Тетралан инструкция по применению в ветеринарии порошок для крс

Тетралан для птицы инструкция по применению

На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 1.1к. Опубликовано 08.09.2020


  1. Доступные опции
  2. 48.00 руб.
  3. Описание
  4. Состав
  5. Фасовка
  6. Показания к применению
  7. Способ применения и дозы
  8. Особые указания
  9. Противопоказания
  10. Условия хранения
  11. Описание препарата

Комплексное антибактериальное средство для орального применения. Применяют с лечебно-профилактической целью с/х птицам при колибактериозе, сальмонеллезе, хронических респираторных заболеваниях, стрептококкозе, некротическом энтерите, гемофилезе, микоплазмозе, смешанных и вторичных инфекциях при вирусных болезнях, возбудители которых чувствительны к эрофлоксацину и триметоприму.

Доступные опции

48.00 руб.

  • Код товара: tiren

Стоимость доставки от 350 руб.
Варианты доставки:
1) Почта России
3) Доставка курьером по Москве
4) Самовывоз (г. Реутов)


Триэн – это комплексное антибактериальное средство для орального применения. Применяется в ветеринарии.


В 1 мл содержится: 100 мг – энрофлоксацина, 50 мг – триметоприма.


Стеклянные флаконы по 10 мл, пластиковые флаконы по 1 л.

Показания к применению

Триэн применяют с лечебно-профилактической целью цыплятам-бройлерам, ремонтному молодняку кур и индейкам при колибактериозе, сальмонеллезе, хронических респираторных заболеваниях, стрептококкозе, некротическом энтерите, гемофилезе, микоплазмозе, смешанных и вторичных инфекциях при вирусных болезнях, возбудители которых чувствительны к эрофлоксацину и триметоприму.

Способ применения и дозы

Препарат применяют путем выпаивания в суточной дозе 0,5 – 1,0 мл на 1 л питьевой воды в течение 3 дней; при сальмоноллезе, смешанных инфекциях, а также при хронических формах заболеваний – 5 дней.

Особые указания

В период лечения птица должна получать только воду, содержащую препарат


Запрещается применение Триэн курам-несушкам в связи с накоплением энрофлоксацина и триметоприма в яйцах.

Условия хранения

Хранят в закрытой упаковке производителя, отдельно от пищевых продуктов и кормов, в сухом, защищенном от прямых солнечных лучей месте при температуре от +5С до +25С.

Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.

Срок годности при соблюдении условий хранения – 3 года с даты производства.

После вскрытия упаковки при условии хранения в герметично закрытой таре – не более 28 дней.

Запрещается применение по истечении срока годности.

Тетравит является витаминным комплексом, состоящим из 4 витаминов, направленных на укрепление иммунитета домашнего скота и птицы. При своевременном и обоснованном применении раствора возрастает сопротивляемость организма к болезням, улучшается рост молодняка, сокращается срок заживления ран при травмах.

Использовать Тетравит необходимо в соответствии с инструкцией по применению для животных и птиц.

Описание препарата

Кроме того, Тетравит применяется в качестве вспомогательного лечения различных инфекционных болезней, в данном случае раствор рекомендовано вводить инъекционным методом.

Дозировка и способ применения

Для каждого вида домашних животных или птиц дозировка индивидуальна, указана в инструкции, прилагаемой к препарату.

Дозировки средства для животных:

  • КРС – до 6 мл;
  • взрослые лошади и свиньи – до 4 мл;
  • телята и жеребята – от 2 до 3 мл;
  • козы, овцы, поросята – от 1 до 2 мл (новорожденным – не более 0,5 мл);
  • ягнята – менее 1 мл;
  • кролики и собаки – 0,2 мл, в редких случаях до 1 мл.

Дозировка препарата для домашней птицы измеряется в каплях (на 10 кг корма):

  • для улучшения яйценоскость взрослых кур – 5;
  • цыплятам дают по 3 капли, при этом важно напоить каждого в отдельности, а не добавлять в общую еду;
  • индейка – 19;
  • цесарка и утка – 9;
  • куры мясных пород и гуси – 12.

Важно! Свиноматкам дается Тетравит за 2-3 недели до опороса, КРС – за 1,5 месяца (6 недель) до отёла.

Побочные действия и противопоказания

Если следовать инструкции и не превышать дозировки лекарства, указанной производителем, побочных свойств при приеме комплекса не зарегистрировано.

В период лечения данными витаминами рекомендуется обеспечить дополнительное поступление в организм млекопитающих и птиц фосфора, кальция, магния, протеина и микроэлементов.

Нельзя применять средство при гипервитаминозе и повышенной чувствительности животного к препарату.

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Порошок для орального применения.

Состав: в 1г порошка содердится окситетрациклин гидрохлорид – 40 мг, тилозин тартрат – 20 мг, тиамин хлорид – 0,5 мг, рибофлавин – 0,5 г, лактоза- до 1.0 г.

Порядок применения

Тетралан применяют для лечения респираторных и желудочных-кишечных заболеваний. Для КРС или телят, индивидуально или групповым методом с водой для поения в дозе 200-300 мг/кг массы животного с интервалом 12 часов в течении 3-5 дней.


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ТЕТРАВИТ инструкция по применению

📜 Инструкция по применению ТЕТРАВИТ

💊 Состав препарата ТЕТРАВИТ

✅ Применение препарата ТЕТРАВИТ

📅 Условия хранения ТЕТРАВИТ

⏳ Срок годности ТЕТРАВИТ

Описание лекарственного препарата ветеринарного назначения ТЕТРАВИТ

Основано на официально утвержденной инструкции по применению
препарата ТЕТРАВИТ для специалистов
и утверждено компанией-производителем для электронного издания справочника Видаль Ветеринар
2013 года

Дата обновления: 2012.11.15

Лекарственная форма


Раствор для инъекций

рег. 44-3-13.13-3020№ПВР-3-4.0/00453
от 19.02.16
— Бессрочно

Форма выпуска, состав и упаковка

Раствор для инъекций прозрачный, маслянистый, светло-желтого цвета.

