Винтовой компрессор атлас копко инструкция по эксплуатации

Air Treatment Guide

Руководство по подготовке воздуха

Из этого руководства вы узнаете все, что вам нужно знать об обработке воздуха. В данном руководстве представлены все важные темы по обработке воздуха: от различных типов загрязнений до требований к качеству воздуха.

Compressed Air Filters e-book

Электронные книги о фильтрах сжатого воздуха

Фильтры играют важную роль в правильной обработке сжатого воздуха. Из этой интерактивной электронной книги, посвященной фильтрам, вы узнаете обо всех загрязняющих веществах и о том, какие фильтры обеспечивают оптимальную защиту.

Nitrogen Generation e-book

Руководство «Производство азота»

Азот играет большую роль в различных промышленных областях применения. Эта руководство по производству азота поможет вам разобраться во все более популярной тенденции производства азота на месте эксплуатации и понять, как это будет способствовать развитию вашего бизнеса.

Guide air compressors

Руководство по воздушным компрессорам

Компрессоры бывают разных типов и размеров. В этом руководстве мы расскажем, что делают компрессоры, зачем они вам нужны, и какие типы моделей вам доступны.

Ebook VSD compressors

Электронная книга: VSD

Технология VSD автоматически регулирует частоту вращения вала двигателя компрессора в соответствии с потреблением сжатого воздуха в режиме реального времени. Это зачастую экономит много электроэнергии и денег. Узнайте в этой электронном книге, как технология VSD может работать на вашем предприятии.

Ebook comparing rotary screws

Электронная книга: сравнение винтовых компрессоров

Какой ротационный винтовой компрессор подойдет именно вам? В данном руководстве описываются различные технологии и их возможности, что поможет вам подобрать оптимальное решение для ваших потребностей.

Ebook rotary screws

Электронная книга: ротационные винтовые компрессоры

Ротационные винтовые компрессоры являются чрезвычайно популярным выбором для областей применения, где требуется постоянная подача сжатого воздуха. В этой электронной книге вы узнаете об основных преимуществах, принципах работы и различных областях применения ротационных винтовых компрессоров.

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Atlas Copco GA 7 VSD+ Instruction Book

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  • Table of Contents

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Atlas Copco

Oil-injected rotary screw compressors

GA 7 VSD+, GA 11 VSD+, GA 15 VSD+

Instruction book


Related Manuals for Atlas Copco GA 7 VSD+

Summary of Contents for Atlas Copco GA 7 VSD+

  • Page 1
    Atlas Copco Oil-injected rotary screw compressors GA 7 VSD+, GA 11 VSD+, GA 15 VSD+ Instruction book…
  • Page 3
    Atlas Copco Oil-injected rotary screw compressors GA 7 VSD+, GA 11 VSD+, GA 15 VSD+ From following serial No. onwards: API 250 000 Instruction book Original instructions Copyright notice Any unauthorized use or copying of the contents or any part thereof is prohibited.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    Instruction book Table of contents Safety precautions………………….5 ……………………… 5 AFETY ICONS ………………….5 AFETY PRECAUTIONS GENERAL ………………. 6 AFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING INSTALLATION ………………..7 AFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING OPERATION …………….8 AFETY PRECAUTIONS DURING MAINTENANCE OR REPAIR General description…………………. 10 ……………………..10 NTRODUCTION ……………………..14 LOW DIAGRAM ……………………16…

  • Page 5
    Instruction book 3.13 ………………….48 ODIFYING GENERAL SETTINGS 3.14 ……………………….50 NFO MENU 3.15 ………………………51 EEK TIMER MENU 3.16 ……………………….. 60 EST MENU 3.17 ……………………61 SER PASSWORD MENU 3.18 ……………………..62 EB SERVER 3.19 …………………….70 ROGRAMMABLE SETTINGS Installation……………………73 ……………………73 IMENSION DRAWINGS ……………………76 NSTALLATION PROPOSAL …………………….78 LECTRICAL CONNECTIONS…
  • Page 6
    Instruction book 7.11 ………………….112 TORAGE AFTER INSTALLATION 7.12 ………………….112 ISPOSAL OF USED MATERIAL Problem solving………………….113 Technical data………………….118 ……………………118 EADINGS ON DISPLAY ………………….119 LECTRIC CABLE SIZE AND FUSES ………………124 EFERENCE CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS ……………………125 OMPRESSOR DATA ® ………………127 ECHNICAL DATA LEKTRONIKON…
  • Page 7: Safety Precautions

    Instruction book Safety precautions Safety icons Explanation Danger for life Warning Important note Safety precautions, general General precautions 1. The operator must employ safe working practices and observe all related work safety requirements and regulations. 2. If any of the following statements does not comply with the applicable legislation, the stricter of the two shall apply.

  • Page 8: Safety Precautions During Installation

    Instruction book Safety precautions during installation All responsibility for any damage or injury resulting from neglecting these precautions, or non observance of the normal caution and care required for installation, operation, maintenance and repair, even if not expressly stated, will be disclaimed by the manufacturer.

  • Page 9: Safety Precautions During Operation

    Instruction book 16. Piping or other parts with a temperature in excess of 70˚C (158˚F) and which may be accidentally touched by personnel in normal operation must be guarded or insulated. Other high temperature piping must be clearly marked. 17. For water-cooled machines, the cooling water system installed outside the machine has to be protected by a safety device with set pressure according to the maximum cooling water inlet pressure.

  • Page 10: Safety Precautions During Maintenance Or Repair

    Instruction book • Air cooling filters of the electrical cabinet are not clogged 9. If warm cooling air from compressors is used in air heating systems, e.g. to warm up a workroom, take precautions against air pollution and possible contamination of the breathing air. 10.

  • Page 11
    Instruction book 12. Whenever there is an indication or any suspicion that an internal part of a machine is overheated, the machine shall be stopped but no inspection covers shall be opened before sufficient cooling time has elapsed; this to avoid the risk of spontaneous ignition of the oil vapor when air is admitted. 13.
  • Page 12: General Description

    GA 7 VSD+ up to GA 15 VSD+ are single-stage, oil-injected screw compressors driven by an interior permanent magnet motor (iPM motor). The compressors are controlled by the Atlas Copco Elektronikon® Graphic regulator (ER). The regulator is fitted to the front panel. An electric cabinet (1) comprising fuses, transformers, relays, etc.

