to ensure that the

    problem is well posed and amenable to numerical solution by the
    code. Plan the simulation strategy carefully, adopting a
    step-by-step approach to the

    final solution.

    Users should turn to STAR-CD and proceed with the actual
    modelling only after theabove tasks have been completed.

    The Basic Modelling ProcessThe modelling process itself can be
    divided into four major phases, as follows:Phase 1 Working out a
    modelling strategyThis requires a precise definition of the
    physical systems geometry, materialproperties and flow/deformation
    conditions based on the best availableunderstanding of the relevant
    physics. The necessary tasks include:

    Planning the computational mesh (e.g. number of cells, size and
    distributionof cell dimensions, etc.).

    Looking up numerical values for appropriate physical
    parameters(e.g. density, viscosity, specific heat, etc.).

    Choosing the most suitable modelling option from what is
    available(e.g. turbulence model, combustion option, etc.).


    Spatial description and volume discretisation

    1-2 Version 4.02

    The user also has to balance the requirement of physical
    fidelity and numericalaccuracy against the simulation cost and
    computational capabilities of his system.His modelling strategy
    will therefore incorporate some trade-off between these

    This initial phase of modelling is particularly important for
    the smooth andefficient progress of the computational
    simulation.Phase 2 Setting up the model using pro-STARThe main
    tasks involved at this phase are:

    Creating a computational mesh to represent the solution domain
    (i.e. themodel geometry).

    Specifying the physical properties of the fluids and/or solids
    present in thesimulation and, where relevant, the turbulence
    model(s), body forces, etc.

    Setting the solution parameters (e.g. solution variable
    selection, relaxationcoefficients, etc.) and output data

    Specifying the location and definition of boundaries and, for
    unsteadyproblems, further definition of transient boundary
    conditions and time steps.

    Writing appropriate data files as input to the analytical run of
    the followingphase.

    Phase 3 Performing the analysis using STARThis phase consists

    Reading input data created by pro-STAR and, if dealing with a
    restart run, theresults of a previous run.

    Judging the progress of the run by analysing various monitoring
    data andsolution statistics provided by STAR.

    Phase 4 Post-processing the results using pro-STARThis involves
    the display and manipulation of output data created by STAR
    usingthe appropriate pro-STAR facilities.

    The remainder of this chapter discusses the elements of each
    modelling phase ingreater detail.

    Spatial description and volume discretisationOne of the basic
    steps in preparing a STAR-CD model is to describe the geometryof
    the problem. The two key components of this description are:

    The definition of the overall size and shape of the solution
    domain. The subdivision of the solution domain into a mesh of
    discrete, finite,

    contiguous volume elements or cells, as shown in Figure 1-1.


    Spatial description and volume discretisation

    Version 4.02 1-3

    Figure 1-1 Example of solution domain subdivision into cells

    This process is called volume discretisation and is an essential
    part of solving theabove equations numerically. In STAR-CD both
    components of the spatialdescription are performed as part of the
    same operation, setting up the finite-volumemesh, but separate
    considerations apply to each of them.

    Solution domain definitionThrough its internal design and
    construction, STAR-CD permits a very general andflexible definition
    of what constitutes a solution domain. The latter can be:

    A fluid and/or heat flow field fully occupying an open region of
    space Fluid and/or heat flowing through a porous medium Heat
    flowing through a solid A solid undergoing mechanical

    Arbitrary combinations of the above conditions can also be
    specified within thesame model, as in problems involving
    fluid-solid heat transfer. The users first taskis therefore to
    decide which parts of the physical system being modelled need to
    beincluded in the solution domain and whether each part is occupied
    by a fluid, solidor porous medium.

    Whatever its composition, the fundamental requirement is that
    the solutiondomain is bounded. This means that the user has to
    examine his systems geometrycarefully and decide exactly where the
    enclosing boundaries lie. The boundaries canbe one of four

    1. Physical boundaries walls or solid obstacles of some
    description thatserve to physically confine a fluid flow

    2. Symmetry boundaries axes or planes beyond which the problem
    solutionbecomes a mirror image of itself

    3. Cyclic boundaries surfaces beyond which the problem solution
    repeatsitself, in a cyclic or anticyclic fashion

    The purpose of symmetry and cyclic boundaries is to limit the
    size of thedomain, and hence the computer requirements, by
    excluding regions wherethe solution is essentially known. This in
    turn allows one to model theproblem in greater detail than would
    have been the case otherwise.


    Spatial description and volume discretisation

    1-4 Version 4.02

    4. Notional boundaries these are non-physical surfaces that
    serve toclose-off the solution domain in regions not covered by the
    other two typesof boundary. Their location is entirely up to the
    users discretion but, ingeneral, they should be placed only where
    one of the following apply:

    (a) Flow/deformation conditions are known(b) Flow/deformation
    conditions can be guessed reasonably well(c) The boundary is far
    enough away from the region of interest for boundary

    condition inaccuracies to have little effect

    Thus, locating this type of boundary may require some trial and

    The location and characterisation of boundaries is discussed
    further in Boundarydescription on page 1-10.

    Mesh definitionCreation of a lattice of finite-volume cells to
    represent the solution domain isnormally the most time-consuming
    task in setting up a STAR-CD model. Thisprocess is greatly
    facilitated by STAR-CD because of its ability to generate cells
    ofan arbitrary, polyhedral shape.

    In creating a finite-volume mesh, the user should aim to
    represent accurately thefollowing two entities:

    1. The overall external geometry of the solution domain, by
    specifying anappropriate size and shape for near-boundary cells.
    The latters external faces,taken together, should make up a surface
    that adequately represents the shapeof the solution domain
    boundaries. Small inaccuracies may occur because allboundary cell
    faces (including rectangular faces) are composed of
    triangularfacets, as shown in Figure 1-2. These errors diminish as
    the mesh is refined.

    Figure 1-2 Boundary representation by triangular facets

    2. The internal characteristics of the flow/deformation regime.
    This is achievedby careful control of mesh spacing within the
    solution domain interior so that

    triangular facet


    Spatial description and volume discretisation

    Version 4.02 1-5

    the mesh is finest where the problem characteristics change most
    rapidly.Near-wall regions are important and a high mesh density is
    needed to resolvethe flow in their vicinity. This point is
    discussed further in Mesh distributionnear walls on page 1-7.

    Mesh spacing considerationsThe chief considerations governing
    the mesh spatial arrangement are:

    Accuracy primarily determined by mesh density and, to a lesser
    extent,mesh distortion (discussed in Mesh distortion on page

    Numerical stability this is a strong function of the degree of
    distortion. Cost a function of both the aforementioned factors,
    through their influence

    on the speed of convergence and c.p.u. time required per
    iteration or timestep.

    Thus, the user should aim at an optimum mesh arrangement

    employs the minimum number of cells, exhibits the least amount
    of distortion, is consistent with the accuracy requirements.

    Chapter 2 of the Meshing User Guide describes several methods
    available inSTAR-CD, some of them semi-automatic, to help the user
    achieve this goal.However, even when suitable automatic mesh
    generation procedures are available,the user must still draw on
    knowledge and experience of computational fluid andsolid mechanics
    to produce the right kind of mesh arrangement.