Вспомогательные вещества: масло растительное подсолнечное или масло из плодовых косточек и орехов миндаля, или масло соевое, или масло оливковое.

Расфасован по 20, 50 и 100 мл в герметично закрытые флаконы, закупоренные резиновым пробками и закатанные алюминиевыми колпачками.

Каждую единицу первичной упаковки маркируют с указанием наименования организации-производителя, ее адреса и товарного знака, названия лекарственного средства, объема во флаконе, номера серии, даты выпуска и срока годности, названия и содержания действующих веществ, надписей «Стерильно», «Для животных», способа введения, условий хранения, обозначения ТУ, знака соответствия, способа применения и снабжают инструкцией по применению.

Фармакологические (биологические) свойства и эффекты

Тетравит восполняет недостаточность витаминов в организме животных.

Витамин А регулирует строение, функции и регенерацию эпителиальных тканей и, тем самым, повышает сопротивляемость организма к инфекции. Применение его в повышенных дозах препятствует снижению массы тела и усиливает обмен веществ.

Витамин D3 регулирует обмен кальция и фосфора и влияет на их всасывание в ЖКТ, обладает противорахитным действием.

Витамин Е регулирует окислительно-восстановительные процессы и влияет на углеводно-жировой обмен, усиливает действие витаминов А и D3.

Введение лекарственного средства в организм приводит к быстрому возрастанию уровня витаминов в крови и накоплению их в печени и других тканях.

Тетравит по степени воздействия на организм относится к малоопасным веществам (4 класс опасности согласно ГОСТ 12.1.007-76), в рекомендуемых дозах хорошо переносится животными, не оказывает местнораздражающего, эмбриотоксического, тератогенного, мутагенного и сенсибилизирующего действия.

Показания к применению препарата ТЕТРАВИТ

Профилактика и лечение гиповитаминозов, увеличение потребности в витаминах из-за дополнительных нагрузок:

  • в стрессовых ситуациях (для повышения выносливости);
  • при беременности (только во второй половине);
  • в период лактации;
  • при нарушениях воспроизводительной функции;
  • при транспортировке животных;
  • при замене рациона;
  • при задержке роста и недостаточном привесе;
  • при инфекционных и инвазионных заболеваниях (в качестве вспомогательного средства);
  • при ветеринарных мероприятиях: профилактических прививках и дегельминтизации;
  • после оперативных вмешательств или травм.

Порядок применения

Препарат вводят в/м, п/к или перорально животным в следующих дозах (на одно животное в сутки):

С профилактической целью препарат вводят животным 1 раз в 2-3 недели, с лечебной целью — 1 раз в 7-10 дней.

Супоросным свиноматкам препарат вводят за 3-4 недели до опороса, сухостойным коровам — за 1-1.5 месяца до отела.

При пероральном введении препарат дают животным в смеси с кормом в течение 3-х недель.

Побочные эффекты

Побочных явлений и осложнений при применении препарата в рекомендуемых дозах не выявлено.

Противопоказания к применению препарата ТЕТРАВИТ

  • гипервитаминоз;
  • повышенная чувствительность к компонентам препарата.

Особые указания и меры личной профилактики

Одновременно с назначением препарата необходимо сбалансировать рационы по протеину, кальцию, фосфору, магнию и микроэлементам.

При пероральном применении ацетилсалициловая кислота и масляные слабительные средства ухудшают всасывание витаминов.

Следует избегать контакта препарата с дезинфектантами.

Продукцию от животных при применении Тетравита можно использовать в пищевых целях без ограничений.

Меры личной профилактики

Все работы с препаратом следует осуществлять с соблюдением правил личной гигиены и техники безопасности, предусмотренных при работе с ветеринарными лекарственными средствами.

При случайном попадании лекарственного средства на кожу или слизистые оболочки его необходимо тотчас снять тампоном и смыть большим количеством воды.

Запрещается использование флаконов из-под препарата в бытовых целях.

Условия хранения ТЕТРАВИТ

Препарат следует хранить в темном, сухом, недоступном для детей месте при температуре от 0°С до 25°С.

Срок годности ТЕТРАВИТ

Контакты для обращений


410010 Саратов,
ул. Осипова, д. 1, а/я 1796
Тел./факс: +7 (8452) 338-600
E-mail: client@nita-farm.ru


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Если вы хотите разместить ссылку на описание этого препарата — используйте данный код

В 1 мл Дитрима® содержится 200 мг сульфадимезина и 40 мг триметоприма, и вспомогательные компоненты.

Сульфадимезин и триметоприм, входящие в состав Дитрима®, усиливают действие друг друга путем последовательного воздействия на метаболизм n-аминобензойной и фолиевой кислот в микробной клетке, обеспечивая широкий спектр антибактериального действия. Дитрим® активен против грамположительных и грамотрицательных микроорганизмов.

Спектр действия препарата охватывает E.соli, Clоstridium spp., Salmоnella spp., Prоteus spp., Baсillus anthraсis, Pasteurella spp., Haemоphilus spp., Vibriо spp., Stafylососсus spp., Streptососсus spp., Shigella spp., Cоrynebaсterium spp., Klebsiella spp., Fusоbaсterium spp., Bоrdetella spp., Bruсella spp, а также Eimeria и Isоspоra spp.

