Sysmac studio руководство на русском

Функция Damping Control в сервоприводах Омрон серии G5 позволяет избавиться от колебаний на нагрузке/инструменте как во время движения, так и в момент старта/останова.

Контроллеры Sysmac поддерживают прямое безопасное подключение к базам данных формата SQL

ROS, Modbus TCP, команды через TCP-сокет от ПЛК и другие способы внешнего управления коботами Omron TM

Программная реализация синхронного управления (слежение, электронный вал, CAM-профиль) сервоосями на бюджетной линейке ПЛК Омрон

Резервирование кабельных соединений для сети EtherCAT в задачах промышленной автоматизации

Настройка циклического обмена данными между двумя ПЛК Омрон по протоколу Ethernet/IP

3D симуляция технологического процесса в среде разработки Sysmac Studio

Технология OPC-UA — подключение и обмен данными с ПЛК серии NJ от Омрон

Протокол MQTT и шифрование TLS в задачах АСУ ТП на базе ПЛК Омрон

Используем технологию VPN и маршрутизатор Teltonika для удаленного доступа к ПЛК NX1

Камера технического зрения FHV7 — изменяем фокусное расстояние по Ethernet через ПЛК серии NX1

Ручной сканер кодов — подключение по RS232C к ПЛК NX1 Омрон

Интегрированная среда разработки (IDE)

Программный пакет Sysmac Studio, созданный для предоставления разработчикам оборудования полного контроля при использовании единой среды программирования, объединяет конфигурирование, программирование, моделирование и контроль в простом интерфейсе. Этот усовершенствованный программный инструмент является единственным программным обеспечением, которое требуется для универсального машинного контроллера серии NJ, сочетая логическое управление, движение и техническое зрение в одной платформе. Основными устройствами, используемыми с IDE, являются…

  • Контроллеры серии NJ/NX
  • Панели оператора серии NA
  • Модульная система ввода/вывода и безопасности серии NX
  • Сервоприводы серии G5
  • Преобразователи частоты серии MX2 и RX
  • Системы и датчики технического зрения FH и FQM
  • Компактные модули ввода/вывода серии GX
  • Датчик N-Smart E3
  • Измерительные датчики серии ZW

Комплект программного обеспечения также содержит другие устройства для ЧМИ и подробную информацию о конфигурации сети. Одно программное обеспечение позволяет контролировать и настраивать все оборудование с помощью одного соединения, предоставляя вам неограниченные возможности для эффективной работы, развития и творчества.

Team Edition

visual hmi editor comparison sysmac studio team edition prod

Распределенная система управления версиями с открытым исходным кодом

Sysmac Studio Team Edition включает распределенную систему управления версиями в составе многофункционального интерфейса платформы. Она позволяет нескольким разработчикам работать над одним проектом, обеспечивая простое сравнение проектов и эффективное управление версиями создаваемых систем. Компания Omron выбрала Git — самую популярную распределенную систему управления с открытым исходным кодом, предоставляющую командам разработчиков свободу выбора любого облачного хранилища на основе Git.

Система управления версиями позволяет инженерам работать над локальной версией проекта с полным контролем исходного кода. Улучшения и модификации кода локальной версии могут быть затем переданы через удаленный сервер, чтобы другие команды могли получить доступ к коду.


inlinest prod

Соответствие привычным стандартам

Полностью соответствуя открытому стандарту IEC 61131-3, Sysmac Studio обеспечивает современную среду программирования на основе многоступенчатых схем, структурные текстовые языки программирования и блоки организации программ, включающие программы, функции и функциональные блоки. Кроме того, включены команды управления движением, основанные на стандартах PLCopen, и набор команд, отвечающий правилам IEC. Привычная среда программирования практически исключает период освоения нового программного обеспечения, позволяя быстро внедрить его.


iorack prod

Программирование с переменными

Нет необходимости изучать распределение внутренней памяти контроллера серии NJ. Sysmac Studio автоматически выделяет память в блоке ЦПУ для созданных переменных, что облегчает разработку и снижает количество ошибок. Это также устраняет необходимость ожидания определения адресов памяти для оборудования перед началом разработки программного обеспечения. Оборудование и программное обеспечение могут проектироваться независимо и разрабатываться параллельно.


