Summertime saga руководство

Summertime Saga content benefits from easy‐to‐follow walkthroughs. The prologue is a quick and compulsory introduction to the gameplay on the first day; it features the backstory of the main character and the protagonists of the game. The primary narrative arc continues over the following weeks and comes in two parts. Most of the characters’ routes open the day after the prologue, but a few require preliminary completions.

Important icon orange.png
  • Please progress one route at a time unless it requires that you cross over with another one. Focusing on one girl until completion bypasses the blocking issues.
  • The stories are presented here in the recommended order.

The game gets new stories in stages according to the votes of the community; the next update is dedicated to the second part of the main story.

Main story


Prologue icon

Main article: Prologue

Being left alone after his father’s suspicious death, the main character was welcomed at Debbie and Jenny’s home. But the first day back to school is here. Far from mourning his fate, our hero is ready for a life full of adventures.

Main story: Part 1

Main story: Part 1 icon

Main article: Main story: Part 1

Threatening shadows hover over home and claim for an outstanding debt. As the blows are falling, new allies join forces. But trust must be deserved and demands some in-kind contribution; much to Maria and Josephine’s convenience.

Main story: Part 2

Main article: Main story: Part 2

The orphan rejects the cautions as new findings bring his father’s past connections to light. The trail leads to the mayor’s mansion; soon the case takes a more personal turn with Iwanka and Melonia. In Rumps’ family, money can definitely not buy happiness.

Main story: Part 3

Main article: Main story: Part 3

With Mayor Rump behind bars, Summerville is a better place for it. But there is still the matter of the Russian mob to be dealt with. With the help of some unexpected allies, the fight is taken to those who threaten the peace.

Characters’ routes

Jenny’s route

Jenny’s route icon

Main article: Jenny’s route

If Jenny has always regarded the main character as a loser, she’s suddenly interested in his aptitude in front of the camera. A great motivation to further the relationship between the housemates. The question is how far will she go to entice subscribers?

Debbie’s route

Debbie’s route icon

Main article: Debbie’s route

Having a housekeeper always lightly dressed is bound to give the main character some naughty ideas! But Debbie doesn’t mind. Actually, with a touch of stimulation, she could well take the matter into her own hands.

Diane’s route

Diane’s route icon

Main article: Diane’s route

Diane doesn’t do things halfway. So when she sets her mind on developing milk business, it’s on her faithful gardener that she’s looking at. Because there are not only vegetables that are long and hard.

Tammy and June’s route

Tammy and June’s route icon

Main article: Tammy and June’s route

Life is made of choices. Should the main character focus on the gorgeous neighbor? Share Tammy with his best friend Erik? Or should he invite his schoolmate June instead? You will discover it by exploring all the branches inside this route.

Ms. Bissette’s route

Ms. Bissette’s route icon

Main article: Ms. Bissette’s route

The main character doesn’t hesitate long before signing up for the French tutoring classes. After all, Ms. Bissette is someone who puts her body and soul into the education of students. Well, mostly her body.

Mia and Helen’s route

Mia and Helen’s route icon

Main article: Mia and Helen’s route

It’s not all roses in Mia’s well‐ordered life; mother doesn’t let her breathe and father has given up hope. To make things worse, now a nun is sticking her nose into the family’s issue. The main character must decide which side he is, Mia’s or Sister Angelica’s.

Eve’s route

Eve’s route icon

Main article: Eve’s route

Eve is the very definition of shyness. Yet underneath this hood is a jewel that is worth all the effort. The main character will have to assuage her sister Grace, and count on the complicity of her eccentric friend Odette.

Odette’s route

Main article: Odette’s route

Odette is being mischievous again. She invites the main character to join her on a trip to the graveyard during a full moon. What could go wrong?

Roxxy’s route

Roxxy’s route icon

Main article: Roxxy’s route

The main character volunteers to help Roxxy notwithstanding the usual disdain she displays for him. Step by step, they will get to know each other beyond appearances. Another challenge is to convince the rest of the clique!

Ms. Dewitt’s route

Ms. Dewitt’s route icon

Main article: Ms. Dewitt’s route

Ms. Dewitt’s annual talent show is starting off on the wrong foot! It must be said that the principal is doing everything in her power to have it canceled. So the classmates are called to get the music teacher out of trouble.

Ms. Okita’s route

Ms. Okita’s route icon

Main article: Ms. Okita’s route

Ms. Okita has inventions, plenty of inventions, and the main character is the perfect guinea pig. As the experiments don’t go as planned, various side effects are aroused in both the student and the professor.

Ms. Ross’ route

Ms. Ross’ route icon

Main article: Ms. Ross’ route

For Ms. Ross, artistic vision must not be restricted, especially by clothing. Her hedonism is not to the liking of Mrs. Smith. The main character is the last chance to change the principal’s mind, inspiration has yet to be found.

Consuela’s route

Consuela’s route icon

Main article: Consuela’s route

The maid may be used to the excesses of the Rump family, but the mayor’s provocation is the last straw for Consuela. The main character’s involvement only aggravates the situation. How could he make it up?

Daisy’s route

Daisy’s route icon

Main article: Daisy’s route

50% woman, 50% cow, but 100% sweetheart, Daisy pops up without warning in the main character’s life. He will undoubtedly be proficient in taking care of her.

Aqua’s route

Aqua’s route icon

Main article: Aqua’s route

Not all monsters are frightening, and some like Aqua are even very sexy… In order to catch her, the main character will have to engage in a scavenger hunt for Captain Terry. Procreation is a matter of merit!

Летняя сага

Summertime Saga, возможно, одна из эротических игр наиболее популярны во всем мире. Это игра, которая стремится стать своего рода эквивалентом японских визуальных новелл. В нем есть различные сюжетные линии, вращающиеся вокруг секса и романтики. Это игра, которая нравится многим, но для которой в некоторых случаях нужны хитрости. Вот почему мы составили путеводитель по Summertime Saga.

В этом руководстве по Summertime Saga мы оставляем вас с информацией которые помогут вам в игре. Трюки, с помощью которых можно продвинуться в ней. Таким образом, вы сможете найти ответы на вопросы, которые у вас были, и таким образом разрешить некоторые сомнения по поводу игры, которые наверняка есть у многих из вас.

В игре есть различные сюжеты и истории, поэтому полезно узнать о них больше и о том, как мы должны в них двигаться. Так как именно от этого будет зависеть наш успех в игре. Если мы знаем, как мы должны двигаться по этим участкам или маршрутам, которые в нем есть. Потому что есть сюжеты, которые важнее других, так что вы будете знать, что вам следует делать в них.


  • 1 Дебби Рут
  • 2 Маршрут Дженни
  • 3 Дайан Рут в Summertime Saga
  • 4 Путь Мии и Хелен
  • 5 Мисс Джонсон и Джун Рут

Дебби Рут

Путеводитель по летней саге

Дебби — женщина, с которой мы живем. Чтобы разблокировать этот маршрут в игре, нам понадобится 5 очков харизмы и 150 долларов. Если мы выполним эти два требования, то разблокировка возможна всегда. Дебби — персонаж, которого мы собираемся победить, выполняя ряд заданий по дому или в саду, поэтому важно помнить об этом. Подумайте о таких задачах, как стрижка газона или обустройство дома, например мойка раковины.

