Телефон nokia 5228 инструкция по эксплуатации

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Руководство по эксплуатации

Nokia 5228

Выпуск 1.2

Видео Обзор смартфона Nokia 5228 (автор: ROZETKA)03:49

Обзор смартфона Nokia 5228

Видео Nokia 5800 и Nokia 5230. Пачка музыкальных кирпичей! (автор: SammyMobile)21:14

Nokia 5800 и Nokia 5230. Пачка музыкальных кирпичей!

Видео Nokia 5230, вот это скорость работы из 2009 года! Андроид отдыхает... Ретро обзор / Арстайл / (автор: ·Arstayl·)07:06

Nokia 5230, вот это скорость работы из 2009 года! Андроид отдыхает… Ретро обзор / Арстайл /

Видео Обзор смартфонов Nokia 5228 и Nokia 5230 (автор: Китайский Бампер)05:02

Обзор смартфонов Nokia 5228 и Nokia 5230

Видео Обзор Nokia 5228 review and unboxing [HD] (автор: ЗВЕРЬЕ)03:08

Обзор Nokia 5228 review and unboxing [HD]

Видео Nokia 5230 замена дисплея (автор: Ремонт Техники)07:00

Nokia 5230 замена дисплея

Видео Обзор на телефон nokia 5228(Распаковка) (автор: twwinklecom)09:28

Обзор на телефон nokia 5228(Распаковка)

Видео Nokia 5800: Запуск игр [Avalanche Snowboarding] (автор: Romeo White)08:24

Nokia 5800: Запуск игр [Avalanche Snowboarding]

Руководство по эксплуатации

Nokia 5228

Выпуск 6.0

Руководство по эксплуатации Nokia...


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КОРПОРАЦИЯ NOKIA заявляет, что изделие RM-625 соответствует основным

требованиям и другим соответствующим положениям Директивы Совета

Европы 1999/5/EC. Копию Декларации соответствия можно загрузить с Web-

страницы http://www.nokia.com/phones/declaration_of_conformity/.

5228 (RM-625)
В соответствии с Российским законом о защите прав потребителей (статья 2.5), срок

службы изделия составляет 3 года с даты производства при условии, что изделие

эксплуатируется в соответствии с техническими стандартами и инструкциями

руководства по эксплуатации.
© 2010 Nokia. Все права защищены.

Nokia, Nokia Connecting People, Nokia Care и Ovi являются торговыми марками или зарегистрированными

торговыми марками корпорации Nokia. Nokia tune является звуковым логотипом корпорации Nokia.

Названия других изделий или компаний, указанные здесь, могут быть торговыми марками или торговыми

наименованиями соответствующих владельцев.
Воспроизведение, передача, распространение или хранение в любой форме данного документа или

любой его части без предварительного письменного разрешения корпорации Nokia запрещено.

Корпорация Nokia придерживается политики непрерывного развития. Корпорация Nokia оставляет за

собой право вносить любые изменения и улучшения в любое изделие, описанное в этом документе, без

предварительного уведомления.

This product includes software licensed from Symbian Software Ltd © 1998-2010. Symbian and

Symbian OS are trademarks of Symbian Ltd.

Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Данное изделие лицензировано по лицензии на пакет патентов MPEG-4 Visual (i) в личных и

некоммерческих целях в связи с информацией, закодированной в соответствии со стандартом MPEG-4

Visual потребителем, занятым индивидуальной и некоммерческой деятельностью, и (ii) в связи с

видеоинформацией в формате MPEG-4, предоставленной поставщиком видеопродукции, действующим

на основании лицензии. На применение в иных целях никакие лицензии не предоставляются и не


распространяются. Дополнительные сведения, в том числе сведе…

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распространяются. Дополнительные сведения, в том числе сведения об использовании в рекламных,

служебных и коммерческих целях, можно получить в компании MPEG LA, LLC. См. http://www.mpegla.com.








Анализ программного обеспечения в устройствах запрещен в допустимой действующим

законодательством степени. Содержащиеся в этом руководстве по эксплуатации ограничения,

относящиеся к заявлениям, гарантиям, убыткам и ответственности Nokia, также означают ограничения

заявлений, гарантий, убытков и ответственности держателей лицензий Nokia.

Наличие в продаже конкретных изделий, приложений и услуг зависит от региона. Дополнительные

сведения и наличие версий для различных языков можно уточнить у дилера Nokia. Данное устройство

может содержать компоненты, технологии и/или программное обеспечение, подпадающие под действие

экспортного законодательства США и других стран. Любое использование в нарушение законодательства


Данное устройство может создавать помехи в работе радио- и телевизионного оборудования (например,

при пользовании телефоном в непосредственной близости от приемного оборудования). Если такие

помехи не могут быть устранены, правила FCC/Industry Canada требуют выключения телефона.