overview prod

Простая в использовании программа

Sysmac Studio накладывает на разработку столь незначительные ограничения, что проектирование можно начинать с любой части системы. Концепция разработки характеризуется понятными процедурами с соответствующими руководствами, которые не влияют на рабочий процесс. Это обеспечивает дружественную среду для гибкой проектной работы, когда даже ошибки в настройках и процедурах можно устранить немедленно или отложить до окончания проекта, если они не ведут к серьезным последствиям.


simulation prod

Полный набор средств отладки

Sysmac Studio обеспечивает полный набор функций для отладки программы управления, таких как замена значений и изменение программы в режиме онлайн. Также предусмотрены отладочные функции с возможностью моделирования управления движением, например, отображения результатов в 2D или 3D и отображение траекторий виртуальных устройств. Новый инструмент 3D моделирования дает программисту возможность увидеть физическое движение и порядок работы машины как непосредственный результат программы и настроек, выбранных для реализации.

trace prod

Для точного моделирования управления движением в Sysmac Studio предусмотрены команды для создания виртуальных внешних сигналов, таких как положительные/отрицательные концевые выключатели, сигнал близости к исходному положению, сигналы внешней защелки и немедленного останова. Возможна также реализация команд тревоги и предупреждения, дающая программисту дополнительные средства для тестирования обработки отказов. Встроенная функция трассировки данных обеспечивает высокий уровень детальности и отображает временную диаграмму параллельно с 2D или 3D маркерами пути. Результаты моделирования записываются в файл трассировки, что позволяет провести более внимательное исследование характеристик, чтобы гарантировать надлежащую эксплуатацию. Сочетание 3D моделирования движения и эмулятора ЦПУ обеспечивает программиста средствами оценки корректности программы, контроля оптимального пути, минимального времени выполнения и других важнейших операций. В результате промежуток времени от появления концепции машины до ее эксплуатации заметно сокращается.


Максимальная безопасность

Современные функции для защиты ваших инвестиций и обеспечения безопасности машины являются стандартными в Sysmac Studio. Предотвращение неправильных подключений, неверной работы или кражи имущества является первоочередным фактором как для крупных, так и для небольших проектов. Такие функции как подтверждение имени и серийного номера контроллера, права администратора и средства защиты записи защищают машину, в то время как идентификация выполнения программы пользователя и защита файлов проекта паролем защищают интеллектуальную собственность разработчика. С 32-разрядными паролями ваша система всегда в безопасности.


Управление задачами

Функция управления задачами, реализованная в контроллерах серии NJ и в Sysmac Studio, гарантирует, что система управления работает в точности как запланировано. Система задач, используемая в контролерах серии NJ, используется для задания условий и порядка выполнения последовательностей процессов, таких как обновление ввода/вывода, и выполнения пользовательских программ. Этот новый уровень управления позволяет программисту выбрать, как работает ЦПУ во время выполнения программы, чтобы гарантировать соответствие скорости работы сроку службы машины. Sysmac Studio обеспечивает простые и понятные настройки для задания параметров задачи и мощные средства оценки производительности. Для выбора показываются только допустимые режимы, обеспечивая выбор пользователем подходящей конфигурации. После выбора конфигурации можно отслеживать временную диаграмму программы, чтобы обеспечить оптимальную работу. Task Execution Time Monitor (Монитор времени выполнения задачи) можно использовать вместе с симулятором для отображения времени выполнения до загрузки программы в физический контроллер. Эти новые программные инструменты позволяют пользователю прогнозировать работу машины до ее постройки, а не реагировать на неожиданное поведение при вводе в эксплуатацию.

Ordering information

Automation software

Please purchase a DVD and licenses the first time you purchase the Sysmac Studio. DVDs and licenses are available individually. The license does not include the DVD.



Order code


Number of licenses


Sysmac Studio Standard Edition Ver. 1. ⬜⬜

The Sysmac Studio provides an integrated development environment to set up, program, debug and maintain NX/NJ-series CPU units, NY-series Industrial PC, EtherCAT slaves and HMI.

Sysmac Studio runs on the following OS:

Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit version)
Windows 8/Windows 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit version)
Windows 10 (32-bit/64-bit version)

− (Media only)



1 license


3 licenses


10 licenses


30 licenses


50 licenses


Sysmac Studio Lite Edition Ver. 1. ⬜⬜

Same functionality and supported devices than Sysmac Studio Standard Edition except for the controller. The Lite Edition only supports the NJ1 and NX1 machine controllers.