  • Page 13
    Instruction book Open side view, GA VSD+ Workplace GA Workplace Full-Feature The Workplace Full Feature compressors have an air dryer which is integrated in the sound-insulated bodywork. The dryer removes condensate from the compressed air by cooling the air to near freezing point. 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 14
    Instruction book Front view, GA VSD+ Workplace Full-Feature Open side view, GA VSD+ Workplace Full-Feature Reference Name Air filter Air receiver 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 15
    Instruction book Reference Name Air outlet Air cooler Oil cooler Automatic condensate outlet Manual condensate outlet Refrigerant dryer Compressor element Electronic water drain Elektronikon® Graphic controller Cooling fan Drive motor Oil filter Oil separator Emergency stop button Electric cabinet 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 16: Flow Diagram

    Instruction book Flow diagram GA 7 VSD+ up to GA 15 VSD+ Workplace 2920 7109 23…

  • Page 17
    Instruction book GA 7 VSD+ up to GA 15 VSD+ Workplace Full-Feature Reference Description Air inlet Air/oil mixture Wet compressed air Condensate 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 18: Condensate System

    Instruction book Reference Description Dry compressed air (Full-Feature) Air flow Air comes in through filter (AF) and inlet valve (IV) and is compressed in the compressor element (E). A mixture of compressed air and oil flows into the air receiver/oil separator (AR). The air flows through the minimum pressure valve (Vp), the air cooler (Ca) and the condensate trap (MT) to the outlet valve (AV).

  • Page 19
    Instruction book Location of electronic water drain (Workplace) Location of electronic water drain (Workplace Full-Feature) On GA Workplace units, the water in the air condenses and collects in the collector of the air cooler. On a GA Workplace Full-Feature, the water in the air collects in the water separator of the heat exchanger/ evaporator.
  • Page 20: Regulating System

    Instruction book Electronic water drain (ED), typical example To test the electronic water drain, press the Test button (2) on top of the device. Regulating system Description When the compressor is started and the net pressure is below the setpoint, the motor speed increases until the net pressure reaches the setpoint or until the maximum motor speed is reached.

  • Page 21
    Instruction book Electric cabinet, typical example Reference Designation Transformer Circuit breaker Circuit breaker Contactor EMC filter Frequency converter Electrical diagrams You find the complete electrical diagram inside the electric cabinet. 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 22: Air Dryer

    Instruction book Air dryer Flow diagram Air dryer Reference Name Air inlet Air outlet Air/air heat exchanger Air/refrigerant heat exchanger/evaporator Condensate separator Automatic drain / condensate outlet Refrigerant compressor Refrigerant condenser Liquid refrigerant dryer/filter Capillary Bypass valve Condenser cooling fan Pressure switch, fan control Liquid separator Compressed air circuit…

  • Page 23
    Instruction book This causes the air to cool further close to the evaporating temperature of the refrigerant. More water in the air condenses. The cold air flows through the separator (3) where all the condensate gets out of the air. The condensate is automatically drained through the outlet (4).
  • Page 24: Elektronikon® Graphic Controller

    Instruction book Elektronikon® Graphic controller ® Elektronikon Graphic controller Control panel ® Display of the Elektronikon Graphic controller Introduction ® The Elektronikon controller has following functions: • Controlling the compressor • Protecting the compressor • Monitoring components subject to service •…

  • Page 25
    For compressors leaving the factory, this function is made inactive. If desired, the function can be activated. Consult the Atlas Copco Customer Centre. If the function is activated and provided the regulator was in the automatic operation mode, the compressor will automatically restart if the supply voltage to the module is restored.
  • Page 26: Control Panel

    Instruction book Control panel Elektronikon regulator Control panel Parts and functions Reference Designation Function Display Shows the compressor operating condition and a number of icons to navigate through the menu. Pictograph Automatic operation Pictograph General alarm Alarm LED Flashes in case of a shut-down, is lit in case of a warning condition.

  • Page 27: Icons Used

    Instruction book Icons used Status icons Name Icon Description Stopped / Running When the compressor is stopped, the icon stands still. When the compressor is running, the icon is rotating. Compressor status Motor stopped Running unloaded Running loaded Machine control mode Local start / stop Remote start / stop Network control…

  • Page 28
    Instruction book Name Icon Description Active protection functions Emergency stop Shutdown Warning Service Service required Main screen display Value lines display icon Chart display icon General icons No communication / network problem Not valid Input icons Icon Description Pressure Temperature Digital input Special protection 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 29
    Instruction book System icons Icon Description Compressor element (LP, HP, …) Dryer Frequency converter Drain Filter Motor Failure expansion module Network problem General alarm Menu icons Icon Description Inputs Outputs Alarms (Warnings, shutdowns) Counters 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 30
    Instruction book Icon Description Test Settings Service Event history (saved data) Access key / User password Network Setpoint Info Navigation arrows Icon Description Down 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 31: Main Screen

    Instruction book Main screen Control panel Scroll keys Enter key Escape key Function The Main screen is the screen that is shown automatically when the voltage is switched on and one of the keys is pushed. It is switched off automatically after a few minutes when no keys are pushed. Typically, 5 different main screen views can be chosen: 1.

  • Page 32
    Instruction book Text on figures Compressor Outlet Flow Load, shutdown, … (text varies upon the compressors actual condition) Menu Unload, ES,…(text varies upon the compressors actual condition) Typical Main screen (4 value lines) Text on figures Compressor Outlet Flow Off, Shutdown,… (text varies upon the compressors actual condition) Menu Running hours Element outlet…
  • Page 33
    Instruction book This bar shows the text that corresponds to the selected icon. • Section D shows the Action buttons. These buttons are used: • To call up or program settings • To reset a motor overload, service message or emergency stop •…
  • Page 34
    Instruction book When the Chart (Medium Resolution) is selected, the chart shows the variation of the selected input per hour. The screen shows the last 4 hours. When the Chart (Low Resolution) is selected, the chart shows the variation of the selected input per day. The screen shows the evolution over the last 10 days.
  • Page 35: Calling Up Menus

    Instruction book Calling up menus Control panel Control panel Scroll keys Enter key Escape key Description When the voltage is switched on, the main screen is shown automatically (see section Main screen): Typical Main screen (2 value lines) • To go to the Menu screen, select <Menu> (3), using the Scroll keys. •…

  • Page 36: Inputs Menu

    Instruction book • The screen shows a number of icons. Each icon indicates a menu item. By default, the Pressure Settings (Regulation) icon is selected. The status bar shows the name of the menu that corresponds with the selected icon. •…

  • Page 37
    Instruction book Text on image Inputs Compressor Outlet Element Outlet Ambient Air Emergency Stop • The screen shows a list of all inputs with their corresponding icons and readings. • If an input is in warning or shutdown, the original icon is replaced by the warning or shutdown icon respectively (i.c.
  • Page 38: Outputs Menu

    Instruction book Select Yes to remove or No to quit the current action. In a similar way, another input signal can be highlighted and selected as Main Chart signal: (1): Set as main chart signal Outputs menu Menu icon, Outputs Function To call up information regarding the actual status of some outputs such as the condition of the Fan overload contact (on air cooled compressors), the Emergency stop contact, etc.