Дополнительную информацию можно получить в местном сервисном центре. Данное устройство

соответствует требованиям раздела 15 правил FCC. Эксплуатация устройства зависит от следующих двух

условий: 1. Данное устройство может не являться причиной вредных помех. 2. Данное устройство должно

допускать любые принимаемые помехи, включая помехи, которые могут вызвать нежелательное

нарушение работы устройства. Изменения, не являющиеся специально рекомендованными Nokia, могут

привести к аннулированию полномочий пользователя на работу с оборудованием.

Телефон горячей линии Nokia: 8 800 700 2222 Факс: +7 (495) 795-05-03 125009, Москва, Тверская ул., 7,

а/я 25 Nokia.

распространяются. Дополнительные сведения, в том числе сведе...

Наличие некоторых функций и возможностей зависит от SIM…

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Наличие некоторых функций и возможностей зависит от SIM-карты и/или сотовой сети, от услуги MMS, а

также от совместимости устройств и поддержки различных форматов содержимого. За пользование

некоторыми услугами взимается дополнительная плата.
В устройстве могут быть запрограммированы закладки и ссылки на сайты сторонних организаций. Можно

также настроить доступ к ним через устройство. Сайты сторонних организаций не относятся к Nokia, и

корпорация Nokia не делает никаких заявлений и не принимает на себя никаких обязательств

относительно этих сайтов. Просматривая эти сайты, необходимо принимать меры предосторожности (в

плане защиты и в плане содержимого).
/Выпуск 6.0 RU

Наличие некоторых функций и возможностей зависит от SIM...

Содержание Техника безопасности...

Набор номера голосом...

Передача видео с ПК...

Техника безопасности

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Техника безопасности

Ознакомьтесь с перечисленными ниже правилами техники безопасности.

Нарушение этих правил может быть опасным или незаконным.

Дополнительная информация приведена в полном руководстве по


Не включайте устройство, если его использование запрещено, может

вызвать помехи или быть опасным.
Строго соблюдайте местное законодательство. Не держите в руке

мобильное устройство за рулем движущегося автомобиля. Помните

о том, что безопасность дорожного движения имеет первостепенное

Любые мобильные устройства подвержены воздействию

радиопомех, которые могут ухудшить качество связи.
Соблюдайте все установленные ограничения. Выключайте

устройство в самолете, рядом с медицинским оборудованием, в

местах хранения топлива, химикатов или взрывоопасных

Работы по настройке и ремонту изделия должны проводить только

квалифицированные специалисты.
Применяйте только рекомендованные для данного телефона

аксессуары и аккумуляторы. Не подключайте несовместимые


© 2010 Nokia. Все права защищены.


Данное устройство не является водонепроницаемым. Оберегайте его

от попадания влаги.

Об устройстве

Радиочастотное устройство, описание которого приведено в данном

руководстве, предназначено для использования в cети GSM/EDGE

850/900/1800/1900 МГц . Дополнительную информацию о сотовых сетях

можно получить у поставщика услуг.
Устройство поддерживает несколько методов обмена данными и, как и

компьютеры, устройство может подвергаться воздействию вирусов и другого

вредоносного содержимого. Соблюдайте осторожность при работе с

сообщениями и запросами связи, просмотре сетевых страниц и загрузке

данных. Устанавливайте и используйте услуги и другое программное

обеспечение только из источников с надежной защитой, например,

приложения с цифровой подписью Symbian Signed или прошедшие

тестирование Java Verified™. Следует устанавливать антивирусное и другое

защитное программное обеспечение как в устройстве, так и на любой

подключенный компьютер.
В устройстве могут быть запрограммированы закладки и ссылки на узлы

сторонних организаций для доступа к ним. Они не относятся к Nokia, и

корпорация Nokia не делает никаких заявлений и не принимает на себя

никаких обязательств относительно этих узлов. Просматривая эти узлы,

необходимо принимать меры предосторожности (в плане защиты и в плане


Внимание! Для работы любых функций устройства (за исключением

будильника) требуется, чтобы устройство было включено. Не включайте

устройство, если его использование может вызвать помехи или быть опасным.
Пользуясь данным устройством, строго соблюдайте законодательство,

местные обычаи, уважайте право на частную жизнь и не нарушайте законных

прав других лиц, в том числе авторских прав. Законодательство об охране

Техника безопасности

© 2010 Nokia. Все права защищены.


Об устройстве

авторских прав накладывает ограничения на копирование, модификацию и

передачу некоторых изображений, мелодий и другого содержимого.
Регулярно создавайте резервные копии (электронные или бумажные) всех

важных данных, сохраненных в устройстве.
При подключении другого устройства ознакомьтесь с правилами техники

безопасности, приведенными в руководстве по эксплуатации

соответствующего устройства. Не подключайте несовместимые устройства.
Изображения в этом руководстве могут отличаться от отображения на

Другую важную информацию об устройстве см. в руководстве по эксплуатации.

