Ямаха psr 550 инструкция по применению

Видео Yamaha PSR-550 (Test sounds) (автор: Tiago Mallen [Oficial])30:45

Yamaha PSR-550 (Test sounds)

Видео Синтезатор Yamaha PSR-550. (автор: Татьяна Киселёва)02:38

Синтезатор Yamaha PSR-550.

Видео Style - Стиль на синтезатор YAMAHA PSR-550 (автор: Виталий Пархомчук)01:58

Style — Стиль на синтезатор YAMAHA PSR-550

Видео Катя Катерина Державин Игра на синтезаторе Yamaha psr 550 (автор: DiscoStyle)03:45

Катя Катерина Державин Игра на синтезаторе Yamaha psr 550

Видео Yamaha psr-550"Мираж"Мухтар Жалилов (автор: MZS PSR-730)01:56

Yamaha psr-550″Мираж»Мухтар Жалилов

Видео PSR-S550 Demonstration Movie (автор: Yamaha_Global)08:36

PSR-S550 Demonstration Movie






Вы — владелец прекрасной жлектронной клавиатуры. Yamaha PSR-550 PortaTone
объединяет в себе наиболее современную технологию генератора тона с совершенной







удовольствие от исполнения. Большой графический дисплей и простой в использовании
интерфейс существенно упрощают использование этого современного инструмента. Для
извлечения максимальных возможностей из PSR-550 мы рекомендуем внимательно
ознакомиться с руководством и опробовать различные описанные возможности. Всегда
держите руководство под рукой для справки.


Пожалуйста, проверьте комплектацию PSR-550:

* PSR-550

* Подставка для нот (с. 9)

* Дискета с данными для PSR-S50


руководство пользователя


(Обратитесь к разделам «Прилагающаяся дискета с

данными» на с, 59 и «MIDI на выходы ТО HOST»

на с. !07)

Поздравляем, Комплектация

Как пользоваться руководством

и Настройка




■ Базовые


в Содержание



панели дисилея



■ Приложения

я Устранение


в Указатель

стр, 12

Перед переходом к любой другой части руководства мы настоятельно

рекомендуем ознакомиться сначала с этим разделом. Он покажет вам как

подготовится к использованию вашего нового инструмент PSR-550.

стр. 8

Как только вы настроите PSR-550, вы должны прочитать этот раздел и изучить








возможностей и функцией PSR-550,


Этот раздел знакомит с базовыми операциями PSR-550, такими как изменение

значений и настроек и показывает функцию помощи и прямого доступа.

стр. б
в нем перечислены все разделы, возможности, функции в той последовательности,

в которой они встречаются в руководстве.

стр. 10
Этот раздел содержит информацию относительно всех кнопок и регуляторов PSR-


стр. 16
Этот раздел разъясняет индикацию дисплея PSR-550 и ее.. прочтение для

оптимизации функционирования PSR-550.

стр. 22

Перечисляет все функции PSR-550 в соответствии с их иерархической сзруктурой,
позволяя проследить взаимосвязь между различными функциями и быстро найти
нужную информацию.

стр. 123
Содержит различные важные списки, такие как список голосов, текущих сгипей,

эффектов, форматов данных MIDI и схему применения MIDI.

cip. 126

Если PSR-550 функционирует с отклонениями или возникли какие-то проблемы,
обратитесь к этому разделу перед посещением центра обслуживания компании
Yamaha. Наиболее типичные проблемы и их решения приведены здесь наряду с

простыми и понятными способами их решения.

стр. 130
Этот раздел содержит темы, функции, возможности и операции в алфавитном

порядке с указанием соответствующих страниц, что позволяет просто и быстро

получить необходимую информацию.

Иллюстрации и экраны дисплеев приводятся в руководстве только как примеры и могут отличаться от

фактически возникающих на инструменте.____________________________________________________ _________

Как пользоваться руководством

Содержание Комплектация...

Воспроизведение песен с дискеты...

Важные возможности, Базовые операции, Автоматический аккомпаиемепт (стнлн)

Прослунипаняе psr-s50, Музыкальная база данных, Многочнслевные электронные ударные, Исполнение на р8я-550, Регастрация к памяти, Запись иесин

  • Изображение
  • Текст

Важные возможности

Поскольку PЯR-550 имеет множество современных возможностей и функций, которыми вы не умеете

полмоваться. Но не беспокойтесь. Р8К-550 легко использовать, а каждую функцию несложно реализовать.

Вот какие цели у данного раздела. Он поможет вам овладеть Р8К-550, познакомит с важными возможностями и

даст указания на страницы. Прочитайте информацию о возможностях, затем перейдите к тем частям
руководства, где приведено подробное объяснение.

Базовые операции

* Р5К-550 имеег совершенные функции и

возможности, хотя он крайне прост в

использовании. Благодаря функции навигации
управление панелью быстрое и простое —
необходимые для нажатия кнопки
подсвечиваются, а дисплей со специальной
подсветкой изменяет цвет в зависимости от
выбранного режима (с. 16,16).

* Удобная функция прямого доступа позволяет

мгновенно вызывать определенные меню или

дисплеи, (С. 21)

■ Автоматический аккомпаиемепт (стнлн)


Функция автоматического аккомпанемента

позволяет при помощи пальцев вызывать

звучание целого оркестра. В вашем
распоряжении — 112 стилей (паттернов ритма и
аккомпанемента). (С. 32)

* Функция настройки в одно нажатие позволяет

мгновенно вызвать соответствующий голос,

эффект и другие настройки для выбранного

стиля аккомпанемента — нажатием одной кнопки.

(С. 42)

* Вы также можете создавать собственные стили

аккомпанемента, записывая их непосредственно
с клавиатуры. (С. 96)

Прослунипаняе PSR-S50


PSR-550 имеет широкий спектр песен в различных

музыкальных жанрах. (С. 15)

* Дополнительно 10 песен записаны на

комплектующийся диск. (С. 59)

* Эффективная функция автоматического

аккомпанемента обеспечивает 112 стилей
(паттерны ритмов и аккомпанемента) для
профессионального сопровождения вашего
исполнения (с. 112).


Многочисленные специальные электронные





ритмические и мелодические секвенции для
дополнительного совершенствования исполнения.

(С. 43)

Музыкальная база данных

* PSR-550 имеет встроенную музыкальную базу

данных для автоматического выбора стиля,

голоса и настройки эффекта, которые лучше




жанра. Если вы не знаете, какой стиль или голос

подойдут лучше, музыкальная база данных
поможет вам, (С. 14).

Многочнслевные электронные ударные

* просто нажмите одну из кнопок MULTI PAD

(разнообразные музыкальные фразы) и вы
сможете исполнить короткие ритмические или
мелодические фразы. (С. 43).

* Вы также можете создавать собственные фразы,

записывая их непосредственно с клавиатуры. (С.

Исполнение на Р8Я-550

* Клавиатура PSR-550 имеет 61 клавишу с

возможностью отклика на полное нажатие, что
позволяет исполнять с необычайной

выразительностью и управлением

динамичностью, (С. 26)

* Р5Е-550 позволяет использовать огромное

разнообразие голосов музыкальных

инструментов. (С. 26)

Также существует два различных типа голосов:

голоса панели (исходные голоса PSR-550) и
голоса ХО.

* геК-550 имеет 219 голосов панели, 14 наборов

ударных и 480 голос ХО.

* Голоса Rl, R2 и Ь позволяют исполнять,

накладывая различные голоса или даже

исполнять два различных голоса левой и правой
руками. (С. 27 и 28).

Регастрация к памяти


Удобная возможность позволяет сохранять

практически все настройки панели в одной из 128

ячеек памяти. Настройки, занесенные в память,

могут быть вызваны мгновенно нажатием одной
кнопки. (С. 54)

Запись иесин

* Эффективная возможность создания собственных

















записана на 16 дорожках. (С. 78)

Для быстрой и простой реализации ваших

музыкальных идей используйте способ быстрой

записи. (С. 80)


Для создания песни партия за партией и дорожка

за дорожкой используйте способ записи на

нескольких дорожках. (С. 82)

* Вы также можете выполнить «тонкую настройку»

данных песни при помоиди усовершенствованной

функции редаюмроваиия песни. (С. 84-91)


Важные возможности, Базовые операции, Автоматический аккомпаиемепт (стнлн)

Огромный набор эффектов, обеспечивающих профессиональное зв…

Страница 7

  • Изображение
  • Текст

Цяф|Ю1ие эффекты

^ Огромный набор эффектов, обеспечивающих

профессиональное звучание позволяет улучшать

ваше исполнение различные способами, которые






гармонню/это. (С. 46).


