Summer memories руководство

Добро пожаловать в прохождение и руководство «Летние воспоминания», где мы предоставим вам все необходимые варианты и секреты, чтобы достичь самых высоких уровней привязанности и разблокировать все сцены в игре.

Summer Memories Walkthrough and Guide 2 -

Летние воспоминания: прохождение и руководство 2 —

Прохождение Летних воспоминаний – Поднимите любовь

Существуют различные способы усилить привязанность к женским персонажам в Summer Memories, в том числе дарить подарки и проводить с ними время. Однако для каждого персонажа необходимо предпринять определенные действия, чтобы выйти за пределы уровней привязанности 20%, 40%, 60% и 80%.


Что касается Юи, посетите ее комнату и выполняйте математические упражнения, нажимая зеленый значок карандаша, пока уровень домашнего задания не достигнет 100%. Это действие повторяемо.

Рион или Руи

Чтобы пробудить привязанность к Риону или Руи, купите желе из насекомых в магазине и отправляйтесь в горы. Распределите желе, нажимая на деревья, соберите желе утром и посетите комнату Руи, чтобы заняться исследованием ошибок, нажимая значок карандаша, пока уровень домашнего задания не достигнет 100%.

Миюки или тетя

Для Миюки или тети неоднократно мойте кухонную посуду, пока уровень домашнего задания не достигнет 100%. Это действие простое.

Выполняя эти действия, игроки могут повышать уровень своей привязанности к каждому персонажу, в конечном итоге продвигаясь в игре.

Прохождение «Летние воспоминания» — разблокировать

Игроки должны выполнять определенные задачи и обладать определенными навыками, чтобы разблокировать определенные функции в Summer Memories.

Зарядка ванны

Чтобы разблокировать функцию «Зарядка в ванне», игроки должны посетить магазин и собрать все 12 фигурок, нажав на автоматы справа от продавца. Затем игроки должны выйти из магазина вечером и пообщаться с мужчиной в шляпе, чтобы получить гачи и кассету. Игроки должны иметь навык Nightwalker, чтобы продолжить, не спать, пойти в гостиную и посмотреть видео по телевизору.

Плата за туалет

Игроки должны купить приманку в магазине и отправиться на пляж, чтобы разблокировать функцию зарядки туалета. Нажмите на стрелку слева, затем на поток и ловите рыбу, пока не поймаете видео. Опять же, игроки должны иметь навык Nightwalker, не ложиться спать, идти в гостиную и смотреть запись по телевизору.

Чтобы разблокировать “3 за раз” функция, игроки должны достаточно шуметь с одной сестрой, пока другая сестра не обнаружит это. Игроки должны наделать достаточно шума с обеими сестрами для “4 за раз” функцию, пока тетя не обнаружит ее.

Наконец, игроки должны приобрести необходимые навыки, чтобы разблокировать полные сцены после пробуждения.

Летние воспоминания: прохождение — Хозяин магазина

Чтобы разблокировать функцию «Хранитель магазина» в Summer Memories, игроки должны сначала приобрести ноутбук своего кузена и начать процесс как можно скорее.

Требуются следующие шаги:

  1. Публикуйте ежедневно в Твиттере, пока не получите фотографию от продавца с плюшевым мишкой.
  2. Посетите магазин и нажмите на плюшевого мишку.
  3. Публикуйте ежедневно в Твиттере, пока не получите сообщение от владельца магазина.
  4. Поговорите с ней в магазине.

Этот процесс занимает много дней, поэтому лучше начинать, как только ноутбук будет доступен. Игроки могут разблокировать функцию «Хранитель магазина» в Summer Memories, выполнив следующие действия.

Прохождение Летних воспоминаний – Пляжная леди

Игроки должны сначала получить все улучшения для рыбалки, чтобы разблокировать функцию Beach Lady в Summer Memories.

  • После получения всех улучшений игрокам следует дождаться разговоров о морских сокровищах. После этого игроки могут начать ловить рыбу 4-го уровня на пляже.
  • Как только игроки поймают рыбу 4-го уровня, они должны поговорить с женщиной на пляже, чтобы начать мини-игры, связанные с этой функцией.

Игроки могут разблокировать функцию Beach Lady в Summer Memories и наслаждаться ею, выполнив следующие действия.