  • Page 39
    Instruction book Text on image Menu Regulation • Move the cursor to the Outputs icon (see above, section Menu icon, using the Scroll keys. • Press the Enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears: Outputs screen (typical) Text on image Outputs Fan motor…
  • Page 40: Counters

    Instruction book Counters Control panel Scroll keys Enter key Escape key Menu icon, Counters Function To call up: • The running hours • The loaded hours • The number of motor starts • The number of hours that the regulator has been powered •…

  • Page 41
    Instruction book Text on figure Menu Regulation • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Counters icon (see above, section Menu icon) • Press the Enter key. Following screen appears: Text on figure Counters Running Hours Motor Starts Load Relay VSD 1-20 % rpm in % (the percentage of the time during which the motor speed was between 1 and 20 %)
  • Page 42: Control Mode Selection

    Instruction book Control mode selection Control panel Scroll keys Enter key Escape key Function To select the control mode, i.e. whether the compressor is in local control, remote control or controlled via a local area network (LAN). Procedure Starting from the main screen, make sure the button Menu (1) is selected: Next, use the scroll buttons to go to the regulation icon (2) and press the enter button: 2920 7109 23…

  • Page 43: Service Menu

    Instruction book There are 3 possibilities: • Local control • Remote control • LAN (network) control After selecting the required regulation mode, press the enter button on the controller to confirm your selection. The new setting is now visible on the main screen. See section Icons used for the meaning of the icons.

  • Page 44
    Instruction book • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Service icon (see above, section Menu icon). • Press the Enter key. Following screen appears: Text on image Service Overview Service Plan Next Service History • Scroll through the items to select the desired item and press the Enter key to see the details as explained below.
  • Page 45
    Instruction book warning when either 4000 running hours or 8760 real hours are reached, whichever comes first. Note that the real time hours counter keeps counting, also when the controller is not powered. The figures within the bars are the number of hours to go till the next service intervention. In the example above, the compressor was just started up, which means it still has 4000 running hours or 8280 hours to go before the next Service intervention.
  • Page 46
    Instruction book Modify the value as required using the ↑ or ↓ scroll key and press the Enter key to confirm. Note: Running hours and real time hours can be modified in steps of 100 hours. Next Service Text on image Next service Level Running Hours…
  • Page 47: Modifying The Setpoint

    Instruction book 3.11 Modifying the setpoint Control panel Scroll keys Enter key Escape key Menu icon, Setpoint Function On compressors with a frequency converter driven main motor, it is possible to program two different setpoints. This menu is also used to select the active setpoint. Procedure Starting from the Main screen, •…

  • Page 48
    Instruction book Text on image Menu Regulation • Activate the menu by pressing the enter key. A screen similar to the one below appears: Text on image Regulation Setpoint 1 Indirect stop level 1 Direct stop level 1 Setpoint 2 Modify •…
  • Page 49: Event History Menu

    Instruction book The upper and lower limit of the setting is shown in grey, the actual setting is shown in black. Use the ↑ or ↓ key of the Scroll keys to modify the settings as required and press the Enter key to accept. If necessary, change the other settings as required in the same way as described above.

  • Page 50: Modifying General Settings

    Instruction book Example of Event History screen • Scroll through the items to select the desired shutdown or emergency stop event. • Press the Enter key to find the date, time and other data reflecting the status of the compressor when that shutdown or emergency stop occurred.

  • Page 51
    Instruction book This screen shows again a number of icons. By default, the User Password icon is selected. The status bar shows the description that corresponds with the selected icon. Each icon covers one or more items , such as •…
  • Page 52: Info Menu

    • Move the cursor to the action button Menu and press the Enter key. Following screen appears: Text on image Menu Regulation • Using the Scroll keys, move the cursor to the Info icon (see above, section Menu icon). • Press the Enter key. The Atlas Copco internet address appears on the screen. 2920 7109 23…

  • Page 53: Week Timer Menu

    Instruction book 3.15 Week timer menu Control panel Scroll keys Enter key Escape key Menu icon, Week timer Function • To program time-based start/stop commands for the compressor • To program time-based change-over commands for the net pressure band • Four different week schemes can be programmed. •…

  • Page 54
    Instruction book Text on figure Menu Week Timer • Press the Enter key on the controller. Following screen appears: Week Timer Week Action Schemes Week Cycle Status Week Timer Inactive Remaining Running Time The first item in this list is highlighted in red. Select the item requested and press the Enter key on the controller to modify.
  • Page 55
    Instruction book Week Action Schemes Week Action Scheme 1 Week Action Scheme 2 Week Action Scheme 3 Week Action Scheme 4 • A weekly list is shown. Monday is automatically selected and highlighted in red. Press the Enter key on the controller to set an action for this day. Week Action Scheme 1 Monday Tuesday…
  • Page 56
    Instruction book Monday Modify • A new pop-up window opens. Select an action from this list by using the Scroll keys on the controller. When ready press the Enter key to confirm. Monday Actions Remove Start Stop Pressure Setpoint 1 Modify •…
  • Page 57
    Instruction book Monday Start Save Modify • To adjust the time, use the Scroll keys on the controller and press the Enter key to confirm. Monday Start Save Modify • A pop-up window opens. Use the ↑ or ↓ key of Scroll keys to modify the values of the hours. Use the ←…
  • Page 58
    Instruction book Monday Start Save Modify • A new pop-up window opens. Use the Scroll keys on the controller to select the correct actions. Press the Enter key to confirm. Monday Are you sure? Save Modify Press the Escape key to leave this window. •…
  • Page 59
    Instruction book Monday — Start Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Press the Escape key on the controller to leave this screen. Programming the week cycle A week cycle is a sequence of 10 weeks. For each week in the cycle, one of the four programmed week schemes can be chosen.
  • Page 60
    Instruction book Week 3 Week 4 Modify Press twice the Enter key on the controller to modify the first week. • A new window opens. Select the action, example: Week Action Scheme 1 Week Cycle Week 1 Week Action Scheme 1 Week Action Scheme 2 Week Action Scheme 3 Modify…
  • Page 61
    Instruction book Week Timer Week Week Timer Inactive Week 1 • Press the Escape key on the controller to leave this window. The status shows that week 1 is active. Week Timer Week Action Schemes Week Cycle Status Remaining Running Time •…
  • Page 62: Test Menu