Реверберация создает объемное звучание,

соответствующее различным условиям,

. например, концертным залам или помещениям

ночных клубов. (С, 46).

* Хорус улучшает голоса, придавая им теплоту и

насыщенность, как будто одновременно идет

исполнение на нескольких инструментах. (С.

* Эффект DSP позволяет обрабатывать звук

различным нетрадиционными способами —






определенным партиям. (С. 49)


Гармония/это позволяют совершенствовать





применяя эффекты гармонии и эхо. (С. 50)







позволяющих сохранять важные данные (песни

пользователя, музыкальные фразы пользователя,

данные ячеек памяти и т.п.) на дискете для
дальнейшего использования. (С. 57)______________

















компьютерам и иным устройствам. Функция





многочисленные системы:

* Управлять другими инструментами с PSR-550

(с. Ш8)









подключенной клавиатуры. (С. 108)


Подключать PSR-550 непосредственно к

компьютеру для шписи, редактирования и

воспроизведения данных песен. (С. 110)

* Использовать ранее подготовленные шаблоны

для мгновенного конфигурирования PSR-SS0

для специфических систем MIDI. (С. 112)


Логотипы, напечатанные на панели Р8Р-550, указывают

на стандартные форматы, которые инструмент


система, уровень


Это дополнительный стандарт MIDI, который

гарантирует, что любые данные, соответствующие

данному стандарту, будут восприняты любым GM-
совместнмым генератором тона или синтезатором
любого производителя.


XG — MIDI формат Yamaha, который существенно
улучшает и расширяет возможности формата GM уровня


обеспечивая лучшее управление голосами,

выразительностью исполнения и эффектами при полном

сохранении совместимости с GM. Используя голоса XG

PSR-550 можно записать файлы песен, совместимых с

I Подсткви для мнсфумевт1


Этот формат обеспечивает воспроизведение данных,

совместимых с широким диапазонов инструментов

Yamaha и устройств MIDI, включая серию Clavinova.

Формат файла стилей

формат SPF — орипшальньгй формат компании Yamaha

которые иоюльзует уникальную систему преобразования

для обеспечения высококачественного автоматического

аккомпаиаиентв на базе широкого диапазона аккордов.

PSR-5S0 использует э


от формат внутри себя, считывает

дополнительные дискеты сО стилями SFF и создаег стили
этого формата, используя функцию записи стилей.

РЗК’550 комплекту’стся музыкальной подставкой,
которая может быть вставлеьса в прорезь на задней

стороне панели управления.

Огромный набор эффектов, обеспечивающих профессиональное зв...

Регуляторы и разъемы панели, Регуляторы и выходы панели, Ш разъем для недальнего переключателя footswitch

Разъем для ваувгаикоя phones/outpl^t

  • Изображение
  • Текст

Регуляторы и разъемы панели

ir li- а— И- «г ii» к?- iv- ггг ёг ipir- Ì-f й- sr S?- w *- é-

flr А- fi- )«■ ijt» Л’ »’■ №• й



,- gt,- A- «• iS- if Xf ir w

й» ^ «;■ ff- .tu- >■ т

Ш Разъем для недальнего переключателя






посредством нажатия педального переключателя.




переключатель Yamaha FC4 или 5 в разъем и




поддержания звучания. Этот переключатель также

может быть настроен на фу


жцнонирование в

качестве некоторых кнопок панели, выполняя,

например, запуск или остановку аккомпанемента

(с. 121).



Еудыпе уверены, что вы не нажали педальный







противном случае сплатус включения



При испольювйнии педальных функщй поддержания imt

сдерживания звучания (с. 1 2 1 ) , некоторые голоса могут







после отпускания клавиш при нажатой педали.

Разъем для ваувгаикоя PHONES/OUTPl^T





подключены к этому разъев для практикования в

позднее время или при желании персонального
прослушивания. Система встроенных динамиков
автоматически выключится при подключении

наушников к данному разъему. Не используйте

высокую громкость для наушников длитель.пое

время, это может ухудшить слух.




ко виешие.ну устройству можно

проводить только после отключения питания на всех

устройствах, ВО избежание повреждения динамиков

задайте уровень гролкоспш на внешних устройствах

минимальным. Несоблюдение этой предосторожности

.может привести к удару токо.н или повреждению



Регуляторы и разъемы панели, Регуляторы и выходы панели, Ш разъем для недальнего переключателя footswitch

Ш регуляторы ннжней ч&стя вшнелм, Ш регуляторы верхней части панели

Страница 9

  • Изображение
  • Текст

ш Регуляторы верхней части панели

1. Выключатель STANDBY/ON

(питание) 13
2. Регулятор Master Volume (общая


громкость) 13

3. Кнопка DEMO (демонстрация) 13,17

4. Кнопка RECORD (запись) 25 78 96

5. Кнопка DIRECT ACCESS (прямой

доступ) 21,24

6. Кнопка DSP 49
7. Кнопка FAST/SLOW (быстро/


8. Кнопка TOUCH (нажатие) 120
9. Кнопка SUSTAIN (поддержание



(гармония/это) 50

П. Кнопки BACK (назад) NEXT (вперед)


12. Жидкокристаллический дисплей 16
13. Кнопка VOICE СНАКОЕ(измснсние

голоса) 17,75
Кнопка MIXER (микшер) 17,76

14. Кнопки TRACK 1-16 (дорожки) 37, 70
15 Кнопка Song (песня) 17, 25,68

16. Кнопка STYLE (стиль) ] 7,25, 32


(музыкальная база данных) 14,17

18. Кнопка VOICE L (голос L) 17,28
19. Кнопка VOICE R1 (голос R 1)17, 26

20. Кнопка VOICE R2 (голос R2) 17,26
21. Кнопка АСМР ON/OFF (включение/

выключение аккомпанемента) 25,3.3


(громкость аккомпанемечта/песни)! 7.

37, 70

ш Регуляторы ннжней ч&стя


45. Разъем PHONES/OU rPUT

(наушннкн/выход) 10

46. Разъем FOOTSWITCH (педальный

переключатель) 10

47. Соединитель ТО HOST (к

компьютеру) 107

48. Переключатель HOST SELECT

(Выбор компьютера) 110

49. Соединители MIDI IN/OUT

(вход/выход MIDI) 10?

50. DC IN (вход постоянного тока) 10-12

В 12

23. Кнопка ТЕМРО/ТАР

(темп/настукивание) 17,36

24. Кнопка TRANSPOSE

(транспозиция) 17, 30

25. Кнопка FUNCTION (функция) 17,


26. PART ON/OFF (вкл/выкл партии)

Кнопка VOICE L (голос L) 28

Кнопка VOICE Rl (голос R I) 26

Кнопка VOICE R2 (голос R2) 27

27. Цифровые кнопки

[1]…(0], -/NO (нет), +/YES (да)20

28. Кнопка EXIT (выход) 17
29. Регулировка ввода данных 20

30. Кнопка DISK LOAD (загрузка

дискеты) 17,62

31. Кнопка DISK SAVE (сохранение

на дискете) 17,60

32. Кнопка DISK UTILITY (Сервис

дискеты) 17,64, 67

33. Кнопка SYNC STOP

(синхронизация остановки) 41

34. Кнопка SYNC

8ТАКТ(синхроннзация пуска) 32,69

35. Кнопка START/STOP

(пуск/остановка) 32,69

36. Кнопка Intro (вступление) 34

(Основной/ автоматическая вставка
A) 34


(Основной/ автоматическая вставка


39. Кнопка Ending/rit. (Концовка) 34

MEMORY (регистрация в памяти)


(настройки в одно нажатие) 42

42. Кнопки MULTI PAD

(разнообразные музыкальные

(^азы) 43

43. Дисковод 58

44. Регулятор PITCH BEND (изгиб

высоты гана) 30



Ш регуляторы ннжней ч&стя вшнелм, Ш регуляторы верхней части панели

Подключение, Испол1»зом1ние дополш1тельного пе|№мен110го токя, Исвользомние батареек

Ш важные прнмечання по мсподьзонаяию батареек, Испол, Ние дополш, Тельного пе|№мен, Го токя адаоггера

  • Изображение
  • Текст


Этот раздел содержит информацию относительно настройки Р5к-550 и подготовки к

Внимательно познакомьтесь с представленной ннформациеЙ перед включением питания.