    Mesh distortionMesh distortion is measured in terms of three
    factors aspect ratio, internal angleand warp angle illustrated in
    Figure 1-3.

    Figure 1-3 Cell shape characteristics

    When setting up the mesh, the user should try to observe the
    following guidelines:

    Aspect Ratio values close to unity are preferable, but
    departures from this



    b/a = aspect ratio

    = internal angle

    = warp angle


    Spatial description and volume discretisation

    1-6 Version 4.02

    are allowed. Internal Angle departures from 90 intersections
    between cell faces

    should be kept to a minimum. Warp Angle the optimum value of
    this angle is zero, which can occur only

    when the cell face vertices are co-planar.

    Any adverse effects arising from departures from the preferred
    values of thesefactors manifest themselves through

    the relative magnitudes of the coefficients in the finite-volume
    equations,especially those arising from non-orthogonality, and

    the signs of the coefficients (negative values are generally
    detrimental).It is difficult to place rigid limits on the
    acceptable departures because they dependon local flow conditions.
    However, the following values serve as a useful guideline:

    pro-STAR can calculate these quantities and identify cells
    having out-of-boundsvalues, as discussed in Chapter 3, Mesh and
    Geometry Checking of the MeshingUser Guide.

    What is really important in this respect is the combined effect
    of the variouskinds of mesh distortion. If all three are
    simultaneously present in a single cell, thelimits given above
    might not be stringent enough. On the other hand, the effects
    ofdistortion also depend on the nature of the local flow. Thus, the
    above limits maybe exceeded in the region of

    simple flows such as, for example, uniform-velocity free
    streams, wall boundary layers, where cells of high aspect ratio (in
    the flow direction)

    are commonly employed without difficulty.

    Generally speaking, non-orthogonality at boundaries may cause
    problems andshould be minimised whenever practicable.

    Mesh distribution and densityNumerical discretisation errors are
    functions of the cell size; the smaller the cells(and therefore the
    higher the mesh density), the smaller the errors. However, a
    highmesh density implies a large number of mesh storage locations,
    with associated highcomputing cost. It is therefore advisable,
    wherever possible, to

    ensure that the mesh density is high only where needed, i.e. in
    regions of steepgradients of the flow variables, and low

    avoid rapid changes in cell dimensions in the direction of steep
    gradients inthe flow variables.

    The flexibility afforded by STAR-CDs unstructured polyhedral
    meshes facilitatessuch selective refinement. An illustration of
    some of the numerous cell shapes thatmay be employed is given in
    Figure 2-43 and Figure 2-44 of the Meshing UserGuide.

    Aspect Ratio 10Internal angle 45Warp angle 45


    Spatial description and volume discretisation

    Version 4.02 1-7

    Of course, it is not always possible to ascertain a priori what
    the flow structurewill be. However, the need for higher mesh
    density can usually be anticipated inregions such as:

    Wall boundary layers Jets issuing from apertures Shear layers
    formed by flow separation or neighbouring streams of different

    velocities Stagnation points produced by flow impingement Wakes
    behind bluff bodies Temperature or concentration fronts arising
    from mixing or chemical reaction

    Mesh distribution near wallsAs discussed in Chapter 6, Wall
    Boundary Conditions of the Methodologyvolume, wall functions are an
    economic way of representing turbulent boundarylayers (hydrodynamic
    and thermal) in turbulent flow calculations. These
    functionseffectively allow the boundary layer to be bridged by a
    single cell, as shown inFigure 1-4(a).

    Figure 1-4 Near-wall mesh distribution

    The location y of the cell centroids in the near-wall layer, and
    hence the thicknessof that layer, is usually determined by
    reference to the dimensionless normaldistance from the wall. For
    the wall function to be effective, this distance mustbe

    not too small, otherwise, the bridge might span only the laminar
    sublayer; not too large, as the flow at that location might not
    behave in the way assumed

    in deriving the wall functions.

    Ideally, should lie in the approximate range 30 to 150. Note
    that the aboveconsiderations apply to Reynolds Stress models as
    well as several classes of eddyviscosity model (see Chapter 3,
    Turbulence Modelling).

    Alternative treatments that do not require the use of wall
    functions are alsoavailable. These are:

    (b) Two-layer or Low Re models



    (a) Wall function model




    Problem characterisation and material property definition

    1-8 Version 4.02

    1. Two-layer turbulence models, whereby wall functions are
    replaced by aone-equation k-l model or a zero-equation
    mixing-length model

    2. Low Reynolds number models (including the V2F model), where
    viscouseffects are incorporated in the k and transport

    For the above two types of model, the solution domain should be
    divided into tworegions with the following characteristics:

    An inner region containing a fine mesh An outer region
    containing normal mesh sizes

    The two regions are illustrated in Figure 1-4(b). As explained
    in the Methodologyvolume (Chapter 6, Two-layer models), the inner
    region should contain at least15 mesh layers and encompass that
    part of the boundary layer influenced by viscouseffects.

    A more recent development, called the hybrid wall function is
    also available thatextends the low-Reynolds number formulation of
    most turbulence models. Thismay be used to capture boundary layer
    properties more accurately in cases wherethe near-wall cell size is
    not adapted for the low-Reynolds number treatment andthus achieve
    independent solutions.

    Moving mesh featuresSTAR-CD offers a range of moving mesh
    features, including:

    General mesh motion Internal sliding mesh Cell deletion and

    The first of these is straightforward to employ and the only
    caution required is theobvious one: avoid creating excessive
    distortion when redistributing the mesh. Thiscaution also applies
    to the use of the other two features, but they have additionalrules
    and guidelines attached to them. These are summarised in the
    Methodologyvolume, Chapter 15 (Internal Sliding Mesh on page 15-5
    and Cell LayerRemoval and Addition on page 15-7). Additional
    guidelines also appear in thisvolume, Cell-layer Removal/Addition
    on page 12-14 and Sliding Meshes onpage 12-18; hence they are not
    repeated here.

    Problem characterisation and material property definitionCorrect
    definition of the physical conditions and the properties of the
    materialsinvolved is a prerequisite to obtaining the right solution
    to a problem, or indeed toobtaining any solution at all. It is also
    essential for determining whether the problemcan be modelled with
    STAR-CD. The user must therefore ensure that the problemis well
    defined in respect of:

    The nature of the fluid flow (e.g. steady/unsteady,

    Physical properties (e.g. density, viscosity, specific heat)
    External force fields (e.g. gravity, centrifugal forces) and energy

    when present Initial conditions for transient flows



    Problem characterisation and material property definition

    Version 4.02 1-9

    Nature of the flowIt is very important to understand the nature
    of the flow being analysed in order toselect the appropriate
    mathematical models and numerical solution algorithms.Problems will
    arise if an incorrect choice is made, as in the following

    Employing an iterative, steady-state algorithm for an inherently
    unsteadyproblem, such as vortex shedding from a bluff body

    Computing a turbulent flow without invoking a suitable
    turbulence model Modelling transitional flow with one of the
    turbulence models currently

    implemented in STAR-CD. None of them can represent transitional

    Physical propertiesThe specification of physical properties,
    such as density, molecular viscosity,thermal conductivity, etc.
    depends on the nature of the fluids or solids involved andthe
    circumstances of use. For example, STAR-CD contains several
    built-inequations of state from which density can be calculated as
    a function of one or moreof the following field variables:

    Pressure Temperature Fluid composition

    In all cases where complex calculations are used to evaluate a
    material property, thefollowing measures are recommended:

    The relevant field variables must be assigned plausible initial
    and boundaryvalues.