При внутримышечном введении Дитрим® резорбируется и достигает максимальной концентрации через 2–3 часа после инъекции.

Антибактериальное действие сохраняется в течение 24 часов. Выводится препарат из организма, в основном, с мочой, у лактирующих животных частично с молоком.

Дитрим® назначают животным для лечения бактериальных инфекций, вызываемых чувствительными к препарату микроорганизмами.

Крупный рогатый скот – бронхопневмония, колибактериоз, паратиф, метрит, вибриозная диарея и т.д.;

Мелкий рогатый скот – инфекции дыхательных путей, метрит, диарея, пастереллез, сальмонеллез, эймериоз и др.;

— инфекции дыхательных путей, метрит, бактериальная дизентерия, пастереллез, паратиф, колибактериоз, синдром ММА, злокачественный отек, эймериоз, изоспороз и др.;

Лошади – бактериальная пневмония, септикопиемия, паратиф, диарея жеребят;

Собаки – кишечные и легочные инфекции, цистоизоспороз;

Кролики – эймериоз;

Куры, утки, индейки – эймериоз.

Сельскохозяйственным животным Дитрим® применяется в виде внутримышечных инъекций в дозе 1 мл на 10 кг живой массы (лошадям лучше внутривенно), один раз в сутки.

При острых инфекциях первые 2–3 дня препарат вводят в ударной дозе (1 мл на 10 кг дважды в день с интервалом 12 часов).

Лечение продолжают в течение 2 дней после исчезновения клинических признаков заболевания.

Не рекомендуется продолжать лечение более 7–8 суток. В одно место инъекции вводить не более 20 мл препарата.

Кроликам и домашней птице препарат применяют в виде свежеприготовленных растворов для питья по следующей схеме:

Профилактика Лечение
Кролики 1 мл/л воды в течение трех дней 1 мл/л воды в течение 5 дней или по схеме: 3 дня применения + 2 дня перерыв + 3дня применения
Куры, индейки 1 мл/л воды в течение трех дней 1 мл/л воды в течение 5 дней или по схеме: 3 дня применения + 2 дня перерыв + 3 дня применения
Утки 2 мл/л воды в течение трех дней 1 мл/л воды в течение 5 дней или по схеме: 3 дня применения + 2 дня перерыв + 3 дня применения

При применении в рекомендуемых дозах побочных явлений и осложнений, как правило, не наблюдается.

У некоторых животных возможно появление на месте инъекции покраснения и припухлости, которые самопроизвольно проходят и не требуют применения лекарственных средств. При передозировке или превышении продолжительности рекомендуемого курса лечения возможны нарушения деятельности почек и желудочно-кишечного тракта (дисбактериоз).

В этом случае необходимо прекратить применение препарата и назначить симптоматическое лечение (щелочные жидкости, витамины и пробиотики).

Противопоказанием к применению является гиперчувствительность к сульфаниламидным препаратам.

Дитрим® не следует применять беременным самкам и животным с заболеваниями печени и почек.

Особые указания

Убой животных на мясо разрешается не ранее чем через 28 дней после последнего применения лекарственного средства.

При вынужденном убое ранее установленного срока мясо может быть использовано в корм пушным зверям или для производства мясокостной муки.

Молоко дойных животных запрещается использовать в пищевых целях в течение 5 суток после последнего введения лекарственного средства.

Такое молоко может быть использовано после термической обработки для кормления животных.

Выпускают в форме стерильного раствора светло-желтого цвета, расфасованным по 20, 50 и 100 мл в герметично закрытые стеклянные флаконы.

Tetralan - image 0


Method of action:

Treatment option:

Actinomycosis,Bartonellosis,Blepharitis,Bronchitis,Brucellosis,Bubonic Plague,Lymphogranuloma Venereum,Chancroid,Sexually Transmitted Diseases,Upper Respiratory Infection,Gas,Gangrene,Glanders,Gonorrhea,Granuloma Inguinale,Influenza,Whooping Cough,Inclusion Conjunctivitis,Infection,Infection,Urinary Tract,Infection,Skin,Cough,Keratitis,Intestinal Amebiasis,Rabbit Fever,Leptospirosis,Fever,Melioidosis,Ornithosis,COPD,Acute,Pneumonia,Mycoplasma Pneumonia,Prevent Infections,Zits,Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever,Rickettsial Infection,Pink Eye,Anthrax,Blind Loop Syndrome,Syphilis,Tetanus,Trachoma,Blackheads,Urethritis,Nongonococcal Urethritis,Yaws,Chlamydia,Chlamydia Trachomatis,Cholera,Plague,Endocarditis,Acne Vulgaris

Medically reviewed by Militian Inessa Mesropovna, PharmD. Last updated on 2020-03-19

Information on this page is intended only for medical professionals!
Information is collected in open sources and may contain significant errors!
Be careful and double-check all the information on this page!

Top 20 medicines with the same components:

Top 20 medicines with the same treatments:

The information provided in of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.



The information provided in of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.



Therapeutic indications

The information provided in Therapeutic indications of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Therapeutic indications in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Coated tablet; Eye ointment; Ointment for external use; Substance-powder

Capsule; Suspension

Tetralan is a bacteriostatic broad-spectrum antibiotic, active against a wide variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms.

Infections caused by Tetralan-sensitive organisms include:

1) Respiratory tract infections: Pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections due to susceptible strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella pneumoniae and other organisms. Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia. Treatment of chronic bronchitis (including the prophylaxis of acute exacerbations) and whooping cough.