Это довольно длинная история в игре, аспект, который наверняка заставляет многих устать от этого маршрута или истории в Summertime Saga, но в этом руководстве мы упоминаем, что это важная история. Прежде всего потому, что у нас есть несколько концовок, доступных в одном и том же, что нас и интересует в данном случае. Так как концовок у нас достаточно:

  • Он заходит в комнату Дебби, заглядывает в ее нижнее белье и играет на кровати.
  • На следующий день пойдем с ней в торговый центр. Предложите ей ожерелье и пройдите с ней в раздевалку, чтобы поцеловаться.
  • Приходи на кухню на следующий день, я научу тебя целоваться.
  • На следующий день он шпионит за ней в душе.
  • На следующий день сходите к автосалону и оплатите страховку.
  • На следующий день взаимодействуйте с нижним бельем Дебби, а когда она спросит, скажите ей, что оно вам нравится.
  • Выйдите из дома и защитите Дебби на следующий день.
  • Он видит, как Дебби разговаривает с Дайаной на кухне.
  • На следующий день пойди в бассейн и принеси Дебби полотенце.
  • Прочтите заметку на компьютере, на следующий день спуститесь в подвал с одеждой и наслаждайтесь.

Маршрут Дженни

Так же, как Дебби, Дженни — один из самых длинных маршрутов что у нас есть в игре. Хотя каждый гид Summertime Saga должен рассказать об этом маршруте, так как это еще один из самых важных, которые у нас есть. Дженни — еще одна женщина, с которой мы живем или делим дом. Это длинная история, но она даст нам несколько разных концовок. Кроме того, Дженни — это человек, которого нам предстоит порадовать подарками, особенно эротическими игрушками.

Чтобы разблокировать этот маршрут, вы должны выполнить некоторые требования в игре. В случае с маршрутом Дженни он следующий: Иметь 5 очков Интеллекта и 7 очков Силы, получить не менее 2060 долларов и компьютер. Благодаря им мы сможем принять в нем участие. Это маршрут, где у нас есть различные сцены, которые дадут нам возможность хорошо провести время с ней:

  • Подождите два дня и найдите Дженни в гостиной. Пришло время использовать Розовый Канал (Пользователь: L6BV12R, Пароль: 12345).
  • Дженни разбудит тебя на следующее утро.
  • Найди ее на следующее утро после завтрака.
  • На следующий день он использует телескоп.
  • Идите в салон на следующий день, где вы его найдете. Ищите его старую форму на чердаке. Избегайте ее беременности.
  • В субботу пойдем в кино с Дженни.
  • На следующий день вы увидите Дженни в столовой и насладитесь несколькими сценами в душе.
  • Через три дня он разговаривает с ней в коридоре.
  • На следующий день снова прочитайте ее дневник и купите ей то, что ей нужно в торговом центре (в данном случае ожерелье).

Еще одним важным персонажем Summertime Saga, которого нельзя не упомянуть ни в одном руководстве по игре, является Диана. Это про нашего соседа, так что это персонаж, который всегда рядом с нами в игре. Это персонаж, которому в определенное время нам придется помогать с некоторыми заданиями, что приведет к серии интересных сцен. Перед нами более быстрая история, поэтому она является одной из любимых у многих пользователей.

Чтобы разблокировать этот маршрут в игре, мы должны будем выполнить эти требования: 400 долларов, иметь 2 очка силы и абонемент в Библиотеку. Как только мы их выполним, мы сможем ввести этот маршрут в игру. Как мы уже упоминали, нам придется выполнять задания для Дианы в игре, например, в саду, а также по доставке. Кроме того, в определенное время мы тоже будем жить вместе.

Это одна из самых коротких историй в Summertime Saga.Это можно увидеть в любом гайде. Кроме того, в нем есть несколько закрученных историй или сюжетов, но это приведет нас к серии сумасшедших сцен. Но это не представляет слишком много сложностей, поэтому это всегда будет что-то более интересное, маршрут, который никто не хочет пропустить в этой игре.

Путь Мии и Хелен

Миа и Хелен — два персонажа, которых мы не можем разделить. в данном случае, так как их истории идут рука об руку в игре. Миа — самая близкая к девушке вещь, которую вы найдете в игре, поэтому она важная персона. Хелен — мама Мии, но, конечно, Summertime Saga не была бы такой игрой, если бы у нас не было романа с ней. Так что в этом случае у нас также будет история с его матерью.

Миа — это тот, кого мы собираемся завоевать, учась с ней, но потом у нас также будет этот роман с ее матерью. Это, безусловно, повлияет на ваши отношения с Мией, которой вам придется снова помочь воссоединиться с семьей. Если вы хотите разблокировать этот маршрут в игре, у вас должно быть это: Не менее 1670 долларов США, 2 очка силы, 7 очков харизмы и подписка на библиотеку.. Как только вы это сделаете, вы будете готовы пройти этот маршрут в игре.

Поэтому сначала вам придется завоевать Мию, которая будет подругой (или самой близкой к ней вещью, которая у вас будет), прежде чем познакомиться с ее семьей и завязать отношения с матерью, с Хелен. Кроме того, сестра Анжелика также сыграет ведущую роль в этой истории. Так что это обещает стать одной из самых интересных историй, которые мы найдем в этой игре.

Маршрут Мисс Джонсон и Джун

Летняя сага

Еще один из самых важных маршрутов, которые мы находим в Summertime Saga., который не может отсутствовать в руководстве. Как многие из вас уже знают, мисс Джонсон — хозяйка дома Эрика, с которой у нас будет роман, основанный на занятиях йогой. Хотя придет время, когда станет необходимо принимать решения, и на основе этого выбора мы сможем добиться романтики с ней или с другими персонажами. Хотя Джун собиралась стать девушкой Эрика, но, как видите, история принимает несколько иное русло.

Если мы хотим разблокировать этот маршрут в игре, мы можем это сделать, если у нас есть 5 очков харизмы, компьютер, подписка на библиотеку и 1350 долларов. Поэтому важно проверить, соблюдаем ли мы их, чтобы этот интересный маршрут или сюжет был разблокирован в игре. Одним из ключевых моментов на этом маршруте является то, что мы можем принимать различные типы решений, что повлияет на его продвижение.

Так как мы можем убедить Джун стать девушкой Эрика., например, но мы также можем сделать это не так, если будем продолжать отношения с ней. Таким образом, в зависимости от того, что мы хотим сделать в этом отношении, мы всегда можем изменить решения в этом сюжете Summertime Saga. Это одна из самых интересных историй, поэтому она того стоит, несмотря на то, что для многих пользователей она немного затянута.

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Debbie is a well-endowed women with medium-length brown hair and grey eyes. Despite losing her husband and being in severe debt, she always wears an optimistic face. Her …»>
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WebPlay Summertime Saga Game Online. Summertime Saga is a dating simulator game for adults with stunning graphics and cross-platform support. The game is available on all …

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WebApr 14, 2021 Summertime Saga content benefits from easy‐to‐follow walkthroughs. The prologue is a quick and compulsory introduction to the gameplay on the first day; it …

Apr 14, 2021 Summertime Saga content benefits from easy‐to‐follow walkthroughs. The prologue is a quick and compulsory introduction to the gameplay on the first day; it …»>
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WebSummertime Saga | The Game Walkthrough Part 1 Anna Williams 191 subscribers Subscribe 2 80 views 1 day ago #summertimesagatechupdate #adultgames …

Summertime Saga | The Game Walkthrough Part 1 Anna Williams 191 subscribers Subscribe 2 80 views 1 day ago #summertimesagatechupdate #adultgames …»>
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WebDownload now of 16 Summertime Saga walkthrough (Made by Pikachu & Papu Franku) Caution- You must work on either Debbie or Jenny route, You cannot do both at same …

