Variotec 480 ex руководство по эксплуатации

abb variotec 480 frontОборудование для профессионалов

Диапазон работ, осуществляемых газоанализаторами серии VARIOTEC®4XX, позволяет выполнять большой спектр задач в газораспределительных сетях с максимальной эффективностью.
В серии VARIOTEC®4XX используются те же аксессуары и зонды, которые применялись в прошлых поколениях приборов SEWERIN, поэтому при наличии старых, Вам не придется покупать новые.
В приборах с аббревиатурой 480 EX и 460 EX могут быть использован (опция), этан-детектор, который позволяет различать природный газ и болотный. Теперь будет меньше ложных показаний из-за природы газа.
Все модификации, кроме VARIOTEC®400 EX, могут быть оснащены сенсорами на кислород и оксид углерода (опция)



• Уникальный и простой в использовании прибор, посредством трех функциональных клавиш и джойстика, интуитивное меню
• Большой матричный дисплей с подсветкой показывает все уровни газа
• Быстрая зарядка в течение 4 часов – позволяет увеличить рабочее время использования прибора
• Питание от 4 аккумуляторных батарей типа АА (одноразовые или перезаряжаемые)
• Все данные могут быть перенесены на ПК через USB-порт
• Ручка для переноски имеет двойное назначение: как для удобного расположения прибора в работе при креплении ремнями, так и для установки его на столе.


• Простота: контекстное меню и его структура позволяют новому пользователю без особой подготовки быстро
приступить к работе
• Нет необходимости в сложной перенастройке прибора,
даже если он длительно время не использовался.
• Быстрая самоокупаемость для оператора: экономия средств на обслуживании, сокращение времени на бумажные отчеты.

Используемые сенсоры

• Быстрый и высокочувствительный полупроводниковый сенсор используется для определения очень низких концентраций газа в диапазоне измерения частей на миллион (ppm)
• Интегрированный газовый хроматограф для определения компонентов газовой пробы: метан, этан, пропан.

Разрешения (сертификаты)

• Взрывозащита:
TÜV 07 ATEX 553353 X II2G Ex d e ib IIB T4 Gb, IIC при использовании кожаной сумки-переноски
• Функция измерения:
BVS 09 ATEX G 001 X N1, PFG 08 G 002 X N1 (функция измерения доступна только для VARIOTEC®480 EX и VARIOTEC®450 EX )


Описание модели по типам применения

Выбор прибора


X = стандарт O = опция

act vt 480 lokalisationПриложение: Наземный контроль
Измерение низких концентраций газа наповерхности земли и над газовыми трубами
Пример: Инспекция подземного газопровода

Приложение: Внутридомовой контроль
Измерение низких концентраций газа в зданиях и их локализация
Пример: Обнаружение утечек в доступных местах

Приложение: Мониторинг воздуха рабочей зоны (Предупреждение взрывозащиты и предупреждение токсичных газов)
Мониторинг и защита воздуха рабочей зоны, защита персонала вовремя работы вблизи газопроводов или на объектах, где возможен риск образования взрывоопасной концентрации газа.
Пример: При проведении работ на газораспределительных станциях, биогазовых установках, в работе аварийных бригад при реакции на запах газа.

Приложение: Закрытое пространство
Измерение концентрации газа, где существует потенциальная опасность образования взрыва
Пример: Шахты (телекоммуникационные, канализационные, электрощитовые)

Приложение: Измерения в шурфах
Измерение концентрации газа и его распространения согласно классификатору, локализация предположительного места утечки газа.
Пример: Локализация места поиска утечки

Приложение: Измерение концентрации газа
Измерение концентрации газа / подтверждение отсутствия природного газа или кислорода в трубе

Пример: Ввод / Вывод из эксплуатации газопроводов

Приложение: Анализ на этан
Определение метана, этана и пропана в газовоздушной пробе
Пример: При показаниях утечки газа нужно определить характер газа, чтобы различить природный и болотный газ.

Анализ на этан – Природный газ или болотный (свалочный) газ?

Газоанализаторы-течеискатели серии VARIOTEC® 4×0 помогают оператору найти и локализовать места утечки газа в подземных газопроводах.
Перед тем, как приступать к дорогостоящему вскрытию грунта и инспекции газопровода, убедитесь, что вы обнаружили утечку природного газа из трубы, и что он не болотный газ или газ другого происхождения.
В качестве опции устанавливается этан-детектор, который просто и быстро позволяет определить отличия между природным и болотным (свалочным) газом.
Не требуется каких либо дополнительных принадлежностей или специального обучения, чтобы работать в этом режиме.
Пользовательское меню сопровождается подсказками и оператору не составляет труда провести измерения. Все показания сохраняются в памяти прибора и могут быть перенесены на ПК.

Измерить содержание кислорода – Как более точно определить место утечки?

В ситуации, когда утечка газа распространилась по большой поверхности грунта в течение длительного периода времени, бывает сложно определить точное место утечки. Дополнительно установленный сенсор на кислород позволяет одновременно контролировать концентрацию кислорода и природного газа. В точке, где концентрация по метану будет наивысшей и одновременно концентрация по кислороду будет наименьшей, будет находиться наиболее
вероятное место утечки.

Подробные технические характеристики VARIOTEC® 4×0 (скачать)


abb vt 460 tg kofferАксессуары

• Зарядные аксессуары 12 V=, 24 V= or 230 V~
• Док-станция / Настенный кронштейн
• Приспособления для переноски
• Контрольные устройства для юстировки и калибровки
• Гибкий ручной зонд с гидрофобным фильтром
• Локализационный зонд
• Зонд-колокол

*Комплектация на фото является примерной и может отличаться от необходимой Вам

Для составления грамотной спецификации или комплектации поставки просим Вас связаться с сотрудником компании или дилером в регионе.