    Instruction book Week Timer Week Action Schemes Week Cycle Status Remaining Running Time • This timer is used when the week timer is set and for certain reasons the compressor must continue working, for example, 1 hour, it can be set in this screen. This timer is prior to the Week Timer action.

  • Page 63: User Password Menu

    Instruction book • Using the scroll keys (1), move the cursor to the test icon (see above, section Menu icon) • Press the enter key (2), following screen appears: Text on image Test Safety Valve Test Not allowed Audit Data •…

  • Page 64: Web Server

    If both the web server functionality and SMARTBOX are required, please contact your local Atlas Copco Customer Center for support. Make sure you are logged in as administrator. • Use the internal network card from your computer or a USB to LAN adapter (see picture below).

  • Page 65
    Instruction book USB to LAN adapter • Use a UTP cable (CAT 5e) to connect to the controller (see picture below). Configuration of the network card (in Windows XP) • Go to My Network places (1). • Click on View Network connections (1). 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 66
    Instruction book • Select the Local Area connection (1), which is connected to the controller. • Click with the right button and select properties (1). • Use the check box Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) (1) (see picture). To avoid conflicts, uncheck other properties if they are checked.
  • Page 67
    Instruction book • Use the following settings: • IP Address • Subnetmask Click OK and close network connections. Configuration of the web server Configure the web interface (for Internet Explorer) • Open Internet Explorer and click on Tools — Internet options (2). •…
  • Page 68
    Instruction book • In the Proxy server Group box, click on the Advanced button (1). • In the Exceptions Group box, enter the IP address of your controller. Multiple IP addresses can be given but they must be separated with semicolons (;). 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 69
    Instruction book Example: Suppose that you already added two IP addresses ( and Now you add and separate the 3 IP addresses by putting semicolons between them (1) (see picture). Click OK (2) to close the window. Viewing the controller data All screen shots are indicative.
  • Page 70
    Instruction book Screen shot (example!) Navigation and options • The banner shows the compressor type and the language selector. In this example, three languages are available on the controller. Compressor settings All compressor settings can be displayed or hidden. Put a check mark in front of each point of interest and it will be displayed.
  • Page 71
    Instruction book Counters Lists all current counter values from controller and compressor. Info status Machine status is always shown on the web interface. Digital inputs Lists all Digital inputs and their status. Digital outputs Lists all Digital outputs and their status. 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 72: Programmable Settings

    Instruction book Special protections Lists all special protections of the compressor. Service plan Displays all levels of the service plan and their status. This screen shot underneath only shows the running hours. It is also possible to show the current status of the service interval. 3.19 Programmable settings Compressor/motor Minimum…

  • Page 73
    The built-in service timers will give a Service warning message after their respective preprogrammed time interval has elapsed. For specific data, see section Preventive Maintenance. Consult Atlas Copco if a timer setting needs to be changed. The intervals must not exceed the nominal intervals and must coincide logically. See section Modifying general settings.
  • Page 74
    Proportional The settings for the Proportional band and integration time are determined by band and experiment. Altering these settings may damage the compressor. Consult Atlas Copco. integration time 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 75: Installation

    Instruction book Installation Dimension drawings Centre of gravity and weight Type Weight (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) GA 7 VSD+ GA 11 VSD+ GA 15 VSD+ 2920 7109 23…

  • Page 76
    Instruction book Centre of gravity and weight Type Weight (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) GA 7 VSD+ 200-230V GA 7 VSD+ 500-575V GA 7 VSD+ FF 200-230V GA 7 VSD+ FF 380-460V GA 7 VSD+ FF 500-575V GA 11 VSD+ 200-230V GA 11 VSD+ 500-575V 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 77
    Instruction book Type Weight (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) GA 11 VSD+ FF 200-230V GA 11 VSD+ FF 380-460V GA 11 VSD+ FF 500-575V GA 15 VSD+ 200-230V GA 15 VSD+ 500-575V GA 15 VSD+ FF 200-230V GA 15 VSD+ FF 380-460V GA 15 VSD+ FF 500-575V Dimensions +/- 10 mm Weights (oil included) +/- 10 kg…
  • Page 78: Installation Proposal

    Instruction book Installation proposal Compressor room example Text on image Ventilation proposals Minimum free area to be reserved for the compressor installation Description Compressor unit: Install the compressor unit on a solid, level floor suitable for taking the weight. Position of the compressed air outlet valve. 2920 7109 23…

  • Page 79
    Atlas Copco has oil/water separators (type OSD or OSCi) to separate the major part of the oil from the condensate to ensure that the condensate meets the requirements of the environmental codes.
  • Page 80: Electrical Connections

    In this case, consult Atlas Copco. Also if operating above 1000 m (3300 ft), consult Atlas Copco. Moving/lifting The compressor can be moved by a lift truck using the slots in the frame. Take care not to damage the bodywork during lifting or transport.