Download now of 16 Summertime Saga walkthrough (Made by Pikachu & Papu Franku) Caution- You must work on either Debbie or Jenny route, You cannot do both at same …»>
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WebAug 9, 2019 Then Miss Bissette will give you the assignment to write about your favourite food in French. Go to the library and ask the librarian about books for French food. She …

Aug 9, 2019 Then Miss Bissette will give you the assignment to write about your favourite food in French. Go to the library and ask the librarian about books for French food. She …»>
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WebSummertime Saga This game is a visual novel that tells the story of the troubled life of a teenager who has been embroiled in dramas after the death of his father. Summertime …

Summertime Saga This game is a visual novel that tells the story of the troubled life of a teenager who has been embroiled in dramas after the death of his father. Summertime …»>
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WebOct 1, 2021 How to download Summertime Saga With Complete Walkthrough on PC. ① Download and install MuMu Player on your PC. ② Start MuMu Player and complete …

Oct 1, 2021 How to download Summertime Saga With Complete Walkthrough on PC. ① Download and install MuMu Player on your PC. ② Start MuMu Player and complete …»>
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WebJul 20, 2020 From Summertime Saga Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. This category contains articles related to walkthrough routes. To add an article to this category, …

Jul 20, 2020 From Summertime Saga Wiki. Jump to: navigation, search. This category contains articles related to walkthrough routes. To add an article to this category, …»>
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WebWelcome to Summertime saga walkthrough, we’ll provide you all the all the choices and secrets to reach the highest levels to unlock all the scenes in the game.. Game version: …

Welcome to Summertime saga walkthrough, we’ll provide you all the all the choices and secrets to reach the highest levels to unlock all the scenes in the game.. Game version: …»>
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WebMar 2, 2020 Summertime Saga Wiki Walkthrough Click on a section below for a full walkthrough, video walkthrough, and more for every Storyline in Summertime Saga. …

Mar 2, 2020 Summertime Saga Wiki Walkthrough Click on a section below for a full walkthrough, video walkthrough, and more for every Storyline in Summertime Saga. …»>
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WebApr 1, 2023 Our Summertime Saga Walkthrough guide will help you explore the scenes and endings available in the game. Here’s a quick rundown of the 6 significant routes …

Apr 1, 2023 Our Summertime Saga Walkthrough guide will help you explore the scenes and endings available in the game. Here’s a quick rundown of the 6 significant routes …»>
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WebSummertime Saga is an adult orientated high-quality dating sim game, currently in development and funded wholly by Patreon backers.Set in a small suburban to…

Summertime Saga is an adult orientated high-quality dating sim game, currently in development and funded wholly by Patreon backers.Set in a small suburban to…»>
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  • Aqua
  • Consuela
  • Daisy
  • Debbie
  • Diane
  • Eve
  • Grace & Odette
  • Helen
  • Jenny
  • June
  • Mia
  • Ms Bissette
  • Ms Dewitt
  • Mrs Johnson
  • Ms Okita
  • Ms Ross
  • Roxxy
  • More Adult Games Walkthroughs


Aqua Route


  • Unlock Forest: Ms Okita‘s route or also Mrs Johson‘s route
  • Unlock Church: Ms Ross route or also Mia‘s route
  • Get the Golden Key: Mia‘s route or also Mrs Johnson‘s route
  • Get de Fishing Rod: from the attic
  • Unlock clinic: Diane‘s route or also Mrs Johnson‘s route
  • Charisma level 7

The Treasure Hunt

  • Talk with Captaint Terry (Pier), he will give you a special lure if you find the golden compass for him
  • In the clinic, talk with the receptionist, then meet her on the 2º floor, go to the storage (right door) and you will have an scene. Finally read the obituary records to get the clue about the boatsmith tombstone
  • Go to the graveyard (through the broken wall in Diane’s garden) and interact with the tombstone (the one on the left)
  • Go to the tower of the church (upstairs) and examine the bell engravings
  • Open the old scroll you will find inside the tree with a hollow in Raven Hill
  • Get the treasure map: In the evening, complete the minigame of the stone in the middle of the forest – Half moon with 3 stripes (upper left)
  • Wait till the next day, go to the library, and find the book Derpy Answers
  • Get the old coin: it is in the Fountain (park) lower left corner
  • Go to the beach, then to the small island, and dig under the cross with the shovel (the shovel is inside your garage).
  • The code is: Octopus–Mermaid–Octopus–Anchor
  • Give the golden compass to Captain Terry and he will give you the golden lure in return


  • Go fishing: use the golden lure on the hole in seafloor. Aqua will steal the lure and you have to follow her. First defeat the octopus, and then escape the cave (Up-Up-Left-Left-Up-Right-Up).
  • Once in Aqua’s lair offer her your help and return with captain Terry.
  • Ask him about retiring, and you will need to give him Tigger. Is a fish and you have to use the golden lure
  • Go back with Aqua and enjoy
  • You will also meet Seasucc there, if you bring back the mushroom (forest) you will unlock more scenes.


Consuela Route


  • Charisma 7
  • $1,000
  • Buy the Beachhouse ($5,000)

Rump’s mansion

  • Go to Mayor Rump’s mansion in the afternoon (requires Charisma = 7), follow the servant, after some scenes hide under the bed and finally have an encounter with Melonia
  • Next day go back to Rump’s mansion in the morning and talk to Melonia, then meet the gardener (Ricky) in the estate backyard in the afternoon.
  • Go to Shopping mall > Pink Store, meet Ivy, the robot (thobot) costs $1,000, buy it. After 2 days get the package from Pink store and give it to Consuela (Rump’s Mansion)

Consuela’s Job

  • (Sunday Morning) Go to the sidewalk of the Shopping mall and meet Consuela.
    • 1st go to the church and talk to Father Keeves. Wait one day and talk to him again
    • 2nd Go to the school with Consuela
    • 3rd and final choice = Hospital, now Consuela has a job
  • After 1 week go to the beachhouse and sleep (2nd floor > Bed), next day Consuela & Martinez will visit you
  • Next day visit Consuela in the kitchen and check on her
  • After one week meet her in the kitchen (afternoon)


  • One week later you will have an scene with Martinez when you wake up
  • And the next day, the scenes with Consuela


If you choose the pregnancy option, wait one week, read the phone message and go to the beach house. There will be another message and you will meet your son / daughter at the hospital. After another 3 weeks Consuela will be back at her job, as usual.


Daisy Route


  • Money: At least $5,270
  • Complete Diane‘s Route
  • Roxxy‘s Route: Progress until you beat Dexter at basketball

Mysterious Statue

You need to find the 3 parts of the Mysterious Statue:

  • Bottom part: Complete Diane’s Barn and look for Richard (Annie’s father)
  • Middle part: Go to the trailer part and ask Clyde abut his dog. Buy the Pink Beaver Pluhs (Cupid store – mall) and give it to Clyde
  • Top part: Buy the beach house and meet consuela there on thursday afternoon, meet her again next thusday afternoon
  • Cow girls: Go to the barn, examine the statue and ask Diane for milk, then pour it on the statue and enjoy the scene.

Meet Daisy

  • Wait 3 days, go to the barn and meet Daisy
  • Wait 2 days and go to Diane’s garden to take care of the garden. You will have to go to Tony’s Pizza, buy a veggie pizza and give it to Daisy.

Final Scene

  • Wait 2 days and go to the barn. Buy sunflowers at Cupid and give them to Daisy. Talk with here untill you unlock the next scene
  • The next day go visit Daisy. But be carefull, Diane cannot be pregnant
  • And finally, next day visit Daisy again and unlock the final scene.