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  3. sewerin Manuals
  4. Measuring Instruments
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Supporting bracket


USB port

ON/OFF key

Connection for

power supply

VARIOTEC 480 EX device overview

Fig. 1:




disposable battery/



Fig. 2:

VARIOTEC 480 EX display

480/460/450/400 EX


Bar display





Current assignment of

function keys F1 – F3




Measurement value





Signal light

Gas input


Function keys

Jog dial




Gas type


Related Manuals for sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

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1361/1361831-variotec_480_ex.pdf file (16 Nov 2022)

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sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX Measuring Instruments PDF Operating Instructions Manual (Updated: Wednesday 16th of November 2022 08:05:44 AM)

Rating: 4.8 (rated by 90 users)

Compatible devices: SR2-EX-P, UT 9000, EX-TEC PM 4, Multitec 520, Multitec 560, Multitec 540, COMBIPHON, SPE 2.

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(Ocr-Read Version Summary of Contents, UPD: 16 November 2022)

  • 32, 24 3 Operation Purging the detector The detector for ethane analysis must be kept clean at all times to prevent distortion of measurement results. When the device is in use, however, higher hydrocarbons (e.g. propane, butane) can accumulate in the detector and contaminate it. The detector is automatically purged after every ethane analysis. An additional purge of the …

  • 78, 70 5 Maintenance 4. Select the desired adjustment (e.g. Adjustment CH4, Adjust- ment gas mixture). 5. Select the menu item that species the sensitivity to be tested. − e.g. for Adjustment CH4: 2.20 % VOL. CH4 − e.g. for Adjustment gas mixture: Gas mixture Do not conrm with OK yet. 6. Press and hold the release button on the test set. The test gas is added. Do not let g…

  • 77, 69 5 Maintenance 4. Select the desired adjustment (e.g. Adjustment CH4, Adjust- ment gas mixture). 5. Wait at least 1 minute. The displayed reading must be stable. Note: For Adjustment gas mixture, all values must be stable. The time required for this can vary depending on the specic gas. 6. From the menu select the method you wish to use to adjust the …

  • 24, 16 3 Operation 3.2 Measuring mode When switched on, the device is in measuring mode. The current measurement values are always shown in measurement mode (Fig. 5). Depending on the application, measurements will have to be saved or started and then stopped (see Section 3.2.12). A WARNING! Danger of death due to operating signal failure When the device is used as a …

  • 27, 19 3 Operation 3.2.3 Inspection above ground This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to Inspection above ground . Range of use – Measuring minimal gas concentrations above the ground, the gas pipe or possible leakage points Symbol Unit – ppm (parts per million) – % vol. Measuring range Gas-sensitive semiconductor 0 to 10,000 ppm Thermal conductivit…

  • 51, 43 3 Operation Adjustment O2 Used to adjust the electrochemical sensor for oxygen O 2 in the % vol. range. Applications: – Measuring in bar holes – Ethane analysis – Warning ExTox Adjustment CO Used to adjust the electrochemical sensor for carbon monox- ide CO in the ppm range. Application: – Warning ExTox Adjustment gas mixture Used to adjust the catalytic combu…

  • 48, 40 3 Operation Note: You can change the PIN code at any time. SEWERIN recommends setting a dierent PIN code after initial start-up, so only authorised personnel have access to the settings. 3. Enter the PIN code from left to right. The active digit is always displayed with a black background. Digit To change To conrm 1st digit Turn the jog dial Press…

  • 22, 14 3 Operation PPM CH4 0,1 1,0 0 10 100 10 0 Display: – Current reading: zero when device is switched on with fresh air Fig. 5: Inspection above ground measuring mode A WARNING! Danger of death due to incorrectly ad- justed or faulty devices Gas warning instruments must be inspected before use at regular intervals. ● Carry out a device inspection every day before starting w…

  • 26, 18 3 Operation 3.2.2 Zero point The zero point can be set manually in the Zero point menu item. This is only necessary if the displayed fresh air measurement is not zero after the end of the warm-up period. Gas Content in fresh air Correct zero point on device CH 4 0 % vol. 0.0 % vol. CO 0 ppm 0 ppm O 2 20.9 % vol. 20.9 % vol. The manual zero point setting is not saved. The zero point can …

  • 74, 66 5 Maintenance 5.2.2 Test gases for the adjustment The following test gases can be used for adjustment: Gas Suitable test gases for Zero point Sensitivity CH 4 ● Fresh air ● Gas mixture ● 10 ppm CH 4 *) ● 100 ppm CH 4 *) ● 1000 ppm CH 4 *) ● 1.0 % vol. CH 4 *) ● 2.2 % vol. CH 4 *) ● 100 % vol. CH 4 C 3 H 8 ● Fresh air ● 1 % v…

  • 76, 68 5 Maintenance 5.2.4 Preparation An adjustment always requires time. Leave yourself plenty of time to prepare the necessary steps of the procedure. ● Have all necessary tools available. ● Let the device run for several minutes to guarantee that the temperature is correct, for example. Note: When adjusting the gas-sensitive semiconductor (Inspection above ground and Hous…

  • 53, 45 3 Operation Autostart Sets the application that is automatically activated when the de- vice is switched on. Gas type CxHy Sets the gas type (methane CH 4 , propane C 3 H 8 , butane C 4 H 10 ) which is automatically used when the device is switched on. Unit %LEL Used to set the unit of measurement. Only applies to Warning %LEL and Warning ExTox applications. PPM multiplicator Sets the …