Прохождение Летних воспоминаний — Учитель физкультуры

Чтобы разблокировать функцию учителя физкультуры в Summer Memories, игроки должны сначала иметь 150 выносливости и дождаться обсуждения легкой атлетики.

  • После обсуждения легкой атлетики игроки должны отправиться в школу и поговорить с учителем физкультуры. Затем игроки должны тренироваться с учителем, пока не будут разблокированы все сцены.
  • Важно отметить, что игроки не должны пропускать гонку, которая является последней мини-игрой в маршруте «Учитель физкультуры».

Игроки могут разблокировать и пользоваться функцией учителя физкультуры в Summer Memories, выполнив следующие действия.

Прохождение «Летние воспоминания» — Исследователь гор

  • Игроки должны сначала дождаться разговора о даме, лазающей по деревьям в горах. После этого разговора игроки должны отправиться на гору и поговорить с исследователем гор.
  • Игроки должны продать по одной рыбе и жуку за уровень, чтобы продвинуться дальше в этой функции.

Прохождение Summer Memories – Card Girl

Чтобы разблокировать функцию Card Girl в Summer Memories, игроки должны выполнить следующие шаги:

  1. Подраться с детьми в парке четыре раза. Делать это рекомендуется в тот же день.
  2. Найдите и сражайтесь с темноволосым ребенком четыре дня подряд. Игроки могут найти его ночью в парке через один-два дня. Затем ребенок вернется в следующие дни утром или днем.
  3. Как только появится девушка-карта, несколько раз нажмите на изображение темноволосого ребенка, когда он повернется.
  4. Сразитесь с карточной девочкой и многократно нажимайте на ее изображение, когда она поворачивается.

Игроки могут разблокировать и насладиться функцией Card Girl в Summer Memories, выполнив следующие действия.

Надеюсь, вам понравится прохождение и руководство «Летние воспоминания», если у вас есть какие-либо предложения, сообщите нам об этом в комментариях, спасибо 🙂

Summer Memories Walkthrough guide

Last Updated on 8 March, 2023

Welcome to Summer Memories Walkthrough & Guide, where we will provide you all the choices and secrets to reach the highest affection levels to unlock all the scenes in the game


  • 1 Summer Memories Walkthrough – Raise Affection
    • 1.1 Yui
    • 1.2 Rui or Rion
    • 1.3 Aunt or Miyuki
  • 2 Summer Memories Walkthrough – Unlock
  • 3 Summer Memories Walkthrough – Shop Keeper
  • 4 Summer Memories Walkthrough – Beach Lady
  • 5 Summer Memories Walkthrough – PE Teacher
  • 6 Summer Memories Walkthrough – Mountain Researcher
  • 7 Summer Memories Walkthrough – Card Girl

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Raise Affection

You can raise affection with all the girls by giving them gifts or by hanging out with them, but the main charaters require some actions when the affection gets stuck at 20%, 40%, 60% or also 80%


Go to her room until you can click on the green pencil icon to do maths with her. Repeat this action until the blue bar (the homework level) gets to 100%

Rui or Rion

Buy Bug jelly (shop), then go to the mountains and spread bug jelly (by clicking on the trees), collect the bug jelly in the morning and finally go to Rui’s room until you can click on the pencil icon to do bug research. Repeat this action until the blue bar (the homework level) gets to 100%

Aunt or Miyuki

Simply wash the dishes (kitchen). Repeat this action until the blue bar (the homework level) gets to 100%

Bath Charge: Go to the shop, click on the machines right of the shopkeep, collect the 12 figures > go outside of the shop in the evening and click on the stuff on the head of the guy, give him the gachi and take the tape > (requires the nightwalker skill) Stay up (don’t sleep) go to the living room, click on tv and watch the tape

Toilet Charge: Buy bait (shop), go to the beach, click on the arrow to the left, then on the stream and fish until you catch the video > (requires the nightwalker skill) Stay up (don’t sleep) go to the living room, click on tv and watch the tape

3 at a time: Make enough noise with one of the sisters, until the other sister discovers it

4 at a time: Make enough noise with the two sisters, until Aunt discovers it

Full scenes: You have to buy the skills when you wake up

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Shop Keeper

Requires cousin’s laptop and many days, so start as soon as you have the laptop unlocked