Debbie Route


  • Charisma 5
  • $150

Helping Debbie

  • Go downstairs and find Debbie talking on the phone, she has money problems
  • Next day go downstairs and Debbie will ask you for help (lawn). First try to use the mover, then buy a gas tank (Mall > Consum-R). Fill the mover and do your work. When you finish, go with your dirty clothes to the basement
  • The next day go downstairs and open the door to a man, and the day after meet Debbie and Mrs Johnson outside
  • Next day meet Debbie in the entrance, you have to fix a pipe in the shower. Go there, then close the valve in the basement, and come back. Finally, buy a wrench (Mall > Consum-R) and fix the pipe (shower).
  • Next day spy Debbie (shower), and the day after, go to the house front.
  • The next day go to the entrance and help Debbie with the vacuum. And the day after, in the morning, with the dishes in the kitchen. Finally, next day, with the laundry in the basement, but give her the lotion (is in her dresser), to have a massage


  • Next day open the dresser (Debbie’s bedroom), get the underwear, and interact with the bed. Wait untill the evening, go to the entrance, watch TV with her, and have another massage
  • Next day go to the entrance, then to the garage, and finally to the mall with her. Go to Cupid (2nd floor), offer her a necklace, and join her in the dressing room, she will teach you to kiss.
  • The Next day, go to Debbie’s bedroom, and the day after, in the kitchen ask her to teach you to kiss
  • Next day  go to the shower when Debbie is washing herself
  • Next day go to the entrance, and then to the garage. Go to the dealership and make the insurance claim. It’s quite expensive, but with charisma 7 is free.
  • The Next day go to Debbie’s dresser, take the panties, and interact with the bed, when se ask you, tell her you like her, and she will give you a hand in the night.
  • Next day go outside, protect Debbie and unlock another shower sceneNext day go to the hallway, meet Debbie and follow her to her bedroom for more scenes
  • The day after spy Debbie talking with Diane in the kitchen, then try to sleep, but finally meet her in the living room for more scenes
  • Next day, after you go bed to sleep, wake up and go to the pool. Take the towel from the shower, warm up Debbie and unlock more scenes
  • Next day read the note in your computer, take the laundry basket (Debbie’s bedroom), go to the basement, and enjoy more scenes


Diane Route


  • $400
  • Strength 2
  • Library subscription

Working in the Garden

  • Go to Diane’s house > Diane’s garden, Diane’s shovel is broken, so go to your garage and take yours. Then help her in the garden, keep the cucumbers, eggplants, carrots and corns
  • Wait 3 days and go to her garden again, after she gives you the delivery follow Maria to the storage room, then go back to the garden
  • Wait another 3 days and go to her garden again, you have to lift the wheelbarrow
  • Next day, go to the garden, take Diane to her bedroom and bring her a glass of water (kitchen)
  • Next day go to Diane’s house and clean her garden, remove everything, then go to her bedroom. You have to buy the Bug Annihilator Spray (Mall > Consum-R) and clean the garden again.
  • The next day go to Diane’s house, go to the kitchen and take what you need from the garden.
  • The day after talk to Diane in the garden, and give her the tool she needs (kitchen counter)

Delivery guy

  • Wait 3 days and visit Diane, take the milk cartons (shed) and give them to Lucy (daycare), go to Diane’s bedroom and leave the money
  • Wait 2 days and go to Diane’s garden, then meet Debbie in the evening in your house and give the pie to Diane, she is in the shed
  • Next day go to Diane’s garden and work for her. Go to the shed and use the milk pump on the storage jug. Then make a cocktail for her, the recipe is in the kitchen. Then go to the garden and finally apply sunscreen on her back
  • Next day meet Diane in ther garden
  • After 2 days go to the garden and then to the shed for a scene. If you visit the shed again in the evening you will have another scene
  • Next day spy Diane and Debbie in the Kitchen
  • Next day meet Diane and she will ask you for another delivery. The milk cartons are in the shed, the go to the School > Principal Smith’s office > cafeteria, and go back with Diane

Living Together

  • The next day buy a sea trout (Pier > Captain Terry) and go to the kitchen
  • The next day Diane ask you for help, she needs to build a barn. Go to Annie’s house, require the carpenter, take the hammer and the handsaw, finish your job and go back with Diane
  • After 1 week, go to the kitchen, and then to the barn, where Richard gives you a part of a statue. Buy a milk jug (Mall > Consum-R, talk to Jane at the library and take the Breeder guide, finally give everything to Diane
  • After 2 days, in the evening, go to the living room, then to your bed.
  • Next day, go to the kitchen, then to the barn, go to the clinic. In the bathroom (2nd floor) you have an optional scene, then go back to the home entrance and talk to Diane.
  • After 2 days meet Diane, go to the Pink store, take Ivy’s package, and give it to her. Be carefull in this step, don’t make her pregnant

Bonus Scene

You have an optional scene with Diane & Debbie, but it requires having reached high levels of intimacy during Debbie‘s route:

  • Go to the landslady’s bedroom in the evening, after a discussion go back to your bedroom, accept Debbie’s invitation, and finally go to the kitchen next morning.


Eve Route


  • Dexterity 5 and also Intelligence 5;
  • A working computer and also $300;

First Steps

  • Meet Eve in the park (evening), and meet her again the day after at the same time & place.
  • Go to the cafeteria (school) – battle Eve vs Annie.
  • Next day (morning) go to the school right hallway, then follow Eve and talk to her in the auditorium. In the evening go to Sugartats (tattoo), where you will meet Grace, Odette and Tuuku.
  • (After 2 days) go to school and skip classes with Eve, go to the parlor, and to the apartment.

Dress Code

  • (After 2 days) Spy on the girls ni the school boy’s locker room. Eve is hiding in the auditorium. Talk to Principal Smith and the Sport Teacher about the dress code. Wait untill the afternoon, go to Coach Bridget’s office and ask for help (requires desterity = 5)
  • Next day go to the french class and tell Eve.  At the end of the day you will find her in the bathroom
  • Next day find Eve in the Locker room (school), and in the evening in the park. In the Police Station join Grace and Eve (parking lot) as soon as you get out of custody)
  • The next day go to school to find out that your classmate is absent, then go to the tattoo shop and talk to Grace and Odette, and finally go to the apartment.

(Save point: Eve’s gender choice)

  • (After 2 days) Go to the french class and Eve will give you a date. In the evening in Sugartats, use the fire scape to climb up the rooftop. Follow Eve to the tent
  • Next day go to the school right hallway to watch a cat fight
  • Next day go to the french class for another date with Eve.

Grace’s Bike

  • (Saturday or Sunday) Repair Grace’s bike (garage), you can do it if your intelligence = 5
  • Next day, go with the girls, then with Eve to the mall > library > park > Sugartats
  • (Saturday) Go to the party to meet Grace, Jane, Jenny and Odette, Eve will come later
  • Next Day go to Sugartats. Then buy a candle (Consum-R), a box of chocolates (Cupid) and a Lasagna (Tony’s Pizza), Tuuku will get the wine. Go to your appartment and enjoy the dinner with Eve
  • Next day go to school and meet Eve, meet her again in her bedroom at night
  • Go to Eve’s bedroom again, next evening (replay this scene, there is another version)

Grace & Odette

Grace & Odette Route


  • Dexterity 5 and Intelligence 5.
  • A working computer and also $300.
  • Complete Eve‘s route: You have to repair Grace’s bike and unlock all the scenes with Eve. In fact, Odette’s and Grace’s scenes are optional scenes in the Eve’s route.