2) Urinary tract infections: Caused by susceptible strains of the Klebsiella species. Enterobacter species, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis and other organisms.

3) Sexually transmitted diseases: Infections due to Chlamydia trachomatis including uncomplicated urethral, endocervical or rectal infections. Non-gonococcal urethritis caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum. Tetralan is also indicated in chancroid, granuloma inguinale and lymphogranuloma venereum.

Tetralan is an alternative drug in the treatment of penicillin resistant gonorrhoea and syphilis.

4) Skin Infections: Acne vulgaris when antibiotic therapy is considered necessary and severe rosacea.

5) Ophthalmic infections: Trachoma, although the infectious agent, as judged by immunofluorescence, is not always eliminated. Inclusion conjunctivitis may be treated with oral Tetralan alone or in combination with topical agents.

6) Rickettsial infections: Rocky Mountain spotted fever, typhus group, Q fever and Coxiella endocarditis and tick fevers.

7) Other infections: Stagnant loop syndrome. Psittacosis, brucellosis (in combination with streptomycin), cholera, bubonic plague, louse and tick-borne relapsing fever, tularaemia, glanders, melioidosis and acute intestinal amoebiasis (as an adjunct to amoebicides).

Tetralan is an alternative drug in the treatment of leptospirosis, gas-gangrene and tetanus.

To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of Tetralan ‘250’ and Tetralan ‘500’ Tablets (Tetracycline Hydrochloride Tablets) and other antibacterial drugs, Sum- ycin ‘250’ and Tetralan ‘500’ Tablets (Tetracycline Hydrochloride Tablets) should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by susceptible bacteria. When culture and susceptibility information are available, they should be considered in selecting or modifying antibacterial therapy. In the absence of such data, local epidemiology and susceptibility patterns may contribute to the empiric selection of therapy.

Tetracycline hydrochloride is indicated for the treatment of the following infections:

Rocky Mountain spotted fever, typhus fever and the typhus group, Q fever, rickettsial pox and tick fever caused by Rickettsiae.

Respiratory tract infections caused by Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Lymphogranuloma venereum caused by Chlamydia trachomatis

Psittacosis and ornithosis due to Chlamydia psittaci

Trachoma caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, although the infectious agent is not always eliminated, as judged by immuno- fluorescence

Inclusion conjunctivitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis

Tetracycline hydrochloride is indicated for the treatment of uncomplicated urethral, endocervical or rectal infections in adults caused by Chlamydia trachomatis

Nongonococcal urethritis caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum Relapsing fever due to Borrelia recurrentis

Tetracycline hydrochloride is also indicated for the treatment of infections caused by the following gram-negative microorganisms:

Chancroid caused by Haemophilus ducreyi

Plague due to Yersinia pestis (formerly Pasteurella pestis)

Tularemia due to Francisella tularensis (formerly Pasteurella tularensis)

Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae (formerly Vibrio comma)

Campylobacter fetus infections caused by Campylobacter fetus (formerly Vibrio fetus)

Brucellosis due to Brucella species (in conjunction with streptomycin)

Bartonellosis due to Bartonella bacilliformis

Granuloma inguinale caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis

Because many strains of the following groups of microorganisms have been shown to be resistant to tetracycline hydrochloride, culture and susceptibility testing are recommended.

Tetracycline hydrochloride is indicated for treatment of infections caused by the following gram-negative microorganisms, when bacteriologic testing indicates appropriate susceptibility to the drug:

Escherichia coli

Enterobacter aerogenes (formerly Aerobacter aerogenes)

Shigella species

Acinetobacter species [formerly Mima species and Herellea species]

Respiratory tract infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae

Respiratory tract and urinary tract infections caused by Klebsiella species

Tetracycline hydrochloride is indicated for treatment of infections caused by the following gram-positive microorganisms when bacteriologic testing indicated appropriate susceptibility to the drug:

For upper respiratory infections caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae (formerly Diplococcus pneumoniae)

Skin and skin structure infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Tetracyclines are not the drugs of choice in the treatment of any type of staphylococcal infections

When penicillin is contraindicated, tetracycline hydrochloride is an alternative drug in the treatment of the following infections:

Uncomplicated gonorrhea caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Syphilis caused by Treponema pallidum

Yaws caused by Treponema pertenue

Listeriosis due to Listeria monocytogenes

Anthrax due to Bacillus anthracis

Vincent’s infection caused by Fusobacterium fusiforme

Actinomycosis caused by Actinomyces israelii

Infections caused by Clostridia species

In acute intestinal amebiasis, the tetracycline hydrochlorides may be a useful adjunctive therapy to amebicides.

In severe acne the tetracycline hydrochlorides may be useful ad- junctive therapy.

Dosage (Posology) and method of administration

The information provided in Dosage (Posology) and method of administration of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Dosage (Posology) and method of administration in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Coated tablet; Eye ointment; Ointment for external use; Substance-powder

Capsule; Suspension


Tetralan should be given one hour before or two hours after meals, since food and some dairy products interfere with absorption. Therapy should be continued for up to three days after symptoms have subsided.

All infections due to Group A beta-haemolytic streptococci should be treated for at least 10 days.

Adults (including the elderly) and children over 12 years: The minimum recommended dosage is 250mg every six hours. Therapeutic levels are attained more rapidly by the administration of 500mg initially, followed by 250mg every six hours. For severe infections, the dosage may be increased to 500mg every six hours.

Children under 12 years: Contraindicated in this age group.

Elderly: Usual adult dose. Caution should be observed as subclinical renal insufficiency may lead to drug accumulation.