    Where necessary, properties should be solved for together with
    the fieldvariables as part of the overall solution.

    In the case of strong dependencies between properties and field
    variables, theuser should consider under-relaxation of the property
    value calculations, inthe manner described in the Methodology
    volume (Chapter 7, Scalartransport equations).

    When required, STAR-CDs facility for alternative,
    user-programmablefunctions may be used.

    Force fields and energy sourcesAs already noted, STAR-CD has
    built-in provision for body forces arising from buoyancy,

    It is important to remember that as the strength of the body
    forces increases relativeto the viscous (or turbulent) stresses,
    the flow may become physically unstable. Inthese circumstances it
    is advisable to switch to the transient solution mode.

    It is also possible to insert additional, external force fields
    and energy sourcesvia the user programming facilities of STAR-CD.
    In such cases, it is important tounderstand the physical
    implications and avoid specifying conditions that lead to


    Boundary description

    1-10 Version 4.02

    physical or numerical instability. Examples of such conditions

    Thermal energy sources that increase linearly with temperature.
    These cangive rise to physical instability called thermal

    Setting the coefficient in the permeability function to avery
    small or zero value. If the local fluid velocity also becomes very
    small,the result may be numerical instability whereby small
    pressure perturbationsproduce a large change in velocities.

    Initial conditionsThe term initial conditions refers to values
    assigned to the dependent variables atall mesh points before the
    start of the calculations. Their implication depends on thetype of
    problem being considered:

    In unsteady applications, this information has a clear physical
    significanceand will affect the course of the solution. Due care
    must therefore be taken inproviding it. It sometimes happens that
    the effects of initial conditions areconfined to a start-up phase
    that is not of interest (as in, for example, flowsthat are
    temporally periodic). However, it is still advisable to take
    someprecautions in specifying initial conditions for reasons
    explained below.

    In calculating steady state problems by iterative means, the
    initial conditionswill usually have no influence on the final
    solution (apart from rare occasionswhen the solution is
    multi-valued), but may well determine the success andspeed of
    achieving it.

    Poor initial field specifications or, for transient problems,
    abrupt changes inboundary conditions put severe demands on the
    numerical algorithm whensubstituted into the finite-volume
    equations. As a consequence, the followingspecial start-up measures
    may be necessary to ensure numerical stability:

    Use of unusually small time steps in transient calculations. Use
    of strong under-relaxation in iterative solutions.

    Specific recommendations concerning these practices are given in
    Numericalsolution control on page 1-13. In either case, increased
    computing times can be anundesirable side effect.

    Boundary descriptionAs stated in Spatial description and volume
    discretisation on page 1-2, boundaryidentification and description
    are intimately connected with the generation of thefinite-volume
    mesh, since the boundary topography is defined by the outermost
    cellfaces. Furthermore, correct specification of the boundary
    conditions is often themain area of difficulty in setting up a
    model. Problems often arise in the followingareas:

    Identifying the correct type of condition Specifying an
    acceptable mix of boundary types Ascribing appropriate boundary

    The above are in turn linked to the decisions on where to place
    the boundaries in the

    i K i i v i+=


    Boundary description

    Version 4.02 1-11

    first instance.

    Boundary locationDifficulties in specifying boundary location
    normally arise where the flowconditions are incompletely known, for
    example at outlets. The recommendedsolutions, in decreasing degree
    of accuracy, are to place boundaries

    in regions where the conditions are known, if this is possible;
    in a location where the Outlet or Prescribed Pressure option is

    (see Chapter 5 in the Methodology volume); where the
    approximations in the boundary condition specification are

    to propagate upstream into the regions of interest.

    Whenever possible, it is particularly important to avoid the
    following situations:

    1. A boundary that passes through a major recirculation zone.2.
    In transient transonic or supersonic compressible flows, an outlet

    located where the flow is not supersonic.3. A mix of boundary
    conditions that is inappropriate. Examples of this are:

    (a) Multiple Outlet boundaries unless further information is
    supplied onhow the flow is partitioned between the outlets.

    (b) Prescribed flow split outlets coexisting with prescribed
    mass outflowboundaries in the same domain.

    (c) A combination of prescribed pressure and flow-split outlet

    Boundary conditionsAnother source of potential difficulty is in
    boundary value specification whereverknown conditions need to be
    set, e.g. at a Prescribed Inflow or Inlet boundary.The basic points
    to bear in mind in this situation are:

    All transport equations to be solved require specification of
    their boundaryvalues, including the turbulence transport equations
    when they are invoked

    Inappropriate setting of boundary values leads to erroneous
    results and, inextreme cases, to numerical instability

    The following recommendations can be given regarding each
    different type ofboundary:

    1. Prescribed flow Here, care should be taken to:(a) Assign
    realistic values to all dependent variables, including the

    turbulence parameters, and also to auxiliary quantities, such as
    density.(b) Ensure that, if this is the only type of flow boundary
    imposed, overall

    continuity is satisfied (STAR-CD will accept inadvertent
    massimbalances of up to 5%, correcting them by adjusting the
    outflows. Anerror message is issued if the imbalance exceeds this

    2. Outlet The main points to note for this boundary type are:(a)
    The need to specify the boundary, where possible, at locations
    where the

    flow is everywhere outwardly directed; also to recognise that,
    if inflow


    Boundary description

    1-12 Version 4.02

    occurs, it may introduce numerical instability and/or
    inaccuracies.(b) The necessity, if more than one boundary of this
    type is declared, of

    prescribing either the flow split between them or the mass
    outflow rate ateach location.

    (c) The inapplicability of prescribed split outlets to problems
    where theinflows are not fixed, e.g.

    i) in combination with pressure boundary conditions, orii) in
    the case of transient compressible flows.

    3. Prescribed pressure The main precautions are:(a) To specify
    relative (to a prescribed datum) rather than absolute pressures.(b)
    If inflow is likely to occur, to assign realistic boundary values

    temperature and species mass fractions. It is also advisable to
    specify theturbulence parameters indirectly, via the turbulence
    intensity and lengthscale or by extrapolating them from values in
    the interior of the solutiondomain.

    4. Stagnation conditions It is recommended to use this condition
    forboundaries lying within large reservoirs where properties are
    not significantlyaffected by flow conditions in the solution

    5. Non-reflecting pressure and stagnation conditions A
    specialformulation of the standard pressure and stagnation
    conditions, developed tofacilitate analysis of steady-state
    turbomachinery applications

    6. Cyclic boundaries These always occur in pairs. The main
    points of adviceare:

    (a) Impose this condition only in appropriate
    circumstances.Two-dimensional axisymmetric flows with swirl is a
    good example of anappropriate application.