  • Once you complete the Eve’s route wait until the next day
  • Meet Oddette, she will thank you in her own way
  • (Next Saturday or Sunday) Go to the appartment in the evening and enjoy the massage. But if you want to unlock the Odette’s version of the scene, you have to replay it.


Helen Route


  • Strength 2 and Charisma 7.
  • $1,670.
  • A library subscription.

Mia’s route

Helen’s ending is an optional or alternative ending from Mia’s route. So you have to progress through Mia’s Route until the last visit of Sister Angelica, but before anything happens, before the endings section. Where you have to make a choice, because you can only get one of the endings (Mia’s ending or Helen’s ending)

How to get Helen’s ending?

  • Go to the church and find Sister Angelica and Helen, both are nude, and you can choose to watch or to to join. Of course choose join
  • Next day go to the police station and talk to Harold. From there go to Mia’s house and now you have two new scenes with Helen. The first one will be in the afternoon at her place, and the second one in the church at night.


Jenny Route


  • Intelligence 5 and Strength 7.
  • $2,060.
  • A working computer.

First Steps

  • Spy Jenny when she is having a shower in the morning.
  • Next day afternoon go downstairs and spy her talking about her financial issue.
  • Wait 2 days and have a breakfast with her (dining room).
  • Wait 2 days, go to the upstairs hallway and pay her silence with $100.
  • After 3 days have another breakfast with her and let things happen.
  • Next day go to her room (morning) and find her diary (bed), read it, and try to steal her panties, you can see the photos if you pay.
  • Wait 3 days and have another breakfast with her, agree she is hot and follow her to her room.
  • After 2 days she will come to your room. Then go to Hillside mall > Pink, and buy her the toy she needs. Give it to her (afternoon).
  • Wait 2 days and Jenny and Debbie are talking in the kitchen, the answer is up to you.
  • Next day meet Jenny in the entrance, go to the mall with here and buy the blue & white dildo
  • Next day read jenny’s journal and go to her room when she is in the shower, check the laptop (pass: Bad Monster), and open CAMslut, click on remote access and connect both computers. Do the same in your computer and enjoy the videos.
  • After 3 days you will have a new video (computer), buy the green dildo at Pink and give it to Jenny in the afternoon.
  • Next day you will have a new video.
  • After 2 days meet Jenny in the dining room (morning), talk with Cedric about Jenny at the gym, and then talk to Jenny.
  • After 3 days, in the evening, get out of your bedroom and find Jenny.
  • Nex day (morning) use the telescope. Wait for the afternoon and go to her bedroom, then go to Cosmic Cumics (mall) and find the replica of Pink Cyclone mask. Go back to Jenny’s bedroom.


  • Next day (afternoon) go to Jenny’s room, and the day after, in the morning, meet Jenny in the dining room.
  • After 2 days, in the evening, find Jenny in the living room. Enjoy the scene, and you have also unlocked Pink Channel on the TV (user: L6BV12R, pass: 12345)
  • Next day Jenny will wake you up, and in the afternoon you will go to her bedroom for more scenes.
  • Meet her next day at breakfast.
  • Next day use the telescope again to inspire Jenny.
  • Next day go to the dining room to meet her. The old cheerleader uniform is in the attic, the small key in the entrance and the stool in the garage. No you can open the trapdoor (hallway) and give her everything she needs. But be careful, don’t make her pregnant.
  • Saturday, go to the entrance, then to the backyard, and in the afternoon use the tickets to meet Jenny at the cinema, wait until night for other scene.
  • Next day jenny will be in the dining room, and you will have more scenes in the shower.
  • Wait 3 days and talk with Jenny in the hallway (morning).
  • Next day morning, read her diary, then buy her a necklace (Mall > Cupid) and wait for the night for more scenes.

Bonus Scenes

  • Breakfast: Meet her next day, in the morning, for breakfast
  • Jenny’s Bedroom: Go to her bedroom for more scenes
  • Pool: Saturday morning find her at the pool for more scenes


June Route


  • Dexterity 5 and Charisma 5.
  • $1,350.
  • A library subscription.
  • A working computer.

Mrs Johnson’s route

June’s ending is an optional or alternative ending from Mrs Johnson’s route. You have to progress through Mrs Johnson’s route until you decide to find a girlfriend for Erik or not. Then you have to make a choice, if you find a girlfriend for Erik you will get one ending with Mrs Johnson. But if you don’t find a girlfriend for Erik you can get the June’s ending.

How to get June’s ending?

When you have to choose between s*x education or find a girlfriend, choose find a girlfriend, from there:

  • In the evening ask Erik about his ideal girlfriend
  • Next day go to the computer room and ask June about class. Here you have to choose, and for June’s ending, of course: Keep the gamer girl for yourself.
  • Leave the school, come back and talk to Erik. Then look for June and ask her to hang out. In the evening go to your room, help June with the final boss, and answer Bork time! It’s hot.
  • Next day buy the Orcette Queen Garments (Mall > Comic Store), and give it to June. In the evening go to your room and enjoy the scene


Mia Route


  • Strength 2 and Charisma 7.
  • $1,670.
  • A library subscription.


  • Finish the first homework of Ms Bissette’s – French Dictionary.
  • Next day go to the science class in the morning and talk to Mia, in the evening go to her house, and answer “Yes” when she asks you if you also like her.
  • Next day, in the afternoon, meet her parents at her house. Come back in the evening and talk to her mother.
  • The day after go to the science class, from there go to the police station, ask Earl and Yumi about Mia’s father favourite donuts, buy them at Glazie’s, and go back to the police station to offer Harold the donuts.
  • Next day meet Mia at the science class, and in the evening go to her room.
  • Next day go to the art class, interact with the easel and choose the purple butterfly, Visit Mia in the evening and show her.
  • Wait untill saturday morning and meet Mia at Sugar tats, help her with the tatoo.
  • The next monday meet Mia at school and accept her invitation.
  • When you receive a message from mia, read it and go to her house. Take the key (Helen’s room > Statue), open the left door on the second floor, and release her.
  • After 4 days go to Mia’s house and talk to her, go upstairs and talk to Helen.

Sister Angelica

  • Saturday morning go to the church, open the upper door and take the priest’s chasuble from his bedroom. Go downstairs, to the confessional and convince Helen. Put the chasuble back, and in the afternoon meet Mia at her house.
  • After 3 days, read the message from Mia, and in the afternoon go visit her. Go to the police station and talk to Harold’s colleagues, but also check the photo frame on his desk. Go to Raven Hill, talk to Harold and go back with Mia to inform her.
  • After 3 days Sister Angelica visits you, so in the evening go to the church. Next afternoon convince Helen and in the evening go with her to the church
  • The Next Day meet Mia at school, you have to give te sunglasses to Harold, who asks you to go to the basement.
  • Next day, in the afternoon, go to Helen’s bedroom. From there, go to Pink and buy her the red corset.
  • The next day Sister Angelica visits you again. Buy the Whip at Pink and give it to her in the evening
  • Next day, in the afternoon go to Mia’s house and talk to Helen, to Mia and to Harold. The thief’s bag is in the park, behind a tree, but make sure to grab the golden key also.
  • Sister Angelica visits you again next day, now you have to buy the strap on at Pink. When you have it, go to the church, but first talk with Harold. From here, there are different endings depending on your choices.


  • Watch what Angelica does to Helen.
  • Next day visit Mia at her house, and in the evening go to Mia’s bethroom to have your scene.