1 license


3 licenses


10 licenses


Sysmac Studio Upgrade

Software upgrade from Sysmac Studio Lite Edition to Sysmac Studio Standard Edition.

1 license


3 licenses


10 licenses


Sysmac Studio Vision Edition Ver. 1. ⬜⬜ 1 , 2

Sysmac Studio Vision Edition is a limited license that provides selected functions required for FQ-M and FH series vision sensor settings.

1 license


Sysmac Studio Measurement Sensor

Edition Ver. 1. ⬜⬜ 1 , 3

Sysmac Studio Measurement Sensor Edition is a limited license that provides selected functions required for ZW-series displacement sensor settings.

1 license


3 licenses


Sysmac Studio NX I/O Edition Ver. 1. ⬜⬜ 1 , 4

Sysmac Studio NX I/O Edition is a limited license that provides selected functions required for EtherNet/IP coupler settings.

1 license


Sysmac Studio HMI Edition1 ,5

Sysmac Studio HMI Edition is a limited license that provides selected functions required for NA-series PTs settings.

1 license


Sysmac Studio Drive Edition1 , 6

Sysmac Studio Drive Edition is a limited license that provides selected functions required for drive settings.

1 license


Sysmac Studio Robot Additional Option1

Sysmac Studio Robot Additional Option is a limited license to enable the Vision & Robot integrated simulation.

1 license


Sysmac Studio Team Development Option1

Sysmac Studio Team Development Option is a license to enable the project version control function.

1 license


3 licenses


10 licenses


30 licenses


50 licenses


Note: Site licenses are available for users who will run Sysmac Studio on multiple computers. Ask your OMRON sales representative for details.






An introduction about components, installation/uninstallation, user registration and auto update of the Sysmac Studio is provided

Setup disk (DVD-ROM)


License (SYSMAC-SE2 ⬜⬜ L/VE0 ⬜⬜ L/ME0 ⬜⬜ L/NE0 ⬜⬜ L/HE0 ⬜⬜ L/DE0 ⬜⬜ L/RA4 ⬜⬜ L)/TA4 ⬜⬜ L



License agreement

The license agreement gives the usage conditions and warranty for the Sysmac Studio

License card

A model number, version, license number and number of licenses are described

User registration card

Two cards are contained. One is for users in Japan and the other is for users in other countries

Included support software

DVD media of Sysmac Studio includes the following support software:

Included support software



Ver. 3. ⬜⬜

The CX-Designer is used to create screens for NS-series PTs7


Ver. 2. ⬜⬜

The CX-Integrator is used to set up FA networks


Ver. 1. ⬜⬜

The CX-Protocol is used for protocol macros for serial communications units

Network Configurator

Ver. 3. ⬜⬜

The Network Configurator is used for tag data links on the built-in EtherNet/IP port

SECS/GEM Configurator8

Ver. 1. ⬜⬜

The SECS/GEM Configurator is used for SECS/GEM settings

Adept Robot IP Address Setting Tool

Ver. 1. ⬜⬜

The Adept Robot IP Address Setting Tool is used for setting IP address of Adept Robot


Ver. 2. ⬜⬜

The software that sets the IO-Link devices

IODD DTM Configurator

Ver. 3. ⬜⬜

The software that adds and deletes IODD files for the IO-Link devices

Omron Sysmac NA Series User Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Programmable Terminal



User’s Manual




Related Manuals for Omron Sysmac NA Series

Summary of Contents for Omron Sysmac NA Series

  • Page 1
    Programmable Terminal NA-series Soft-NA User’s Manual NA-RTLD V126-E1-01…
  • Page 2
    No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Moreover, because OMRON is constantly striving to improve its high-quality products, the information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual. Neverthe- less, OMRON assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.
  • Page 3: Introduction

    Introduction Introduction Thank you for purchasing a Soft-NA. This manual contains information that is necessary to use the Soft-NA. Please read this manual and make sure you thoroughly understand the functionalities and performance of the NA-series Program- mable Terminal before you attempt to use it for constructing the system. Keep this manual in a safe place where it will be available for reference during operation.