    (b) For axisymmetric flows, make use of the CD/UD blending
    scheme toapply the maximum level of central differencing in the
    tangentialdirection (the default blending factor is 0.95; see also
    on-line Help topicMiscellaneous Controls in STAR GUIde).

    7. Planes of symmetry It is recommended to use this condition
    fortwo-dimensional axisymmetric flows without swirl

    8. Free-stream transmissive boundaries Used only for modelling
    supersonicfree streams

    9. Transient wave transmissive boundaries Used only in problems
    involvingtransient compressible flows

    10. Riemann boundaries This condition is based on the theory of
    Riemanninvariants and its application allows pressure waves to
    leave the solutiondomain without reflection


    Numerical solution control

    Version 4.02 1-13

    Numerical solution controlProper control of the numerical
    solution process applied to the transport equationsis highly
    important, both for acceptable computational efficiency and,
    sometimes,in order to achieve a solution at all. By necessity, the
    means of controlling theprocess depend heavily on the particular
    numerical techniques employed so nouniversal guidelines can be
    given. Thus, the recommended settings vary with theparticular
    algorithm selected and the circumstances of application.

    Selection of solution procedureThe basic selection should be
    based on a correct assessment of the nature of theproblem and will
    be either

    a transient calculation, starting from well-defined initial and
    boundaryconditions and proceeding to a new state in a series of
    discrete time steps; or

    a steady-state calculation, where an unchanging flow/deformation
    patternunder a given set of boundary conditions is arrived at
    through a number ofnumerical iterations.

    PISO and SIMPLE are the two alternative solution procedures
    available inSTAR-CD. PISO is the default for unsteady calculations
    and is sometimes preferredfor steady-state ones, in cases involving
    strong coupling between dependentvariables such as buoyancy driven
    flows. SIMPLE is the default algorithm forsteady-state solutions
    and works well in most cases.

    SIMPLE is also used for transient calculations in the case of
    free surface andcavitating flows, where it is the only option. In
    most other transient flow problems,PISO is likely to be more
    efficient due to the fact that PISO correctors are usuallycheaper
    than outer iterations on all variables within a time step of the
    transientSIMPLE algorithm. However, there are situations in which
    PISO would requiremany correctors or even fail to converge unless
    the time step is reduced, whereasSIMPLE may allow larger time steps
    with a moderate number of outer iterations pertime step. This is
    the case when the flow changes very little but certain
    slowtransients are present in the behaviour of scalar variables
    (e.g. slow heating up ofsolid structures in the case of solid-fluid
    heat transfer problems, deposition ofchemical species on walls in
    after-treatment of exhaust gases, etc.). In such cases,transient
    SIMPLE can be used to save on computing time.

    When doubts exist as to whether the problem considered actually
    possesses asteady-state solution or when iterative convergence is
    difficult to achieve, it is betterto perform the calculations using
    the transient option.

    Transient flow calculations with PISOAs stated in The PISO
    algorithm on page 7-2 of the Methodology volume, PISOperforms at
    each time (or iteration) step, a predictor, followed by a number
    ofcorrectors, during which linear equation sets are solved
    iteratively for each maindependent variable. The decisions on the
    number of correctors and inner iterations(hereafter referred to as
    sweeps, to avoid confusion with outer iterationsperformed as part
    of the steady-state solution mode) are made internally on the
    basisof the splitting error and inner residual levels,
    respectively, according to prescribedtolerances and upper limits.
    The default values for the solver tolerances and


    Numerical solution control

    1-14 Version 4.02

    maximum correctors and sweeps are given in Table 1-1. Normally,
    these will onlyrequire adjustment by the user in exceptional
    circumstances, as discussed below.

    The remaining key parameter in transient calculations with PISO
    is the size of thetime increment . This is normally determined by
    accuracy considerations andmay be varied during the course of the
    calculation. The step should ideally be of thesame order of
    magnitude as the smallest characteristic time for convection
    anddiffusion, i.e.


    Here, U and are a characteristic velocity and diffusivity,
    respectively, and isa mean mesh dimension. Typically, it is
    possible to operate with andstill obtain reasonable temporal
    accuracy. Values significantly above this may leadto errors and
    numerical instability, whereas smaller values will lead to
    increasedcomputing times.

    During the course of a calculation, the limits given in Table
    1-1 may be reached,in which case messages to this effect will be
    produced. This is most likely to occurduring the start-up phase but
    is nevertheless acceptable if, later on, the warningseither cease
    entirely or only appear occasionally, and the predictions
    lookreasonable. If, however, the warnings persist, corrective
    actions should be taken.The possible actions are:

    Reduction in time step by, say, an initial factor of 2 if this
    improvesmatters, then the cause may simply be an excessively large

    Increase in the sweep limits if measure 1 fails, then this
    should be tried,only on the variable(s) whose limit(s) have been
    reached. Again, twofoldchanges are appropriate.

    Pressure under-relaxation a value of 0.8 for pressure
    correctionunder-relaxation, using PISO, may be helpful for some
    difficult cases (e.g. forsevere mesh distortion or flows with Mach
    numbers approaching 1).

    Corrector step tolerance this may be set to a lower value but

    Table 1-1: Standard Control Parameter Settings for Transient


    Velocity Pressure Turbulence Enthalpy Mass fraction

    Solvertolerance 0.01 0.001 0.01 0.01 0.01

    Sweep limit 100 1000 100 100 100

    Pressure under-relaxation factor = 1.0

    Corrector limit = 20

    Corrector step tolerance = 0.25



    tc minLU——



    Lt 50 tc



    Numerical solution control

    Version 4.02 1-15

    CD adapco first.

    Steady-state flow calculations with PISOWhen PISO operates in
    this mode, the inner residual tolerances are decreased
    andunder-relaxation is introduced on all variables, apart from
    pressure, temperature andmass fraction. However, the last two
    variables may need to be under-relaxed forbuoyancy driven problems.
    The standard, default values for these parameters andthe sweep
    limits, which are unchanged from the transient mode, are given in


    These settings should, all being well, result in near-monotonic
    decrease in theglobal residuals during the course of the
    calculations, depending on mesh densityand other factors. If,
    thereafter, one or more of the global residuals do not fall,then
    remedial measures will be necessary. In some instances, the
    offendingvariable(s) can be identified from the behaviour of the
    global residuals.

    The main remedies now available are:

    Reduction in relaxation factor(s) this should be done in
    decrements ofbetween 0.05 and 0.10 and should be applied to the
    velocities if themomentum and/or mass residuals are at fault.

    Decrease in solver tolerances as in the transient case, this may
    provebeneficial, especially in respect of the pressure tolerance
    and its importance tothe flow solution. A twofold reduction should
    indicate whether this measurewill work.