Услуги сети

Работа устройства возможна только при наличии обслуживания,

предоставляемого поставщиком услуг сотовой связи. В некоторых сотовых

сетях реализованы не все функции, кроме того, для использования некоторых

функций требуется оформление специального соглашения с поставщиком

услуг. Использование сетевых услуг предполагает передачу данных. Уточните

сведения о стоимости услуг в домашней сети и при роуминге через другие сети

у поставщика услуг. Информацию о тарифах предоставляет поставщик услуг.

В некоторых сотовых сетях имеются ограничения на пользование некоторыми

функциями данного устройства, для которых требуется поддержка сети,

например, поддержка определенных технологий, таких как протоколы WAP

2.0 (HTTP и SSL), которые запускаются в протоколах TCP/IP, и символов

национальных алфавитов.
Поставщик услуг может заблокировать работу некоторых функций устройства.

В этом случае эти функции будут отсутствовать в меню. Устройство также может

быть специально настроено: изменены названия меню, порядок пунктов меню

и значки.

Техника безопасности

© 2010 Nokia. Все права защищены.


Услуги сети


  • Инструкции по эксплуатации



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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Nokia 5228. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Nokia 5228. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Nokia 5228, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

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Nokia 5228 User Guide

Issue 5.0


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Summary of Contents for Nokia 5228

  • Page 1
    Nokia 5228 User Guide Issue 5.0…
  • Page 2
    Reproduction, transfer, distribution, or storage of part or all of the contents in this document in any form without the prior written permission of Nokia is prohibited. Nokia operates a policy of continuous development. Nokia reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.
  • Page 3
    OR CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. NOKIA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REVISE THIS DOCUMENT OR WITHDRAW IT AT ANY TIME WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE. Reverse engineering of software in the device is prohibited to the extent permitted by applicable law. Insofar as this user guide contains any limitations on Nokia’s representations, warranties, damages and liabilities, such limitations shall likewise limit any representations, warranties, damages and liabilities of Nokia’s licensors.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Make a conference call……35 Access the menu……..21 Speed dial a phone number….36 Touch screen actions……21 Call waiting………..36 Media key……….24 Voice dialling……..37 Change the ringing tone…..24 Log …………37 Nokia support……..24 5. Write text……39 3. Your device……25 Virtual keyboard……..40 Phone setup……….25 Handwriting………41…

  • Page 5
    Copy contacts……..47 View and organise files…….74 SIM services……….47 View images and videos…..74 Organise images and videos….75 7. Messaging……48 12. Nokia Video Centre…76 Messaging main view……48 Write and send messages….49 View and download video clips..76 Messaging inbox……..50 Video feeds………..77 Set up e-mail……..51 My videos……….78…
  • Page 6
    Contents Product and safety Bluetooth connectivity……86 USB…………90 information……115 PC connections……..91 Administrative settings…….91 Index……..124 15. Search…….92 About Search……..92 Start a search……..92 16. About Ovi Store….93 17. Other applications….93 Clock…………93 Calendar……….94 File manager………95 Application manager……96 RealPlayer ……….99 Recorder……….101 Write notes………101 Make calculations……101 Converter……….102 Dictionary………..102 18.
  • Page 7: Safety

    QUALIFIED SERVICE Only qualified personnel may install or repair this product. ACCESSORIES AND BATTERIES Use only approved accessories and batteries. Do not connect incompatible products. WATER-RESISTANCE Your device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 8: About Your Device

    Your device may have preinstalled bookmarks and links for third-party internet sites and may allow you to access third-party sites. These are not affiliated with Nokia, and Nokia does not endorse or assume liability for them. If you access such sites, take precautions for security or content.

  • Page 9: Network Services

    Your service provider may have requested that certain features be disabled or not activated in your device. If so, these features will not appear on your device menu. Your device may also have customized items such as menu names, menu order, and icons. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 10: Find Help

    Support When you want to learn more about how to use your product or you are unsure how your device should function, see the support pages at www.nokia.com/support or your local Nokia website, www.nokia.mobi/support (with a mobile device), the Help application in the device, or the user guide.

  • Page 11: Update Software Using Your Pc

    Update software using your PC Nokia Software Updater is a PC application that enables you to update your device software. To update your device software, you need a compatible PC, broadband internet access, and a compatible USB data cable to connect your device to the PC.

  • Page 12: Prolong Battery Life

    Find help apply, and all the personal data in your device may be deleted. For more information, contact a Nokia Care Point or your device dealer. ● Personal Unblocking Key (PUK) code and PUK2 code — These codes (8 digits) are required to change a blocked PIN code or PIN2 code, respectively.