Ms Bissette

Ms Bissette Route


  • Strength 2
  • $500
  • The master key: Principal Smith’s office
  • A working computer
  • A library subscription

French Dictionary

  • Go to school > french class and ask Ms Bissette for private tutoring. You will have to find a French dictionary.
  • Talk to Jane at the library, but when she gives you the dictionary tell her about the pages ripped, then tell the same to Ms Bissette.
  • Talk with Judith (left hallway) and get her dictionary. Go to the computer lab, try to print and ask June for help. When you print the dictionary, give it back to Judith and go to the french class.

Homework I

  • Go to the french class and Ms Bissette will give you homeworks. Go to the library and take the book you need, but Jane will ask you to get back 3 books:
    • Erik: Find the book under his bed
    • Martinez: Go to school > left hallway, and follow Martinez to the boys locker room, then open her backpack and take the book
    • Dexter: He is at the basketball court, in the afternoon. Then go to the right hallway, open the beaten up locker and take the book. The key you need is in the Principal Smith’s office
  • Give the 3 books to jane (library) and she will give you the book you need, then go home and do your homeworks.
  • Next day, go to french class and wait for your first reward.

Homework II

  • Next day, go meet Ms Bissete, who will ask you for a poem. Go to talk to Jane at the library, but untill Mia appears (afternoon) and talk with her. The french romance book is in the library backroom, take it and go home to do your homework.
  • Go to the computer lab (next day), print your poems and give them to Ms Bissette.

Final Scene

  • Next day evening go to Ms Bissette’s office (3rd floor).
  • The day after, meet Roxxy and talk with her. She wants her pom poms, so go to coach Bridget’s office in the morning and take them from the locker. Hide inside the locker, then give the pom poms to Roxxy and offer her Jenny’s help. Go home, pay $500 to jenny for her help and talk to Roxxy.
  • The next afternoon welcome the cheerleader downstairs.
  • Next day in the evening talk to Ms Bissette.
  • And finally, one day after, go to the french class, pass the quiz (Bike – cheese – lips) and join Ms Bissette upstairs for your final scene.

Ms Dewitt

Ms Dewitt Route


  • Master Key from Principal Smith’s office


  • Go to the music class to meet Ms Dewitt.
  • Next day go to the music class she will ask you for help, but you need an instrument. Look for Judith (left hallway) and ask her about the flute. Open Judith’s locker (COW) with the master key and take the flute. As you can see, you need a new one.
  • Go to Raven Hill and pick the stick (on the floor), then go to your garage, take the drill (shelf) and do your best in the workbench. When you finish go talk to Ms Dewitt.


  • Eve: Next day go to the music class, you will have to find 2 volunteers. First tal to Eve, then meet her and Erik in Erik’s Basement in the evening where you have to win a minigame.
  • Kevin: next day talk to Kevin at the cafeteria, he needs a guitar. Convince Erik to replace Mr Johson’s guitar. Take the wood planks from the treehouse and find the paint. First try in your garage, then ask Debbie and finally ask Diane. Now you can get the paint from Diane’s garden. Go to your garage, use the workbench, and replace the guitar in Erik’s basement. Next day give the guitar to kevin and inform Ms Dewitt.

Concert & Ending

  • Next day go to the music class, then to the auditorium, and then to Principal Smith’s office to find the culprits looking through the keyhole. Talk to Ms Dewitt, and in the evening go to the park to talk to Eve, Chad… Go to meet Erik at his house and talk him about beer, then take the beer case (basement).
  • Next day go to the auditorium > music class > Auditorium > Ms Dewitt Office
  • The day after, go to the music class and meet Eve and Kevin there, then go to the science class. Ask Erik for help, and in the evening meet him again in front of the school yard. Follow the robed people (left hallway), and go to the Principal Smith’s office (3rd floor), be evil.
  • Next day go to the Principal Smith’s office, then join your band at the auditorium.
  • After the concert, go to talk to Ms Dewitt (music class), and in the evening go to her office for the final scene.

Mrs Johnson

Mrs Johnson Route


  • Dexterity 5 and Charisma 5;
  • A working computer;
  • A library subscription;
  • 1,350$;

First Steps

  • Meet Erik in front of his house and you will also meet Mrs Johnson.
  • Go to Erik’s basement and help him find the trading cards, there are under the aquarium, in the cabinet. But there is one card left and you have to buy it (c*ck crown of thorns) in Cosmic Cumics (Hillside Mall) and give it to him.
  • In the afternoon, go to the yoga room (gym) and talk to Mrs Jonhson (What was that).
  • Next day go to Erik’s basement, then to your bedroom and use the computer, type Orcette (search bar) and buy it.
  • The next tuesday, in the morning check your mailbox, take the package and give it to Erik.
  • Next day you will have a visit when you wake up, is Mrs Johnson, talk with here and then go visit Erik (in his bedroom). Protect Erik at school and go back home to meet Mrs Johnson and Debbie.
  • Next day go to Erik’s basement, then buy the VR Headset and the game World of Orcette in the comic store and go back with Erik.
  • Next day (morning) replace Mrs Johnson for the yoga lesson and in the evening wait Anna in the yoga Room and enjoy the yoga class.
  • The day after, just inform the yoga teacher.
  • Next day, in the evening, go to Erik’s house and spy Mrs Johnson’s bedroom.
  • Next day talk to Mrs Johnson first, and then to Erik.

Burglar & Golden key

This step requires you have unlocked the telescope scene.

  • Once you have used the telescope, catch the burglar in Mrs Johnson’s backyard.
  • Go to the police station and talk to Mrs Johnson. In the afternoon tell everything to Erik, and then talk to Larry. Go to the park and get the golden key. (behind a tree)


  • Go to Erik’s house, then, in the evening invite Mrs Johnson to the basement, where you have to offer her a drink. Win the game and follow her in the back room
  • Next day talk to Mrs Johnson (Erik’s house), then talk to Erik, and go back with mrs Johnson. Now the ending depends on your choice.

Ending with Erik

Requirement: Don’t find a girlfriend for Erik.

  • Next day go to Erik’s bedroom, and find what mrs Johnson needs:
    • Yoga Kamasutra book: library > shelf
    • Anti preg: go to the clinic, talk to Roz, use the phone (2nd floor), open the keybox (1st floor), get the storage access card, and finally get the anti preg from the closet.
  • Inform Mrs Johnson, wait one day and go to Mrs Johnson’s bedroom for your ending.

Ending alone

Requirement: find a girlfriend for Erik.

  • In the evening talk to Erik about his ideal girlfriend.
  • Next day look for June (computer room) and talk to her. Convince her to be Erik’s girlfriend. Leave the school, come back, Erik will be talking to June. Then go to Mrs Johnson’s bedroom and talk with her
  • Next day go visit Mrs Johnson to her house and have your ending

Ms Okita

Ms Okita Route


  • Charisma 7 and Intelligence 8;
  • Master Key: Principal Smith’s office;

Keycode, lenses & Belt

  • Go to the science class to meet Ms Okita.
  • Next day go back to the class, and Okita will ask you for a keycode. Go to Principal Smith’s office in the afternoon and take the note inside the desk, then use the code (6219) in Ms Okita’s office door. Find Konterina, pick the blueprints, the lab coat and the safety glasses, and give everyhing to Ms Okita.
  • Find Okita, she wants her lenses, then talk to Judith and accept her invitation (park afternoon). But go to her locker (COW) and open it with the master key, take the glasses and talk with Ms Okita, complete the glasses and follow her to her office.
  • Next day go visit Ms Okita, the okitatron belt needs a faptic engine. Find June in the computer lab, she will hepl you with the engine. The talk to Erik (science class), he will help you with the Master Blaster. Climb up the treehouse behind his house, take the controler and give it to June, then give the faptic engine to Okita. Fix the belt and see what happens.