PSR-550 будет работать и от дополнительного адаптера переменного тока, и от батареек. Компания Yamaha

рекомендует использовать адаптер для более безопасной работы. Следуйте приведенным ниже указаниям в
зависимости от источника пиз ания.











го токя


/. Убедитесь, что переключатель



установлен в положение STANDBY.


Подключите адаптер (РА-6 или



компанией Yamaha) к разъему


Подключите адаптер к стенной




* Никогда не откмочайте питание (не

еынимаШпе батарейки ими


в процессе записи! Это может

приеести к утраш данных



Используйте адаптеры только РА-













других адаптеров может повредить и
адаптер, и PSk-SSO.


Отключайте адаптер, когда FSR~550

длитетнюе время не используется или
в грозу.

Исвользомние батареек

Требуются шесть батареек на 1,5 В типа «D’ R20P (LR20) или

ана.г|Огичные. Когда следует заменить батарей):и, в верхней части дисплея

^■:pэ.ткG8peмeннo появляется сообщение ’’Batter],’ L


‘» (батарейки сели).

Громкость может упасть, звук может искажаться, могут возникнуть
другие проблемы. Замените батарейки следующим образом:

/. ^>гкройтс отделение для

батареек, расположенное на нижней

стороне инструмента.

2. Усгавовите 6 батареек,

соблюдая полярность.

Установнте крышку на место и

задвиньте до щелчка.


~ Когда базгшрейки сели, замените их но




















марганцевые) вместе.


Если инструмент не использу ттсл

длительное время, выньте батарейки,

чтобы исключить их протекание.














ш Важные прнмечання по мсподьзонаяию батареек

Поскольку PSR-550 потребляет много энергии

компания Yamaha рекомендует использовать

адаптер. Батарейки следует рассматривать как

вспомогательный источник питания.






энергии, поэтому при использовании операций с
диском — сохранения/записи/воспроизведения, —

всегда следует использовать адаптер.

Если вы будете выполнять эти операции от

батареек и они сядут, вы утратите данные во

встроенной памяти инструмента, включая стили
пользователя, фрагменты пользователя, данные в
ячейках памяти и пр.



во внимание, всегда






ответственном исполнении или создании важных




Подключение, Испол1»зом1ние дополш1тельного пе|№мен110го токя, Исвользомние батареек


Yamaha PortaTone PSR-550 Owner's Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links


Related Manuals for Yamaha PortaTone PSR-550

Summary of Contents for Yamaha PortaTone PSR-550

  • Page 2: Special Message Section

    Yamaha. This product should be used only with the components supplied or; a cart, rack, or stand that is recommended by Yamaha. If a cart, etc., is used, please observe all safety markings and instructions that accompany the accessory product.

  • Page 3
    DATA BACK-UP AND STORAGE • Yamaha recommends that you regularly save data using a floppy disk in a safe, cool, dry place. YAMAHA CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE…
  • Page 4: Packing List

    You are the proud owner of a fine electronic keyboard. The Yamaha PSR-550 PortaTone combines the most advanced tone generation technology with state-of-the- art digital electronics and features to give you stunning sound quality with maximum musical enjoyment. A large graphic display and easy-to-use interface also greatly enhance the operability of this advanced instrument.

  • Page 5: How To Use The Manual

    PSR-550. page 8 Once you’ve set up the PSR-550, you should read through this section — and explore the relevant page references — to familiarize yourself with the enormous variety of features and functions of the PSR-550.

  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    Contents Packing List How to use the manual Important Features Panel logos … 9 Music stand … 10 Panel Controls and Terminals FOOTSWITCH jack … 10 PHONES/OUTPUT jack … 10 Top Panel Controls … 11 Rear Panel Controls … 11 Setting Up Power supply connections …

  • Page 7
    Disk Song Playback Song Playback … 68 Song Track Muting … 70 Song Volume Control … 70 Playing from a Specified Measure … 71 Repeat Play (A-B Repeat) … 72 Song Transpose … 73 Part Settings Voice Change … 75 Mixer …
  • Page 8: Important Features

    Important Features Since the PSR-550 has such a wealth of advanced features and functions, you may be at a loss as to how to explore its capabilities and how to best use them for your music. You needn’t worry. The PSR-550 is very easy to play and use, and each function —…

  • Page 9: Panel Logos

    PSR-550 for your specific MIDI system/application. Page 112) Page 57) Music stand The PSR-550 is supplied with a music stand that can be attached to the instrument by inserting it into the slot at the rear of the control panel. Important Features…

  • Page 10: Panel Controls And Terminals

    #1 #2 PHONES/OUTPUT jack CAUTION • Connect the PSR-550 to external equipment only after turning off power for all devices. To prevent damage to the speakers, set the volume of the external devices at the minimum setting before connecting them. Failure to observe these cautions may result in electric shock or equipment damage.

  • Page 11: Top Panel Controls

    STANDBY/ON switch … 13 MASTER VOLUME control … 13 DEMO button … 13, 17 RECORD button … 17, 25, 78, 92, 96 DIRECT ACCESS button … 21, 24 DSP button … 49 FAST/SLOW button … 49 TOUCH button … 120 SUSTAIN button …

  • Page 12: Setting Up

    Be sure to go through this section carefully before turning the power on. Power supply connections Although the PSR-550 will run either from an optional AC adaptor or batteries, Yamaha recommends use of the more environmentally safe AC adaptor. Follow the instructions below according to the power source you intend to use.

  • Page 13: Demo Song Playback

    Demo Song Playback Once you’ve set up your PSR-550, try listening to the pre-programmed demonstration songs. A total of 9 demo songs are provided. As the song plays back, the backlit LCD of the PSR-550 changes color. Turn the power ON by pressing the [STANDBY/ON] switch.

  • Page 14: Using The Music Database

    If you want to play in a certain genre of music but don’t know which style (page 32) and voice (page 26) settings would be appropriate, simply select the desired genre from the Music Database. The PSR-550 automatically makes all appropriate panel settings to let you play in that music style! Press the [MUSIC DATABASE] button.

  • Page 15: Data Stored By The Music Database

    When you reach the point in the music indicated by the arrow above, press the [ENDING] button. When the ending is finished, the auto accompaniment automatically stops. Data stored by the Music Database Each of the Music Database settings has been specially programmed to match the selected style and each features the best suited voice (or combination of voices), style, and other settings for that style.

  • Page 16: Panel Display Indications

    Panel Display Indications The PSR-550 features a large multi-function display that shows all important settings for the instrument. This backlit LCD also changes color depending on the selected mode, making operation even easier and more intuitive. For details about the LCD’s Backlight mode, see page 122.

  • Page 17: Basic Operation

    Basic Operation This section introduces you to the basic operations common to the various functions of the PSR-550. In particular, you’ll learn how to use the menu/message display at the center of the front panel. • Calling up the Operation Displays … page 17 •…

  • Page 18: How To Read The Menu/Message Display And «Easy Navigator

    Basic Operation How to Read the Menu/Message Display and “Easy Navigator” Depending on the selected function or operation, the PSR-550 shows a variety of displays and indications. Included in these are “Easy Navigator” messages that guide you through the various operations.

  • Page 19: Menu Selection

    Menu Selection For certain operations on the PSR-550 (such as selecting voices, demo songs and styles), you’ll need to select different menus in the display. For example, the display below (for selecting the function) appears when you press the [FUNCTION] button.