  • Page 4: Relevant Manuals

    Relevant Manuals Relevant Manuals The basic information required to use an NA-series PT is provided in the following four manuals. • NA-series Programmable Terminal Hardware(-V1) User’s Manual (Cat. No. V125) • NA-series Programmable Terminal Software User’s Manual (Cat. No. V118) •…

  • Page 5: Manual Structure

    Manual Structure Manual Structure Page Structure and Markings The following page structure is used in this manual. Level 1 heading 3 Installation and Wiring Level 2 heading Installing NA-series PTs Level 3 heading Level 2 heading Give the current headings. Level 3 heading 3-3-1 Installation in a Control Panel…

  • Page 6
    Manual Structure Icons The icons used in this manual have the following meanings. Precautions for Safe Use Precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure safe usage of the product. Precautions for Correct Use Indicates precautions on what to do and what not to do to ensure proper operation and perfor- mance.
  • Page 7: Sections In This Manual

    Sections in this Manual Sections in this Manual Introduction to the Soft-NA Installation Startup and Exit Creating and Transferring a Project Functionalities of Sysmac Studio Functionalities of the Soft-NA Handling Errors Appendices Index NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)

  • Page 8
    Sections in this Manual NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS CONTENTS Introduction ………………….1 Relevant Manuals………………… 2 Manual Structure…………………. 3 Sections in this Manual ………………. 5 Terms and Conditions Agreement…………….9 Safety Precautions………………..11 Precautions for Safe Use ………………13 Precautions for Correct Use …………….. 14 Regulations and Standards ……………… 15 Related Manuals…………………

  • Page 10
    CONTENTS Section 4 Creating and Transferring a Project Creating a Project……………………4-2 Transferring the Project ………………….4-7 Section 5 Functionalities of Sysmac Studio Functionalities of Sysmac Studio ………………5-2 5-1-1 HMI Settings……………………..5-2 5-1-2 Communication Settings ………………….5-4 5-1-3 HMI Clock………………………. 5-5 5-1-4 Reset HMI Device ……………………
  • Page 11: Terms And Conditions Agreement

    Omron’s exclusive warranty is that the Products will be free from defects in materials and workman- ship for a period of twelve months from the date of sale by Omron (or such other period expressed in writing by Omron). Omron disclaims all other warranties, express or implied.

  • Page 12
    Disclaimers Performance Data Data presented in Omron Company websites, catalogs and other materials is provided as a guide for the user in determining suitability and does not constitute a warranty. It may represent the result of Omron’s test conditions, and the user must correlate it to actual application requirements. Actual perfor- mance is subject to the Omron’s Warranty and Limitations of Liability.
  • Page 13: Safety Precautions

    Safety Precautions Safety Precautions Definition of Precautionary Information The following notation is used in this manual to provide precautions required to ensure safe usage of the Soft-NA. The safety precautions that are provided are extremely important to safety. Always read and heed the information provided in all safety precautions.

  • Page 14
    Safety Precautions WARNING WARNING Always ensure that the person in charge confirms that installation, inspection, and mainte- nance were properly performed for the Soft-NA. «Person in charge» refers to individuals qualified and responsible for ensuring safety during machine design, installation, operation, maintenance, and disposal. Ensure that installation and post-installation checks of the Soft-NA are performed by per- sons in charge who possess a thorough understanding of the machinery to be installed.
  • Page 15
    Precautions for Safe Use Precautions for Safe Use Precaution • When connecting to devices, or setting up the PC on which the Soft-NA is to be installed, thoroughly read the related manuals as well. • Follow the general usage method of Windows. •…
  • Page 16: Precautions For Correct Use

    Precautions for Correct Use Precautions for Correct Use  Do not install or store the Soft-NA in any of the following locations: Locations subject to severe changes in temperature Locations subject to temperatures or humidity outside the range specified in the specifications Locations subject to condensation as a result of high humidity Locations subject to corrosive or flammable gases Locations subject to strong shock or vibration…

  • Page 17: Regulations And Standards

    Regulations and Standards Regulations and Standards Overseas Usage As for the Soft-NA, when exporting (or supplying to non-residents) goods (or technologies) requiring an export license specified according to the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Act, or an approval, it is necessary to obtain an export license based on the act, or an approval (or permission for service transactions).