Final Experiment & Scene

  • Wait 3 days and go to the science class, after some conversations Okita ask you for 5 ingredients:
    • Mushroom: Forest > evening > in the clearing
    • Toad: Forest > evening > Outside the cave
    • Flower: Forest > evening > inside the cave
    • Stock: Next day > Mall > Consum R > Buy the Chicken stock
    • Luminiscent Flower: Afternoon > Principal Smith’s office > Convince Annie > Inside the trash
  • When you have everything tell Ms Okita, wait until the evening and go to her office, do your best and make 2 serums:
    • Blue: Flower, Principal Smith’s DNA and also chicken stock.
    • Pink: Toad, mushroom and also …
  • Next day go to the teacher’s lounge in the morning and add the serum in the coffee, go to talk to Ms Okita and wait 3 days.
  • Go to the science class, and in the evening go to ms Okita’s office for your final scene.

Ms Ross

Ms Ross Route


  • Dexterity 3, Intelligence 5 and Strength 6;
  • Master key: Principal Smith’s office;
  • A library subscription;


  • Meet Ms Ross in the art class and grab the block of clay (top of the closet
  • Next day, go to the art class, then talk to Mia (science class) in the morning.
  • Ms Ross want an artpad, so in the evening meet Eve (school right hallway). Bring the backpack (park) to Eve, but Chad has the artpad, talk to him. He wants Eve’s drawing, wich is inside Eve’s locker, so take it and give it to him. When you finish, talk to Ms Ross.


  • Visit Ms Ross next day, she will ask you for 3 magazines. Go to the library, talk to Jane, but here you have the locations:
    • 1st magazine: Go to the teacher’s lounge (2nd floor) and convince Ms Dewitt for the first magazine.
    • 2nd magazine: Go to the basketball court in the afternoon and take the magazines.
    • 3rd magazine: Kevin has the last magazines, and he is in the cafeteria.
  • When you get all the magazines, give them to Ms Ross.

Eael, model, Ink

  • Next day meet Ms Ross, now she needs a new easel. Go to the treehouse (behind Erik’s house), take the wood planks, go to your garage and use them in the workbench. When you finish inform ms Ross, but now, she needs a new model. Talk to Judith and convince her, then inform ms Ross and enjoy.
  • Next day visit ms Ross, who will send you at the church, there you have to talk to Sister Angelica and get the old rags, but the paint is missing, tell ms Ross. Talk first with Eve, then with the Tatoo parlor (north) and finally with Grace (Eve’s sister) and get the ink. Go to the art class and this is how you get the colours you need:
    • Green: blue & yellow.
    • Orange: red & yellow.
    • Purple: blue & red.
    • Pink: red & white.

Final scene

Wait 7 days, go to the art class, then to Ms Ross office at the evening, and enjoy your reward.


Roxxy Route


  • Strength 5, Dexterity 3 and Charisma 5;
  • 400$;

First Steps

  • To start find Roxxy in the 3rd floor of the school, wait till next day and spy her talking in the girls locker room.
  • Next day talk with Eve and Kevin at the school, then go to the basketball court and watch Roxxy and Dexter arguing. When you go back to school, Erik tells you that Coach Bridget is waiting you. After going to the courtyard, go to the boys locker room and talk with Becca and Missy for your first scene.
  • Next day go to the french classroom and help Roxxy, the french homework is in your locker. Roxxy will give you her lollipop in exchange.
  • Wait 1 day, go to school and meet Dexter.
  • Next day go to meet Ms Bissete, wail till the evening, go to the trailer park, and check the new location (left side). Go back home and study with Roxxy in your bedroom
  • Wait 2 days and go to the school hall to meet Roxxy. Then go with her to the trailer, talk with Crystal there, with Clyde (tractor) and complete the shooting minigame. Go to the trailer again, to the bedroom, and wait 1 day.

Beach Party 

  • Go to the french classroom, then to the basketball court, and then back to the class and talk with Roxxy about drinks. Go to talk with Erik, then to the girls, and go to the new location, The Pier.
  • Ask Captain Terry about the fake id, go to talk with Roxxy, then meet her at Hillside Mall and take a picture of you both.  Go back to the pier ($400) and enjoy the scene.
  • Go to school, then to the trailer, read the messsage on the door, go to the tractor, come back and talk with Debbie and Roxxy.
  • In the Police Station, talk with Earl (donut) and with Crystal (basement)
  • Go to the trailer and talk with Clyde (7 charisma).
  • Talk to Roxxy (school), and also with Clyde. At the evening go to Roxxy’s trailer, and then to the park and talk with Pilly
  • Meet Roxxy at school and wait 3 days
  • Talk to Roxxy (Ms Bissette’s class), then look for Missy (basketball court), and finally ask Captain Terry (pier) for Goldschwagger Vodka
  • Saturday afternoon go to the beach and play the bottle game
  • Go to the french class, and then steal the exams from the Principal Smith’s house (left of the school). You will find the exams in the desk of the bedroom, but you need the key (behind the painting)
  • Next day you will have an scene when you give the exams to Roxxy (school). Next day, after doing something for Ms Dewitt you will see Dexter and Becca, but it doesn’t matter for this walkthrough.

Bikini Contest

Saturday afternoon go to the beach water, talk with Terry, then go with the girls and follow Roxxy to the changing room. Find the bikini and give it to her. Give her the massage oil also (beach tower), and enjoy.

Beat Dexter

  • On monday meet Erik at the school, then go to the courtyard and defeat Dexter (5 Strength)
  • Next day accept Roxxy’s invitation and enjoy
  • Next day you will have to beat Dexter again, so go to school and play the basketball minigame at the courtyard
  • And defeat him once more the next day at the school (5 strength and 3 dexterity)
  • In the evening you will have the final scene with Roxxy.

Bonus scenes

  • Locker: Next day go to school and have one extra scene.
  • Beach: (requires the locker extra scene), go to play the bottle game and have another extra scene.
  • Crystal: meet Roxxy in the trailer once more, wait one day and go to talk with Crystal during the day.

More Adult Games Walkthroughs

  • Milfy City
  • Hillside
  • Long Live The Princess

Встречайте наш Гайд и прохождение Summertime Saga на адроид на русском – как соблазнить Консуэло. Для тех кто хочет позабавиться с этой горячей штучкой

Гайд и прохождение Summertime Saga на адроид на русском – как соблазнить Консуэло

Summertime Saga Consuela — Прохождение — Требования

Харизма 7
$ 1000
Купить пляжный домик ($ 5000)

Летняя сага Консуэла — прохождение

Путь Консуэлы — особняк Ромпа

После полудня отправляйтесь в особняк мэра Румпа (требуется Харизма = 7), следуйте за слугой, после того как некоторые сцены спрячтесь под кроватью и наконец встретитесь с Мелонией

На следующий день утром вернитесь в особняк Румпа и поговорите с Мелонией, а днем встретитесь с садовником (Рики) на заднем дворе усадьбы.

Идите в Торговый центр> Pink Store, познакомьтесь с Айви, робот (thobot) стоит 1000 долларов, купите его. Через 2 дня получите пакет в магазине Pink и отдайте его Консуэле (Rump’s Mansion)

Работа Консуэлы

(Воскресное утро) Отправляйтесь на тротуар торгового центра и познакомьтесь с Консуэлой.