  • Page 20: Changing (Editing) Values

    Basic Operation Changing (Editing) Values This section shows you how to set numeric values on the PSR-550, such as voice number, song/style number and various parameters. Input the values by using the number buttons [1]-[0] or the [+/YES]/[-/NO] buttons. Rotating the data dial…

  • Page 21: Naming

    Naming The allows you to create your own original data such as songs, styles and registration memory settings. You can also freely name the data as desired. The following data types can be named. • Disk files (User songs, etc) … pages 61, 65, 66, 90 •…

  • Page 22: Function Tree

    Function Tree Button Menu/message display DEMO Sweet Tenor … Demo song selection … 13 VOICE R1 001 Grand Piano … Voice R1 selection … 26 VOICE R2 001 Grand Piano … Voice R2 selection … 27 VOICE L 001 Grand Piano … Voice L selection … 28 STYLE 001 8Beat 1 …

  • Page 23
    Button Menu/message display FUNCTION F1 Multi Pad PBnk … Multi pad bank selection … CdMatch … Chord match on/off setting … F2 Regist Memory RBnk … Registration Memory bank selection … RegName … Namimg Registration Memory bank … F3 DigitalEffect Reverb RevType …
  • Page 24: Direct Access Chart

    Direct Access Chart Function Tree number/function Next style category selection Song repeat setting Song transpose setting Next Music database category selection Volume adjustment of Voice R1 Volume adjustment of Voice R2 Volume adjustment of Voice L Octave setting of Voice R1 Octave setting of Voice R2 Octave setting of Voice L Formatting a disk…

  • Page 25: Mode

    Mode Depending on the panel operation used, the PSR-550 has several fundamentally different conditions (or methods of operation). Each of these condition is called a mode. This section explains the main modes of the instrument. Style Mode Select this mode by pressing the [STYLE] button or the [MUSIC DATABASE] button.

  • Page 26: Playing Voices

    Playing Voices The PSR-550 has a huge selection of various musical instrument voices which you can play. Try out the different voices referring to the voice list at the end of this manual (page 123). Select and play the voices of different musical instruments •…

  • Page 27: Playing Two Voices (R1, R2) Simultaneously

    Playing Two Voices (R1, R2) Simultaneously Press the [PART ON/OFF VOICE R2] button. Play the voices. Two different voices are sounded simultaneously in a layer. Voice R1 (RIGHT 1) is the first voice of the layer and is meant to be played with the right hand.

  • Page 28: Playing Different Voices With The Left (L) And Right (R1, R2) Hands

    Playing Voices Playing Different Voices with the Left (L) and Right (R1, R2) Hands Press the [PART ON/OFF VOICE L] button. Play the voices. The notes you play with your right and left hands sound two different voices. Voice L Voice R1 (RIGHT 1) is meant to be played with the right hand.

  • Page 29: Functions Of The Keyboard

    Split Point (F#2) Voice L Functions of the Keyboard As explained above, the keyboard of the PSR-550 can sound three different voices. Here’s a short summary of the various ways of playing voices. Playing a Single Voice Playing Two Voices…

  • Page 30: Transpose

    Playing Voices Transpose This function allows the overall pitch of the PSR-550 to be transposed up or down by a maximum of one octave in semitone increments. The transpose range is from -12 to +12. Press the [TRANSPOSE] button. Set the transposition.

  • Page 31: Keyboard Percussion

    Keyboard Percussion Press the [VOICE R1] button. Select “StandardKit1”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button, the [-/NO] button or the number buttons [1]-[0]. 220 StandardKit1 Play the voice. Refer to the illustration below and the drum kit list at the end of the manual (page 128).

  • Page 32: Auto Accompaniment

    The PSR-550 features a total of 112 styles or accompaniment patterns (style numbers 1 — 112) in a variety of different musical genres. Try selecting some of the different styles (page 130) and play with the auto accompaniment.

  • Page 33: Using Auto Accompaniment (All Tracks)

    Using Auto Accompaniment (all tracks) Press the [STYLE] button. Select a style. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button, the [-/NO] button or the number buttons [1]-[0]. Refer to the Style List (page 130). Turn AUTO ACCOMPANIMENT on. Press the [ACMP ON/OFF] so that its indicator lights. The specified left-hand section of the keyboard becomes the “Auto Accompani- ment”…

  • Page 34: Accompaniment Sections

    Auto Accompaniment Accompaniment Sections There are various types of Auto Accompaniment sections that allow you to vary the arrangement of the accompaniment to match the song you are playing. They are: Intro, Main A and B, Fill-in and Ending. By switching among them as you play, you can easily produce the dynamic elements of a professional-sounding arrangement in your performance.

  • Page 35
    • If you press the [SYNC START] button while the accompaniment is playing, the accompaniment will stop and the PSR-550 will enter Synchronized Start standby status. • You can begin the accompaniment by using the ending instead of the intro…
  • Page 36: Tempo/Tap

    Auto Accompaniment Tempo/Tap Each style of the PSR-550 has been programmed with a default or standard tempo; however, this can be changed by using the [TEMPO/TAP] button. You can change the tempo to any value between 32 and 280 beats per minute.

  • Page 37: Accompaniment Track Muting

    Accompaniment Track Muting The PSR-550 has eight accompaniment tracks — RHYTHM SUB, RHYTHM MAIN, BASS, CHORD 1, CHORD 2, PAD, PHRASE 1 and PHRASE 2 — that you can control to modify the “orchestration” and therefore the overall sound of the accompaniment. When a style is selected, the icons corresponding to the tracks which contain data for any section of that style will light.

  • Page 38: Chord Fingerings

    The Fingered 1 mode lets you finger your own chords on the Auto accompaniment section of the keyboard (i.e. all keys to the left of and including the split-point key — normally F#2) while the PSR-550 supplies appropriately orchestrated rhythm, bass and chord accompaniment in the selected style.

  • Page 39
    Example for “C” chords Csus Caug CM aug ( #11) (13) Chord Name/[Abbreviation] Major [M] Add ninth [(9)] Sixth [6] Sixth ninth [6(9)] Major seventh [M7] Major seventh ninth [M7(9)] Major seventh add sharp eleventh [M7(#11)] Flatted fifth [(b5)] Major seventh flatted fifth [M7b5] Suspended fourth [sus4] Augmented [aug] Major seventh augmented [M7aug]…
  • Page 40: Accompaniment Split Point

    The Full Keyboard mode Fingering =Full When the Full Keyboard Mode is selected, the PSR-550 will automatically create appropriate accompaniment while you play just about anything using both hands, anywhere on the keyboard. You do not have to worry about specifying the accompani- ment chords.

  • Page 41: Synchro Stop

    Synchro Stop When the Synchro Stop function is engaged, accompaniment playback will stop completely when all keys in the auto-accompaniment section of the keyboard are released. Accompaniment playback will start again as soon as a chord is played. The BEAT indicators in the display will flash while the accompaniment is stopped. Press the [STYLE] button.

  • Page 42: One Touch Setting

    Stop the accompaniment. One Touch Setting parameter list The PSR-550 features four different One Touch Settings for each of the 112 auto accompaniment styles built into the instrument. Each has been specially programmed to match the selected style; each has the best suited voice (or combination of voices), digital effects and other settings for that style.

  • Page 43: The Multi Pads

    The Multi Pads The PSR-550 Multi Pads can be used to play a number of short pre-recorded rhythmic and melodic sequences that can be used to add impact and variety to your keyboard performances. You can also record your own Multi Pad phrases as described in “Multi Pad Recording” on page 92.

  • Page 44: Selecting A Multi Pad Bank

    The Multi Pads Selecting a Multi Pad Bank Press the [FUNCTION] button. Select “Multi Pad.” Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the MULTI PAD BANK screen. Select a Bank. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button, the [-/NO] button or the number buttons [1]-[0].

  • Page 45: Multi Pad Bank List

    Multi Pad Bank List Bank name Chord Match Pad1 Pad2 Fanfare Crystal Gothic_V TechSyn1 TechSyn2 TechSyn3 TechSyn4 PianoSeq OrcheHit Traffic – – Chirp – – HorrorSE – – Noises – – WaterSE – – AnalgKit – – TechKit – – RockKit –…

  • Page 46: Digital Effects

    Digital Effects With the digital effects built into the PSR-550 you can add ambiance and depth to your music in a variety of ways—such as adding reverb that makes you sound like you are playing in a concert hall or adding harmony notes for a full, rich sound.

  • Page 47
    Press the [NEXT] button to display the Digital Effect screen. Select “Reverb”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button. Select a reverb type. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Refer to the Reverb Type List (page 133).
  • Page 48: Chorus

    Digital Effects Chorus Selecting a Chorus Type Use the same operation as in “Reverb” (page 46). Select “Chorus”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button. Select a chorus type. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Refer to the Chorus Type List (page 133).