  • Page 18: Related Manuals

    Related Manuals Related Manuals The following manuals are related to the Soft-NA. Use these manuals for reference. Manual name Cat. No. Model Application Description NA-series Programma- V125 NA5-W-V1 Learning the speci- Information is provided on NA-series ble Terminal Hard- fications and set- PT specifications, part names, instal- ware(-V1) User’s tings required to…

  • Page 19
    Related Manuals Manual name Cat. No. Model Application Description NJ-series CPU Unit W500 NJ501- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire Hardware User’s Man- specifications of NJ-series system is provided along NJ301- the NJ-series CPU with the following information on a NJ101-…
  • Page 20
    Related Manuals Manual name Cat. No. Model Application Description NY-Series Industrial W555 NYP-1- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire Panel PC User’s Manual WC100 specifications of NY-series system is provided along the NY-series with the following information on the Industrial Panel Industrial Panel PC.
  • Page 21
    Related Manuals Manual name Cat. No. Model Application Description NX-series NX1P2 CPU W578 NX1P2- Learning the basic An introduction to the entire NX1P system is provided along with the fol- Unit Hardware User’s specifications of Manual the NX-series lowing information on the NX1P2 NX1P2 CPU Units, CPU Unit.
  • Page 22: Terminology

    Term Description A general term for interface devices that indicates both hardware and software elements. In this manual, “HMI” refers to an OMRON Sysmac-brand product unless otherwise specified. The hardware elements of the HMI. NA Series The NA Series of Programmable Terminals and peripheral devices.

  • Page 23: Revision History

    Revision History Revision History A manual revision code appears as a suffix to the catalog number on the front and back covers of the manual. V126-E1-01 Cat. No. Revision code Revision Date Revised content code April 2020 Original production NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)

  • Page 24
    Revision History NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 25: Introduction To The Soft-Na

    Introduction to the Soft-NA This section describes the features, basic system configuration, specifications, and operating procedure of the Soft-NA. 1-1 Soft-NA …………1-2 1-1-1 Features .

  • Page 26: Soft-Na

    It includes the functionality of traditional programmable terminals, and provides a clearer, easy-to-use interface. OMRON offers control devices designed with unified communications specifications and user interface specifications as Sysmac devices. The Soft-NA is software designed to achieve optimum functionality and ease of operation through com- bination with the NJ/NX/NY-series Controllers and the Sysmac Studio Automation Software.

  • Page 27: System Requirements

    1 Introduction to the Soft-NA System Requirements To be able to use the Soft-NA, it is necessary that the following requirements are satisfied.  When using a commercially-available PC System requirements Details Windows 10 Pro Version 1903 or later 64 bit …

  • Page 28: Differences From Na-Series Programmable Terminals

    1 Introduction to the Soft-NA Differences from NA-series Program- mable Terminals The Soft-NA and NA-series Programmable Terminals have the following differences: 1-3-1 Differences Concerning System Specifications Item NA5-series PT Soft-NA Hardware Dedicated hardware Commercially-available PC Resolution Fixed as either of the following depend- The following settings can be made on ing on the model Sysmac Studio…

  • Page 29: Differences Concerning The Project System Menu

    1 Introduction to the Soft-NA 1-3-3 Differences Concerning the Project System Menu Item NA5-series PT Soft-NA Display Settings Used to set the screen saver and the None screen brightness. Buzzer Settings Used to set the buzzer sound. None *1. Equivalent functionalities can be implemented by using the Windows functions. 1-3-4 Differences Concerning the Device System Menu Item…

  • Page 30: Differences Concerning System Variables

    1 Introduction to the Soft-NA 1-3-6 Differences Concerning System Variables The following system variables cannot be used in the Soft-NA. • _HMI_Brightness • _HMI_CanEjectSDCard • _HMI_ConnectedVNCClientCount • _HMI_IsBatteryLow • _HMI_IsScreenSaverActive 1-3-7 Differences Concerning Functions The following functions cannot be used in the Soft-NA. Functionality Function GetIMEType…

  • Page 31: Installation

    Installation This section describes how to install the Soft-NA. 2-1 Installation Method ……….2-2 2-2 Uninstallation Method .

  • Page 32: Installation Method

    2 Installation Installation Method The method of installing the Soft-NA is described below. Perform the following before starting installation. • Log in as a user having administrator rights. • Exit all applications. • Remove the devices that are not required for installation. •…

  • Page 33: Uninstallation Method

    2 Installation Uninstallation Method The method of uninstalling the Soft-NA is described below. Perform the following before starting uninstallation. • Log in as a user having administrator rights. • Exit all applications. • Remove the devices that are not required for uninstallation. •…

  • Page 34
    2 Installation When the uninstallation of the Soft-NA is complete, the following dialog box appears. Check the message and then click Finish Button. 2 — 4 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 35: Startup And Exit

    Startup and Exit This section describes how to start and exit the Soft-NA. 3-1 Starting the Soft-NA ……….3-2 3-2 Exiting the Soft-NA .