Renal impairment: In general Tetralans are contraindicated in renal impairment and the dosing recommendations only apply if use of this class of drug is deemed absolutely essential. Total dosage should be decreased by reduction of recommended individual doses and/or by extending time intervals between doses.

Dosage recommendations in specific infections:

Skin infections: 250-500mg daily in single or divided doses should be administered for at least three months in the treatment of acne vulgaris and severe rosacea.

Streptococcal infections: A therapeutic dose of Tetralan should be administered for at least 10 days.

Brucellosis: 500mg Tetralan four times daily accompanied by streptomycin.

Sexually transmitted diseases: 500mg four times daily for seven days is recommended in the following infections: Uncomplicated gonococcal infections (except anorectal infections in man); uncomplicated urethral, endocervical or rectal infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis; non-gonococcal urethritis caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum. Acute epididymo-orchitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, or Neisseria gonorrhoea, 500mg four times daily for 10 days. Primary and secondary syphilis: 500mg four times daily for 15 days. Syphilis of more than one year’s duration, (latent syphilis of uncertain or more than one year’s duration, cardiovascular or late benign syphilis) except neurosyphilis, should be treated with 500mg, four times daily for 30 days. Patient compliance with this regimen may be difficult so care should be taken to encourage optimal compliance. Close follow-up including laboratory tests, is recommended.

Method of Administration

For oral administration.

Adults: usual daily dose is 1 to 2 g: for mild to moderate infections: 500 mg bid or 250 mg qid; higher dosages such as 500 mg qid may be required for severe infections.

For children above eight years of age: usual daily dose is 10 to 20 mg/lb (25 to 50 mg/kg) body weight divided in four equal doses.

Therapy should be continued for at least 24 to 48 hours after symptoms and fever have subsided.

The treatment of brucellosis, 500 mg tetracycline four times daily for three weeks should be accompanied by streptomycin, 1 g intramuscularly twice daily the first week and once daily the second week.

For treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea, 500 mg every six hours for seven days.

For treatment of syphilis, a total of 30 to 40 g in equally divided doses over a period of 10 to 15 days should be given. Close follow up, including laboratory tests, is recommended.

Uncomplicated urethral, endocervical, or rectal infection in adults caused by Chlamydia trachomatis: 500 mg by mouth, four times a day for at least seven days.

In cases of severe acne which in the judgment of the clinician, requires long-term treatment, the recommended initial dosage is 1 g daily in divided doses. When improvement is noted, usually within one week, dosage should be gradually reduced to maintenance levels ranging from 125 to 500 mg daily. In some patients it may be possible to maintain adequate remission of lesions with alternateday or intermittent therapy. Tetracycline therapy of acne should augment the other standard measures known to be of value.

In patients with renal impairment (see WARNINGS) total dosage should be decreased by reduction of recommended individual doses and/or by extending time intervals between doses.

In the treatment of streptococcal infections, a therapeutic dose of tetracycline should be administered for at least 10 days.

Concomitant therapy: Absorption of tetracyclines is impaired by antacids containing aluminum, calcium, or magnesium, and iron containing preparations.

Food and some dairy products also interfere with absorption.

Administration of adequate amounts of fluid with the tablet and especially capsule formulations of tetracycline is recommended to wash down the drug and reduce the risk of esophageal irrita- tion and ulceration (see ADVERSE REACTIONS)


The information provided in Contraindications of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Contraindications in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Coated tablet; Eye ointment; Ointment for external use; Substance-powder

Capsule; Suspension

— Chronic renal/hepatic dysfunction;

— Renal impairment, particularly if severe;

— Systemic lupus erythematosus;

— Children under 12 years ;

— Pregnancy and breastfeeding women.

— Benign intracranial hypertension has been reported following the concomitant use of Tetralans and Vitamin A or retinoids and therefore concurrent use should be contraindicated.

This drug is contraindicated in persons who have shown hyper- sensitivity to any of the tetracyclines.

Special warnings and precautions for use

The information provided in Special warnings and precautions for use of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Special warnings and precautions for use in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Coated tablet; Eye ointment; Ointment for external use; Substance-powder

Capsule; Suspension

— Tetralan drugs may cause permanent tooth discolouration (yellow-grey-brown), if administered during tooth development, in the last half of pregnancy and in infancy up to twelve years of age. Enamel hypoplasia has also been reported. This adverse reaction is more common during long-term use of the drug but has been observed following repeated short-term courses.

— The anti-anabolic action of Tetralans may cause an increase in BUN. While this is not a problem in those with normal renal function, in patients with significantly impaired renal function, higher serum levels of Tetralan may lead to azotaemia, hyperphosphataemia and acidosis.

— When treating venereal disease, where co-existent syphilis is suspected, proper diagnostic procedures should be utilised. In all such cases, monthly serological tests should be made for at least four months.

— The use of antibiotics may occasionally result in the overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms including Candida. Constant observation of the patients is essential. If a resistant organism appears, the antibiotic should be discontinued and appropriate therapy instituted.

— Diarrhoea, particularly if severe, persistent and/or bloody, during or after treatment (including several weeks after treatment) with Tetralan tablets, may be symptomatic of Clostridium difficile- associated disease (CDAD). CDAD may range in severity from mild to life threatening, the most severe form of which is pseudomembranous colitis. It is therefore important to consider this diagnosis in patients who develop serious diarrhoea during or after treatment with Tetralan tablets. If CDAD is suspected or confirmed Tetralan tablets should be stopped immediately and appropriate therapy initiated without delay. Anti-peristaltic drugs are contraindicated in this clinical situation.

— In longterm therapy, periodic laboratory evaluation of organ systems, including haematopoietic, renal and hepatic studies should be performed.