  • Page 13: Free Memory

    Important: Do not use a mini-UICC SIM card, also known as a micro-SIM card, a micro-SIM card with an adapter, or a SIM card that has a mini-UICC cutout (see figure) in this device. A micro SIM card is smaller than the standard SIM card. This © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 14
    3. Close the cover of the SIM card slot. Make sure the cover is properly closed. If the SIM card is not properly in place, the device can only be used in the offline profile. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 15: Insert The Battery

    Always switch the device off and disconnect the charger before removing the battery. 1. Remove the back cover. 2. Insert the battery. 3. To replace the cover, direct the top locking catches toward their slots, and press down until the cover locks into place. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 16: Insert The Memory Card

    Get started Insert the memory card Use only compatible microSD and microSDHC cards approved by Nokia for use with this device. Nokia uses approved industry standards for memory cards, but some brands may not be fully compatible with this device. Incompatible cards may damage the card and the device and corrupt data stored on the card.

  • Page 17: Charge The Battery

    1. Connect the charger to a wall outlet. 2. Connect the charger to the device. 3. When the device indicates a full charge, disconnect the charger from the device, then from the wall outlet. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 18: Keys And Parts

    A charger that is connected to the outlet consumes power even when it is not connected to the device. Keys and parts 1 — Micro USB connector 2 — Nokia AV connector (3.5 mm) 3 — Charger connector 4 — Power key 5 — Earpiece…

  • Page 19
    12 — End key 13 — Menu key 14 — Call key 15 — Camera lens 16 — Loudspeaker 17 — SIM card slot 18 — Memory card slot 19 — Wrist strap hole 20 — Microphone © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 20: Switch The Device On

    Menu > Settings and Phone > Phone mgmt. > Auto. keyguard > Keypad autolock. Home screen The home screen is your starting point where you can collect all your important contacts or application shortcuts. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 21: Access The Menu

    Tap and double-tap To open an application or other element on the touch screen, you normally tap it with your finger or the stylus. However, to open the following items, you must tap them twice. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 22
    Get started Important: Use only a stylus approved by Nokia for use with this device. Using any other stylus may invalidate any warranty applying to the device and may damage the touch screen. Avoid scratching the touch screen. Never use an actual pen or pencil or other sharp objects to write on the touch screen.
  • Page 23
    The touch screen backlight is turned off after a period of inactivity. To turn the screen backlight on, tap the screen. If the touch screen and keys are locked, tapping the screen does not turn the screen backlight on. To unlock the screen and keys, slide the lock switch. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 24: Media Key

    Options > Personalise. Nokia support To find the latest version of this guide, additional information, downloads, and services related to your Nokia product, see www.nokia.com/support or your local Nokia website. Configuration settings service To download configuration settings such as MMS, GPRS, e-mail, and other services for your phone model, see www.nokia.com/support.

  • Page 25: Your Device

    Your device Nokia Care services If you need to contact Nokia Care services, check the list of local Nokia Care contact centres at www.nokia.com/customerservice. Maintenance For maintenance services, find your nearest Nokia Care point at www.nokia.com/ repair. 3. Your device…

  • Page 26: Display Indicators

    Your device If your old Nokia device does not have the Phone switch application, your new device sends it in a message. Open the message in the old device, and follow the instructions. 1. Select the device you want to connect to, and pair the devices.

  • Page 27: Contacts Bar

    Refresh the contact’s web feeds. To view past communication events with a contact, select the contact. To view the details of a communication event, select the event. To close the view, select Options > Exit. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 28: Antenna Locations

    Outbox folder to be sent later. Important: In the Offline profile you cannot make or receive any calls, or use other features that require cellular network coverage. Calls may still be possible to © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 29: Shortcuts

    The built-in loudspeaker allows you to speak and listen from a short distance without having to hold the device to your ear. To use the loudspeaker during a call, select Loudspeaker. To turn off the loudspeaker, select Activate handset. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 30: Sensor Settings And Display Rotation

    (5 to 20 characters), select , and verify the message. Enter the lock code. Headset You can connect a compatible headset or compatible headphones to your device. You may need to select the cable mode. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 31: Attach A Wrist Strap

    Nokia AV Connector. When connecting any external device or any headset, other than those approved by Nokia for use with this device, to the Nokia AV Connector, pay special attention to volume levels. Attach a wrist strap Tip: Attach the plectrum stylus to the device as you would a wrist strap.

  • Page 32: Remove The Sim Card

    Remove memory card. 2. When Remove memory card? Some applications will be closed. is displayed, select Yes. 3. When Remove memory card and press ‘OK’ is displayed, open the cover of the memory card slot. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 33: Make Calls

    To call the contact, press the call key. If you have saved several numbers for a contact, select the desired number from the list, and press the call key. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 34: During A Call

    1. To change the phone number of your voice mailbox, select Menu > Settings and Calling > Call mailbox, a mailbox, and Options > Change number. 2. Enter the number (obtained from your network service provider), and select © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 35: Answer Or Reject A Call

    To add a new person to the call, make a call to another participant, and add the new call to the conference call. To have a private conversation with one of the participants, select © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 36: Speed Dial A Phone Number

    1. To answer the waiting call, press the call key. The first call is put on hold. 2. To switch between the two calls, select Options > Swap. 3. To end the active call, press the end key. 4. To end both calls, select Options > End all calls. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 37: Voice Dialling

