Yamaha rx v861 инструкция на русском

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Yamaha RX-V861 инструкция по эксплуатации
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На NoDevice можно скачать инструкцию по эксплуатации для Yamaha RX-V861. Руководство пользователя необходимо для ознакомления с правилами установки и эксплуатации Yamaha RX-V861. Инструкции по использованию помогут правильно настроить Yamaha RX-V861, исправить ошибки и выявить неполадки.

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Для обеспечения наилучшего результата, пожалуйста, 
внимательно изучите данную инструкцию. Храните ее 
в безопасном месте для будущих справок.


Данную звуковую систему следует устанавливать в хорошо 
проветриваемых, прохладных, сухих, чистых местах, не 
подвергающихся прямому воздействию солнечных лучей, 
вдали от источников тепла, вибрации, пыли, влажности и/
или холода. Для достаточной вентиляции, следует оставить 
свободным минимальное пространство 30 см сверху, 20 см 
слева и справа, и 20 см сзади от данного аппарата. 


Во избежание шумов и помех, данный аппарат следует 
размещать на некотором расстоянии от других 
электрических приборов, двигателей, или трансформаторов.


Во избежание накопления влаги внутри данного аппарата, 
что может вызвать электрошок, пожар, привести к поломке 
данного аппарата, и/или представлять угрозу жизни, не 
следует размещать данный аппарат в среде, подверженной 
резким изменениям температуры с холодной на жаркую, или 
в среде с повышенной влажностью (например, в комнате с 
увлажнителем воздуха). 


Не устанавливайте данный аппарат в местах, где есть 
риск падения других посторонних объектов на данный 
аппарат, и/или где данный аппарат может подвергнуться 
попаданию капель или брызгов жидкостей. На крышке 
данного аппарата, не следует располагать: 

другие компоненты, так как это может привести к поломке 
и/или отцвечиванию поверхности данного аппарата. 

горящие объекты (например, свечи), так как это 
может привести к пожару, поломке данного 
аппарата, и/или представлять угрозу жизни. 

емкости с жидкостями, так как при их падении, жидкости 
могут вызвать поражение пользователя электрическим 
током и/или привести к поломке данного аппарата. 


Во избежание прерывания охлаждения данного аппарата, 
не следует покрывать данный аппарат газетой, скатертью, 
занавеской и т.д. Повышение температуры внутри 
данного аппарата может привести к пожару, поломке 
данного аппарата, и/или представлять угрозу жизни. 


Пока все соединения не завершены, не следует 
подключать данный аппарат к розетке.


Не используйте данный аппарат, установив его верхней стороной 
вниз. Это может привести к перегреву и возможной поломке.


Не применяйте силу по отношению к 
переключателям, ручкам и/или проводам.


При отсоединении силового кабеля питания от 
розетки, вытягивайте его, удерживая за вилку; ни в 
коем случае не тяните кабель.


Не применяйте различные химические составы для очистки 
данного аппарата; это может привести к разрушению 
покрывающего слоя. Используйте чистую сухую ткань.


Используйте данный аппарат только с соблюдением напряжения, 
указанном на данном аппарате. Использование данного аппарата при 
более высоком напряжении, превышающем указанное, является 
опасным, и может стать причиной пожара, поломки данного аппарата, 
и/или представлять угрозу жизни. Yamaha не несет ответственности за 
любую поломку или ущерб вследствие использования данного аппарата 
при напряжении, не соответствующем указанному напряжению. 


Во избежание поломки от молнии, силовой кабель и 
внешние антенны должны быть отсоединены от 
розетки или данного аппарата во время грозы.


Не пробуйте модифицировать или починить данный аппарат. При 
необходимости, свяжитесь с квалифицированным сервис центром 
Yamaha. Корпус аппарата не должен открываться ни в коем случае.


Если вы не собираетесь использовать данный аппарат в течение 
продолжительного промежутка времени (например, во время отпуска), 
отключите силовой кабель питания переменного тока от розетки. 


Данный аппарат следует устанавливать возле розетки переменного тока, куда 
можно свободно дотянуться вилкой силового кабеля питания переменного тока. 


Перед тем как прийти к заключению о поломке данного 
аппарата, обязательно изучите раздел “Возможные 
неисправности и способы по их устранению”, описывающий 
часто встречающиеся ошибки во время использования.