  • Page 36: Starting The Soft-Na

    The Soft-NA can be started by the following two methods. • Double-click the Soft-NA icon on the desktop. • Select OMRON — Soft-NA from the Start menu, and then click the Soft-NA icon. Additional Information If settings have been made to automatically execute the Soft-NA when Windows is started, the Soft-NA may be executed before the startup of the service necessary for executing the Soft-NA, or before the completion of authentication of the USB dongle.

  • Page 37
    3 Startup and Exit Click Transfer Operations Button. Click Transfer User Program To HMI Button. Select the snabin file created in Sysmac Studio, and then click Transfer To HMI. 3 — 3 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 38
    3 Startup and Exit Click OK Button. The project is loaded and the Soft-NA is restarted. 3 — 4 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 39: Exiting The Soft-Na

    3 Startup and Exit Exiting the Soft-NA The method of exiting the Soft-NA is described below. The Soft-NA can be exit by the following two methods. • Click the button at the top right of the window. • Click Shut down PC button on the Device System Menu. Precautions for Correct Use Exit the Soft-NA by the correct procedure.

  • Page 40
    3 Startup and Exit When exiting from the System Menu When you exit the Soft-NA from the system menu, shut down Windows after exiting the Soft-NA. Double-click any of the four corners of the window. Click Device System Menu. 3 — 6 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 41
    3 Startup and Exit Click Shut down PC Button. Click OK Button. You will exit the Soft-NA, and Windows will be shut down. 3 — 7 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 42
    3 Startup and Exit 3 — 8 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 43: Creating And Transferring A Project

    Creating and Transferring a Proj- This section describes how to create and transfer a project for the Soft-NA. 4-1 Creating a Project ……….4-2 4-2 Transferring the Project .

  • Page 44: Creating A Project

    4 Creating and Transferring a Project Creating a Project The method of creating a project for the Soft-NA is described below. The project for the Soft-NA can be created by the following two methods. • Create a new project for the Soft-NA. •…

  • Page 45
    4 Creating and Transferring a Project Make the settings as shown below, and then click Create Button. Setting Item Value Project name Set as required Author Set as required Comment Set as required Type Standard project Category Device NA-RTLD Version 1.11 Hereafter, create the project according to the same procedure as the NA5-series PT.
  • Page 46
    4 Creating and Transferring a Project When converting a project created for the NA5-series PT The procedure for converting a project created for the NA5-series PT is described below. Additional Information The project to be converted must be Runtime Ver. 1.11 or below. Start Sysmac Studio.
  • Page 47
    4 Creating and Transferring a Project The project opens. From the menu displayed by right-clicking HMI at the top left of the window, select Change Device. Make the settings as shown below, and then click OK Button. Setting Item Value Device NA-RTLD…
  • Page 48
    4 Creating and Transferring a Project A caution is displayed. Check and then click OK. A caution is displayed. Check and then click OK. Additional Information Depending on the size of the project, it may take 10 minutes or more for conversion. The project is converted for use with the Soft-NA.
  • Page 49: Transferring The Project

    4 Creating and Transferring a Project Transferring the Project The method for transferring a project for the Soft-NA is described below. The project for the Soft-NA can be transferred by the following two methods. • Transferring via Ethernet. • Transferring using media. Note that the basic operation method is same as that for the NA5-series PT.

  • Page 50
    4 Creating and Transferring a Project 4 — 8 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 51: Functionalities Of Sysmac Studio

    Functionalities of Sysmac Studio This section describes the functionalities of Sysmac Studio related to the Soft-NA. 5-1 Functionalities of Sysmac Studio ……. . . 5-2 5-1-1 HMI Settings .

  • Page 52: Hmi Settings

    5 Functionalities of Sysmac Studio Functionalities of Sysmac Studio The functionalities of Sysmac Studio that have been changed for use with the Soft-NA are described below. 5-1-1 HMI Settings Functionalities that are not supported by the Soft-NA have been deleted. Also, the settings for function- alities specific to the Soft-NA have been added.