  • Page 49: Dsp

    Applying the DSP effect Press the [DSP] button. The DSP icon will light up and the DSP effect will be turned on. The effect will be applied when you play the R1, R2 and L voices from the keyboard. In addition, when the [FAST/SLOW] button is pressed, the FAST icon lights up indicating that the variation of the DSP effect is selected.

  • Page 50: System Effects And Insertion Effects

    With the insertion effects, only the DSP depth can be set. The illustration below with the various audio components (instruments, effect devices and a mixer) represents the inner workings of the DSP effects of the PSR-550. Reverb … All types function as system effects.

  • Page 51: The Keyboard

    Select “Harmony”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button. Select a Harmony/Echo type. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Refer to the Harmony/Echo Type List (page 134). Applying the Harmony/Echo effect Press the [STYLE] button.

  • Page 52
    Digital Effects Adjusting the Harmony/Echo volume The volume of the Harmony/Echo sound in relation to the keyboard sound can be adjusted as follows: Use the same operation as in “Selecting a Harmony/Echo Type” (page 50). Press the [NEXT] button to display the Type Selection screen. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Harmony/Echo Volume screen.
  • Page 53
    Changing the Part for the Harmony/Echo effect This allows you to select the part which is used for the Harmony/Echo effect. Use the same operation as in “Selecting a Harmony/Echo Type” (page 50). Press the [NEXT] button to display the Type Selection screen. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Harmony Volume screen.
  • Page 54: Registration Memory

    Registration Memory Since the PSR-550 is such a sophisticated instrument with such a variety of controls and functions — voice, style, auto accompaniment and effect settings, just to name a few — the Registration Memory feature is one of the most convenient and powerful of the instrument. It allows you save virtually all panel settings to a Registration Memory setting, and then instantly recall your custom panel settings by press- ing a single button.

  • Page 55: Registering The Panel Settings

    Registering the Panel Settings Set up the panel controls as required. Press the round Registration Memory button to call up the Registration Memory function. While holding the [MEMORY] button, press one of the REGIS- TRATION MEMORY buttons: [1] through [4]. A “Regist Memorized”…

  • Page 56: Selecting A Registration Bank

    Registration Memory Selecting a Registration Bank Press the [FUNCTION] button. Select “Regist Memory”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Registration Memory Bank screen. Select a bank. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button, the [-/NO] button or the number buttons [1]-[0].

  • Page 57: Disk Operations

    Disk Operations Built into the PSR-550 is a disk drive. Simply insert a floppy disk and you’ve got access to a wide variety of convenient functions, such as recording and playback of User songs (page 78), as well as saving and loading of User styles (page 96), User pads (page 92) and Registration Memory data (page 54).

  • Page 58: Using The Floppy Disk Drive (Fdd) And Floppy Disks

    • When the PSR-550 is turned on, the LED below the floppy disk slot will be lit indicating that the Disk Drive is ready to use. To eject a floppy disk: •…

  • Page 59: Included Data Disk

    Included Data Disk Disk song playback Insert the included data disk into the disk drive. Select the desired song. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button, the [-/NO] button or the number buttons [1]-[0]. Press the [START/STOP] button to start the song. Press the [START/STOP] button again to stop the song.

  • Page 60: Format

    Disk Operations Format Setting up commercially available floppy disks for use with PSR-550 is called format- ting. This function is useful for quickly deleting unnecessary files from an already formatted disk. Be careful when using this operation, since it automatically deletes all data on the disk.

  • Page 61
    Memory data can be saved together into one single file, the data can be recalled individually when loaded back into the PSR-550. • If you’ve selected a file that already contains data and you rename the file with the intent of overwriting the data,…
  • Page 62: Load

    Disk Operations Load After saving User style (107-109), User pad (banks 37-40) and Registration Memory (bank 01-32) data to a floppy disk, you can reload them into the PSR-550. Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive. Press the [LOAD] button.

  • Page 63
    (For example, the capacity of the PSR-550 [RAM] may be exceeded, something may be wrong with the floppy disk, or the data from the disk may be corrupted, etc.)
  • Page 64: Song Copy

    Select “OtherFD”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Song selection screen. PSR-550 Internal Memory copy Destination • When the destination disk’s write-protect tab is set to ON (page 58) or the disk is a purposely “copy-protected”…

  • Page 65
    Select the source song file. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Name screen. Enter the destination song name directly from the keyboard (page 21). Press the [NEXT] button to display the Copy operation screen.
  • Page 66
    Disk Operations Copying data to another location on the same disk Use the same operation as in “Copying data from one floppy disk to another” (page 64). Select “Same FD”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Song selection screen.
  • Page 67: Delete

    Delete You can delete individual files (User songs, User styles, User pads or Registra- tion Memory) from the floppy disk. Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive. Press the [UTILITY] button. Select “Delete”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Delete screen.

  • Page 68: Disk Song Playback

    Disk Song Playback You can playback a huge variety of songs on the PSR-550, including the preset demo songs, the songs on the included data disk, the User songs that you record to a floppy disk and songs on commercially available XG/GM song collection disks.

  • Page 69
    Select “PlayMode”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Song Play Mode screen. Select the desired Play mode. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Single …
  • Page 70: Song Track Muting

    Disk Song Playback Song Track Muting Press the [START/STOP] button to start the song. Press one of the TRACK buttons below the display. The [M] icon will appear and the selected track will be muted. TRANSPOSE REGIST- RATION Pressing the same track button again enables output of the playback sound. Press the [START/STOP] button again to stop the song.

  • Page 71: Playing From A Specified Measure

    Playing from a Specified Measure Press the [SONG] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Song Menu screen. Select “Measure”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Song Start Measure screen.

  • Page 72: Repeat Play (A-B Repeat)

    Disk Song Playback Repeat Play (A-B Repeat) Press the [SONG] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Song Menu screen. Select “AbRepeat”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] to display the Repeat screen. Press the [START/STOP] button to start the song.

  • Page 73: Song Transpose

    • Changes made to the transpose setting (on page 30) affect the entire sound of the PSR-550, including the song transpose setting. • Enabling the record mode to record a User song automatically resets the song transpose setting to “0”.

  • Page 74: Part Settings

    Part Settings In addition to the keyboard-played voices, the PSR-550 features many different instrumental “parts,” included with the auto accompaniment, and song playback. Style mode Keyboard Auto Accompaniment Use the following functions to change the settings for each part: Voice Change … page 75 This lets you change the voice for each part.

  • Page 75: Voice Change

    L cannot be changed. Also, the DSP depth for the Voice R1 cannot be altered depending on the selected Insertion Effect type. • Save any part settings you want to keep to the PSR-550 Registration Memory (page 54). The voice part settings are temporary and will be…

  • Page 76: Mixer

    Part Settings Mixer Press the [MIXER] button so that its indicator lights. Select the part for which you want to adjust the volume set- ting or parameters. Parts can be selected from the following buttons (depending on the selected mode: Style or Song): Voice …

  • Page 77
    Select the desired parameter by pressing the [NEXT]/[BACK] button. [NEXT] button [NEXT] button [NEXT] button [NEXT] button [NEXT] button The order of Steps 2 and 3 here can be reversed; you can also select the part after selecting the parameter. (In step #2 above, the Volume parameter is shown as an example;…
  • Page 78: Song Recording

    (R1, R2, L), but also the auto accompaniment parts. The PSR-550 provides two different ways to record: Quick Recording and Multi Track Recording. In addition, comprehensive editing functions let you “fine tune” the recorded song data.

  • Page 79
    VOICE R1, R2, L, Accompaniment Style track VOICE R1, R2, L, Accompaniment Style track VOICE R1, R2, L, Accompaniment Style track The PSR-550 provides two different ways to record: Quick Recording and Multi Track Recording. About Multi Track Recording In Multi Track Recording, you determine the track assignments (as shown above) before recording.
  • Page 80: Quick Recording

    Song Recording Quick Recording Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive. Press the [RECORD] button to engage the Record mode. Select “Song”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button. Press the [NEXT] button again to display the RecMode screen.