  • 88, 80 7 Appendix 7.4 Memory capacity The total memory capacity of the device is divided up as follows: Protocol type Maximum number of storable protocols Ethane analysis 40 Device inspection 40 Measurement 160 There is a choice of two memory modes (see Section 3.3.7). The selected memory mode applies for all protocol types. Measurements Note: A le is saved after each Start measurement …

  • 30, 22 3 Operation Measurement data display – Digit, e.g. 20.9 % vol. O 2 9.0 % vol. C X H Y – Bar display with quasilogarith- mic scale (for C x H y ) Fig. 9: Ethane analysis measuring mode General information on ethane analysis Ethane analysis is used to demonstrate the presence of natural gas and to distinguish between natural gas and swamp gas. This analysis utilis…

sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX: Recommended Instructions

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Table of Contents for sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX:

  • 76 7 Appendix AL2 Type: Main alarm Adjustable: Ye s Latching: Yes Trigger: Alarm threshold AL2 exceeded Indicator: – Audible signal – Visual signal – AL2 message on display Acknowledge- ment: – Possible for audible signal when alarm threshold AL2 is exceeded – Possible overall after level falls below alarm thresh- old AL2 Reset: – By acknowledgement after level falls below alarm threshold AL2 – By switching device o Exceptio

  • 25 3 Operation Carrying out an ethane analysis The device is in measuring mode. 1. Make sure the device is drawing in fresh air. 2. Change to the Ethane analysis application. 3. The ethane analysis is generally performed on a bar hole. Use the localisation probe and a probe hose. a) Insert the probe into the bar hole. b) Connect the probe hose to the device. As soon as the measurement value satises specic conditions (gas concentratio

  • 13 3 Operation The start screen appears on the display. VARIOTEC 480 EX Frank Smith City Council Leakage Delivery V1.200 22.04.2013 13:02 ® Fig. 3: Start screen Display: – Device type: VARIOTEC 480 EX – User: Frank Smith City Council Leakage Delivery – Firmware version: V1.200 – Date and time – Capacity disposable battery/ rechargeable battery The start screen for the application set under Autostart then appears (see Section 3.3.4). Fig. 4: Start screen for inspec- tion above ground appli- c

  • 10 2 Features 2.3.2 Active explosion protection The functional safety test applies to: Applications: Warning %LEL Warning ExTox Gas types: Measuring range: – Methane CH 4 0 – 100 % LEL – Propane C 3 H 8 0 – 100 % LEL Gases: Measuring range: As per: – Oxygen O 2 0 – 25 % O 2 /7/ – Carbon monoxide CO 0 – 500 ppm CO /5/ Tested accessories: – Test set SPE VOL – Flexible hand probe, 1 m – Floating probe 2

  • 46 3 Operation 3.3.5 Alarms Sets the alarm thresholds for the gas types and gases. Alarm AL3 cannot be set. It always occurs at the end of the measuring range. There is detailed information on alarms in Section 7.2. AL1 alarm Used to set the pre-alarm. Applications: – Enclosed spaces – House – Warning %LEL – Warning ExTox AL2 alarm Used to set the main alarm. Applications: – Enclosed spaces – House – Warning %LEL – Warning ExTox AL4 al

  • 24 3 Operation Purging the detector The detector for ethane analysis must be kept clean at all times to prevent distortion of measurement results. When the device is in use, however, higher hydrocarbons (e.g. propane, butane) can accumulate in the detector and contaminate it. The detector is automatically purged after every ethane analysis. An additional purge of the detector is required in these situations:

  • 82 7 Appendix 7.5.2 Catalytic combustion sensor (CC) Methane CH 4 , propane C 3 H 8 , butane C 4 H 10 Type: Catalytic combustion sensor Measuring range: 0 – 100 % LEL Measuring error: – CH 4 – C 3 H 8 As per /9/ ±1 % LEL (short-term stability) ±4 % LEL (long-term stability) ±1 % LEL (short-term stability) ±2 % LEL (long-term stability) Response times: – CH 4 – C 3 H 8 , C 4 H 10 t 50 < 5 s t 90 <

  • 47 3 Operation Clear Used to clear protocols. The dierent protocol types must each be cleared separately. All protocols in one protocol type are cleared at once. You can nd information on clearing individual protocols in Sec- tion 3.2.13. Interval Sets the interval at which measurement data is automatically saved. Memory mode Switches between ring memory and stack memory.

  • 38 3 Operation 3.2.14 Device inspection The device inspection can be used to check the general status and the indication accuracies. Device inspection only appears in the menu when the integrated device inspection is switched on. Note: The integrated device inspection is switched o in the factory settings. More detailed information about the device inspection can be found in Section 5.1. The frequency of the device inspectio

  • 90 7 Appendix 7.10 Advice on disposal The European Waste Catalogue (EWC) governs the disposal of appliances and accessories. Description of waste Allocated EWC waste code Device 16 02 13 Test gas can 16 05 05 Disposable battery, rechargea- ble battery 16 06 05 End-of-life equipment Used equipment can be returned to Hermann Sewerin GmbH. We will arrange for the equipment to be disposed of appropriately by certied specialist contractors free of charge.