  • Page 81
    To use the machine in light industrial, commercial or residential environments with a shared supply network or in an IT network, extra measures can be required: contact Atlas Copco. Electrical connections for GA 7 VSD+ up to GA 15 VSD+…
  • Page 82
    Stop the compressor and switch off the voltage before connecting external equipment. Only potential free contacts are allowed. • LAN control: The compressor is controlled via a local network. Consult Atlas Copco. Compressor status indication The Elektronikon controller is provided with potential free auxiliary NO contacts (NO = normally open) (K05, K07 and K08) for remote indication of: •…
  • Page 83: Pictographs

    Instruction book Pictographs Pictographs Reference Designation Lock out/ tag out the compressor before starting maintenance or repairs Automatic condensate drain Manual condensate drain Lightly oil the gasket of the oil filter, screw it on and tighten by hand (approx. half a turn) Warning, hot surface Stop the compressor before cleaning the coolers Warning, voltage…

  • Page 84: Options

    The Atlas Copco energy recovery (ER) systems are designed to recover most of the above-mentioned heat by transforming it into warm or hot water without any adverse influence on the compressor performance.

  • Page 85
    Instruction book Energy recovery unit (ER-unit) Main components of the ER unit (typical installation) Reference Designation Water inlet pipe Water outlet pipe Temperature sensor, water inlet pipe Temperature sensor, water outlet pipe Oil drain valve Oil line from compressor oil separator vessel to ER unit Oil line from ER unit to oil filter housing Location of heat exchanger by-pass valve (BV2) Heat exchanger…
  • Page 86
    Instruction book Field installation The main components are assembled ex-factory as a compact unit which fits inside the bodywork of the compressor. Consult Atlas Copco for installing and connecting the energy recovery unit. 5.1.2 Energy recovery systems General The energy recovery systems can be applied as low temperature rise/high water flow systems or as high temperature rise/low water flow systems.
  • Page 87
    Instruction book 5.1.3 Operation Description The compressor oil flow is controlled by two thermostatic valves (BV1 and BV2), ensuring reliable compressor operation and optimum energy recovery. Bypass valve (BV1) is integrated in the oil filter housing of the compressor and controls the oil flow to the heat exchanger (HE) and the main oil cooler (Co) of the compressor.
  • Page 88
    Instruction book Flow diagram of compressor with energy recovery system 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 89
    Instruction book Reference Designation Reference Designation Thermostatic bypass valve of ER Oil filter unit Oil/water heat exchanger (ER Oil separator vessel unit) Compressor element Thermostatic bypass valve in oil filter housing Oil cooler (compressor) Aftercooler (compressor) Water inlet Water outlet BV1 starts closing the bypass line over the oil cooling circuit at the lower limit of its temperature range.
  • Page 90
    Instruction book Position of bypass ball valves ER label Attention: It is NOT allowed to use the ball valves at an in-between position! BV1 must have a higher opening temperature (set point) than BV2 in order to prevent the heat from being dissipated in the compressor oil cooler (Co) rather than in the oil/water heat exchanger (HE) when using the compression heat as source for energy recovery.
  • Page 91
    Instruction book Energy recovery system in use (see drawing) Bypass valves in position (A): the heat exchanger (HE) is integrated in the water side of the ER • Compressor start-up When the compressor is started up from cold, the oil temperature will be low. Bypass valve (BV1) shuts off the oil supply to the oil cooling system to prevent the compressor oil from being cooled.
  • Page 92
    To clean the oil side, soak the heat exchanger in a degreasing solution. To remove scale formation in the water compartment, a proper descaling process should be applied. Consult Atlas Copco. 5.1.5…
  • Page 93
    Instruction book Type of cooling system Materials Standard Energy recovery Recirculating (with tower) Containing copper 6.8 — 9.3 not applicable Stainless steel with carbon 6.8 — 9.3 steel and / or cast iron Stainless steel only 6 — 9.3 Closed loop Containing copper 7.5 — 9.3 7.5 — 9.3…
  • Page 94
    Instruction book • D : depends on the HCO concentration or M-alkalinity The values of A, B, C and D can be found in below table: Total Temperature Ca hardness dissolved (°C) (ppm CaCO Alkalinity solids (ppm (mg/l) CaCO < 30 0 — 1 9 — 11 10 — 11…
  • Page 95
    Instruction book RSI < 5.5 5.6 < RSI < 6.2 6.3 < RSI < 6.8 6.9 < RSI < 7.5 7.6 < RSI (ppm) For energy recovery systems, the limit is 100 ppm. 7. Sulphates (SO Sulphate (ppm) Type of cooling system Standard Energy recovery Single pass…
  • Page 96
    Instruction book If biology is present, it must be aerobic. Anaerobic biology (in closed systems) must be avoided. Biology (CFU/ml) Type of cooling system Standard Energy recovery Single pass < 10 / < 10 < 10 / < 10 Recirculating (with tower) not applicable <…
  • Page 97: Main Switch

    Instruction book Temperature input Minimum Nominal Maximum setting setting setting Water inlet temperature of energy recovery ˚C Water inlet temperature of energy recovery ˚F Energy recovery water outlet temperature ˚C Depends on application Energy recovery water outlet temperature ˚F Depends on application To modify a setting, consult the relevant section in the description of the Elektronikon controller.

  • Page 98
    Instruction book Electrical connections Electric connection diagram (typical example) Reference Designation Main Switch Customer’s installation Note The complete electrical diagram can be found in the electrical cubicle 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 99: Operating Instructions

    Instruction book Operating instructions Initial start-up The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions. Also consult section Problem solving. For the location of the air outlet valve and the drain connections, see sections Introduction Condensate system. Step Action Remove the canopy panel(s) in order to get access to the internal components. Remove the red transport spacers (1) and the related bolts under the motor.

  • Page 100
    Instruction book Step Action Check the oil level. The oil level should reach the bottom of the oil filler neck (FC). Minimum level should reach the oil sight glass (GI) when the compressor is stopped. If needed, top up the oil. Take care that no dirt drops into the oil system.
  • Page 101
    Instruction book Step Action Open the air outlet valve. Start and run the compressor for a few minutes. Check that the compressor operates normally. Starting Control panel Elektronikon® Graphic Step Action Open the air outlet valve. Switch on the voltage. Check that voltage on LED (6) lights up. Press start button (1) on the control panel.
  • Page 102
    Instruction book A few minutes after stopping, the oil level should reach the bottom of the oil filler neck (FC). If the oil level is too low, wait until the compressor has depressurized. Push the emergency stop button (10) to avoid the compressor to start unexpectedly. Next, close the air outlet valve and open the manual drain valve (Dm) until the air system between oil separator/air receiver vessel and outlet valve is fully depressurized.
  • Page 103
    Instruction book been exceeded. Carry out the service actions of the indicated plans or replace the component and reset the relevant timer, see section Service menu. Stopping Step Action Press stop button (9). Automatic operation LED (8) goes out and the compressor stops. Close the air outlet valve.
  • Page 104: Maintenance

    For overhauling or carrying out preventive maintenance, service kits are available (see section Service kits). Service contracts Atlas Copco offers several types of service contracts, relieving you of all preventive maintenance work. Consult your Atlas Copco Customer Centre. General When servicing, replace all removed O-rings and washers.