  • Page 81
    Press the [NEXT] button to display the Record ready screen. The beat indicator dots will flash at the currently set tempo, indicating that the record ready (Synchro Start) mode is engaged. Start recording. • If you’ve selected [Melody] or [Mel + Acmp] in step #8 above, recording starts as soon as you play a key.
  • Page 82: Multi Track Recording

    Song Recording Multi Track Recording Use the same operation as in “Quick Recording” (page 80). Press the [NEXT] button to display the Song selection screen. Press the [NEXT] button again to display the RecMode screen. Select “MultiRec”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button three times to display the PART setting screen.

  • Page 83
    Press the [NEXT] button to display the Rehearsal screen. Voices and styles can be set from this display. After completing the desired settings, press the [EXIT] button to return to this display. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Record Ready screen. The beat indicator dots will flash at the currently set tempo, indicating that the record ready (Synchro Start) mode is engaged.
  • Page 84: Re-Recording — Punch In/Out And Start Measure

    Song Recording Re-recording — Punch In/Out and Start Measure This section shows you how to re-record a specific section of a already-recorded song. In the eight-measure example below, the third measures through the fifth measure are re-recorded. Before re-recording After re-recording Previously played data Insert the floppy disk into the disk drive.

  • Page 85
    Press the [NEXT] button to display the Punch In/Out screen. Select “On”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Punch In measure screen. Set the punch-in measure. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button, the [-/NO] button or the number buttons [1]-[0].
  • Page 86: Quantize

    Song Recording Quantize Quantize lets you “clean up” or “tighten” the timing of a previously recorded track. For example, the following musical passage has been written with exact quarter-note and eighth-note values. Even though you think you may have recorded the passage accurately, your actual performance may be slightly ahead of or behind the beat (or both!).

  • Page 87
    Press the [NEXT] button. Select the Quantize size (resolution). Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Set the Quantize resolution to correspond to the smallest notes in the track you are working with. For example, if the data was recorded with both quarter notes and eighth notes, use 1/8 for the quantize resolution.
  • Page 88: Editing Setup Data

    Song Recording Editing Setup Data This function lets you make changes to various setup data (voice-related parameters) for each track of a recorded song. The following parameters can be edited: Voice … Assigns a voice number to the specified track. Volume …

  • Page 89
    Edit the setup data. Press the [NEXT] and [BACK] buttons to switch among the displays (as shown below). • Select a track by pressing one of the [TRACK1]-[TRACK16] buttons. • Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button, the [-/NO] button or the number buttons [1]-[0] to change the desired values in each display.
  • Page 90: Naming User Songs

    Song Recording Naming User Songs Use the same operation as in “Re-recording” (page 84). Select the file (song) for which you wish to change the name. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button again to display the RecMode screen.

  • Page 91: Clearing User Song Data

    Clearing User Song Data Use the same operation as in “Re-recording” (page 84). Select the song file to be cleared. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button again to display the RecMode screen.

  • Page 92: Multi Pad Recording

    Multi Pad Recording In addition to the preset Multi Pad sets, the PSR-550 has 16 user-recordable sets that you can use to store your own creations. These original User Multi Pads can be played and used in the same way as the presets.

  • Page 93
    Press the [NEXT] button to display the RecMode screen. Select “Record”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the pad number selection screen. Select a Pad number to record. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button, the [-/NO] button, or the MULTI PAD buttons [1]-[4].
  • Page 94: Chord Match

    Multi Pad Recording Chord Match Use the same operation as in “Multi Pad Recording” (page 92). Select “Edit”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Edit menu screen. Select “ChdMatch”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button.

  • Page 95: Clearing User Pad Data

    Enter the desired name for the bank. Use the keyboard to enter the name (page 21). Up to eight letters or characters can be used. Press the [RECORD] button to exit from the Record mode. Clearing User Pad Data Use the same operation as in “Chord Match” (page 94). Select “Clear”.

  • Page 96: Style Recording

    FILL IN B ENDING On the PSR-550, you can record up to a total of 48 tracks (6 sections x 8 tracks). Data that can be recorded to User styles • Note on/off (key press and release) … page 107 •…

  • Page 97: Loop Recording

    About Recording User Styles In recording a User song, the PSR-550 records your keyboard performance as MIDI data. Recording of User styles, however, is done in a different way. Here are some of the aspects in which style recording differs from song recording:…

  • Page 98: Style Recording — Rhythm Track

    Style Recording Style Recording — Rhythm Track With this operation you can create your own original rhythm patterns by editing existing rhythm track (percussion) data from a preset style. Press the [RECORD] button to engage the Record mode. Select “Style”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button.

  • Page 99
    Select a Rhythm track to be recorded. Select “RHYTHM MAIN” or “RHYTHM SUB” with the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Reharsal screen. The beat indicator dots will flash at the currently set tempo, indicating that the record ready (Synchro Start) mode is engaged.
  • Page 100: Style Recording — Bass/Phrase/Pad/Chord Tracks

    Style Recording Exiting from the Style Record mode To leave the style recording mode, follow the instructions in the chart below. Press the [+/YES] button to exit from the Style Record mode after storing the performance data to Internal Memory. Style Recording —…

  • Page 101
    Select a voice for the track to be recorded. Select the desired voice by pressing the [VOICE R1] button (page 26). To return to the previous display, press the [EXIT] button. Start recording. You can start recording with one of the following ways: •…
  • Page 102: Quantize

    Style Recording Quantize Quantize lets you “clean up” or “tighten” the timing of a previously recorded track. For example, the following musical passage has been written with exact quarter-note and eighth-note values. Even though you think you may have recorded the passage accurately, your actual performance may be slightly ahead of or behind the beat (or both!).

  • Page 103
    Press the [NEXT] button. Select the Quantize size (resolution). Use the data dial, the [-/NO] button or the [+/YES] button. Set the Quantize resolution to correspond to the smallest notes in the track you are working with. For example, if the data was recorded with quarter notes and eighth notes, use 1/8 for the quantize resolution.
  • Page 104: Naming User Styles

    Style Recording Naming User Styles Use the same operation as in “Quantize” (page 102). Select “Name”. Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Press the [NEXT] button to display the Name screen. Enter the desired name for the style. Use the keyboard to enter the name (page 21).

  • Page 105
    Press the [NEXT] button to display the Clear screen. Press the [+/YES] button to execute the Clear operation. To abort the Clear operation, press the [-/NO] button. Press the [RECORD] button to exit from the Record mode. If you’ve selected a certain section (other than “ALL sect”), see the explanation on leaving the recording mode on page 100.
  • Page 106: Midi Functions

    HOST SELECT switch. By using the MIDI functions you can expand your musical possibilities. This section explains what MIDI is, and what it can do, as well as how you can use MIDI on your PSR-550. If you don’t know what MIDI is, make sure to read these sections: •…

  • Page 107
    Change and various other types of MIDI data, or messages. The PSR-550 can control a MIDI device by transmitting note related data and various types of controller data. The PSR-550 can be controlled by the incoming MIDI messages which automatically determine tone generator mode, select MIDI channels, voices and effects, change parameter values and of course play the voices specified for the various parts.
  • Page 108: What You Can Do With Midi

    Imagine that there are sixteen separate pipes in the connected MIDI cable. When transmitting MIDI data from the PSR-550 to an external device, MIDI data is sent through the assigned pipe (or MIDI channel) and transmitted to the external device.

  • Page 109: Midi Data Compatibility

    This section covers basic information on data compatibility: whether or not other MIDI devices can playback the data recorded by PSR-550, and whether or not the PSR-550 can playback commercially available song data or song data created for other instruments or on a computer.

  • Page 110: Connecting To A Personal Computer

    Connecting to a Personal Computer Connect your PSR-550 to a computer and take advantage of the wide range of power- ful and versatile software for creating and editing music. The PSR-550 can be con- nected in two ways: • Using the MIDI terminals •…

  • Page 111: Connect Using The To Host Terminal

    Connect the RS-422 terminal (modem or printer terminal) on the computer to the TO HOST terminal on the PSR-550 using a serial cable (system peripheral cable, 8 bit). Set the PSR-550 HOST SELECT switch in the “Mac” position. PSR-550 Set the MIDI interface clock in the sequencer software you are using to 1 MHz.

  • Page 112: Midi Template

    MIDI Functions MIDI Template The PSR-550 is capable of transmitting and receiving MIDI data over sixteen indepen- dent channels. For proper MIDI operation, it is necessary to determine which data is set to which channel. The MIDI Template function allows you to instantly configure all appropriate transmit/ receive settings with a single button press.