  • 19 3 Operation 3.2.3 Inspection above ground This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to Inspection above ground . Range of use – Measuring minimal gas concentrations above the ground, the gas pipe or possible leakage points Symbol Unit – ppm (parts per million) – % vol. Measuring range Gas-sensitive semiconductor 0 to 10,000 ppm Thermal conductivity sensor 1 to 10 % vol. Measurement data display AL4 VOL% CH4 0,1 1,0 0 10 100 10 0.90 – Digit, e.g. 0.90 % vol. CH 4 – Bar graph wit

  • 45 3 Operation Autostart Sets the application that is automatically activated when the de- vice is switched on. Gas type CxHy Sets the gas type (methane CH 4 , propane C 3 H 8 , butane C 4 H 10 ) which is automatically used when the device is switched on. Unit %LEL Used to set the unit of measurement. Only applies to Warning %LEL and Warning ExTox applications. PPM multiplicator Sets the amplication factor for the lower ppm range. Measur

  • 83 7 Appendix 7.5.4 Electrochemical sensors (EC) Oxygen O 2 Type: Electrochemical sensor Measuring range: 0 – 25 % vol. Resolution: 0.1 % vol. Measuring error: ±3 % / ±0.3 % vol. (±3 digits) Response time: t 90 < 15 s Drift: < 2 % within 3 months Temperature range: -20 ºC – +40 ºC Interference: None Lifetime: – Warranted – Expected 2 years 3 years Test gases: – Zero point – Sensitivity 100 % vol. CH 4 or 100 % vol. N 2 Fresh air (20.9 % vol.) Carbon monox

  • 2 1 General 1.2 Purpose The VARIOTEC 480 EX and the models 460 EX, 450 EX and 400 EX are hand-held measuring devices which can be used for all gas pipeline testing applications. The devices are designed for professional industrial use and require the necessary specialist knowledge for working in gas pipelines. Example applications are described in /3/. Models 480 EX and 460 EX can be optionally tted with a detector for ethane anal

  • 57 5 Maintenance The following test gases can be used to check the indication ac- curacy when supplying test gas: Application (group) Test Recommended test gases Inspection above ground Test gas 10 ppm in 10 seconds 10 ppm CH 4 *) Bar holes/ measuring Test gas CH4 100 % vol. CH 4 Test gas C3H8 100 % vol. C 3 H 8 House/Spaces Test gas CH4 1 % vol. CH 4 *) Test gas CO 40 ppm CO *) Test gas C3H8 1 % vol. C 3 H 8 *) Warning Gas mixture ExTox IR Test gas C3H8 1 % vol. C 3 H 8 *) Test

  • 41 3 Operation 3.3.2 Settings menu structure PIN Code Settings Adjustment Adjustment CxHy PPM Adjustment CxHy Adjustment O2 Adjustment CO Adjustment gas mixture Test gas Inspection OK Exit System PIN Code Service interval Display Battery Autostart Gas type CxHy Unit %LEL PPM multiplicator Device inspection Reset Language Exit Alarms Date/time Memory Clear Interval Memory mode Exit Exit Measuring mode Fig. 19: Settings menu structure for VARIOTEC 480 EX (gas type: methane) Note: The number and names of available menu items depend o

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Download or browse on-line these Operating Instructions Manual for sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX Measuring Instruments.

Summary of Contents:

[Page 1] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

20.04.2016 a – 106606 – en VARIOTEC ® 480/460/450/400 EX Operating instructions

[Page 2] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

Connector Buzzer USB port ON/OFF key Connection for power supply Signal light Gas input Function keys Jog dial Connector Display CH4 AL4 VOL% CH4 0,1 1,0 0 10 100 10 0.90 Measurement value Capacity disposable battery/ rechargeable battery Sele…

[Page 3] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

General Menu Fault OK Carry out device inspection Esc Cancel Tab (jump to next input eld) Buzzer o 0 Set zero point Take sample Purge Save Stop measurement Clear Information Capacity disposable battery/rechargeable battery Open stored co…

[Page 4] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

Information about this document The warnings and notes in the document mean the following: A DANGER! Risk of personal injury. Results include serious injury or death. A WARNING! Risk of personal injury. Can result in serious injury or death. …

[Page 5] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

I Contents Page 1 General …………………………………………………………………………. 1 1.1 Warranty ……………………………………………………………………….. 1 1.2 Purpose ……………………..

[Page 6] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

II Contents Page 3.2.14 Device inspection ………………………………………………………..38 3.2.15 Gas type CxHy ……………………………………………………………38 3.2.16 Device information ………………..

[Page 7] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

III Contents Page 5.2 Adjustment ……………………………………………………………………65 5.2.1 Scope ………………………………………………………………………..65 5.2.2 Test gases for the adjustment …

[Page 8] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

IV Contents Page 7.9 Inspection protocol …………………………………………………………88 7.10 Advice on disposal …………………………………………………………90 7.11 Terminology and abbreviations ………..

[Page 9] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

1 1 General 1 General 1.1 Warranty The following instructions must be complied with in order for any warranty to be applicable regarding functionality and safe opera- tion of this equipment. This product must only be commissioned by qualied …

[Page 10] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

2 1 General 1.2 Purpose The VARIOTEC 480 EX and the models 460 EX, 450 EX and 400 EX are hand-held measuring devices which can be used for all gas pipeline testing applications. The devices are designed for professional industrial use and requir…

[Page 11] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

3 1 General 1.3 Intended use This device is intended for professional residential and commercial use, in small rms and commercial operations and in industry. The appropriate specialist knowledge is required to operate the device. The device ma…

[Page 12] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

4 1 General 1.4 General safety information ● The device has been tested to ensure that it is explosion-proof in accordance with European standards (CENELEC). ● The device must only be switched on with fresh air. ● Do not use this device i…

[Page 13] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

5 1 General 1.5 Allocation of tasks to applications Refer to the table below to help you select the appropriate appli- cation for a given activity (according to /3/). Location Activity Application Gas lines, gas systems, … ● Measuring the gas…