  • Post daily on twitter until you receive the picture from the shop keeper with the teddy bear
  • Go to the shop and click on the teddy bear
  • Post daily on twitter until you receive a message from the shop keeper
  • Talk with her (shop)

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Beach Lady

  • Get all the fishing upgrades
  • Wait until the conversations about Treasure in the sea
  • Start fishing on the beach for a level 4 Fish
  • When you managed to catch the fish, talk to the beach lady to start the mini games

Summer Memories Walkthrough – PE Teacher

Requires 150 stamina, and you can’t start this route until the discussion about track and field

  • After the discussion about track and field go to the school
  • Talk to the PE teacher and train until you unlock all the scenes
  • Don’t skip the race, the last minigame

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Mountain Researcher

  • Once the conversation about the lady climbing trees in the mountain appears, go to the mountain and talk to the mountain researcher
  • Sell 1 fish and beetle per level

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Card Girl

  • Fight with the kids on the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day
  • Locate and fight with the dark haired kid 4 days in a row. You can find him after 1 or 2 days at night (park), then he will be back next days in the morning or afternoon
  • The card girl will arrive, then when the dark haired kid turns, click repeatedly on his picture
  • Fight the card girl, and when she turns, click repeatedly on her picture

More Walkthroughs:

  • Lexi
  • Because I Love Her
  • Bad Hero
  • Breeders of the Nephelym
  • Halfway House
  • The Spellbook
  • Bad Teacher
  • Sunshine Love
  • Sanguine Rose
  • Visiting Aunt Sara
  • Radiant
  • WVM
  • Second Chance
  • Big Brother
  • AoA Academy
  • Four Elements Trainer
  • A Town Uncovered
  • Goodbye Eternity

If you play Summer Memories and looking for a guide about everything of the game, this guide provides gameplay, stats, family outing, map, skills, items, side quests and all endings, let’s check it out.


This guide uses the English uncensored patch:

more patches can be found there:

(written from the Dlsite version then adapted to Kagura’s translation; may contain errors or omissions)


Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)(⓪ Action points (AP) ; ① Player’s stat ; ② Money ; ③ Girl’s stats ; ④ Vigilance & Game Over ; ⑤ Map ; ⑥ Time Slice (TS) ; ⑦ Skills ; ⑧ Day and days left )

The game takes place over 30 days that you can occupy with different activities.
Each day is divided into 4 moments: Morning, afternoon, evening, night.
Each moment has its own events. The player can manually move to the next moment by clicking on the time indicator or by running out of stamina.

Action points (AP)

The pencil pot at the top of the screen represents the number of actions the player can perform before moving on to the next moment. The player starts with 3 points and earns 1 after each family outing (Sunday). Can also buy 2 in for 100 points each. (see Bonus)

Player’s stats

The player has 3 bars:

  • Lust (white): Increases over time. Once filled to the maximum (limit can be increased: see Beach), the player comes in his pants, loses 50 of stamina and moves on to the next day’s time.
    Can be lowered while having sex. (During the ejaculation: -1 lust point by stamina point expended.)
  • Stamina (Yellow): Each action requires more or less stamina (e.g. buying soft drinks from vending machine requires 5 points but hiking requires 51).
  • Memories (pink): Some activities provide memories. This bar is reset to 0 every night and the points are converted into Special Points (SP) to buy Skills.
    The most interesting activities are: family outings, sex events (see Girls side quest) and Rio’s animal capture report.


Every Monday, Miyuki give you 500Y. If you have sex with her, she gives you 1000Y instead. There are 2 way to earn money (¥) : By doing Yui or miyuki’s mini-game job or by reselling your fishes and bugs catch to Suzuka, the animal survey girl, after the 21st day.

Girl’s stats

Each girl (Yui, Rio and Miyuki) has 2 bars each:

  • Affection/Aff (pink): The affection bar goes from 0 to 100 but locks every 20 points (5 times = 5 levels) and unlocks after each event. Events are triggered when the affection and Homework Bars are at their maximum (Pink: Affection Max, Blue: >100).
  • Homework Achievement Score/HAS (Blue): The homework bar goes from 0 to 100 and is filled by completing missions (mini-game) of the corresponding girls if they are not busy (nap or toilet). (Rio’s mission is a report of insects and fishes catches, so he starts after catching at least 1).