    The device registers missed and received calls only if the network supports these functions, and the device is switched on and within the network service area. Recent calls Select Menu > Log and Recent calls. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 38: Packet Data

    To clear both sent and received information, select Options > Clear counters. You need the lock code to clear the information. Call duration Select Menu > Log. To view the approximate duration of your last call, and dialled and received calls, select Call duration. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 39: Monitor All Communication Events

    Tap any text input field to enter letters, numbers, and special characters. Your device can complete words based on the built-in dictionary for the selected text input language. The device also learns new words from your input. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 40: Virtual Keyboard

    11 — Enter — Move the cursor to the next row or text input field. Additional functions are based on the current context (for example, in the web address field of the web browser, it acts as the Go icon). © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 41: Handwriting

    To insert a space, swipe forwards (see Figure 2). Enter text with the virtual keypad Virtual keypad With the virtual keypad (Alphanumeric keypad), you can enter characters like you would with a traditional physical keypad with numbers on the keys. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 42
    The availability of input modes may vary depending on whether the automatic input mode (sensor settings) is activated or not. 5 — Arrow keys — Scroll left or right. 6 — Backspace 7 — Numbers © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 43: Traditional Text Input

    > Activate prediction. 2. Write a word. For example, to write «Nokia» when the English dictionary is selected, select 6 for N, 6 for o, 5 for k, 4 for i, and 2 for a. The word suggestion changes after each key selection.

  • Page 44: Touch Input Settings

    1. To add a new contact to the contacts list, select 2. Tap a field to enter the information in the field. To close the text input, select . Fill in the fields that you want, and select Done. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 45: Contacts Toolbar

    ● Very short names are not accepted. Use long names, and avoid similar names for different numbers. Note: Using voice tags may be difficult in a noisy environment or during an emergency, so you should not rely solely upon voice dialling in all circumstances. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 46: Default Numbers And Addresses

    To remove the ringing tone, select Default tone from the list of ringing tones. To view, change or remove the image from a contact, select the contact, Options > Image, and the desired option. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 47: Copy Contacts

    Select Menu > Contacts and Options > SIM numbers > Fixed dial contacts. With the fixed dialling service, you can restrict calls from your device to certain phone numbers. Not all SIM cards support the fixed dialling service. For more information, contact your service provider. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 48: Messaging

    Templates folder in My folders. You can also create and save your own templates. Messaging contains the following folders: Inbox — Received messages, except e-mail and cell broadcast messages, ● are stored here. My folders — Organise your messages into folders. ● © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 49: Write And Send Messages

    In the Outbox folder, you can delete such a message or move it to the Drafts folder. Messaging requires network services. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 50: Messaging Inbox

    1 new message are displayed in the home screen. To open the message, select Show. To open a message in the Inbox folder, select the message. To reply to a received message, select Options > Reply. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 51: Multimedia Messages

    For availability and subscription, contact your service provider. Set up e-mail To set up e-mail, select Menu > Messaging and Mailbox. You can set up several e-mail accounts, for example, a personal e-mail account and a corporate e-mail account. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 52: E-Mail Service

    Menu > Applications > Sett. wizard. E-mail service The e-mail service on your Nokia device automatically transfers e-mail from your existing e-mail address to your device. You can read, respond to, and organise your e-mails on the go.

  • Page 53: Open The Mailbox

    3. To open an e-mail message, select the message. If the e-mail message has not been retrieved and you are offline, you are asked if you want to retrieve this message from the mailbox. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 54: Disconnect From The Mailbox

    To cancel deleting an e-mail that has been marked to be deleted from the device and server during the next connection ( ), select Options > Restore. Disconnect from the mailbox When you are online, to end the data connection to the remote mailbox, select Options > Disconnect. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 55: Mail For Exchange

    ActiveSync Use of the Mail for Exchange application is limited to over-the-air synchronisation of PIM information between the Nokia device and the authorised Microsoft Exchange server. Mail for Exchange can be set up only if your company has Microsoft Exchange Server.

  • Page 56: View Messages On A Sim Card

    Some or all message centres or access points may be preset for your device by your service provider, and you may not be able to change, create, edit, or remove them. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 57: Text Message Settings

    Restricted, the device prevents you from sending messages that may not be supported. To include content in your messages without notifications, select Free. ● Access point in use — Select which access point is used as the preferred connection. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 58
    To remove a mailbox and its messages from your device, select Mailboxes, tap the mailbox to be removed if it is not already highlighted, and select Options > Delete. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 59: Chat

    Select Menu > Applications > Chat. With Chat (network service), you can exchange instant messages with your friends. If you do not have a chat account, you can create a Nokia account, and use Nokia’s Ovi Chat. You can leave Chat running in the background while you use other features of your device, and still be notified of new instant messages.