[Page 14] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

6 2 Features 2 Features The device comes in four models: VARIOTEC 480 EX VARIOTEC 460 EX VARIOTEC 450 EX VARIOTEC 400 EX The models are suitable for the following applications: Application 480 EX 460 EX 450 EX 400 EX Inspection above ground × × �…

[Page 15] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

7 2 Features If this symbol appears on the display, the audible signal can be switched o. When an audible signal has been switched o it cannot be switched back on while the concentration level re- mains above the alarm threshold. This symbo…

[Page 16] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

8 2 Features 2.2 Sensors The device features four types of sensor: ● Gas-sensitive semiconductor (SC) ● Catalytic combustion sensor (CC) ● Thermal conductivity sensor (TC) ● Electrochemical sensor (EC) Application Gas Measuring range S…

[Page 17] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

9 2 Features 2.3 Explosion protection 2.3.1 Passive explosion protection The device is assigned to the following explosion-proof groups: Explosion-proof group For the following atmos- pheres When us- ing II2G Ex d e ib IIB T4 Gb – Methane CH 4…

[Page 18] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

10 2 Features 2.3.2 Active explosion protection The functional safety test applies to: Applications: Warning %LEL Warning ExTox Gas types: Measuring range: – Methane CH 4 0 – 100 % LEL – Propane C 3 H 8 0 – 100 % LEL Gases: Measuring rang…

[Page 19] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

11 3 Operation 3 Operation 3.1 General information on operation 3.1.1 Keys and jog dial The ON/OFF key is the only control on the device that does not change its function. When switched on, the device is operated using the jog dial and function…

[Page 20] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

12 3 Operation 3.1.2 Selecting/exiting menus and menu items Functions, applications and settings etc. are selected via the main menu (for short: Menu). This menu has submenus and menu items. Refer to Section 3.2.1 for information on accessing t…

[Page 21] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

13 3 Operation The start screen appears on the display. VARIOTEC 480 EX Frank Smith City Council Leakage Delivery V1.200 22.04.2013 13:02 ® Fig. 3: Start screen Display: – Device type: VARIOTEC 480 EX – User: Frank Smith City Council Leakage…

[Page 22] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

14 3 Operation PPM CH4 0,1 1,0 0 10 100 10 0 Display: – Current reading: zero when device is switched on with fresh air Fig. 5: Inspection above ground measuring mode A WARNING! Danger of death due to incorrectly ad- justed or faulty devices…

[Page 23] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

15 3 Operation under System (see Section 3.3.4) are used to specify which ap- plication is rst activated when you switch the device on. ● Press Menu. Select the menu item for the application you want to use. OR a) Press function key F3. The …

[Page 24] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

16 3 Operation 3.2 Measuring mode When switched on, the device is in measuring mode. The current measurement values are always shown in measurement mode (Fig. 5). Depending on the application, measurements will have to be saved or started and th…

[Page 25] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

17 3 Operation 3.2.1 Accessing the menu (measuring mode menu structure) In measuring mode F1 can be used to access the menu. Zero point Inspection above ground Measuring in bar holes Ethane analysis Enclosed spaces House Gas measuring Warning %LEL …

[Page 26] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

18 3 Operation 3.2.2 Zero point The zero point can be set manually in the Zero point menu item. This is only necessary if the displayed fresh air measurement is not zero after the end of the warm-up period. Gas Content in fresh air Correct zero p…

[Page 27] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

19 3 Operation 3.2.3 Inspection above ground This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to Inspection above ground . Range of use – Measuring minimal gas concentrations above the ground, the gas pipe or possible leakage points Symb…

[Page 28] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

20 3 Operation 3.2.4 Measuring in bar holes This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to Measuring in bar holes. Range of use – Measuring gas dispersal in the ground – Locating the possible leakage point and classifying the leak…

[Page 29] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

21 3 Operation 3.2.5 Ethane analysis Selecting Ethane analysis from the menu opens an overview of the detectable gases. The device automatically returns to measuring mode. Note: The ethane analysis cannot be started with the Ethane analysis men…

[Page 30] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

22 3 Operation Measurement data display – Digit, e.g. 20.9 % vol. O 2 9.0 % vol. C X H Y – Bar display with quasilogarith- mic scale (for C x H y ) Fig. 9: Ethane analysis measuring mode General information on ethane analysis Ethane …

[Page 31] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

23 3 Operation Requirement The ethane analysis only works if the gas sample exhibits a spe- cic concentration. The device checks the concentration at the start of the analysis and prevents the analysis being carried out if the concentration is …

[Page 32] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

24 3 Operation Purging the detector The detector for ethane analysis must be kept clean at all times to prevent distortion of measurement results. When the device is in use, however, higher hydrocarbons (e.g. propane, butane) can accumul…

[Page 33] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

25 3 Operation Carrying out an ethane analysis The device is in measuring mode. 1. Make sure the device is drawing in fresh air. 2. Change to the Ethane analysis application. 3. The ethane analysis is generally performed on a bar hole. U…

[Page 34] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

26 3 Operation C2H6 088 Seconds C3H8 150 200050 100 250 s 0,1 1,0 10 100 Analysis CH4 C2H6 C3H8 Yes Yes Yes CH4 Fig. 10: Graph of an analysis in progress When the analysis is complete, the Save symbol appears. 7. Press Save. 8. If necessary enter…

[Page 35] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

27 3 Operation Analysis CH4 C2H6 ???? C3H8 —- Yes CH4 15.09.2008 11:21 12/47 150 200050 100 250 s 0,1 1,0 10 100 Fig. 11: Ethane analysis protocol A protocol contains the following information about the gas sample: – Analysis of the gas comp…