Girls’ progression

Affection event

Rio (Service by default unlocked)



2 (Affection bar = 40)

Unlock : Sex position

Unlock : Service

Unlock : Service

3 (Affection bar = 60)

Unlock : Sex position

4 (Affection bar = 80)

Unlock : Sex position

5 (Affection bar = 100)

Unlock : Rio’s ending
Unlock : Skip date (diary menu)

Unlock : Yui’s ending
Unlock : Skip date (diary menu)

Unlock : Miyuki’s ending
Unlock : Skip date (diary menu)*

*To trigger Miyuki’s event 1, you must sleep at least once with her (to see the Miyuki and Husband sex scene). When your affection’s and homework’s bars are max., during the afternoon a kitchen event will occur. After that, sleep with either Rio or Yui.

H Statue

Each girl also has sex statistics represented by 4 additional bars that appear instead of the house map when you talk to them.

  • Lewdness (max. 200)
  • Service (max. 200)
  • Perversion (max. 200)
  • Satisfaction (max. 100)

Satisfaction increases by as many points as the amount of lust points spent during sex (see lust) and is reset once sex is over. At 100 points, the girl offers you an object.
If you sleep with a girl whose other 3 bars are at 200 points, she will wake you up with a pipe.

Vigilance & Game Over

The vertical bar is the noise bar. When the player have sex, he can vary the intensity of the act. The higher the bar rises, the more noise the character makes, which increases the level of vigilance of the people around. A bomb icon appears next to a character whose vigilance level is above 70. If the vigilance level rises to the maximum (max. 100), this character will enter the room = Game Over. Sleeping with a girl decreases her vigilance by 5.

> Threesome

Once you can have sex with Rio and Yui, the goal is to maximize each other’s Vigilance. She will then enter the room and begin a threesome.
WARNING: Have sex with someone decrease the Vigilance. Also, doesn’t matter if you have sex with Miyuki, If she find you to have sex with her daughters = Game Over.
– Also, lock the end for the end “Threesome Memory”

> Foursome

Once the Threesome is unlocked, the goal is to do the same thing as the Threesome but with Miyuki.
BE CAREFUL to the vigilance of the uncle who is not displayed and who can do Game Over.
– Also locks the end for the end “Foursome memory”.



Do an activity and moves on to the next day’s time of day

+3 Affection


Give access to “Coax” skill


Offer an object

Depends on the object used

Sex ♥

Start sex with a girl with whose service is unlocked

Family Outing

Every Sunday (7th, 14th, 21st and 28th day) the family organizes an outing.
Depending on your affection progression with girls, you can attend special events.
The chosen girl wins +5 affection.

Barbecue (Day 7)
(+50 memory
+3 affection/girl)

Affection event 1 unlocked (Aff ≥ 21)

No conditions

Affection event 2 unlocked (Aff ≥ 41)

Hiking (Day 14)
(+50 memory
+3 affection/girl)

Affection event 2 unlocked (Aff ≥ 41)

Standing back skill unlocked

Miyuki already clean your dick during the toilet mini-event*

Beach (Day 21)
(+50 memory)

Affection event 4 unlocked (Aff ≥ 81)

Titjob skill unlocked

Unlock : Service + Begging to see breasts skill unlocked

Firework (Day 28)
(+100 memory)




*Miyuki’s toilet mini-event: Appears when you come in your pants. One day Miyuki will talk about your pants’ accident. When Miyuki’s affection is high (>40), if you ask her to sleep with together the evening another choice of dialogue may appear: she will ask you if you want her to clean you. (yellow answer)




If Toilet skill unlocked and a girl pees: Sex toilet scene


Take a bath (+50 stamina)

Living room

– Turns the TV on/off
– Take nap on sofa


[Challenge Button] Miyuki’s mini game: Dishwashing (+5 memory)

Miyuki’s room

Take nap on bed

Yui’s room

– [Challenge Button] Yui’s mini game: Mathematics (+5 memory)
– Use computer
– Take nap on bed

Rio’s room

– [Challenge Button] Rio: Animal repprt (+5 memory)
– Use computer
– Take nap on bed



Access to the house

Sweets shop (outside)