  • Page 113
    1: Right1, ch. 2: Right2, ch. 3: Left, chs. 4-16: Off When outputting the performance data (note on/off messages). Used to play the PSR-550 note on/off data with an external tone generator and to record the PSR-550 note on/off data to an external sequencer.
  • Page 114: Midi Transmit Setting

    MIDI Functions MIDI Transmit Setting The PSR-550 can simultaneously transmit data on all 16 MIDI channels. The Transmit Channel and Transmit Track functions determine what PSR-550 data is transmitted via which MIDI channels. Press the [FUNCTION] button. Select “Midi.” Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button.

  • Page 115: Midi Receive Setting

    MIDI Receive Setting The PSR-550 can simultaneously receive data on all 16 MIDI channels, allowing it to function as a 16-channel multi-timbral tone generator. The Receive Channel and Receive Mode functions determine how each channel will respond to received MIDI data.

  • Page 116: Local Control

    When MIDI clock reception is enabled (“Ext”), however, all timing is controlled by an external MIDI clock signal received via the MIDI IN terminal (in this case the PSR-550 TEMPO setting has no effect). The default setting is “Int”.

  • Page 117: Initial Data Send

    Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Initial Data Send Transmits all current panel settings to a second PSR-550 or a MIDI data storage device. If you want to have the song play back with the panel settings used for recording, execute the Initial Data Send function before recording the performance on the PSR- 550 to an external sequencer.

  • Page 118: Other Functions (Utility)

    Other Functions (Utility) This section of the manual covers some important functions of the PSR-550 that have not been ex- plained in previous sections. These are all combined in the Utility menu of the “Function” section. • Metronome … “Metronom” … page 118 •…

  • Page 119: Upper Octave

    (e.g. classic or Arabic scales). The PSR-550 also provides nine different scale settings (shown below) that let you instantly reconfigure the tuning of the instrument for playing in special scales. You can tune the instrument in two ways: select the desired scale setting template, or tune each key individually using Note Edit.

  • Page 120: Split Point

    • Set the value with the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button. Touch Sensitivity The keyboard of the PSR-550 is equipped with a touch response feature that lets you dynamically and expressively control the level of the voices with your playing strength —…

  • Page 121: Footswitch

    Polarity This parameter lets you configure the footswitch response of the PSR-550 to match that of the particular footswitch you are using. If the footswitch works in the opposite way (i.e., pressing the footswitch has no effect, but releasing it does), try changing this setting.

  • Page 122: Pitch Bend Range

    Use the data dial, the [+/YES] button or the [-/NO] button to set the Backlight color. • Auto … The color changes according to the mode of the PSR-550. In the Style mode, the • Blue, Red, Purple … The backlight color is not changed regardless of the mode.

  • Page 123: Appendix

    The XG voices conform to Yamaha’s XG format; they also conform to the GM (General MIDI) standard. This allows you to accurately play back any GM- or XG-compatible song data directly on the PSR-550 itself, without having to change voices or make special settings. It also allows you to record songs for other GM- or XG-compatible instruments, and have them play back on those instruments as intended.

  • Page 124
    Voice List Bank Select MIDI Voice Program Voice Name Number Change Number Strings Choir Trumpet Brass Number Voice of Notes Number Used Bass&Cymbal Pick Bass FretlessBass Jaco Bass Slap Bass Funk Bass Fusion Bass Synth Bass Analog Bass Dance Bass Hi-Q Bass Rave Bass String Ensbl…
  • Page 125: Xg Voice List

    Bank Select MIDI Voice Program Voice Name Number Change Number Ionosphere Symbiont Solaris Millenium Transform Percussion Jazz Vibes Vibraphone Marimba Xylophone Steel Drums Celesta Glockenspiel Music Box Tubular Bell Kalimba Timpani Dulcimer XG Voice List Bank Select MIDI Number Voice Program Voice Name of Notes Number MSB…

  • Page 126
    Voice List Bank Select MIDI Voice Program Voice Name Number MSB LSB Change Number FunkGuitar2 Jazz Man Overdriven Guitar Pinch Distortion FeedbackGtr FeedbackGtr2 GtrHarmonics GtrFeedback GtrHarmonic2 AcousticBass Jazz Rhythm VXUprghtBass Finger Bass Finger Dark Flange Bass Bass&DistEG Finger Slap FingerBass2 Mod.Bass Pick Bass MutePickBass…
  • Page 127
    Bank Select MIDI Number Voice Program Voice Name of Notes Number MSB LSB Change Used Number Sine Pad Horn Pad RotaryStrngs PolySynthPad Poly Pad 80 Click Pad Analog Pad Square Pad Choir Pad Heaven Itopia CC Pad Bowed Pad Glacier Glass Pad Metallic Pad Tine Pad…
  • Page 128: Drum Kit List

    Drum Kit List • “<——” indicates that the drum kit is the same as “Standard Kit1”. • Each percussion voice uses one note, whereas one marked ( • The note numbers and note names printed on the keyboard are one octave higher than the MIDI note numbers and note names shown in the list.

  • Page 129
    Bank MSB Bank LSB Prgram Number Note # Note Jazz Kit C#-1 <—— <—— D#-1 <—— <—— <—— F#-1 <—— <—— G#-1 <—— <—— A#-1 <—— <—— <—— <—— <—— <—— <—— <—— <—— Snare Jazz H <—— <—— <—— <——…
  • Page 130: Style List

    Style List Style Style Name Number 8 Beat 8 Beat 1 8 Beat 2 8 Beat 3 8 Beat Adria 8 Beat Party 8 Beat Rock Root Rock Hard Rock 16 Beat 16 Beat Pop Guitar Pop Kool Shuffle Pop Shuffle Jazz Rock Ballad 16 Beat Ballad…

  • Page 131: Music Database List

    Music Database List Song Name Number POP HITS Alive Fever Alive Synth Croco Rock D.Survival EasySunday1 EasySunday2 GoingMyWay 1 GoingMyWay 2 Hurry Luv I’m Torn Imagination Just Called Just the way Love is Deep Music Thanks Nikita Trp. Paradise Day Proud Guitar Sailing Sax SeptemberPop…

  • Page 132: About The Digital Effects (Reverb/Chorus/Dsp)

    When DSP type is selected as a System effect • Although not all the effect settings cannot be made by operating the PSR-550 panel manually, some of them may be accessible through MIDI. Refer to the MIDI data format for details.

  • Page 133: Reverb Type List

    Reverb Type List Reverb Type System/Insertion Description Hall1-5 System Concert hall reverb. Room1-7 System Small room reverb. Stage1-4 System Reverb for solo instruments. Plate1-3 System Simulated steel plate reverb. White Room System A unique short reverb with a bit of initial delay. Tunnel System Simulation of a tunnel space expanding to left and right.

  • Page 134: Harmony/Echo Type List

    Harmony/Echo Type List Category Type Harmony Duet Country Trio Block 4Way Close1 4Way Close2 4Way Open Octave Strum Echo Echo 1/4 Echo 1/6 Echo 1/8 Echo 1/12 Tremolo Tremolo 1/8 Tremolo 1/12 Tremolo 1/16 Tremolo 1/32 Trill Trill 1/12 Trill 1/16 Trill 1/24 Trill 1/32 Description…

  • Page 135: Troubleshooting

    (page 21) is called up in the display or not. If the naming function is active, the PSR-550 does not produce any sound, even when the keys are played. You are probably exceeding the maximum polyphony of the PSR-550. The PSR-550 can play up to 32 notes at the same time —…

  • Page 136: Data Backup & Initialization

    Data Backup & Initialization Data Backup Except for the data listed below, all PSR-550 panel settings are reset to their initial settings whenever the power is turned on. The data listed below are backed up — i.e. retained in memory — as long as an AC adaptor is connected or a set of batteries is installed.

  • Page 137: Alert Message List

    Alert Message List No File Unformatted Disk Disk Error Write-protected File Protected No Disk Insert Song Disk Disk Removed Disk Full Wrong Disk Same Name Maximum 60 Songs Memory Full The disk contains no file to be loaded, copied, or be deleted. Insert the disk that contains files to be loaded, copied, or deleted.