    Increase in sweep limits if warning messages about the limits
    beingreached appear and are not suppressed by measures 1 and 2,
    then it may beworthwhile increasing the limit(s) on the offending

    Under-relaxation of density and effective viscosity use of this
    method fordensity can be advantageous where significant variations
    occur,e.g. compressible flows, combustion, and mixing of dissimilar
    gases.Effective viscosity oscillations can arise in turbulent flow
    and non-Newtonianfluid flow and can be similarly damped by this

    Table 1-2: Standard Control Parameter Settings for Steady


    Velocity Pressure Turbulence Enthalpy Mass fraction

    Solvertolerance 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1

    Sweep limit 100 1000 100 100 100

    Relaxationfactor 0.7 1.0 0.7 0.95 1.0

    Corrector limit = 20

    Corrector step tolerance = 0.25



    Numerical solution control

    1-16 Version 4.02

    Steady-state flow calculations with SIMPLEAs noted previously,
    the control parameters available for SIMPLE are similar tothose for
    PISO, except that, in the case of the former, a single corrector
    stage isalways used and pressure is under-relaxed. The standard
    (default) settings are givenin Table 1-3.


    In the event of failure to obtain solutions with the standard
    values, then the measuresto be taken are essentially the same as
    those for iterative PISO, given in the previoussection. However,
    here, reduction of the pressure relaxation factor is an
    additionaldevice for overcoming convergence problems. The problems
    usually arise eitherfrom a highly distorted mesh, or from highly
    complex physics (many variablesaffecting each other). If the grid
    is distorted, one should reduce the relaxation factorfor pressure
    from the beginning of the run (e.g. to 0.1). If convergence
    problems arestill encountered, a substantial reduction of the
    under-relaxation factor for velocitiesand turbulence model
    variables should be tried (e.g. to 0.5). If this does not help,
    theproblem may lie in severe mesh defects or errors in the set-up.
    Further reduction ofunder-relaxation factors may be tried if the
    grid is severely distorted and cannot beimproved; otherwise,
    improving the mesh quality can be of much greater help.

    Note that the pressure under-relaxation factor needs to be
    adjusted within thelimits of some range to make the iteration
    process converge, where the number ofiterations required to reach
    such convergence is mainly dictated by thecorresponding factors for
    velocities (and for scalar variables when strongly coupledto the
    flow). In the case of well-behaved flows and reasonable meshes,
    therelaxation factor for pressure can be selected as (1.0 —
    relaxation factor forvelocities), e.g. 0.2 for pressure and 0.8 for
    velocities. Usually, for a given velocityrelaxation factor, the one
    for pressure can be varied within some range withoutaffecting the
    total number of iterations and computing time, but outside this
    rangethe iterative process would diverge. The lower the relaxation
    factor for velocities,the wider the range of pressure relaxation
    factors that can be used (e.g. between 0.05and 0.8 if the velocity
    factor is low, say around 0.5). On the other hand, this
    rangebecomes narrower when the mesh is distorted.

    The limit to which the velocity relaxation factor can be
    increased is bothproblem- and mesh-dependent. When many similar
    problems need to be solved, itis worth trying to work near the
    optimum as this may save a lot of computing time.

    Table 1-3: Standard Control Parameter Settings for Steady


    Velocity Pressure Turbulence Enthalpy Mass fraction

    Solvertolerance 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1

    Sweep limit 100 1000 100 100 100

    Relaxationfactor 0.7 0.3 0.7 0.95 1.0


    Numerical solution control

    Version 4.02 1-17

    On the other hand, for an one-off analysis, it may be more
    efficient to use aconservative setting.

    Note that under some conditions, such as those in Tutorial 13.1,
    a steady-statesolution cannot be achieved due to the inherent
    unsteady character of the flow. Thisis often the case when the
    problem geometry possesses some form of symmetry butthe Reynolds
    (or another equivalent) number is high and recirculation zones
    arepresent. In this case the residuals stop falling at some level
    and then continue tooscillate. The solution at that stage may be
    far from a valid solution of thegoverning equations and should not
    be interpreted as such unless the residual levelis sufficiently
    small. An eddy-viscosity turbulence model (such as the standard
    k-e)combined with a first-order upwind scheme for convective fluxes
    may produce asteady-state solution, while a less diffusive
    turbulence model (such as ReynoldsStress and non-linear
    eddy-viscosity models) combined with a higher-orderdifferencing
    scheme (such as central differencing) may not. In such cases,
    atransient simulation should be performed; the unsteady solution
    may oscillatearound a mean steady state, in which case the
    quantities of interest (drag, lift, heattransfer coefficient,
    pressure drop, etc.) can be averaged over several

    Transient flow calculations with SIMPLEThe use of this algorithm
    in transient calculations essentially consists of repeatingthe
    steady-state SIMPLE calculations for each prescribed time step. The
    defaultcontrol parameter settings are therefore as summarised in
    Table 1-4.


    The main difference compared to the PISO algorithm lies in the
    fact that alllinearizations and deferred correctors are updated
    within the outer iterations, byrecalculating the coefficient matrix
    and source term. For this reason, solvertolerances do not need to
    be as tight as for PISO; they are actually identical to thoseused
    for steady-state computations. However, since the discretization of
    thetransient term enlarges the central coefficient of the matrix in
    the same way asunder-relaxation does, the relaxation factors for
    velocities and scalar variables canbe increased (the smaller the
    time step, the larger the values that can be used forrelaxation
    factors 0.95 or even more).

    The convergence criterion for outer iterations within each time
    step is by default

    Table 1-4: Standard Control Parameter Settings for Transient


    Velocity Pressure Turbulence Enthalpy Mass fraction

    Solvertolerance 0.1 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.1

    Sweep limit 100 1000 100 100 100

    Relaxationfactor 0.9 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.0

    Outer iteration limit = 5


    Numerical solution control

    1-18 Version 4.02

    the same as for steady-state flows. However, the number of outer
    iterations is alsoset to a default limit of 10; if substantially
    more iterations are needed to satisfy theconvergence criterion,
    this is a sign that the time step is too large. In such a case,
    itis better to reduce the time step rather than allow more outer
    iterations for a largertime step, because this would lead to a more
    accurate solution at a comparable cost.On the other hand, if
    residuals drop below the limit after only a few iterations, onemay
    increase the time step; experience shows that optimum efficiency
    and accuracyare achieved if 5 to 10 outer iterations per time step
    are performed.

    Note also that the reported mass residuals are computed before
    solving thepressure-correction equation; after this equation is
    solved and mass fluxes arecorrected, the mass residuals are more
    than an order of magnitude lower. For thisreason, one can accept
    mass residuals being somewhat higher than the convergencecriterion
    when the limiting number of outer iterations is reached, provided
    that theresiduals of all other equations have satisfied the
    criterion. In some cases, anincrease in the under-relaxation factor
    for pressure (up to 0.8) can lead to a fasterreduction of mass
    residuals. All these considerations are of course problem-dependent
    and if several simulations over a longer period need to be
    performed, itmay prove useful to invest some time in optimizing the
    relaxation parameters.

    Sometimes, it is necessary to select smaller time steps in the
    initial phase of atransient simulation than those at later stages.
    This is the case, for example, whenstarting with a fluid at rest
    and imposing a full-flow rate at the inlet, or full speed
    ofrotation (in the absence of a better initial condition). This is
    equivalent to a suddenchange of boundary conditions at a later
    time, which would also require that thetime step be reduced.
    Another possibility of avoiding problems with abrupt startsfrom
    rest is to ramp the boundary conditions (e.g. a linear increase of
    velocity fromzero to full speed over some period of time).