If buying a Gacha: Talk to Gacha-man

Sweets shop (indoor)

Buying items from Shizuku

Sweets shop (square)

– Menko Duel (Kids group)
– Buying a drink (Vending machine)


If Endurance max > 145: Talk to Kagame (Sport Teacher)

School (depot)

Some nights a salesman appears


– 2 insect jelly spot (level 2 to 4)
– After the 14th day: Talk to Suzaka (animal survey)

Mountain (top)

– Going into the cave to pray
– > 51 stamina: Hiking (max endurance +3*Action Point remaining)

Dry River Bed

– 1 insect jelly spot (level 1 to 2)
– 1 fishing spot (level 1 to 2)

The Sea

Lie down on the transate (Lust max +3*Action Point remaining)

The Sea (creek)

1 fishing spot (level 3 to 4)


H skill



Cost / Condition


Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


By default

When a girl takes a shower, the player can masturbate in her underwear

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


40 SP

Prevents the Vigilance from going up

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Stop Gauge

By default

Stop all the gauges (stamina, lust, H statues)

Service ( Up Ability H statue)


Cost / Condition


Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


By default

Unlock handjob position during sex time with girls whose service is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


40 SP

Unlock blοwjob position during sex time with girls whose service is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


40 SP

Unlock titjob position during sex time with girls whose service is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Tιt-Suck & Handjob

40 SP

Unlock breastfeeding handjob position during sex time with girls whose service is unlocked

Lewd (Up Lewd H statue)


Cost / Condition


Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


40 SP

Unlock missionary position during sex time with girls whose penetration is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


40 SP

Unlock doggy style position during sex time with girls whose penetration is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


40 SP

Unlock cowgirl position during sex time with girls whose penetration is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Sleep Sex

40 SP

Unlock sleeping back position during sex time with girls whose penetration is unlocked

Perverted skill (Up Hentai H statue)


Cost / Condition


Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Sitting Position

60 SP

Unlock sitting position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


60 SP

Unlock piledriver position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Standing Position

60 SP

Unlock standing back position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


60 SP

Unlock six-nine position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Toilet sex

60 SP
Find the suspicious video while fishing, then you need to unlock “midnight prom.” and use the TV at midnight.

Unlock toilet sex position during sex time with girls whose lewd action is unlocked
Allow to have sex with girls who pee for whose lewd action is unlocked.

Night time skill


Cost / Condition


Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)


40 SP

Allows to walk around the house at midnight

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Sleep Fυck

40 SP

Allow to have sex at night time with sleepy girls whose service is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Night Blοwjob

40 SP

Allow to have Blοwjob at night time with sleepy girls whose penetration is unlocked

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Night Titfυck

40 SP

Allow to have titjob at night time with sleepy girls whose service is unlocked

Special sex skill


Cost / Condition


Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Suggest A Threesome

See Vigilance

Allow to have sex with Rio and Yui at any empty room. Force the Threesome ending

Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings)

Suggest A Foursome

See Vigilance

Allow to have sex with Rio, Yui and Miyuki at any empty room. Force the Foursome ending

Coax Skill


All items (except those whose effect indicates it) offer +2 affection to Rio, Yui or Miyuki when offered. (Limit: 1 item/day/girl)

Coffee Milk

+20 stamina
+1 memory

Buyable in candy shop (100¥)

Balloon Gum

+10 stamina
+1 memory

Buyable in candy shop (60¥)

Core Drink

+30 stamina
+15 lust

Vending machine (150¥)
Giving by Rio/Yui/Miyuki if satisfied during sex

Energy Drink


Vending machine (200¥)

Winning pencil

All day long, in Yuii’s mini-game: +2 homework points per correct answer

Buyable in candy shop (150¥)
Giving by Rio/Yui/Miyuki if satisfied during sex

Final cutter

All day long, the score on the catch report is doubled.