— High doses of Tetralans have been associated with a syndrome involving fatty liver degeneration and pancreatitis.

— The use of Tetralan in general is contraindicated in renal impairment due to excessive systemic accumulation and used with caution in patients with hepatic impairment or those receiving drugs which may have hepatotoxic effects; high doses should be avoided.

— Photosensitivity reactions may occur in hypersensitive persons and such patients should be warned to avoid direct exposure to natural or artificial sunlight and to discontinue therapy at the first sign of skin discomfort.

— SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus) can be exacerbated by the use of Tetralans.

— Care is advised when administered to patients with myasthenia gravis.

Tetralan tablets contain sunset yellow (E110), which can cause allergic — type reactions.




This adverse reaction is more common during long-term use of the drugs but has been observed following repeated short-term courses. Enamel hypoplasia has also been reported. TETRACYCLINE DRUGS, THEREFORE, SHOULD NOT BE USED DURING TOOTH DEVELOPMENT UNLESS OTHER DRUGS ARE NOT LIKELY TO BE EFFECTIVE OR ARE CONTRAINDICATED.

All tetracyclines form a stable calcium complex in any bone forming tissues. A decrease in fibula growth rate has been observed in young animals (rats and rabbits) given oral tetracycline in doses of 25 mg/kg every six hours. This reaction was shown to be reversible when the drug was discontinued.

Results of animal studies indicate that tetracyclines cross the placenta, are found in fetal tissues and can have toxic effects on the developing fetus (often related to retardation of skeletal development). Evidence of embryotoxicity has also been noted in animals treated early in pregnancy.

The antianabolic action of tetracycline may cause an increase in BUN. While this is not a problem in those with normal renal function, in patients with significantly impaired function, higher serum levels of tetracycline may lead to azotemia, hyperphosphatemia, and acidosis. If renal impairment exists, even usual oral or parenteral dose may lead to excessive systemic accumulation of the drug and possible liver toxicity. Under such conditions, lower than usual doses are indicated and, if therapy is prolonged, serum level determinations of the drug may be advisable.

Photosensitivity, manifested by an exaggerated sunburn reaction, has been observed in some individuals taking tetracyclines. Patients apt to be exposed to direct sunlight or ultra-violet light should be advised that this reaction can occur with tetracycline drugs, and treatment should be discontinued at the first evidence of skin erythema.

NOTE: Photosensitization reactions have occurred most frequently with demeclocycline, less with chlortetracycline, and very rarely with oxytetracycline and tetracycline.



Prescribing Tetralan ‘250’ and Tetralan ‘500’ Tablets (Tetracycline Hydrochloride Tablets) in the absence of a proven or strongly suspected bacterial infection or a prophylactic indication is unlikely to provide benefit to the patient and increases the risk of the development of drug-resistant bacteria.

As with other antibiotics, use of this drug may result in overgrowth of nonsusceptible organisms, including fungi. If superinfection occurs, the antibiotic should be discontinued and appropriate therapy instituted. NOTE: Superinfection of the bowel by staphylococci may be life-threatening.

Pseudotumor cerebri (benign intracranial hypertension) in adults has been associated with the use of tetracyclines. The usual clinical manifestations are headache and blurred vision. Bulging fon- tanels have been associated with the use of tetracyclines in infants. While both of these conditions and related symptoms usually resolve after discontinuation of the tetracycline, the possibility for permanent sequelae exists.

Since sensitivity reactions are more likely to occur in persons with a history of allergy, asthma, hay fever, or urticaria, the preparation should be used with caution in such individuals.

Cross-sensitization among the various tetracyclines is extremely common.

Incision and drainage or other surgical procedures should be performed in conjunction with antibiotic therapy, when indicated.

Under no circumstances should outdated tetracyclines be administered, as the degradation of tetracyclines are highly nephrotoxic and have, on occasion, produced a Fanconi-like syndrome.

Laboratory Tests

During long-term therapy, periodic laboratory evaluation of organ system function, including renal, hepatic, and hematopoietic systems, should be performed.

All patients with gonorrhea should have a serologic test for syphilis at the time of diagnosis. Patients treated with tetracycline should have a follow-up serologic test for syphilis after 3 months.

Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility

Long-term studies conducted in rats and mice to determine whether tetracycline hydrochloride has carcinogenic potential were negative. Some related antibiotics (oxytetracycline, minocycline) have shown evidence of oncogenic activity in rats. In twoin vitro mammalian cell assay systems (L51784y mouse lymphoma and Chinese hamster lung cells), there was evidence of mutagenicity at tetracycline hydro- chloride concentrations of 60 and 10µg/mL, respectively.

Tetracycline hydrochloride had no effect on fertility when administered in the diet to male and female rats at a daily intake of 25 times the human dose.

Pregnancy: Teratogenic effects: Pregnancy Category D (see WARNINGS.)

Pregnancy: Nonteratogenic effects: (see WARNINGS.)

Labor and Delivery

The effect of tetracyclines on labor and delivery is unknown.

Nursing Mothers

Tetracyclines are present in the milk of lactating women who are taking a drug in this class. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from tetracyclines, a decision should be made whether to discontinue nursing or to discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother (see WARNINGS.)

Pediatric Use


Effects on ability to drive and use machines

The information provided in Effects on ability to drive and use machines of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Effects on ability to drive and use machines in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


None known.