    The transient SIMPLE algorithm allows you to select either the
    defaultfully-implicit Euler scheme or the three-time-level scheme
    for temporaldiscretisation, described in Chapter 4, Temporal
    Discretisation of theMethodology volume. The latter scheme is
    second-order accurate but is currentlyapplied only to the momentum
    and continuity equations. It should be chosen whentemporal
    variation of the velocity field is essential, e.g. in the case of a
    DES/LEStype of analysis. While PISO would normally be the preferred
    choice for the latter,under some circumstances (e.g. the existence
    of very small cells, poor mesh qualityetc.), transient SIMPLE may
    allow the use of larger time steps than PISO withoutloss of

    Effect of round-off errorsEfforts have been made to minimise the
    susceptibility of STAR-CD to the effectsof machine round-off
    errors, but problems can sometimes arise when operating insingle
    precision on 32-bit machines. They usually manifest themselves as
    failure ofthe iterative solvers to converge or, in extreme cases,
    in divergence leading tomachine overflow.

    If difficulties are encountered with problems of this kind, then
    it is clearlyadvisable to switch to double precision calculations.
    Instructions on how to do thisare provided in the Installation
    Manual. As a general rule, however, you should tryto avoid
    generating very small values for cell volumes and cell face areas
    byworking with sensible length units. Alternatively, you could
    re-specify your


    Monitoring the calculations

    Version 4.02 1-19

    problem geometry units while preserving relevant non-dimensional
    quantities suchas Re and Gr.

    Choice of the linear equation solverSTAR-CD offers two types of
    preconditioning of its conjugate gradient linearequations solvers:
    one which vectorises fully, and the other, which is
    numericallysuperior to the first one but vectorises only partially.
    Therefore, the first one (calledvector solver) is recommended when
    the code is run on vector machines (such asFujitsu and Hitachi
    computers), and the second one (called scalar solver) isrecommended
    if the code is run on scalar machines (such as workstations).

    Monitoring the calculationsChapter 5 and the section on
    Permanent Output on page 15-1 give details of theinformation
    extracted from the calculations at each iteration or time step and
    usedfor monitoring and control purposes. This consists of:

    Values of all dependent variables at a user-specified monitoring
    location.Care should be taken in the choice of location, especially
    for steady-statecalculations. Ideally, it should be in a sensitive
    region of the flow where theapproach to the steady state is likely
    to be slowest, e.g. a zone of recirculation.In transient flow
    calculations, the information has a different significance andother
    criteria for choice of location may apply. For example, a location
    maybe chosen so as to confirm an expected periodic behaviour in the

    The normalised global residuals for all equations solved. Apart
    fromturbulence dissipation rate residuals (see Chapter 7,
    Completion tests in theMethodology volume), these are used to judge
    the progress and completion ofiterative calculations for steady and
    pseudo-transient solutions. In the earlystages of a calculation,
    the non-linearities and interdependencies of theequations may
    result in non-monotonic decrease of the residuals. If
    theseoscillations persist after, say, 50 iterations, this may be
    indicative of problems.

    Remember that reduction of the normalised residuals to the
    prescribed tolerance ()is a necessary but not sufficient condition
    for convergence, for two reasons:

    1. The normalisation practices used (see Chapter 7, Completion
    tests in theMethodology volume) may not be appropriate for the

    2. It is also necessary that the features of interest in the
    solution should havestabilised to an acceptable degree.

    If doubts exist in either respect, it is advisable to reduce the
    tolerance and continuethe calculations.

    It follows from the above discussion that strong reliance is
    placed on the globalresiduals to judge the progress and completion
    of iterative calculations of steadyflows. These quantities provide
    a direct measure of the degree of convergence of theindividual
    equation sets and are therefore useful both for termination tests
    and foridentifying problem areas when convergence is not being



    Model evaluation

    1-20 Version 4.02

    Model evaluationChecking the modelSTAR-CD offers a variety of
    tools to help assess the accuracy and effectiveness ofall aspects
    of the model building process. In performing the modelling
    stagesdiscussed previously, the user should therefore take
    advantage of these facilities andcheck that:

    1. The mesh geometry agrees with what it is

  • Россиянин1975

  • gudstartup


    gudstartup · Опубликовано: 4 часа назад

    Задача вычислить смещение и записать в 2139 если движения нет то значит это невозможно.

    Все возможные варианты  почему не приходит F159 в 1 перечислены выше по теме.

    Если датчик нормально считает  Gn135 активирована и 2139 записан 0 то не вижу причин почему ось не начинает движение если она разблокирована!


  • Александр1979


    Александр1979 · Опубликовано: 6 часов назад

    Я похоже ошибся, OVERRIDE только для сигналов X и Y работает. Для сигналов G не работает.

    Значит действительно остается FORCE и останавливать PMC, если есть управление с PMC.

  • Viktor2004


    Viktor2004 · Опубликовано: 6 часов назад

    Force Forth Я забыл как это латинскими буквами пишется

    Без остановки РМС может не получиться, если этот сигнал управляется с РМС

    Override Я на 0i-F уже не увидел

    Да и вроде как он позволяет только иксы имитировать, может ещё F сигналы, но не те, которые выходы


  • Александр1979


    Александр1979 · Опубликовано: 6 часов назад

    Тогда уж лучше не FORCE, а OVERRIDE (OVRSET) для нужного бита G135 использовать без останова PMC. А вообще хотелось бы LADDER посмотреть есть ли там G135.


    Вот самое наглядное описание «Pole detection procedure» нашел:




  • andrei4ik


    andrei4ik · Опубликовано: 6 часов назад

    Да скорее всего то. Но если в сборке будут ещё какие либо детали, то они тоже в вес добавятся. А надо только чтобы листовой металл считался. Да ладно, это не такая проблема. Просто думал что я чего-то делаю неправильно

  • Viktor2004


    Viktor2004 · Опубликовано: 6 часов назад

    Автор. После включения станка разблокируйте нужную ось. Потом определите какая она у вас по счету сверху вниз начиная с нуля. Потом остановите РМС


    Затем зайдите SYSTEM -) PMC MAINTENCE -) G135 SEARCH

    Найдите нужный бит соответствующий номеру вашей оси. Затем  FORTH -) ON через 5 секунд OFF и снова включите РМС

    Только пока РМС отключена не вздумайте нажать грибок. А то ось вертикальная со шпинделем воткнется в стол

  • andrei4ik


    andrei4ik · Опубликовано: 6 часов назад

    А у меня немного другая проблема. Если в спецификации получается показать все данные из списка вырезов, то добавить столбец с аттрибутами модели уже не получается. И наоборот. Если получаешь аттрибуты модели, то данные из списка вырезов недоступны

  • pavelaq750

  • gudstartup


    gudstartup · Опубликовано: 6 часов назад

    Да на сигнале в GRAPH окне Servo GUIDE был просто полный спектр вместо нормального сигнала и все это потом в TCMD транслировалось

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 02.08.2011

    : (Multi-Component Flow Tutorials)

    , :

    , . ( ) . , . :

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (1 , 293 ) . ( 16 /) 323 . , ( ) . . : — , — .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    : ( ) (Dilution Pipe (Steady Flow) Tutorial)

    . 5 / 10 / .