  • Page 60: Personalise Your Device

    To change a profile, scroll to the profile, and select Options > Activate. To personalise a profile, scroll to the profile, and select Options > Personalise. Select the setting you want to change. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 61: Music

    To add all available items to the library, select Options > Refresh library. Some songs contain lyrics. To display the lyrics, select Options > Show lyrics. To pause playback, select ; to resume, select © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 62: Create A Playlist

    Create a playlist 1. Select Options > New playlist. 2. Enter a name for the playlist, and select OK. 3. To add songs now, select Yes; or to add the songs later, select No. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 63: Transfer Music From A Computer

    Transfer music from a computer You can use the following methods to transfer music: ● To install Nokia Ovi Player to manage and organise your music files, download the PC software from www.ovi.com, and follow the instructions. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 64: Nokia Ovi Player

    Connectivity > USB > USB connection mode. Nokia Ovi Player With Nokia Ovi Player, you can download music from Ovi Music, transfer your music to your device from your computer, and manage and organise your music files. To download Nokia Ovi Player, go to www.ovi.com.

  • Page 65: Nokia Podcasting

    Ovi Music is not available for all countries or regions. Nokia Podcasting With the Nokia Podcasting application (network service), you can search, discover, subscribe to, and download podcasts over the air, and play, manage, and share audio and video podcasts with your device.

  • Page 66: Download Settings

    ● Next update time — Define the time of the next automatic update. Automatic updates only occur if a specific default access point is selected and Nokia Podcasting is running. If Nokia Podcasting is not running, the automatic updates are not activated.

  • Page 67: Radio

    ● Alternative frequencies — Select whether you want the radio to automatically search for a better RDS frequency for the station if the frequency level becomes low. ● Play in background — Return to the home screen with the radio playing in the background. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 68: Camera

    To activate the camera, press the capture key. Image capture Still image controls and indicators The still image viewfinder displays the following: 1 — Mode indicator 2 — Zoom slider. To activate or deactivate the zoom slider, tap the screen. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 69: Capture And Recording Settings

    — Switch between video and image mode. — Show or hide the viewfinder grid (images only). — Activate the self-timer (images only). — Activate sequence mode (images only). — Open Gallery. Image settings: — Select a colour effect. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 70: Capture Images

    ● The camera goes into battery saving mode if there are no actions for about a minute. To continue capturing images, select Continue. To capture an image, do the following: 1. To switch from video mode to image mode, if necessary, select > © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 71: After Capturing An Image

    To activate the self-timer, select Activate. The stopwatch icon on the screen blinks and the remaining time is displayed when the timer is running. The camera captures the image after the selected delay elapses. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 72: Capture Images In A Sequence

    3. To pause recording at any time, select Pause. To resume, select Continue. If you pause recording and do not press any key within one minute, the recording stops. To zoom in or out of the subject, use the zoom key in your device. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 73: After Recording A Video Clip

    10 — Scene modes After recording a video clip After you record a video clip, select from the following options (available only if you have selected Options > Settings > Show last captured video > Yes): © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 74: Gallery

    To copy or move files to the memory card (if inserted) or device memory, select a file, Options > Organise > Copy or Move, and from the available options. View images and videos Select Menu > Gallery and Images & videos. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 75: Organise Images And Videos

    ● Folder options — To move files to folders, select Move to folder. To create a new folder, select New folder. ● Organise — To copy files to folders, select Copy. To move files to folders, select Move. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 76: Nokia Video Centre

    ● View by — View files by date, title, or size. 12. Nokia Video Centre With Nokia Video Centre (network service), you can download and stream video clips over the air from compatible internet video services using a packet data connection.

  • Page 77: Video Feeds

    Schedule downloads. Video centre automatically downloads new video clips daily at the time you define. To cancel scheduled downloads, select Manual download as the download method. Video feeds Select Menu > Applications > Video centre. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 78: My Videos

    Transfer videos from your PC Transfer your own video clips from compatible devices using a compatible USB data cable. Only video clips which are in a format supported by your device are shown. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 79: Video Centre Settings

    ● Preferred memory — Select whether downloaded videos are saved in the device memory or on a compatible memory card. ● Thumbnails — Select whether to download and view thumbnail images in video feeds. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 80: Internet

    Add a bookmark If you visit the same websites all the time, add them to your Bookmarks view, so you can easily access them. Select Menu > Internet > Web. While browsing, select > © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 81: Subscribe To A Web Feed

    To establish a data connection, an access point is required. You can define different kinds of access points, such as the following: ● MMS access point to send and receive multimedia messages ● Internet access point (IAP) to send and receive e-mail and connect to the internet © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 82: Network Settings

    To create a new access point, select Access point. The device asks to check for available connections. After the search, connections that are already available are © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 83: Create Access Point Groups

    To change the priority of an access point within the group, select Options > Organise > Change priority. Packet data access points Select Menu > Settings and Connectivity > Destinations > Access point, and follow the instructions on the screen. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 84
    To obtain these addresses, contact your internet service provider. ● Proxy server address — Enter the address of the proxy server. ● Proxy port number — Enter the port number of the proxy server. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 85: Active Data Connections

    To modify the profile, tap a synchronisation item to include it in the profile or to leave it out. To manage synchronisation profiles, select Options and the desired option. To synchronise data, select Options > Synchronise. To cancel synchronisation before it finishes, select Cancel. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 86: Bluetooth Connectivity

    SIM access, and stereo audio streaming. To ensure interoperability between other devices supporting Bluetooth technology, use Nokia approved accessories for this model. Check with the manufacturers of other devices to determine their compatibility with this device.