  • Page 105
    Instruction book Preventive maintenance schedule Daily and 3-monthly check list Period Operation Daily Check oil level. If needed, top up the oil (see section Operations instructions / During operation) Check readings on display. Check that condensate is discharged during operation. Drain condensate.
  • Page 106
    (see section Compressor data). Exposure of the compressor to external pollutants, operation at high humidity combined with low duty cycles or operation at higher temperatures may require a shorter oil exchange interval. Contact Atlas Copco if in doubt. Exchange interval for Roto-Inject Fluid…
  • Page 107: Oil Specifications

    Oil specifications It is strongly recommended to use genuine Atlas Copco Lubricants. They are the result of years of field experience and research. See section Preventive maintenance schedule for the advised replacement intervals and consult your Spare Parts list for part number information.

  • Page 108: Drive Motor

    Roto-Foodgrade Fluid Special oil, delivered as an option. Atlas Copco’s Roto-Foodgrade Fluid is a unique high quality synthetic lubricant, specially created for oil injected screw compressors that provide air for the food industry. This lubricant keeps the compressor in excellent condition. Roto-Foodgrade Fluid can be used for compressors operating at ambient temperatures between 0 ˚C (32 ˚F) and 40 ˚C (104 ˚F).

  • Page 109: Oil, Oil Filter And Oil Separator Change

    Instruction book Oil, oil filter and oil separator change Warning The operator must apply all relevant Safety precautions. Always drain the compressor oil at all drain points. Used oil left in the compressor can contaminate the oil system and can shorten the lifetime of the new oil. Never mix lubricants of different brands or types as they may not be compatible and the oil mix will have inferior properties.

  • Page 110
    Instruction book Vent plug, oil cooler Workplace Full-Feature • Open the oil drain valve (Do). • Hold the oil drain hose (1) downward to drain the oil. • Disconnect the air hose (2) at the top on the vessel. • Move the hose downward to drain the oil from the element. •…
  • Page 111: Coolers

    Instruction book Take care that no dirt drops into the system. Refit and tighten filler plug (FC). 8. Run the compressor loaded for a few minutes. Stop the compressor. • Close the air outlet valve and switch off the voltage. •…

  • Page 112: Dryer Maintenance Instructions

    Remove dirt from the fan with a fibre brush. • Clean with an air jet in the reverse direction to normal flow. • If it is necessary to wash the coolers with a cleaning agent, consult Atlas Copco. After maintenance on the fan and on the coolers: Remove the material that was used as cover.

  • Page 113: Safety Valves

    Instruction book Be aware that certain components such as the refrigerant compressor and the discharge pipe can become quite hot (up to 110 °C — 230 °F). Therefore, wait until the dryer has cooled down before removing the panels. Before starting any maintenance or repair work, switch off the voltage and close the air inlet and outlet valves.

  • Page 114: Service Kits

    Service kits For overhauling and for preventive maintenance, a wide range of service kits is available. Service kits comprise all parts required for servicing the component and offer the benefits of genuine Atlas Copco parts while keeping the maintenance budget low.

  • Page 115: Problem Solving

    Instruction book Problem solving Warning Before carrying out any maintenance, repair work or adjustment, stop compressor, wait 3 minutes and close the air outlet valve. Press the test button on top of the electronic water drain until the air system between the air receiver and outlet valve is fully depressurized.

  • Page 116
    If a problem is detected by the converter, a specific code (Main motor converter alarm) will appear on the Elektronikon display, together with a fault code. Below table lists the most important error codes. If another code appears, please contact Atlas Copco. 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 117
    Instruction book Typical display when the compressor is stopped by a shutdown Shutdown Navigate to the Stop icon or to the Protections icon and press Enter. Protections General The display shows the problem (Main Motor Converter Alarm) and a fault code (31 in this case). Main Motor Converter Alarm Fault 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 118
    Instruction book Fault code Cause Actions Overcurrent Contact Atlas Copco Ground fault Contact Atlas Copco Too high voltage. The voltage on the Check the supply voltage converter is above the specifications. Contact Atlas Copco. Too low voltage. The voltage on the Check the supply voltage converter is below the specifications.
  • Page 119
    Instruction book Condition Fault Remedy Shortage of refrigerant Have circuit checked for leaks and recharged Refrigerant compressor does See below not run Evaporator pressure too high See below Condenser pressure too high See below Condenser pressure too high Fan control switch out of Replace or too low order…
  • Page 120: Technical Data

    Instruction book Technical data Readings on display Elektronikon® Graphic controller Important The readings mentioned below are valid under the reference conditions (see section Reference conditions and limtations). Reference Reading Air outlet pressure Depends on the setpoint (desired net pressure). Compressor element Approx.

  • Page 121: Electric Cable Size And Fuses

    Instruction book Electric cable size and fuses Important • The voltage on the compressor terminals must not deviate more than 10% of the nominal voltage. It is however highly recommended to keep the voltage drop over the supply cables at nominal current below 5% of the nominal voltage (IEC 60204-1). •…

  • Page 122
    Instruction book Compressor type Max fuse fuse (1) GA 11 VSD+ 50 Hz 230 V 42.5 A 60 A 45.6 A 60 A GA 11 VSD+ 50 Hz 400 V + N 26.0 A 32 A GA 11 VSD+ 50 Hz 400 V 24.4 A 25 A…
  • Page 123
    Instruction book Fuse calculations for IEC are done according to 60364-4-43 electrical installations of buildings, part 4: protection for safety- section 43: protection against overcurrent. Fuse sizes are calculated in order to protect the cable against short circuit. Fuse calculations for cUL and UL: The indicated fuse size is the maximum fuse size in order to protect the motor against short circuit.
  • Page 124
    Instruction book Maximum allowed current in function of the ambient temperature for installation method C Ambient temperature Cable section 30 °C 40 °C 45 °C 50 °C 55 °C 4 mm² < 32 A < 28 A < 25 A <…
  • Page 125
    Instruction book • For supply cables larger than 35 mm²: half the size of the supply wires Always check the voltage drop over the cable (less than 5 % of the nominal voltage is recommended). Example: I = 89 A, maximum ambient temperature is 45 °C, recommended fuse = 100 A •…
  • Page 126: Reference Conditions And Limitations