    (Importing the Mesh and Naming the Simulation).

    STAR-CCM+ , , (New Simulation). . . .ccm.

    > > (File > Import > Import Volume Mesh). (Open)
    //multiphase (doc/tutorials/multiphase), , STAR-CCM+,

    (Open), .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    STAR-CCM+ , (Output window). (Graphics) , .


    (Visualizing the Geometry) , , . , :

    > 1 > > 1 > (Scenes > Geometry Scene 1 >
    Displayers > Geometry 1 > Parts).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Properties) (Parts). (List View), Default_Fluid: symmetry

    (Apply) (Close).

    1 (Geometry Scene 1) 180 , , .

    , . , , (baffles), , .

    (Renaming Regions and Boundaries)

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    . .

    > Default_Fluid (Regoins > Default_Fluid) Fluid.

    . , , Default_Boundary_Region.

    > > Fluid >

    Default_Boundary_Region (Regions > Boundaries > Fluid >
    Default_Boundary_Region) (Wall).

    (Scaling the Mesh)

    , .ccm . > (Mesh > Diagnostics…), (Output), .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    , 0 5.0 -, 0 5.5 Y-, 0 1.5 Z-. , STAR-CCM+ . 0.0254, .

    > (Mesh > Scale Mesh).

    (Scale Mesh) ,

    Fluid 0.0254 .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Apply), , (Close).

    (Apply) .

    _ (Reset_View) , .

    , , (Output).

    (Setting up the Models) , , , , , . . (Segregated Flow)
    K-Epsilon. , , 1 (Physics 1). :

    > 1 (Continua > Physics 1) Dilution Pipe.

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    Dilution Pipe (Select models).

    (Physics Model Selection) , , .

    , (Three Dimensional) ( (Space)).

    (Multi-Component) (Material).

    (Non-Reacting) (Reaction Regime).

    (Segregated Flow) (Flow)

    (Ideal Gas) (Equation of State) (Segregated Fluid Temperature) (
    , (Auto-select recommended Physics models) ).

    (Steady) (Time). (Turbulent)

    (Viscous Regime) K-Epsilon (K-Epsilon Turbulence)

    , (Reynolds-Averaged Turbulence).

    (Physics Model Selection) :

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Close). , Dilution Pipe dilPipeSteady , , .

    Dilution Pipe > (Dilution Pipe > Models). .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    , (Save).

    (Setting Material Properties) . , STAR-CCM+ . : 16 /, 2230 /(*),
    0.038 W/m-K 1.175E-5 Pas. , (Setting up the Models).

    > > (Models > Multi-Component Gas > Gas

    (Gas Components) .

    (Gas Components) (Select Mixture Components).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Select Mixture Components) (Material Databases), (Standard)
    (Gases), .

    (Air) CH4 (),

    . ( ).

    (Apply), (Close). (Gas Components) , .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    CH4 (Methane). , :

    (Gas Components) (Reorder Mixture Components). (Reorder Mixture
    Components) (Methane) .


    Properties). (Constant)

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    (Dynamic Viscosity) = 1.175E-5 Pa-s (Molecular Weight) = 16
    kg/kg.mol (Specific Heat) = 2230 J/kg-K (Thermal Conductivity) =
    0.038 W/m-K


    (Setting Initial Conditions)

    293 .

    > > > (Dilution Pipe > Initial Conditions >
    Species Mass Fraction > Constant)

    (Properties) (Value).

    (Constant Value)

    1.0 (Air).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    > (Static Temperature > Constant).

    (Properties) 293 .


  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Setting Boundary Conditions and Values)

    , . , .

    > Fluid > > _ > > > (Regions > Fluid >
    Boundaries > Inner_inlet > Physics Values > Mass Fraction
    > Constant).

    (Value) 0.0, 1.0

    > (Static Temperature > Constant).

    (Value) 323 .


  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Turbulence Intensity > Constant).

    (Properties) (Value) 0.1.

    (Turbulent Viscosity Ratio) 100 (Velocity Magnitude) 10 /.


    _ (Outer_inlet) (Physics Values) :

    (Species Mass Fraction) = [1.0, 0.0] (Static Temperature) = 293
    K (Turbulence Intensity) = 0.1 (Turbulent Viscosity Ratio) =

    40 .

    pressure Physics Values. :

    Mass Fraction = [1.0, 0.0] Static Temperature = 308 K Turbulence
    Intensity = 0.1 Turbulent Viscosity Ratio = 40

    , , . , .


    (Setting Solver Parameters and Stopping Criteria)

    , (under-relaxation factors)

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    . (under-relaxation factors) . , . 300 , .

    , . (Stopping Criteria) (Maximum Steps).

    (Properties) (Maximum Steps), 300.

    300 , .


    (Visualizing the Solution)

    . .

    (Scenes) > (New Scene > Scalar).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    1 (Scalar Scene 1)

    > -Z > +Y (Look Down > -Z > Up +Y).

    > 1 > > 1 (Scenes > Scalar Scene 1 > Displayers
    > Scalar 1).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Properties), (Contour Style) (Smooth Filled).

    1 (Scalar 1) (Parts).

    (Properties) (Parts). (Select All), (Regions) Fluid , Fluid ,

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    (Scalar Field).




    (Running the Simulation)

    (Run) .

    , > (Solution > Run). (Solution), > > (Tools >
    Toolbars > Solution), . (Residuals), . , (Residuals), . . , .
    (Graphics) .

    1 (Scalar Scene 1) .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    (Stop) . , (Run). , , 300 .

    , .

    (Visualizing the Results)

    1 (Scalar Scene 1), .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    , .

    > (Mass Fraction > Methane).


  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    (Pressure). , , . .

    1 (Scalar 1). (Properties)

    (Transform) 1 (symmetry plane 1).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    (Properties) , (Smooth Shade) .

    , , , . , (Transform) (Outline).

    Fluid: wall Fluid: symmetry plane (Outline), , .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    (Adding Streamlines)


    1 (Geometry Scene 1) ,


    dilutionPipeSteady (Derived Parts) > (New Part >

    , .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    , (Input Parts) Fluid.

    , (Vector Field) (Velocity) .

    , (Part Seed)

    (Seed Mode).

    Fluid: Inner_inlet Fluid: Outer_inlet (Seed Parts).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    . , (Display)

    (New Streamline Displayer). :

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Create), (Close). , , .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    : (Velocity: Magnitude).


    , , , .

    , ,

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    , (Derived Parts) streamline, (Source Seed).

    (Properties) (Randomize). :


  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Summary) STAR-CCM+:







    , .








  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    : ( )

    (Dilution Pipe (Unsteady Flow) Tutorial)

    , ( ) (Dilution Pipe (Steady Flow) Tutorial). , , . —
    (velocity-time profiles) :

    (Loading an Existing Simulation)

    STAR-CCM+ , .

    > (File > Load Simulation…). (Load Simulation).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Browse…) dilPipeSteady.sim, ( ) (Dilution Pipe (Steady Flow)

    dilPipeSteady.sim (Open)


    (Load Simulation).