  • Page 87: Security Tips

    2. Tap an item, and select Options > Send > Via Bluetooth. Devices with Bluetooth wireless technology that are within range are displayed. Device icons are as follows: computer phone audio or video device other device To interrupt the search, select Stop. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 88: Pair Devices

    ● Set as authorised — Connections between your device and the authorised device can be made without your knowledge. You will not be asked for authorisation or acceptance separately. Use this status only for your own devices, © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 89: Receive Data Using Bluetooth Connectivity

    If you accept the query, the remote device is added to the list of blocked devices. Remote SIM mode Select Menu > Settings and Connectivity > Bluetooth. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 90: Usb

    SIM mode. If the device is locked, enter the lock code to unlock it. To leave the remote SIM mode, press the power key, and select Exit remote SIM mode. Select Menu > Settings and Connectivity > USB. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 91: Pc Connections

    USB connection mode and from the following: ● Ovi Suite — Use Nokia PC applications such as Nokia Ovi Suite, and Nokia Software Updater. ● Mass storage — Transfer data between your device and a compatible PC.

  • Page 92: Search

    The search provider you selected is set as your default internet search provider. If a default search provider is already set, select it to start a search, or select More search services to use another search provider. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 93: About Ovi Store

    To set a new alarm, select New alarm. Set the alarm time. Select Repeat to set whether and when the alarm is repeated, and select Done. To view your active and inactive alarms, select Alarms. When the alarm is active, is displayed. When the alarm is repeated, is displayed. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 94: Calendar

    To change the starting day of the week or the view that is displayed when you open the calendar, or to modify calendar alarm settings, select Options > Settings. To go to a certain date, select Options > Go to date. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 95: Calendar Toolbar

    You can format a memory card to erase the data on it, or you can protect the data on the memory card with a password. Select Menu > Applications > Office > File mgr.. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 96: Back Up Files On A Memory Card

    Only install software that is compatible with your device. Install applications You can transfer installation files to your device from a compatible computer, download them during browsing, or receive them in a multimedia message, as an © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 97
    Other applications e-mail attachment, or using other connectivity methods, such as Bluetooth connectivity. You can use Nokia Application Installer in Nokia Ovi Suite to install an application to your device. Icons in Application manager indicate the following: SIS or SISX application…
  • Page 98: Remove Applications

    (.sis, .sisx) remain in the device memory. The files may use large amounts of memory and prevent you from storing other files. To maintain sufficient memory, use Nokia Ovi Suite to back up installation files to a compatible PC, then use the file manager to remove the installation files from the device memory.

  • Page 99: Realplayer

    In the Video clips, Streaming links, and Recently played views, the following toolbar icons may be available: Send — Send a video clip or streaming link. ● Play — Play the video clip or video stream. ● © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 100: Play Video Clips

    To stream content over the air (network service), select Streaming links and a link. You can also receive a streaming link in a text message or multimedia message, or open a link on a web page. Before live content begins streaming, your device © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 101: Recorder

    This calculator has limited accuracy and is designed for simple calculations. To make a calculation, enter the first number of the calculation. Select a function such as add or subtract. Enter the second number of the calculation, and select =. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 102: Converter

    Some settings may be preset for the device by your service provider, and you may not be able to change them. Phone settings Date and time settings Select Menu > Settings and Phone > Date and time. Select from the following: ● Time — Enter the current time. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 103: Language Settings

    ● Welcome note / logo — Set a note or image to be displayed when you switch on the device. ● Light time-out — Set how long the light stays on when you stop using the device. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 104: Voice Commands

    Silent, automatic answer is disabled. ● Lights — Set whether lights remain on after the time-out. The available settings depend on the type of accessory. Application settings Select Menu > Settings and Phone > Application sett.. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 105: Device Updates

    ● PIN code andPIN2 code — Change the PIN and PIN2 code. These codes can only include numbers. Avoid using access codes similar to the emergency numbers to prevent accidental dialling of the emergency number. If you forget the PIN or © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 106
    Settings PIN2 code, contact your service provider. If you forget the lock code, contact a Nokia Care point or your service provider. ● Lock code — The lock code is used to unlock the device. To avoid unauthorised use of your device, change the lock code. The preset code is 12345. The new code can be 4-255 characters long.
  • Page 107
    To change the settings for an authority certificate, select Options > Trust settings. Depending on the certificate, a list of the applications that can use the selected certificate is shown. For example: © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 108: Restore Original Settings

    DRM software to access DRM-protected content. With this device you can access content protected with WMDRM 10, OMA DRM 1.0, and OMA DRM 2.0. If certain DRM software fails to protect the content, content owners may © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 109: Notification Lights

    If your device has OMA DRM-protected content, to back up both the activation keys and the content, use the backup feature of Nokia Ovi Suite. Other transfer methods may not transfer the activation keys which need to be restored with the content for you to be able to continue the use of OMA DRM-protected content after the device memory is formatted.