Buyable in candy shop (150¥)
Giving by Rio/Yui/Miyuki if satisfied during sex

Foaming soap

All day long, at Miyuki’s mini-game: +2 homework points per dish washed

Buyable in candy shop (150¥)
Giving by Rio/Yui/Miyuki if satisfied during sex


Allows to fish

Available in candy shop or from Suzuka (20¥)

Bug Jelly

Allows to capture insects

Available in candy shops or from Suzuka (50¥)

Succubus Vase

Increases H statue (all +30)

Buyable in candy shop (300¥)


Allows you to play Menko

Buyable in candy shop (500¥)

Secret Extract

Stamina +50

Candy candy shop (800¥)

Soft-shelled Turtle Extract

+50 Lust

Candy Shop (800¥)

Glossy Box

+20 affection

Buyable from the night vendor at the school

Livre érotique

+50 memory

Buyable from the night vendor at the school

Work exemption

+100 homework point

Buyable from the night vendor at the school


  • 1.a) Ending “Rio’s memory”:

    Have carried out the 5 events with Rio (“Clear”) then choose Rio on the 30th day.

  • 1.b) Ending “Yui’s memory”:

    Have carried out the 5 events with Yui (“Clear”) then choose Yui on the 30th day.

  • 1.c) Ending “Miyuki’s memory”:

    Have carried out the 5 events with Miyuki (“Clear”) then choose Miyuki on the 30th day.

2) Ending “Threesome memory”:

Having unlocked the Threesome skill, once unlocked, the end is automatic.

3) Ending “Foursome memory”:

Having unlocked the Foursome skill, once unlocked, the end is automatic.

Girls side quest

Kagami (Sport Teacher)

Appears day 10. Unlock mini-game after 145 stamina. Start her mini-game (training) and successively beat his/her records. At the 4th race, catch her to trigger the sex scene.

Akari (Noodle player)

The longest quest. Get a Menko and go talk to the teenage band in the square. Show the boy with the fuse the Menko you are going to play and then a mini-game starts. Restart the mini-game to beat all your opponents until you beat the boy in the fuse and then it will disappear. (3 times)
The boy will reappear at night, talk to him.
The next day, continue to play with him several days in a row. One day, a girl will show up at the square as a Menko pro player. Fight her. During the mini-game, when the girl appears to throw her Menko, click on her to kiss her. Continue until you win.
The next day talk to her again and restart the mini-game by kissing her to start the sex scene.

Shizuku (Candy Shop girl)

From the 8th day, you can use the computers in Yui’s or Rio’s room.
Use every day until a breast picture appears.
Repeat the next day to see a booty picture appear.
The next day a photo of a teddy bear appears. After the event, go to the candy shop and click on the bear on the counter.
The next day, use the computer but you will not receive any more pictures, leave the house, go to the candy shop and talk with the sales assistant. The sex scene will start.

Suzuka (Animal survey girl)

Appears after the family outing to the mountains (day 14). She buys the insects and fish caught. If you bring her one insect and one fish of each rarity (8 in total, rarity 1 to 4, no matter the species) then she will reward you with a sex scene.

Mizuki (Beach girl)

Appears after the exit to the beach (day 21). Start her fishing mini-game and catch the yellow fish to pull up 1 piece of treasure. Repeat (difficulty increases) 5 times for the sex scene to start.

That’s all we are sharing today in Summer Memories Ultimate Guide (Gameplay, Stats, Items, Side Quests, Endings), if there are anything you want to add please feel free to leave a comment below and we’ll see you soon.

Credit to Matty


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Summer Memories Plus is an 18+ game designed for players who enjoy playing games with mature content. The game is about “It is summertime, and it’s been years since you last visited your aunt and cousins in the countryside. You aren’t sure what to be expecting. What can be wrong? Find out in Summer Memories!”

Through The Gameplay Guide of Summer Memories, you can play all the ending and mature scenes and complete all the game’s Puzzles, Quests, and Quests.

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Raise Affection:

It is possible to show your affection to all girls by offering them gifts or having a night out with them. However, the most popular characters need to take steps when the love gets stuck at 20 percent or 40 percent, 60%, or even 80%.


You must go to her room until you can click the green pencil icon to complete the math with her. Repeat this until your blue indicator (the work level) becomes 100%.

Rui or Rion:

Buy bug jelly (shop). Go to the mountains to spread the bug jelly (by clicking on the trees). Then, take the bugs in the morning and return to your room Rui until you can click the pencil icon and do the bug study. Repeat this procedure until the bar (work level) is 100%.

Aunt or Miyuki:

Just wash and dry the dishware (kitchen). Repeat this procedure to ensure that the blue line (the homework level) becomes 100%.