[Page 36] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

28 3 Operation Criteria for determining good analysis quality ● Methane is denitely present. ● Methane concentration is 1 % vol. ● Peaks of the gas components present are clearly recognisable. Criteria for determining the presence of na…

[Page 37] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

29 3 Operation 3.2.6 Enclosed spaces This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to Enclosed spaces. Range of use – Measuring gas concentrations in enclosed spaces where there is increased potential of gas dispersal Symbol Unit –…

[Page 38] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

30 3 Operation 3.2.7 House This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to House. Range of use – Measuring minimal gas concentrations in buildings – Locating the source of gas Symbol Unit – ppm (parts per million) – % vol. M…

[Page 39] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

31 3 Operation 3.2.8 Gas measuring This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to Gas measuring. A WARNING! Danger of death due to lack of alarm signal In gas measuring, the device does not issue alarms. ● Before switching to this …

[Page 40] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

32 3 Operation 3.2.9 Warning %LEL This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to Warning %LEL. A WARNING! Danger of death due to operating signal failure If the operating signal fails, the device is not safe to use. ● Stop using t…

[Page 41] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

33 3 Operation 3.2.10 Warning ExTox This menu item allows you to change the measuring mode to Warning ExTox. A WARNING! Danger of death due to operating signal failure If the operating signal fails, the device is not safe to use. ● Stop using…

[Page 42] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

34 3 Operation A CAUTION! Health risk due to late alarm If you switch from Warning ExTox to another application, data which may have triggered an STEL or LTEL alarm is reset. ● Only switch from Warning ExTox to another application once you h…

[Page 43] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

35 3 Operation 3.2.11 Settings Settings in the menu allows you to change the device settings and view information about the device (see Section 3.3). 3.2.12 Start/stop/save a measurement Depending on the application, measurements will have to be …

[Page 44] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

36 3 Operation Once the rst comment has been entered, the Open stored comments function will become available. The stored measurements can be displayed on a computer using a readout program. The program is available at www.sewerin. com. Startin…

[Page 45] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

37 3 Operation Saving a measurement 1. Press Menu. 2. Select Save measurement from the menu. 3. Enter a comment for the measurement. a) Select the characters required using the jog dial. Conrm each character using the jog dial. OR − Press …

[Page 46] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

38 3 Operation 3.2.14 Device inspection The device inspection can be used to check the general status and the indication accuracies. Device inspection only appears in the menu when the integrated device inspection is switched on. Note: The integr…

[Page 47] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

39 3 Operation 3.2.16 Device information The following device information is shown under Device infor- mation in the menu: ● Installed electrochemical sensors: gas, installation date, war- ranted/expected lifetime ● Firmware: version, date �…

[Page 48] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

40 3 Operation Note: You can change the PIN code at any time. SEWERIN recommends setting a dierent PIN code after initial start-up, so only authorised personnel have access to the settings. 3. Enter the PIN code from left to right. The active d…

[Page 49] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

41 3 Operation 3.3.2 Settings menu structure PIN Code Settings Adjustment Adjustment CxHy PPM Adjustment CxHy Adjustment O2 Adjustment CO Adjustment gas mixture Test gas Inspection OK Exit System PIN Code Service interval Display Battery Autostart …

[Page 50] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

42 3 Operation 3.3.3 Adjustment The Adjustment menu is used to set the sensors. A WARNING! Danger of death due to incorrect adjust- ment Incorrect adjustment can lead to incorrect measurement results. This means that the user may not be warned a…

[Page 51] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

43 3 Operation Adjustment O2 Used to adjust the electrochemical sensor for oxygen O 2 in the % vol. range. Applications: – Measuring in bar holes – Ethane analysis – Warning ExTox Adjustment CO Used to adjust the electrochemical sensor fo…

[Page 52] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

44 3 Operation 3.3.4 System General information and specications for operation are set in the System menu. PIN code Used to change or reset the PIN code. Note: If you lose the PIN code, you must contact SEWERIN Service. If the PIN code is set t…

[Page 53] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

45 3 Operation Autostart Sets the application that is automatically activated when the de- vice is switched on. Gas type CxHy Sets the gas type (methane CH 4 , propane C 3 H 8 , butane C 4 H 10 ) which is automatically used when the device is switc…

[Page 54] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

46 3 Operation 3.3.5 Alarms Sets the alarm thresholds for the gas types and gases. Alarm AL3 cannot be set. It always occurs at the end of the measuring range. There is detailed information on alarms in Section 7.2. AL1 alarm Used to set the pre…

[Page 55] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

47 3 Operation Clear Used to clear protocols. The dierent protocol types must each be cleared separately. All protocols in one protocol type are cleared at once. You can nd information on clearing individual protocols in Sec- tion 3.2.13. Int…

[Page 56] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

48 4 Power supply 4 Power supply This device can be operated using: ● Disposable (non-rechargeable) alkaline batteries ● Rechargeable NiMH batteries The device comes with nickel metal hydride rechargeable batter- ies. The corresponding settin…

[Page 57] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

49 4 Power supply Disposable battery requirements ● Alkaline disposable batteries ● Size: AA, type: LR6 as per /11/ ● The creepage distance and air gap between the poles must not be less than 0.5 mm in accordance with/8/. Rechargeable batt…

[Page 58] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

50 4 Power supply A DANGER! Risk of explosion due to sparks High charging current occurs when batteries are being charged. The power supply is not explosion-proof. ● Only charge the device outside of explosive areas. For charging you will need…

[Page 59] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

51 4 Power supply The rechargeable batteries will be fully discharged. Once the device has been discharged, it will automatically switch to charging mode. 4.3 Battery alarm As soon as the remaining capacity of the batteries gets low, a battery …