    STAR-CCM+ (Explorer) , ( ) (Dilution Pipe (Steady Flow)
    Tutorial), dilPipeSteady.

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Renaming the Simulation)


    > (File > Save As…), . (Save) , .

    dilPipeUnsteady (File Name).


  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Explorer), (Properties) (Output) .

    (Setting up the Unsteady Flow Model)

    ( ) (Dilution Pipe (Steady Flow) Tutorial), . , .

    (Continua), (Dilution Pipe) (Select models…).

    (Phusics Model Selection) :

    (Steady) (Enabled Physics models) .


    ( ) (Implicit Unsteady). :

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    , (Save).

    (Creating Field Functions)

    . STAR-CCM+ . :


    v=5+2t :

    (Tools), (Field Functions) (New).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    1 (User Field Function 1).


    (Inner Inlet Velocity).


    (Definition) 1 (User Field Function 1 Definition) ,

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Outer Inlet Velocity) 5 + 2 * $Time


    (Setting Boundary Conditions and Values)

    , , (Creating Field Functions). :

    > Fluid > > _ > > (Regions > Fluid >
    Boundaries > Inner_inlet > Physics Values > Velocity

    (Properties) (Method) (Field Function).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    > (Velocity Magnitude > Field Function).


    (Inner Inlet Velocity) (Scalar Function).

    > _ (Boundaries > Outer_inlet) , , , . (Outer Inlet

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    (Setting Solver Parameters)

    , ( ) (Dilution Pipe (Steady Flow)) 2 . 0.025, , 80 . :

    > ( ) (Solvers > Implicit Unsteady).

    (Properties) (Time-Step)



    > (Stopping Criteria > Maximum Physical Time).


    (Max Physical Time) 2.0


  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Autosaving the Simulation)

    0.5 . , . :

    > (File > Auto Save…).

    (Auto Save) , :


    (Running the Simulation)

    , , . 1 (Scalar Scene 1):

    (Scenes), 1 (Scalar Scene 1) (Open).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Graphics) .

    (Mass Fraction of Methane), (Graphics).

    , 1 (Scalar

    1) (Transform) (Identity).

    1 (Outline 1) (Transform) (Identity).

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    , > -Z > +Y (Look Down > -Z > Up +Y).

    (Run) . , > (Solution > Run). (Solution), > > (Tools
    > Toolbars > Solution), . (Residuals), . , (Residuals), .
    (Graphics) .


    (Stop) . , (Run). , , 2 .

    1 (Scalar Scene 1), .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    (Visualizing the Results)


    2- :

    (Scenes) > (New Scene > Vector).

    , > -Z > +Y

    (Look Down > -Z > Up +Y).

    > 1 > (Displayers > Vector 1 > Parts).


    (Parts). (Regions), Fluid .

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    , :

    0.5 :

    (File) (Load Simulation…) [email protected]

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011



    (Scenes) 1 (Scalar Scene 1), (Graphics) .

    0.5 , . , :

  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    [email protected]+00

    1 (Vector Scene 1).


    [email protected] (Scenes).


  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011


    1 (Vector Scene 1). , (Graphics).

    0.5 2 .


  • STAR-CCM+ 6.04 : 07.08.2011













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From the STAR-CCM+ Home Page: Much more than just a CFD solver, STAR-CCM+ is an entire engineering process for solving problems involving flow (of fluids or solids), heat transfer and stress.


  • 15.06.007

  • Authorized students in Mechanical Engineering
  • Members of the Society of Automotive Engineers at USF


  • CIRCE cluster
  • RRA cluster
  • SC cluster


STAR-CCM+ requires the following module file to run:

  • apps/star-ccm/15.06.007
  • See Modules for more information.


The STAR-CCM+ user guide is essential to understanding the application and making the most of it. The guide and this page should help you to get started with your simulations. Please refer to the Documentation section for a link to the guide.

  • Note on CIRCE: Make sure to run your jobs from your $WORK directory!
  • Note: Scripts are provided as examples only. Your SLURM executables, tools, and options may vary from the example below. For help on submitting jobs to the queue, see our SLURM User’s Guide.

If you need more control over your workflow, keep reading below.

If you will be using a Power-on-Demand key, please contact Research Computer for additional instructions.

Interactive Execution via CIRCE/SC Desktop Environment

Establishing a GUI connection to CIRCE/SC

To use STAR-CCM+, you will need to connect to CIRCE/SC with GUI redirection, either using:

  • CIRCE/SC Desktop Environment
  • SSH with X11 redirection
    • If connecting from OSX or Linux via SSH, please ensure that you use one of the following commands to properly redirect X11:
      • [user@localhost ~]$ ssh -X


      • [user@localhost ~]$ ssh -X

Once connected to CIRCE/SC, you can open STAR-CCM+ using the steps below:

[user@login0 ~]$ module add apps/star-ccm/15.06.007
[user@login0 ~]$ starccm+

How to Submit Jobs

Provided are batch scripts for running STAR-CCM+ as a single processor and distributed parallel job. Existing STAR-CCM+ SIM files will work in parallel mode with no modification, but only larger models and geometries will see any performance benefit. These scripts can be copied into your work directory (the folder with your input files and database files) so that you can submit batch processes to the queue.

If, for example, you have STAR-CCM+ simulation file called “test.sim”, you would set up your serial/distributed parallel submit scripts like this:

  • The scripts below (for testing, name it “” or name it “”, respectively) can be copied into your job directory (the folder with your input files) and modified so that you can submit batch processes to the queue.

Serial Submit Script

#SBATCH --comment=starccm-serial-test
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --job-name=starccm-serial-test
#SBATCH --output=output.%j.starccm-serial-test
#SBATCH --time=08:00:00

#### SLURM 1 processor STAR-CCM+ test to run for 8 hours.

module purge
module add apps/star-ccm/15.06.007


starccm+ -pio -batch test.sim

Distributed Parallel Submit script

#SBATCH --comment=starccm-parallel-test
#SBATCH --ntasks=32
#SBATCH --job-name=starccm-parallel-test
#SBATCH --output=output.%j.starccm-parallel-test
#SBATCH --time=08:00:00

#### SLURM 32 processor STAR-CCM+ test to run for 8 hours.

module purge
module add apps/star-ccm/15.06.007


# Create our hosts file ala slurm
srun hostname -s &> $NODEFILE

starccm+ -np $SLURM_NTASKS -machinefile $NODEFILE -mpi intel -rsh ssh -pio -batch "test.sim"

Next, you can change to your job’s directory, and run the sbatch command to submit the job:

[user@login0 ~]$ cd my/jobdir
[user@login0 jobdir]$ sbatch ./
  • You can view the status of your job with the “squeue -u <username>” command

Home Page, User Guides, and Manuals

  • STAR-CCM+ Home Page
  • Local Documentation
    • /apps/star-ccm/15.06.007/STAR-CCM+15.06.007/doc/

More Job Information

See the following for more detailed job submission information:

  • SLURM User’s Guide
  • Scheduling and Dispatch Policies
  • Advanced Submit Techniques

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs with STAR-CCM+ to the IT Help Desk:

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