  • Page 110: Call Settings

    ● Line change — Prevent phone line selection (network service), if supported by your SIM card. To change this setting, you need the PIN2 code. The available options may vary. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 111: Call Divert

    Call barring and call diverting cannot be active at the same time. Voice call barring Select the desired barring option and Activate, Deactivate, or Check status. Call barring affects all calls, including data calls. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 112: Troubleshooting

    Check also that the distance between the two devices is not over 10 metres (33 feet) and that there are no walls or other obstructions between the devices. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 113
    > When needed. If this does not help, switch the device off and then on again. Q: Can I use my Nokia device as a fax modem with a compatible PC? A: You cannot use your device as a fax modem. However, with call diverting (network service), you can divert incoming fax calls to a fax number.
  • Page 114: Protect The Environment

    Nokia co-operates with its partners through a program called We:recycle. For information on how to recycle your old Nokia products and where to find collection sites, go to www.nokia.com/werecycle, or using a mobile device, nokia.mobi/ werecycle, or call the Nokia Contact Center.

  • Page 115: Product And Safety Information

    Your device is powered by a rechargeable battery. The battery intended for use with this device is BL-5J. Nokia may make additional battery models available for this device. This device is intended for use when supplied with power from the following chargers: AC-8E.

  • Page 116
    Batteries may explode if damaged. Correct use. Use the battery only for its intended purpose. Improper battery use may result in a fire, explosion, or other hazard. If the device or battery is dropped, © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 117: Nokia Battery Authentication Guidelines

    Keep your battery out of the reach of small children. Nokia battery authentication guidelines Always use original Nokia batteries for your safety. To check that you are getting an original Nokia battery, purchase it from a Nokia authorised service centre or…

  • Page 118
    These suggestions apply equally to your device, battery, charger, or any accessory. Recycle Always return your used electronic products, batteries, and packaging materials to dedicated collection points. This way you help prevent uncontrolled waste disposal and promote the recycling of materials. Check product environmental information © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 119: Additional Safety Information

    Product and safety information and how to recycle your Nokia products at www.nokia.com/werecycle, or with a mobile device, nokia.mobi/werecycle. Additional safety information Small children Your device and its accessories are not toys. They may contain small parts. Keep them out of the reach of small children.

  • Page 120
    Do not store or carry flammable liquids, gases, or explosive materials in the same compartment as the device, its parts, or accessories. Remember that air bags inflate with great force. Do not place your device or accessories in the air bag deployment area. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 121: Potentially Explosive Environments

    Depending on your device, you may also need to complete the following: ● Insert a SIM card if your device uses one. ● Remove certain call restrictions you have activated in your device. ● Change your profile from offline profile mode to an active profile. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 122
    The highest SAR value under the ICNIRP guidelines for use of the device at the ear is 1.10 W/kg. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 123
    Use of device accessories may result in different SAR values. SAR values may vary depending on national reporting and testing requirements and the network band. Additional SAR information may be provided under product information at www.nokia.com. © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 124: Index

    81 redialling 110 Bluetooth 86, 87 rejecting 35 Bluetooth connectivity restricting blocking devices 89 See fixed dialling device address 88 settings 110 device visibility 87 camera pairing devices 88 assigning images to contacts 71 © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 125
    81 sending 45 file management 95 synchronising 85 file manager 95 voice tags 45 backing up files 96 contacts bar 27 organising files 95 copying content 25 fixed dialling 47 copyright protection 108 © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 126
    Java applications 96 folders for 48 JME Java application support 96 icon for incoming 50 multimedia 51 settings 56 keypad lock 20 voice 34 keys and parts 18 MMS (multimedia message service) 49, 51, 57 © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 127
    106 remote mailbox 52 personalisation 60 remote SIM mode 89 Phone setup 25 removing applications 98 Phone switch 25 ringing tones 60 photos roaming 82 See camera pictures copying 25 searching 92 © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 128
    SIM card useful information 10 inserting 13 messages 56 removing 32 video SIM card security 105 transferring video clips 78 SMS (short message service) 49 Video Centre 76 software applications 96 software updates 11 © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 129
    104 voice dialling 37 volume controls 29 wallpaper 60 web browser 80 bookmarks 80 browsing pages 80 cache memory 80 web feeds 81 week settings 94 world clock 94 wrist strap 31 zooming 72 © 2010 Nokia. All rights reserved.

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