Bath Charge: Go to the shop, click on the machines right of the shopkeep, collect the 12 figures > go outside of the shop in the evening and click on the stuff on the head of the guy, give him the gachi and take the tape > (requires the nightwalker skill) Stay up (don’t sleep) go to the living room, click on tv and watch the tape

Toilet Charge: Buy bait (shop), go to the beach, click on the arrow to the left, then on the stream, and fish until you catch the video > (requires the nightwalker skill). Stay up (don’t sleep), go to the living room, click on tv and watch the tape

3 at a time: Make enough noise with one of the sisters until the other sister discovers it

4 at a time: Make enough noise with the two sisters until Aunt finds it

Full scenes: You have to buy the skills when you wake up

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Shop Keeper:

It requires a cousin’s laptop and many days, so start as soon as you have the computer unlocked

  • Post daily on Twitter until you receive the picture from the shopkeeper with the teddy bear
  • Go to the shop and click on the teddy bear
  • Post daily on Twitter until you receive a message from the shopkeeper
  • Talk with her (shop)

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Beach Lady:

  • Get all the fishing upgrades
  • Wait until the conversations about Treasure in the sea
  • Start fishing on the beach for a level 4 Fish
  • When you managed to catch the fish, talk to the beach lady to start the mini-games

Summer Memories Walkthrough – PE Teacher:

Requires 150 stamina, and you can’t start this route until the discussion about track and field

  • After the discussion about track and field, go to the school
  • Talk to the PE teacher and train until you unlock all the scenes
  • Don’t skip the race, the last minigame

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Mountain Researcher:

  • Once the conversation about the lady climbing trees in the mountain appears, go to the hill and talk to the mountain researcher
  • Sell 1 fish and beetle per level

Summer Memories Walkthrough – Card Girl:

  • Fight with the kids in the park 4 times, but try to do it the same day
  • Locate and fight with the dark-haired kid for 4 days. You can find him after 1 or 2 days at night (park), then he will be back next days in the morning or afternoon
  • The card girl will arrive, then when the dark-haired kid turns, click repeatedly on his picture
  • Fight the card girl, and when she turns, repeatedly click on her picture

В статье расскажем про дополнительные квесты, которые доступны с различными героинями.

Кагами (Учитель спорта)

Станет доступным на 10 день. Разблокируйте мини-игру, для этого необходимо 145 выносливости. Запустите мини-игру (тренировку) и побейте его / ее рекорды. На 4-м задании поймайте ее. Станет доступна сексуальная сцена.


Самый длинный квест. Возьми Менко и поговори с подростками на площади. Когда вы запустите мини-игру, необходимо ее перезагрузить, чтобы обойти всех своих противников. Одержите победу над парнем, и он исчезнет. (3 раза).

Парень появится ночью, поговорите с ним.

Продолжаем играть с ним несколько дней подряд. Однажды к вам присоединится девушка. Поиграйте с ней. Во время мини-игры нажмите на нее, чтобы поцеловать ее. Продолжайте, игру пока не выиграете.

На следующий день поговорите с ней снова и перезапустите мини-игру. Поцелуйте ее, чтобы вызвать сексуальную сцену.

Сидзуку (Девушка из кондитерской)

На 8-й день вам станут доступны компьютеры в комнате Юи или Рио. Подходите к ним каждый день, пока не появится изображение груди. Подойдите на следующий день, и посмотрите картинку полностью.

На следующий день появляется фотография плюшевого мишки. Направляйтесь в кондитерскую и нажмите на медведя на прилавке. На следующее утро используйте компьютер, но вы больше не будете получать фотографии, выходите из дома, идите в кондитерскую и поговорите с продавцом. Секс-сцена начнется.

Сузука (Девушка по обследованию животных)

Появляется после семейной прогулки в горы (день 14). Она покупает насекомых и пойманную рыбу. Если вы принесете ей по одному редкому насекомому и одной редкой рыбе (всего 8, редкость от 1 до 4, независимо от вида), она наградит вас сценой секса.

Мидзуки (Девушка на пляже)

Появляется после выхода на пляж (21 день). Запустите ее мини-игру о рыбалке и поймайте желтую рыбу. Чтобы получить сексуальную сцену повторите (сложность увеличивается) 5 раз.

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