[Page 60] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

52 4 Power supply 4. Replace the battery compartment so it ts neatly into place and secure rmly with the screws. 5. When you switch the device back on again, you will be asked which battery type is in use. Enter the correct battery type. I…

[Page 61] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

53 5 Maintenance 5 Maintenance In accordance with the legal regulations, device maintenance comprises the following elements: ● Device inspection including test of indication accuracy ● Adjustment ● Maintenance All inspections must be doc…

[Page 62] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

54 5 Maintenance Frequency The frequency of the device inspection depends on the appli- cation. Application When to test Legal basis Inspection above ground Before starting work and if out of use for long periods /3/ Measuring in bar hol…

[Page 63] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

55 5 Maintenance Documentation The device inspection procedure must be documented. There are two ways of doing this: ● On paper ● Saved electronically supported by the device (integrated de- vice inspection) Only the integrated devic…

[Page 64] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

56 5 Maintenance Switching on the integrated device inspection 1. Press Menu. 2. Select Settings. 3. Enter your PIN code. 4. Select System. 5. Select Device inspection. 6. Select Yes. 7. Accept the setting with OK. 8. Exit the settings with …

[Page 65] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

57 5 Maintenance The following test gases can be used to check the indication ac- curacy when supplying test gas: Application (group) Test Recommended test gases Inspection above ground Test gas 10 ppm in 10 seconds 10 ppm CH 4 *) Bar holes/ m…

[Page 66] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

58 5 Maintenance Changing the test gas concentration If there is no test gas with the specied concentrations available for the inspection, the values can be adjusted to the test gas used in the adjustment menu under Test gas (see Section 3.3.3)…

[Page 67] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

59 5 Maintenance 4. Carry out the test. For detailed information, refer to the following sections: − General status Section 5.1.3 − Fresh air Section 5.1.4 − Test gas … Section 5.1.5 Concluding the device inspection After all…

[Page 68] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

60 5 Maintenance 3. Enter a password. a) Select the characters required using the jog dial. Conrm each character using the jog dial. b) Then conrm your entry with OK. OR Press Esc if you do not wish to enter a password for the device inspe…

[Page 69] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

61 5 Maintenance The device inspection has been opened. 1. Select General status from the Dev. Test … menu. 2. Test all associated subitems as described in Section to 3. Conrm the prompt General status OK? by pressing Yes i…

[Page 70] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

62 5 Maintenance Filter The ne dust lter is located behind the gas input. It is tested by means of a visual inspection. 1. Unscrew the gas input. 2. Remove the ne dust lter. 3. Check that there is no dirt in the ne dust �…

[Page 71] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

63 5 Maintenance If the Status: OK message does not appear within a reasonable amount of time, the air inow does not correspond to the limit values stored in the device (see Section 7.3). Move the device to another location and repeat the test…

[Page 72] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

64 5 Maintenance Note: When testing the indication accuracy for Inspection above ground using test gas 10 ppm in 10 seconds it is not possible to check the test gas. Instead, a message will appear explaining what steps need to be carried out. 3. …

[Page 73] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

65 5 Maintenance 5.2 Adjustment A WARNING! Danger of death due to incorrect adjust- ment Incorrect adjustment can lead to incorrect measurement results. This means that the user may not be warned about dangerous gas concentrations in time. ●…

[Page 74] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

66 5 Maintenance 5.2.2 Test gases for the adjustment The following test gases can be used for adjustment: Gas Suitable test gases for Zero point Sensitivity CH 4 ● Fresh air ● Gas mixture ● 10 ppm CH 4 *) ● 100 ppm CH 4 *) ● 1000 p…

[Page 75] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

67 5 Maintenance Note: Use of test gases not provided by SEWERIN can cause inter- ference. The concentration of the test gas used must match the specied test gas concentration. 5.2.3 Special features of adjustment with gas mixture If you are us…

[Page 76] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

68 5 Maintenance 5.2.4 Preparation An adjustment always requires time. Leave yourself plenty of time to prepare the necessary steps of the procedure. ● Have all necessary tools available. ● Let the device run for several minutes to guarantee…

[Page 77] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

69 5 Maintenance 4. Select the desired adjustment (e.g. Adjustment CH4, Adjust- ment gas mixture). 5. Wait at least 1 minute. The displayed reading must be stable. Note: For Adjustment gas mixture, all values must be stable. The time required for…

[Page 78] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

70 5 Maintenance 4. Select the desired adjustment (e.g. Adjustment CH4, Adjust- ment gas mixture). 5. Select the menu item that species the sensitivity to be tested. − e.g. for Adjustment CH4: 2.20 % VOL. CH4 − e.g. for Adjustment gas mi…

[Page 79] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

71 5 Maintenance The following resources are needed for adjusting the zero point of oxygen: ● Test gas Information on test gases for adjustment can be found in Sec- tion 5.2.2. ● Test set for the supply of test gas (e.g. SPE VOL) Note: Detail…

[Page 80] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

72 5 Maintenance Adjusting the sensitivity for oxygen The sensitivity for oxygen is adjusted with fresh air. 1. Make sure that only fresh air is being drawn in. 2. Open Settings. 3. Select Adjustment from the menu. 4. Select Adjustment …

[Page 81] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

73 6 Faults 6 Faults If a fault occurs during operation, an error message will appear on the screen. Error messages are displayed in the order in which they occur. Up to ve errors can be displayed. Error messages continue to be displayed until…

[Page 82] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

74 7 Appendix 7 Appendix 7.1 Specications and permitted operating conditions Dimensions (W×D×H): Approx. 148 × 57 × 205 mm Approx. 148 × 57 × 253 mm with supporting bracket Weight: Approx. 1000 g, depending on equipment Operating positio…