    Instruction book • Size PE cable: • For supply cables up to AWG8: same size as the supply cables • For supply cables larger than AWG8: use maximum allowed ampacity of the selected supply cables and compare with value in table below (see CEC Part 1 table 17) <…

  • Page 127: Compressor Data

    Instruction book Compressor data Reference conditions All data specified below apply under reference conditions, see section Reference conditions and limitations. Common compressor data Unit Number of compression stages Temperature of the air leaving the outlet valve (approx.), Workplace ˚C Temperature of the air leaving the outlet valve (approx.), Workplace ˚F Temperature of the air leaving the outlet valve (approx.), Workplace Full- ˚C…

  • Page 128
    Instruction book GA 11 VSD+ Normal effective working pressure bar(e) 12.5 Normal effective working pressure psig Maximum effective working pressure, bar(e) Workplace Maximum effective working pressure, psig Workplace Maximum effective working pressure, bar(e) 12.75 12.75 12.75 12.75 Workplace Full-Feature Maximum effective working pressure, psig Workplace Full-Feature Maximum motor shaft speed…
  • Page 129: Technical Data Elektronikon® Controller

    Instruction book Oil capacity Oil capacity US gal 2.06 Oil capacity Imp. gal 1.72 Oil capacity cu. ft. 0.28 Sound pressure level (according to ISO 2151 (2004)) dB(A) Technical data Elektronikon® controller General Supply voltage 24 V AC /16 VA 50/60Hz (+40%/-30%) 24 V DC/0.7 A Type of protection IP54 (front)

  • Page 130
    Instruction book Analog inputs Number of pressure inputs 2 (Elektronikon® Graphic controller — p.n. 1900 5200 10 …. 1900 5200 19) Number of temperature inputs 5 (Elektronikon® Graphic controller — p.n. 1900 5200 10 …. 1900 5200 19) 2920 7109 23…
  • Page 131: Instructions For Use

    Instruction book Instructions for use Air/oil separator vessel This vessel can contain pressurised air; this can be potentially dangerous if the equipment is misused. This vessel must only be used as a compressed air/oil separator and must be operated within the limits specified on the data plate. No alterations must be made to this vessel by welding, drilling or any other mechanical methods without the written permission of the manufacturer.

  • Page 132: Guidelines For Inspection

    Instruction book Guidelines for inspection Guidelines On the Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer, the harmonised and/or other standards that have been used for the design are shown and/or referred to. The Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer is part of the documentation that is supplied with this compressor.

  • Page 133: Pressure Equipment Directives

    Instruction book Pressure equipment directives Components subject to 97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive The following table contains the necessary information for the inspection of all pressure equipment of category II and higher according to the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC and all pressure equipment according to the Simple Pressure Vessel Directive 2009/105/EC.

  • Page 134: Declaration Of Conformity

    Instruction book Declaration of conformity Typical example of a Declaration of Conformity document (1): Contact address: Atlas Copco Airpower n.v. P.O. Box 100 B-2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp) Belgium 2920 7109 23…

  • Page 135
    Instruction book On the Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer, the harmonized and/or other standards that have been used for the design are shown and/or referred to. The Declaration of Conformity / Declaration by the Manufacturer is part of the documentation that is supplied with this device.
  • Page 138
    Atlas Copco delivers the products and services that help to increase your business’ efficiency and profitability. Atlas Copco’s pursuit of innovation never ceases, driven by our need for reliability and efficiency. Always working with you, we are committed to providing you the customized quality air solution that is the driving force behind your business.

Меры безопасности при эксплуатации

1. Запрещается касаться трубопроводов и других элементов машины во время ее работы.
2. Используйте только правильные типы и размеры концевых фитингов шлангов и соединений. При продувке воздуха через шланг или трубопровод надежно закрепите свободный конец. Незакрепленный конец шланга под давлением может вырваться, причинив травму. Перед тем, как отсоединять шланг, убедитесь, что давление в нем сброшено.
3. В качестве дополнительной меры безопасности оператор, отключающий машины с дистанционным управлением, должен принять соответствующие меры, чтобы убедиться, что их никто не будет осматривать или использовать. С этой целью оборудование с дистанционным управлением необходимо снабдить соответствующими предупреждающими табличками.
4. Никогда не работайте с оборудованием, если существует возможность возгорания или появления токсичного дыма, испарений или частиц.
5. Никогда не нагружайте оборудование ниже или выше его номинальных характеристик.
6. Во время работы держите все дверцы конструкции закрытыми. Разрешается открывать дверцы на короткое время, например, для текущих проверок. Вставляйте в уши беруши, когда открываете дверцы.
При работе вблизи машин, не оснащенных корпусом, необходимо использовать средства защиты органов слуха.
7. Работники, находящиеся в помещениях, где уровень звукового давления достигает или превышает 80 дБ(A), должны пользоваться противошумными наушниками.
8. Периодически проверяйте, что:
• Все защитные щитки находятся на своих местах и надежно закреплены
• Все шланги и/или трубки внутри машины находятся в хорошем и надежном состоянии и не истираются
• Отсутствие утечек
• Плотность затяжки всех крепежных элементов
• Все электрические проводники закреплены и находятся в хорошем состоянии
• Предохранительные клапаны и другие устройства для сброса давления не забиты грязью или краской
• Выходной клапан воздуха и воздушная сеть, т.е. трубы, муфты, коллекторы, клапаны, шланги и т.д., находятся в хорошем состоянии, не изношены и правильно эксплуатируются
• Воздушные фильтры охлаждения электрического шкафа не засорены
9. В том случае, если теплый охлаждающий воздух, выходящий из компрессора, используется в воздушно-отопительных системах (например, для отопления рабочих цехов), необходимо принять соответствующие меры предосторожности против загрязнения воздуха или возможного отравления атмосферы.
10. На компрессорах с водяным охлаждением, использующих колонны охлаждения с открытым контуром, необходимо принять защитные меры для предотвращения размножения вредных бактерий, таких как Legionella pneumophila.
11. Не удаляйте и не разрушайте звукоизолирующие материалы.
12. Никогда не демонтируйте и не выводите из строя приборы безопасности, щитки или изоляцию, установленные в машине. Каждый сосуд или вспомогательное устройство для сбора воздуха, установленное снаружи машины и находящееся под давлением, величина которого выше атмосферного, должен быть защищен прибором или приборами для сброса давления, согласно требованиям.
13. Воздушный ресивер следует проверять ежегодно. Должна соблюдаться минимальная толщина стенки, указанная в инструкции по эксплуатации. Требования местных норм применяются, если они более строгие.