Сначала идите в церковь и поговорите с отцом Китом. Подождите один день и поговорите с ним снова

2-й иди в школу с Консуэлой

3-й и последний выбор = больница, теперь у Консуэлы есть работа

Через 1 неделю идем в пляжный домик и спим (2 этаж> Кровать), на следующий день Consuela & Martinez посетит вас
На следующий день посетите Консуэлу на кухне и поговорите с ней
Через неделю встретимся с ней на кухне (днем)

Сцены Консуэлы

Через неделю у вас будет сцена с Мартинес, когда вы проснетесь
А на следующий день сцены с Консуэлой


Если вы выберете вариант беременности, подождите одну неделю, прочитайте телефонное сообщение и отправляйтесь в пляжный домик. Будет другое сообщение, и вы встретите своего сына / дочь в больнице. Еще через 3 недели Консуэла вернется на работу, как обычно

Summertime Saga Guide routes endings scenes

Last Updated on 22 August, 2022

Welcome to the Summertime Saga Guide, where we will provide you all the Steps, Walkthroughs and Routes, to get all the scenes and endings available in the game 


  • 1 Summertime Saga Guide – Debbie
  • 2 Summertime Saga Guide – Diane
  • 3 Summertime Saga Guide – Jenny
    • 3.1 Jenny’s Password
  • 4 Summertime Saga Guide – Mia
    • 4.1 Helen’s ending
  • 5 Summertime Saga Guide – Mrs Johnson
    • 5.1 Juen’s ending
  • 6 Summertime Saga Guide – Aqua
  • 7 Summertime Saga Guide – Debbie
  • 8 Summertime Saga Guide – Roxxy
  • 9 Summertime Saga Guide – Daisy
  • 10 Ms Bissette – French Class
  • 11 Ms Dewitt – Music Class
  • 12 Ms Okita – Science Class
  • 13 Ms Ross – Art Class
  • 14 Summertime Saga Guide – Eve
  • 15 Summertime Saga Guide – Grace & Odette
  • 16 Summertime Saga Guide – Consuela

Also Check the Save File Location and the Password

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Debbie, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Debbie’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Debbie‘s Route

Summertime Saga Guide – Diane

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Diane, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Diane’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Diane‘s Route

Summertime Saga Guide – Jenny

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Jenny, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Jenny’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Jenny‘s Route

Jenny’s Password

There are 3 Passwords: Computer or Laptop, TV Pink Channel user & TV Pink Channel pass, check them here > Computer Password & TV Pink Channel

Summertime Saga Guide – Mia

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Mia, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Mia’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Mia‘s Route

Helen’s ending

There is an alternative ending with Helen: Helen‘s Ending

Summertime Saga Guide – Mrs Johnson

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Mrs Johnson, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Mrs Johnson’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Mrs Johnson‘s Route

Juen’s ending

There is an alternative ending with June: June‘s Ending

Summertime Saga Guide – Aqua

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Aqua, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Aqua’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Aqua‘s Route

Summertime Saga Guide – Debbie

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Debbie, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Debbie’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Debbie’s Route

Summertime Saga Guide – Roxxy

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Roxxy, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Roxxy’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Roxxy‘s Route

Summertime Saga Guide – Daisy

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Daisy, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Daisy’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Daisy‘s Route

Ms Bissette – French Class

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Ms Bissette, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Ms Bissette’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Ms Bissette‘s Route

Ms Dewitt – Music Class

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Ms Dewitt, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Ms Dewitt’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Ms Dewitt‘s Route

Ms Okita – Science Class

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Ms Okita, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Ms Okita’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Ms Okita‘s Route

Ms Ross – Art Class

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Ms Ross, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Ms Ross’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Ms Ross‘s Route

Summertime Saga Guide – Eve

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Eve, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Eve’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Eve‘s Route

Summertime Saga Guide – Grace & Odette

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Grace & Odette, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Grace & Odette’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Ms Grace & Odette‘s Route

Summertime Saga Guide – Consuela

We guide you step by step through the full walkthrough of Consuela, so you can get all the endings and scenes of Consuela’s route. Of course there are tons of spoilers, so it’s up to you…Consuela‘s Route

For more Walkthrough and Endings guides you can also check:

  • Finding Miranda
  • Saving Chloe
  • Milfy City
  • Dating my Daughter
  • Man of the House
  • Dreams of Desire
  • Milf In Time
  • Being a DIK
  • Midnight Paradise
  • Melody
  • Daughter for Dessert
  • Become a Rock Star
  • Lewd Island
  • Lancaster Boarding House
  • City of Broken Dreamers
  • Waifu Academy
  • Mythic Manor
  • Foot of the Mountains
  • No more secrets
  • Acting Lessons
  • My Cute Roommate
  • Babysitter
  • Dark Magic
  • The Headmaster
  • Dual Family
  • DeLuca Family
  • Ecchi Sensei
  • Jikage Rising
  • Come Inside
  • The Visit
  • Haleys Story
  • Ideology in Friction
  • Back to the Cabin
  • Photo Hunt
  • Parental Love
  • Treasure of Nadia
  • Room for Rent
  • Timestamps Unconditional Love
  • Long Live the Princess
  • Betrayed
  • Farmers Dreams
  • Something Unlimited
  • Where the Heart Is
  • Project Hot Wife
  • Away From Home
  • Pine Falls
  • Freeloading Family
  • Milftown Drama

Руководство Summertime Saga Romance Эта сага является еще одним из текущие игры миллионов поклонников этих развлечений, в этом смысле мы должны говорить по этому поводу о самых актуальных данных этого вида развлечений. Игра имеет дело с некоторыми пряные темы, помимо приключений, которые также можно пережить в нем. Тогда мы приглашаем вас узнать больше об показанных советах и ​​руководстве.

О чем приключение Summertime Saga Romances?

Летняя сага Это своего рода роман с некоторыми аспектами, которые немного рискованны, поскольку он происходит в среде, где мы увидим молодого человека, который прибывает в учреждение, потому что его отец умирает и оставляет большой долг, то же самое напрямую связано к группе мафиози, который ложится на семью юноши и поэтому начинается наша миссия в игре.

Важно отметить, что в игре развитие опыта они не линейны. Это означает, что участники или игроки имеют возможность посещать разные места в городе по своему вкусу, для чего они могут использовать разные персонажи. Эти мероприятия могут проводиться в три разных дня или в один и тот же день.

Характеристики персонажа

Что касается некоторых особенностей нашего персонаж или главный герой, у него есть ряд атрибутов или особенностей, которые мы можем изменять эволюционным путем и в самой игре. Примером этого является то, что харизматичность главного героя могут быть изменены или улучшены для соревнований, таких как рэп-баттлы. Точно так же мы можем улучшить свои физические данные, если будем ходить в спортзал.

Компрометирующие любовные сцены

Игра наделена некоторыми сценами, которые участник сможет увидеть с острое содержание или компрометирует. Сказанное основано на том, что внутри игры и, как и у большинства так называемых визуальные романы Он выделяется большим количеством романтического содержания, связанного с самим главным героем.

Как получить игру 5

В связи с этим и с учетом содержание Как мы упоминали в предыдущем абзаце, в игре есть несколько «сильных» типовых сцен, связанных с аспектом романтики, переживаемой в приключении, по этой причине возраст для игры ориентирован на 18 лет и старше.

Сколько существует версий игры Summertime saga?

Согласно имеющимся у нас знаниям, в настоящее время существует более двадцать версий игры, это для компьютеров с системой Android. Загрузка может быть произведена с APK последних данных.

Как попасть в особняк Рампа в Summertime Saga?

Это проблема, которую, возможно, могут сделать некоторые любители игр, в этом смысле первое, что мы должны сделать, это открытие сейфа. После вышеупомянутого шага у нас уже будут условия для доставки всех предметов в персонаж Гарольда в комисарии.

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