  • Page 53
    5 Functionalities of Sysmac Studio Device Settings The following functionalities have been deleted from the device settings. Functionality name Settings Description Software Keypad/ USB keyboard Because the settings of the PC itself are used, make the settings USB Keyboard layout from Device under Windows Settings.
  • Page 54: Communication Settings

    5 Functionalities of Sysmac Studio 5-1-2 Communication Settings Functionalities that are not supported by the Soft-NA have been deleted. Also, the settings for function- alities specific to the Soft-NA have been added. In the case of the Soft-NA, the following communication paths are not supported. •…

  • Page 55: Hmi Clock

    5 Functionalities of Sysmac Studio 5-1-3 HMI Clock Not supported by the Soft-NA. Change the settings of the PC on which the Soft-NA is installed. 5-1-4 Reset HMI Device Not supported by the Soft-NA. 5-1-5 IAGs There are the following restrictions during the use of an IAG. If an action, system variable, or function that cannot be used in the Soft-NA is used, an error occurs, but if it is used in an IAG, an error does not occur in Sysmac Studio.

  • Page 56
    5 Functionalities of Sysmac Studio 5 — 6 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 57
    Functionalities of the Soft-NA This section describes the functionalities of the Soft-NA. 6-1 Functionalities of the Soft-NA ……..6-2 6-1-1 Function Keys .
  • Page 58: Function Keys

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA Functionalities of the Soft-NA The functional differences between the Soft-NA and the NA5-series PT are described below. 6-1-1 Function Keys The function keys are displayed at the bottom of the window. It is not possible to assign physical but- tons.

  • Page 59: System Menu

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA System Menu The functional differences between the Soft-NA and the NA5-series PT are described below. For items undescribed in this manual, refer to 4-3 System Menu Overview and 4-4 System Menu Details in the NA-series Programmable Terminal Hardware (-V1) User’s Manual (Cat. No. V125). 6-2-1 System Menu Display Methods The System Menu can be started by the following three methods.

  • Page 60: System Menu Configuration

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA 6-2-2 System Menu Configuration Same as the NA5-series PT, the System Menu consists of the Project System Menu and the Device System Menu. The following items and functions are displayed on each System Menu. • Project System Menu (1/2) Item Introduction Reference…

  • Page 61
    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA • Project System Menu (2/2) Item Introduction Reference Print Settings Used to make print/capture settings on the 6-2-7 Print Settings (Project Sys- Soft-NA window. tem Menu) on page 6-8 Buzzer Settings For future expansion. • Device System Menu Item Introduction Reference…
  • Page 62: Language Settings (Project System Menu)

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA 6-2-3 Language Settings (Project System Menu) You can use the Language Settings to set the following items. Item Functionality User Language Used to set the user language. System Language Displays the system language that is associated with the user lan- guage.

  • Page 63: User Accounts (Project System Menu)

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA 6-2-5 User Accounts (Project System Menu) You can use the User Accounts to set the following items. Precautions for Safe Use When you change a password, do not reset the Soft-NA or turn OFF the power supply before writing the new password is completed.

  • Page 64: System Menu Settings (Project System Menu)

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA 6-2-6 System Menu Settings (Project System Menu) You can use the System Menu Settings to set the following items. Item Functionality Double-tap Interval Set the double-tap interval for the operation to start the System Menu. Detectable Corner Used to set the double-tap detection positions for the operation to start the System Menu.

  • Page 65: Display Settings (Device System Menu)

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA 6-2-8 Display Settings (Device System Menu) You can use the Display Settings to set the following items. Item Functionality Select Window Style Used to set a window style. Operation Panel Visibility Used to set the display position of the operation panel. 6-2-9 Language Settings (Device System Menu) You can use the Language Settings to set the following items.

  • Page 66: Interface Settings (Device System Menu)

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA 6-2-10 Interface Settings (Device System Menu) You can use the Interface Settings to set the following items. Item Functionality TCP port number Used to set the port number used for synchronization with Sysmac Studio. 6-2-11 Storage Settings (Device System Menu) You can use the Storage Settings to set the folder to which the definition expressing the device is to be assigned.

  • Page 67: Transfer Operations (Device System Menu)

    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA 6-2-12 Transfer Operations (Device System Menu) This screen is used to transfer the project and other data. You can click any of the icons to display the individual transfer screens. Item Functionality Transfer User Program To HMI Used to download the project.