Undesirable effects

The information provided in Undesirable effects of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Undesirable effects in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Coated tablet; Eye ointment; Ointment for external use; Substance-powder

Capsule; Suspension

The following convention has been utilised for the classification of frequency. Very common (> 1/10); common( > 1/100 and < 1/10); uncommon (> 1/1000 and < 1/100); rare (> 1/10,000 and < 1/1000); very rare (< 1/10,000); Frequency not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

Infections and infestations:

Frequency not known: overgrowth of resistant organisms (Candida albicans, in particular); this may cause glossitis, stomatitis, pseudomembranous colitis (Clostridium difficile overgrowth), enterocolitis (caused by resistant staphylococci), rectal and vaginal irritation, inflammatory lesions (with candidial overgrowth) in the anogenital regions

Blood and lymphatic system disorders:

Rare: haemolytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, eosinophilia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anaemia.

Immune system disorders:

Frequency not known: hypersensitivity reactions including Stevens-Johnson syndrome, angioedema, toxic epidermal necrolysis, urticaria, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid purpura, pericarditis, and exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus , fixed drug eruptions, exfoliative dermatitis.

Endocrine disorders:

Frequency not known: brown-black microscopic discolouration of thyroid tissue. No abnormalities of thyroid function are known to occur.

Nervous system disorders:

Frequency not known: headache.

Eye disorders:

Frequency not known: visual disturbances, permanent visual loss.

Vascular disorders:

Frequency not known: bulging fontanelles in infants; benign intracranial hypertension in juveniles and adults. Presenting features were headache, dizziness, tinnitus and visual disturbances including blurring of vision, scotomata and diplopia. Treatment should cease if evidence of raised intracranial pressure develops.

Gastrointestinal disorders:

Rare: dysphagia, oesophagitis and oesophageal ulceration (most of these patients took medication immediately before going to bed)

Frequency not known: gastrointestinal irritations, nausea, abdominal discomfort, vomiting, diarrhoea, anorexia, pancreatitis, permanent tooth discolouration and enamel hypoplasia in children. Tooth discolouration has also been seen in adults. If gastric irritation occurs, tablets should be taken with food.

Hepatobiliary disorders:

Rare: transient increases in liver function tests, hepatitis, jaundice, hepatic failure.

Frequency not known: hepatotoxicity associated with fatty liver.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders:

Frequency not known: erythematous and maculo-papular rashes, photosensitivity (Patients exposed to direct sunlight or ultraviolet light should be advised to discontinue treatment if any skin reaction occurs), pruritis, bullous dermatoses, skin discolouration.

Musculoskeletal, connective tissue and bone disorders:

Frequency not known: increased muscle weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis.

Renal & urinary disorders:

Rare: acute renal failure, nephritis.

Frequency not known: raised serum urea, renal dysfunction, especially in patients with pre-existing renal impairment.

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the Yellow Card Scheme; website: www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard

Gastrointestinal: anorexia, epigastric distress, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bulky loose stools, stomatitis, sore throat, glossitis, black hairy tongue, dysphagia, hoarseness, enterocolitis, and inflammatory lesions (with candidal overgrowth) in the anogenital region, including proctitis and pruritus ani. Rare instances of esophagitis and esophageal ulceration have been reported in patients receiving particularly the capsule and also the tablet forms of tetracyclines. Most of the patients were reported to have medication immediately before going to bed (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION). These reactions have been caused by both the oral and parenteral administration of tetracyclines but are less frequent after parenteral use.

Skin and Skin Structures: maculopapular and erythematous rashes. Exfoliative dermatitis has been reported but is uncommon. Onycholysis and discoloration of the nails have been reported rarely. Photosensitivity has occurred. (See WARNINGS).

Renal Toxicity: increases in BUN have been reported and are apparently dose-related. (See WARNINGS.)

Hepatic Cholestasis: has been reported rarely, and is usually associated with high dosage levels of tetracycline.

Hypersensitivity Reactions: Anaphylaxis; serum sickness-like reactions, as fever, rash, and arthralgia; urticaria, angioneurotic edema, anaphylactoid purpura, pericarditis, exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus.

Hematological: Blood: anemia, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, neutropenia and eosinophilia have been reported.

Miscellaneous: Dizziness and headache have been reported.

When given over prolonged periods, tetracyclines have been reported to produce brown-black microscopic discoloration of thyroid glands. No abnormalities of thyroid function are known to occur. Bulging fontanels in infants and intracranial hypertension in adults have been reported. (See PRECAUTIONS-General.)


The information provided in Overdose of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Overdose in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Coated tablet; Eye ointment; Ointment for external use; Substance-powder

Capsule; Suspension


— There may be nausea and vomiting.

— Crystalluria and haematuria may occur following very large doses.

— Hypersensitivity reactions may occur.


There is no specific antidote.

— Gastric decontamination is not necessary.

— Give oral fluids for severe vomiting and diarrhoea if required.

— Manage anaphylaxis reactions conventionally.

— Single brief convulsions do not require treatment. If frequent or prolonged control with intravenous diazepam or lorazepam.

— General symptomatic therapy as indicated by the patient’s clinical condition.

In case of overdosage, treat symptomatically and institute sup- portive measures.

Pharmacodynamic properties

The information provided in Pharmacodynamic properties of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Pharmacodynamic properties in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Pharmacotherapeutic group: Tetralan hydrochloride is a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic.

ATC code: D06AA04

Tetralans are taken up into sensitive bacterial cells by an active transport process. Once within the cell they bind reversibly to the 30S subunit of the ribosome, preventing the binding of aminoacyl transfer RNA and inhibiting protein synthesis and hence cell growth. Although Tetralans also inhibit protein synthesis in mammalian cells they are not actively taken up, permitting selective effects on the infecting organism.

Pharmacokinetic properties

The information provided in Pharmacokinetic properties of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Pharmacokinetic properties in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.