[Page 83] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

75 7 Appendix Pressure at gas input: 100 mbar, maximum Operation: – ON/OFF key – Jog dial – 3 function keys 7.2 Alarms A WARNING! Danger of death due to hazardous gas concentrations The alarms AL1, AL2 and AL3 always indicate danger. A…

[Page 84] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

76 7 Appendix AL2 Type: Main alarm Adjustable: Ye s Latching: Yes Trigger: Alarm threshold AL2 exceeded Indicator: – Audible signal – Visual signal – AL2 message on display Acknowledge- ment: – Possible for audible signal when alarm thre…

[Page 85] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

77 7 Appendix AL4 Type: Warning of gas concentration in ppm range Adjustable: Ye s Latching: No Trigger: Alarm threshold AL4 exceeded Indicator: – Audible signal – Visual signal – AL4 notication on display Acknowledge- ment: – Possibl…

[Page 86] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

78 7 Appendix 7.2.2 Occupational exposure limits (OELs) and excess factors (STEL and LTEL) The short-time exposure limit (STEL) is calculated by multiplying the OEL value by the excess factor over an averaging time of 15 minutes, as per /15/. Th…

[Page 87] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

79 7 Appendix 7.2.4 Setting ranges for gas types LEL values are specied as per/12/ and /14/. The setting for AL1 must not exceed the setting for AL2. Gas type AL1 AL2 All C x H y in % LEL Threshold 10 % LEL 50 % LEL CH 4 Threshold 0.45 % vol. …

[Page 88] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

80 7 Appendix 7.4 Memory capacity The total memory capacity of the device is divided up as follows: Protocol type Maximum number of storable protocols Ethane analysis 40 Device inspection 40 Measurement 160 There is a choice of two memory modes (se…

[Page 89] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

81 7 Appendix 7.5 Sensors Note: Probes increase the stated response times. 7.5.1 Gas-sensitive semiconductor (SC) Methane CH 4 , propane C 3 H 8 Type: Gas-sensitive semiconductor Measuring range: 0 – 1 % vol. Resolution: 1 ppm / 2 ppm / 20 pp…

[Page 90] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

82 7 Appendix 7.5.2 Catalytic combustion sensor (CC) Methane CH 4 , propane C 3 H 8 , butane C 4 H 10 Type: Catalytic combustion sensor Measuring range: 0 – 100 % LEL Measuring error: – CH 4 – C 3 H 8 As per /9/ ±1 % LEL (short-term st…

[Page 91] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

83 7 Appendix 7.5.4 Electrochemical sensors (EC) Oxygen O 2 Type: Electrochemical sensor Measuring range: 0 – 25 % vol. Resolution: 0.1 % vol. Measuring error: ±3 % / ±0.3 % vol. (±3 digits) Response time: t 90 < 15 s Drift: <…

[Page 92] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

84 7 Appendix 7.6 Technical information 7.6.1 Sensitivity of the catalytic combustion sensor Oxygen-decient atmospheres can reduce the sensitivity of the catalytic combustion sensor (sensor suocation). Gaseous constituents of silicones, oil…

[Page 93] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

85 7 Appendix 7.6.4 Electrostatic charge Avoid electrostatically charging the device. Electrostatically un- earthed objects (e.g. including metallic housing without an earth connection) are not protected against applied charges (e.g. throu…

[Page 94] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

86 7 Appendix 7.7 Accessories and consumables Accessories Part Order number Docking station TG8 LP11-10001 AC/DC adapter M4 LD10-10001 Vehicle cable M4, 12 V= portable ZL07-10100 Vehicle cable M4, 12 V= installed ZL07-10000 Vehicle cable M4, 24 V= …

[Page 95] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

87 7 Appendix 7.8 EU declaration of conformity Hermann Sewerin GmbH hereby declares that the VARIOTEC ® 480/460/450/400 EX fulls the requirements of the following guidelines: ● 2014/34/EU ● 2014/30/EU Gütersloh, 2016-04-20 Dr. S…

[Page 96] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

88 7 Appendix 7.9 Inspection protocol Sample inspection protocol for inspection with gas mixture. TEST PROTOCOL Gas mixture Variotec ® 480 E X Serial no. (e.g.: 065 01 00480) 09.09.2009 1.0 General status 1.1 – Perfect condition (e.g…

[Page 97] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

89 7 Appendix 7.0 Measuring in bar holes / Gas measuring 7.1 Zero point CH 4 – Display -1.0 – +1.0 % vol. 7.2 Test gas 100 % vol. CH 4 – Display 98 – 102 % vol. 8.0 Ethane analysis 8.1 Test gas 100 ppm C 2 H 6 , 1 % vol. CH 4 – CH 4 : …

[Page 98] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

90 7 Appendix 7.10 Advice on disposal The European Waste Catalogue (EWC) governs the disposal of appliances and accessories. Description of waste Allocated EWC waste code Device 16 02 13 Test gas can 16 05 05 Disposable battery, rechargea- ble ba…

[Page 99] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

91 7 Appendix 7.11 Terminology and abbreviations % vol. ● Percent concentration of a gas in a gas mixture with respect to the volume AL ● Alarm CC ● Catalytic combustion sensor CENELEC ● European Committee for Electrotechnical Standar…

[Page 100] sewerin VARIOTEC 480 EX

92 7 Appendix 7.12 Referenced documents The following standards, guidelines and regulations are referred to in these operating instructions: /1/ BGI T 021 Berufsgenossenschaft Chemie (Chemical Employers’ Liability Insur- ance Association); …

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