  • Page 68
    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA Transfer User Program To HMI This screen is used to download the project from the specified location. Item Functionality Source Media Specifies the media that contains the project to download. Select Custom to select any folder. Path Displays the path of the folder displayed in (c).
  • Page 69
    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA Transfer User Program From HMI This screen is used to upload the project to the specified location. Item Functionality Destination Media Specifies the media to which to upload the project. Select Custom to select any folder. Path Displays the path of the folder displayed in (c).
  • Page 70
    6 Functionalities of the Soft-NA 6 — 14 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 71: Handling Errors

    Handling Errors This section describes how to troubleshoot errors in the Soft-NA. 7-1 Operation after an Error ……..7-2 7-2 Troubleshooting .

  • Page 72: Operation After An Error

    7 Handling Errors Operation after an Error Because the Soft-NA is a Windows application, the operation in the case of an error is same as a gen- eral Windows application. Also, the error status is output in the Windows log — application. Troubleshooting This section provides flowcharts for basic error identification and troubleshooting, and error corrections in the case of occurrence of an error in the Soft-NA.

  • Page 73: Causes And Correction When You Cannot Go Online From The Sysmac Studio

    7 Handling Errors 7-2-2 Causes and Correction When You Cannot Go Online from the Sysmac Studio The following table lists the possible causes when you cannot go online with the Soft-NA from the Sys- mac Studio. Cause Description Correction Incorrect settings or faulty There is a mistake in the settings that the Refer to Troubleshooting Incorrect Set- communications path…

  • Page 74
    7 Handling Errors Is the same IP address set for more than one node (e.g., Set the IP addresses for Sysmac Studio and Soft-NA. Sysmac Studio or Soft-NA) in the same domain? Can the Sysmac Studio go online with the PC ? Make the Port setting same on both Communi- Is the same port number set on cations Setup of Sysmac Studio and Device…
  • Page 75: Troubleshooting Soft-Na Errors

    7 Handling Errors 7-2-3 Troubleshooting Soft-NA Errors The actions to take when an error occurs in the Soft-NA are described below. Soft-NA is running  Errors determined from Soft-NA symptoms Soft-NA symptom Cause Correction Nothing is displayed on the The screen saver functionality This is not an error.

  • Page 76
    30 seconds. »Transferring project data to HMI’ Failed to transfer the project data. • Assign write permission for <Soft-NA failed. Installation Drive>OMRON. • Again create the project data for trans- Transfer the project data again. fer in Sysmac Studio.
  • Page 77
    7 Handling Errors Output message Cause Correction »Transferring project data from Failed to transfer the project data. • Check if the folder specified as the HMI’ failed. transfer destination can be accessed. • Assign write permission for the trans- Check the settings on the transfer fer destination.
  • Page 78
    7 Handling Errors 7 — 8 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 79: Appendices

    Appendices The appendices provide the version upgrade history and other information. A-1 Differences between the Soft-NA and the Simulator ….A-2 A-2 Version Upgrade History ……..A-3 A-2-1 Common Version Upgrade History for Sysmac Studio and the Soft-NA .

  • Page 80: Differences Between The Soft-Na And The Simulator

    Appendices A-1 Differences between the Soft-NA and the Simulator The following major differences exist between the Soft-NA and the Simulator. In addition, the display by the Simulator is not guaranteed to be completely compatible with the Soft-NA. Always perform the final check with the Soft-NA on a PC which is going to be used.

  • Page 81: Version Upgrade History

    Appendices A-2 Version Upgrade History This section describes the functions that have been added or enhanced as a result of a version upgrade. A-2-1 Common Version Upgrade History for Sysmac Studio and the Soft-NA Sysmac Studio Ver.1.40, Soft-NA Ver.1.00 Item Description First release Support for Soft-NA…

  • Page 82
    Appendices A — 4 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)
  • Page 83: Index

    Index I — 1 NA-series Programmable Terminal Soft-NA User’s Manual (V126)

  • Page 84
    Index Actions …………….1-5 Version Upgrade History ……….A-3 converting a project …………4-4 Creating a Project …………4-2 Differences between the Soft-NA and the Simulator ..A-2 Document Viewer …………6-2 Exiting the Soft-NA …………3-5 Features …………….. 1-2 Fonts …………….6-2 Function Keys …………..
  • Page 86
    Hoffman Estates, IL 60169 U.S.A. The Netherlands Tel: (1) 847-843-7900/Fax: (1) 847-843-7787 Tel: (31)2356-81-300/Fax: (31)2356-81-388 © OMRON Corporation 2020 All Rights Reserved. OMRON (CHINA) CO., LTD. OMRON ASIA PACIFIC PTE. LTD. In the interest of product improvement, Room 2211, Bank of China Tower, No.


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