Most Tetralans are incompletely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, about 60-80% of a dose of Tetralan usually being available. The degree of absorption is diminished by the presence of divalent and trivalent metal ions with which Tetralans form stable insoluble complexes and to a variable degree by milk or food. Formulation with phosphate may enhance the absorption of Tetralan.

Plasma concentrations will depend upon the degree of absorption. Administration of Tetralan 500mg every 6 hours generally produces steady-state concentrations of 4-5µg/ml. Peak plasma concentrations occur about 1-3 hours after ingestion. Higher concentrations can be achieved after intravenous administration; concentrations may be higher in women than in men.


In the circulation 20-65% of Tetralan is bound to plasma proteins.

They are widely distributed throughout the body tissues and fluids. Concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid are relatively low, but may be raised if the meninges are inflamed. Small amounts appear in saliva, and the fluids of the eye and lung. Tetralans appear in the milk of nursing mothers where concentrations may be 60% or more of those in the plasma. They diffuse across the placenta and appear in the foetal circulation in concentrations of about 25 to 75% of those in the maternal blood. Tetralans are retained at sites of new bone formation and recent calcification and in developing teeth.

The Tetralans have been classified in terms of their duration of action in the body, although the divisions appear to overlap somewhat.


The Tetralans are excreted in the urine and in the faeces. Renal clearance is by glomerular filtration. Up to 55% of a dose is eliminated unchanged in the urine; concentrations in the urine of up to 300µg/ml of Tetralan may be reached two hours after a usual dose is taken and be maintained for up to 12 hours. Urinary excretion is increased if urine is alkalinised. The Tetralans are excreted in the bile where concentrations 5-25 times those in plasma can occur. Since there is some enterohepatic reabsorption complete elimination is slow. Considerable quantities occur in the faeces after administration.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

The information provided in Pharmacotherapeutic group of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Pharmacotherapeutic group in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Tetralan hydrochloride is a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic.

Preclinical safety data

The information provided in Preclinical safety data of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Preclinical safety data in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Not applicable.


The information provided in Incompatibilities of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Incompatibilities in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


None known.

Special precautions for disposal and other handling

The information provided in Special precautions for disposal and other handling of Tetralan
is based on data of another medicine with exactly the same composition as the Tetralan.
. Be careful and be sure to specify the information on the section Special precautions for disposal and other handling in the instructions to the drug Tetralan directly from the package or from the pharmacist at the pharmacy.


Not applicable.

Administrative data

Tetralan price

We have no data on the cost of the drug.
However, we will provide data for each active ingredient

The approximate cost of Tetracycline 500 mg per unit in online pharmacies is from 0.3$ to 0.51$, per package is from 24$ to 51$.

The approximate cost of Tetracycline 250 mg per unit in online pharmacies is from 0.19$ to 0.62$, per package is from 16$ to 84$.

Available in countries

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Тетрамизол 20 % порошок

Фарм. группа
Противопаразитарные и противопротозойные препараты

Состав: В 1,0 препарата содержится 0,2 г тетрамизола гидрохлорида и наполнителя до 1,0 г.
Применение: орально
Показания: Препарат применяют при диктиокаулезе и трихоцефалезе крупного рогатого скота, овец и коз; гемонхозе, стронгилоидозе и нематодирозе овец и коз; метастронгилезе, аскариозе, эзофагостомозе, трихоцефалезе и других желудочно-кишечных нематодозах свиней. Птице применяют препарат при аскаридиозе, капилляриозе, гетеракидозе, амидостомозе и сингамозе.


Фармакологические свойства

Препарат является антигельминтиком нематоцидного действия, активен в отношении взрослых и личиночных форм нематод желудочно-кишечного тракта и лёгких. Препарат усиливает холиномиметическую активность ганглиев и центральной нервной системы паразита, деполяризует мембраны мышц гельминтов, блокирует фумаратредуктазу и сукцинатдегидрогеназу, что приводит к гибели нематод.

Показания к применению

Препарат применяют при диктиокаулезе, гемонхозе, буностомозе, стронгилоидозе, нематодирозе, остертагиозе, хабертиозе, трихоцефалезе, капилляриозе, коопериозе крупного рогатого скота; метастронгилезе, аскариозе, эзофагостомозе, трихоцефалёзе и других желудочно-кишечных нематодозах свиней.

Дозы и способ применения

Препарат назначают однократно в смеси с кормом без предварительной голодной диеты и слабительных средств индивидуально или групповым способом в следующих дозах:

Вид животных Доза (мг/кг массы тела)
По действующему веществу По препарату
Крупный рогатый скот 8 40
Свиньи 10 50

При применении групповым способом препарат отвешивают на группу животных (10-100 голов) и тщательно смешивают с комбикормом из расчета 50-100 г корма на животное.


Не рекомендуется применение препарата быкам и хрякам-производителям. Не подлежат дегельминтизации животные с инфекционными заболеваниями, самки в заключительный период беременности, а также животные с признаками печеночной и почечной недостаточности. Не рекомендуется применять препарат одновременно с проведением плановых вакцинаций животных. Препарат не разрешается применять совместно с пирантелом, морантелом, фосфорорганическими соединениями.

Ограничения по использованию продукции:

— убой животных на мясо разрешается не ранее, чем через 10 суток после дегельминтизации
— молоко в пищу людям используют не ранее, чем через 4 суток после дегельминтизации

Условия и сроки хранения:

при температуре от минус 10 С до плюс 35 С 3 года от даты изготовления.

Первичная упаковка:

— пакет из ламинированной фольги по 150,0, 500,0 г и 1 кг

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