  • Page 138
    This message appears to indicate you cannot enter the function when you select a Multi Pad function in the Multi Pad Recording mode. • This message may appear when the PSR-550 is turned on, and indi- cates that user data temporarily stored in the internal memory has been lost (page 136).
  • Page 139: Midi Data Format

    0100 1100 0100 1101 PROGRAM CHANGE 0100 1110 PITCH BEND 0100 1111 0101 0000 SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE 0101 0001 <YAMAHA MIDI FORMAT> 0101 0010 <UNIVERSAL> 0101 0011 UNIVERSAL NON-REALTIME 0101 0100 <XG STANDARD> 0101 0101 XG PARAMETER CHANGE 0101 0110…

  • Page 140: Midi Data Format


  • Page 141
    STATUS 11111110 (FEH) Transmission: Transmitted approximately once every 200msec. Reception: Depending upon the condition, Rhythm, Song Playback, or Song Rec will stop. (3-6) SYSTEM EXCLUSIVE MESSAGE (3-6-1) YAMAHA MIDI FORMAT (3-6-1-1) SECTION CONTROL binary hexadecimal 11110000 Exclusive status 01000011 YAMAHA ID…
  • Page 142
    MIDI Data Format (3-6-1-2) TEMPO CONTROL binary hexadecimal 11110000 Exclusive status 01000011 YAMAHA ID 01111110 Style 00000000 0ttttttt Tempo4 0ttttttt Tempo3 0ttttttt Tempo2 0ttttttt Tempo1 11110111 End of Exclusive The internal clock will be set to the received Tempo value.
  • Page 143
    (3-6-4) CLAVINOVA MIDI COMPLIANCE (3-6-4-1) DOC MULTI TIMBRE ON / OFF (Receive only) binary hexadecimal 11110000 Exclusive status 01000011 YAMAHA ID 01110011 Clavinova ID 00000001 Clavinova commmon ID 0001000n N: 3(DOC Multi Timbre Off),4(DOC Multi Timbre On) 11110111 End of Exclusive…
  • Page 144
    MIDI Data Format < Table 1-4 > MIDI Parameter Change table (EFFECT) Address Size Data 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 01..7F TOTAL SIZE 0E 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F TOTAL SIZE 6 00..7F 00..7F 00..7F…
  • Page 145
    < Table 1-5 > MIDI Parameter Change table (MULTI PART) Address Size Data Prameter Name 00..20 Element Reserve 00..7F Bank Select MSB 00..7F Bank Select LSB 00..7F Program Number 00..0F, Rcv Channel 00..01 Mono/Poly Mode 00..03 Same Note Number Key On Assign 00..02 Part Mode 28..58…
  • Page 146
    Same as LSB=0 XG OPTION EFFECT Expanded type for PSR-550 * If the received value does not contain an effect type in the TYPE LSB, the LSB will be directed to TYPE 0. * Panel Effects are based on the “[Number] Effect Name”.
  • Page 147
    < Table 1-8 > Effect Parameter List HALL1,HALL2, ROOM1,ROOM2,ROOM3, STAGE1,STAGE2, PLATE (reverb, variation block) Parameter Display Reverb Time 0.3-30.0s Diffusion 0-10 Initial Delay 0.1mS-99.3mS HPF Cutoff Thru-8.0kHz LPF Cutoff 1.0k-Thru Dry/Wet D63>W — D=W — D<W63 Rev Delay 0.1mS-99.3mS Density Er/Rev Balance E63>R — E=R — E<R63 Feedback Level…
  • Page 148
    MIDI Data Format FLANGER1,2,3 (chorus, variation block) Parameter Display LFO Frequency 0.00Hz-39.7Hz LFO Depth 0-127 Feedback Level -63-+63 Delay Offset 0.0mS-50mS EQ Low Frequency 50Hz-2.0kHz EQ Low Gain -12-+12dB EQ High Frequency 500Hz-16.0kHz EQ High Gain -12-+12dB Dry/Wet D63>W — D=W — D<W63 LFO Phase Difference -180-+180deg (resolution=3deg.) SYMPHONIC (chorus, variation block)
  • Page 149
    2BAND EQ(STEREO) (variation block) Parameter Display EQ Low Frequency 50Hz-2.0kHz EQ Low Gain -12-+12dB EQ High Frequency 500Hz-16.0kHz EQ High Gain -12-+12dB AUTO WAH (variation block) Parameter Display LFO Frequency 0.00Hz-39.7Hz LFO Depth 0-127 Cutoff Frequency Offset 0-127 Resonance 1.0-12.0 EQ Low Frequency 50Hz-2.0kHz EQ Low Gain…
  • Page 150
    MIDI Data Format < Table 1-9 > Effect Data Value Assign Table Table#1 LFO Frequency Data Value Data Value Data Value Data Value 0.00 1.35 2.69 8.41 0.04 1.39 2.78 8.75 0.08 1.43 2.86 9.08 0.13 1.47 2.94 9.42 0.17 1.51 3.03 9.76…
  • Page 151: Midi Implementation Chart

    MIDI Implementation Chart [Portable Keyboard] Model : PSR-550 Function… Transmitted Basic Default 1 — 16 Channel Changed 1 — 16 Default Mode Messages Altered ************** Note 0 — 127 Number : True voice ************** Velocity Note ON o 9nH,v=1-127 Note OFF…

  • Page 152
    *1 The tracks for each channel can be selected on the panel. See page 114 for more information. *2 Incoming MIDI messages control the PSR-550 as 16 channel multi timbral tone generator when initially shipped (factory set). The MIDI messages don’t affect the panel controls including the Panel Voice selection since they are directly sent to the tone generator of the PSR-550.
  • Page 153: Index

    Index AC adaptor … 12 Accompaniment … 32 Accompaniment style …32 Accompaniment track …37 Accompaniment volume … 37 ACMP …33 Assignable …122 Auto Accompaniment …32 Auto Accompaniment on/off … 25, 33 Auto Accompaniment section … 33, 34 Auto Fill … 34 BACK …17 Backlight …

  • Page 154
    Index Main …34 Master Tuning … 119 Master Volume …15 Maximum Polyphony …123 Measure … 16, 71, 84 Menu … 16, 17 Metronome … 118 MIDI …106 MIDI Data Format …139 MIDI Implementation Chart …151 MIDI terminals …107 Mixer … 17, 74, 76 Mode …
  • Page 155
    Index Tap … 36, 121 Tempo …36 Time signature … 80 TO HOST …107 TOUCH … 16, 120 Touch Sensitivity …120 Track …37, 70, 82 Transmit … 114 Transpose …16, 30, 73 Tremolo … 51, 134 Trill … 51, 134 Troubleshooting …135 Upper …
  • Page 156: Specifications

    • 12 cm (4-3/4″) x 2, 3 cm (1-3/16″) x 2 Power Consumption • 22W (when using PA-6 power adaptor) Power Supply • Adaptor : Yamaha PA-6 AC power adaptor Rated Voltage DC 10-12V Rated Current • Batteries : Six “D” size, R20P (LR20) or…

  • Page 157
    Compliance with FCC This applies only to products distributed by YAMAHA CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Entsorgung leerer Batterien (nur innerhalb Deutschlands) Leisten Sie einen Beitrag zum Umweltschutz. Verbrauchte Batterien oder Akkumulatoren dürfen nicht in den Hausmüll.
  • Page 158: Limited Warranty

    PSR SERIES OF PORTATONE ELECTRONIC KEYBOARDS If during the first 90 days that immediately follows the purchase date, your new Yamaha product covered by this warranty is found to have a defect in material and/or workmanship, Yamaha and/or its authorized representative will repair such defect without charge for parts or labor.

  • Page 159
    For details of products, please contact your nearest Yamaha or the authorized distributor listed below. Pour plus de détails sur les produits, veuillez-vous adresser à Yamaha ou au distributeur le plus proche de vous figurant dans la liste suivante. NORTH AMERICA CANADA Yamaha Canada Music Ltd.
  • Page 160
    Yamaha PK CLUB (Portable Keyboard Home Page, English only) http://www.yamaha.co.jp/english/product/pk Yamaha Manual Library (English versions only) http://www2.yamaha.co.jp/manual/english/ M.D.G., Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division, Yamaha Corporation © 2001 Yamaha Corporation ??????? 1??PO????-01A0 Printed in China…

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