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GA 37 VSD Instruction Book

Atlas Copco GA5 User Manual

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GA5 User Manual

Atlas Copco GA 15 Instruction Book

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GA 15 Instruction Book

Atlas Copco GX 7 Instruction Book

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Atlas Copco GA 55+ Instruction Book

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GA 55+ Instruction Book

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XAMS 407 CD Instruction Manual

Atlas Copco GA90 Instruction Book

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GA90 Instruction Book

Atlas Copco GA90 Instruction Book

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GA90 Instruction Book

Atlas Copco ga55+ Instruction Book

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ga55+ Instruction Book

Atlas Copco GA 75 VSD Instruction Book

114 pages

GA 75 VSD Instruction Book

Atlas Copco ZR-55 Instruction Book

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ZR-55 Instruction Book

Atlas Copco GA 7 VSD+ Instruction Book

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GA 7 VSD+ Instruction Book

Atlas Copco GA 15 Instruction Book

164 pages

GA 15 Instruction Book


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G 160 VSD

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GA30 W-37

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GA30 W-45

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GA30 W-55

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GA30 W-55C

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GA30 W-75

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GA30 W-90C W

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GA50 (W) VSD

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GA90 (W) VSD

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GR110 W

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GR132 W

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GR200 W

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GX 11

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GX 7

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LF 10

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LF 5

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LF 7

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LFx 0.7

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LFx 1.0

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LFx 1.5

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LFx D 0.7

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XA 375 DD6

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XAHS 300 DD6

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XAHS 447

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XAHS 710 CD7

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XAHS 900 CD6 XAVS 396

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XAHS 950 Cd7

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XAHS106 Dd

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XAMS 1050 CD6 XATS 456

Instruction Manual

XAMS 1150 Cd7

Instruction Manual

XAMS 1150 CD7 T3 APP

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAMS 496

Instruction Manual

XAMS 527

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAMS 850 CD7

Instruction Manual

XAMS286 Md

Parts List

XAS 110 DD7

Instruction Manual

XAS 130 DD7 C3 APP

Instruction Manual

XAS 150 DD7 C3 APP

Instruction Manual

XAS 175 Dd

Instruction Manual

XAS 185 CD7 T4

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAS 185 CDU T4

Original Instructions Manual

XAS 185 DD7 C3 APP

Instruction Manual

XAS 185 KD7 IT4

Instruction Manual

XAS 185 KD7 T4

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAS 375 DD6

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAS 48 G Kd

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAS 58 Kd

Instruction Manual

XAS 67 Dd C3 APP

Instruction Manual

XAS 68 G Kd

Instruction Manual

XAS 68 Kd

Instruction Manual

XAS 77 Dd C3 APP

Instruction Manual

XAS 78 Kd

Instruction Manual

XAS 88 Kd

Instruction Manual

XAS 90 DD7

Instruction Manual

XAS 97 Dd C3 APP

Instruction Manual

XAS146 Dd

Instruction Manual

XAS186 Dd

Instruction Manual


Instruction Book

XASE1600 Gd

Instruction Manual

XATS 1050 Cd7

Instruction Manual

XATS 1050 CD7 T3 APP

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XATS 156 Dd

Instruction Manual   •   Instruction Manual

XATS 350 DD6

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XATS 487

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XATS 68 Kd

Instruction Manual

XATS 800 CD7

Instruction Manual

XATS 950 CD6

Instruction Manual

XATS156 Dd

Instruction Manual

XAVS 166 Dd

Instruction Manual   •   Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAVS 340 DD6

Instruction Manual

XAVS 407

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAVS 650 CD7

Instruction Manual

XAVS 830 CD6

Instruction Manual

XAVS 900 Cd7

Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XAVS136 Dd

Instruction Manual

XRHS 1100 CD6

Instruction Manual   •   Instruction Manual

XRHS 1150 CD4 C3 WUX

Instruction Manual

XRHS 506

Instruction Manual

XRHS 506 Cd

Instruction Manual

XRHS 506 Cd C13

Instruction Manual

XRHS 527 Cd C3 WUX

Instruction Manual

XRHS385 Md

Instruction Manual


(Danish) Betjeningsvejledning

XRVS 1000 CD6

Instruction Manual   •   Instruction Manual


Instruction Manual

XRVS 1050 CD4 C3 WUX

Instruction Manual

XRVS 1300 CD7

Instruction Manual

XRVS 1350

Instruction Manual

XRVS 1350 CD7

Instruction Manual

XRVS 476

Instruction Manual

XRVS 476 Cd

Instruction Manual

XRVS 476 Cd C13

Instruction Manual

XRVS 487 Cd C3 WUX

Instruction Manual

XRVS 617 Cd

Instruction Manual

XRVS 647

Instruction Manual

XRVS 647 Cd

Instruction Manual

XRVS455 Md

Instruction Manual

XRXS 1240 CD7

Instruction Manual

XRXS 1275

Instruction Manual

XRXS 1275 CD7

Instruction Manual

XRXS 567 Cd

Instruction Manual

XRXS 607

Instruction Manual

XRXS 607 Cd

Instruction Manual

XRYS 126

Instruction Manual

XRYS 577

Instruction Manual


ZR 110

Instruction Book

ZR 132

Instruction Book

ZR 145

Instruction Book

ZR 160

Instruction Book

ZR 200

Instruction Book   •   Instruction Book

ZR 250

Instruction Book

ZR 275

Instruction Book

ZR Series

Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book

ZT 110

Instruction Book

ZT 132

Instruction Book

ZT 145

Instruction Book

ZT 160

Instruction Book

ZT 200

Instruction Book

ZT 250

Instruction Book

ZT 275

Instruction Book

ZT Series

Instruction Book


Instruction Book   •   Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book


Instruction Book

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