Перед перемещением данного аппарата, отключите данный 
аппарат, нажав кнопку MASTER ON/OFF наружу на позицию OFF, 
и затем отсоедините вилку силового кабеля питания переменного 
тока от розетки переменного тока.


(Только модель для Азии и общая модель)
Переключатель VOLTAGE SELECTOR на задней панели данного 
аппарата должен быть установлен на местное напряжение ДО 
подключения к сети переменного тока. Переключаемые напряжения:
Модель для Азии

…………………220/230–240 В переменного тока, 50/60 Гц

Общая модель

…… 110/120/220/230–240 В переменного тока, 50/60 Гц


Батарейки не должны подвергаться нагреву от 
солнечных лучей, огня или похожих источников.

Предупреждение: Внимательно изучите это перед 

использованием аппарата.



Данный аппарат считается не отключенным от 
источника переменного тока все то время, пока он 
подключен к сети переменного тока, даже если 
данный аппарат был выключен через MASTER 
ON/OFF. В таком положении, данный аппарат 
потребляет очень малый объем электроэнергии.

Данный символ-отметка говорит о 
соответствии с директивой 2002/96/ЕС.

Данный символ-отметка обозначает, что 
электрическое и электронное оборудование по 
окончанию службы должны выбрасываться 
отдельно от домашнего мусора.
Пожалуйста, следуйте местным правилам, 
и не выбрасывайте старые изделия вместе с 
обычным домашним мусором.

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Инструкция ресивера и усилителя Yamaha RX-V861

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Информация отображена на картинке

Информация отображена на картинке

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Yamaha RX-V861 Owner's Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

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AV Receiver

Ampli-tuner audio-vidéo








Related Manuals for Yamaha RX-V861

Summary of Contents for Yamaha RX-V861

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus cause fire, damage to this unit, and/or personal injury. Yamaha may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents INTRODUCTION ADVANCED OPERATION Notice …………… 2 Advanced sound configurations……59 Features …………..3 Changing sound field parameter settings….59 Selecting decoders ……….. 64 Supplied accessories ……….3 Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP)..67 Getting started …………4 Using SET MENU……….. 69 Quick start guide …………

  • Page 4: Notice

    • The symbol “☞ ” with page number(s) indicates the “HDMI”, the “HDMI” logo and “High-Definition Multimedia corresponding reference page(s). Interface” are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. “SILENT CINEMA” is a trademark of YAMAHA CORPORATION.

  • Page 5: Features

    ◆ 4 original SCENE templates for customizing capability ◆ Controlling Yamaha SCENE control signal support ◆ DOCK terminal to connect a Yamaha iPod universal dock component (some models only) working with the SCENE (such as the YDS-10, sold separately), which supports iPod…

  • Page 6: Getting Started

    GETTING STARTED Getting started ■ Installing batteries in the remote control ■ VOLTAGE SELECTOR (Asia and General models only) Caution The VOLTAGE SELECTOR on the rear panel of this unit must be set for your local voltage BEFORE plugging the power cable into the AC wall outlet. Improper setting of the VOLTAGE SELECTOR may cause damage to this unit and create a potential fire hazard.

  • Page 7: Quick Start Guide

    Quick start guide Quick start guide The following steps describe the easiest way to enjoy DVD movie playback in your home theater. Front right Preparation: Check the items speaker Video monitor Subwoofer Front left In these steps, you need the following supplied Surround right speaker speaker…

  • Page 8: Set Up Your Speakers

    Quick start guide Step 1: Set up your speakers Place your speakers in the room and connect them to this Be sure to connect the left channel (L), right channel unit. (R), “+” (red) and “–” (black) properly. Front speakers and center speaker AUDIO MULTI CH INPUT ZONE 2…

  • Page 9: Connect Dvd Player And Other Components

    Quick start guide Step 2: Connect your DVD player Connect the video cable to the composite and other components video output jack of your DVD player and DVD VIDEO jack of this unit. AUDIO MULTI CH INPUT ZONE 2 PRE OUT AV receiver FRONT(6CH) CENTER…

  • Page 10
    ☞ P. 22 The wire of the AM loop antenna does not have any polarity and you can connect either end of the wire to AM or GND • Connecting a Yamaha iPod universal dock terminal. ☞ P. 23 Assembling the supplied AM loop antenna •…
  • Page 11
    Start playback of the desired DVD on your press SCENE 1 button player. If the connected DVD player is a Yamaha product and has Check the type of the connected speakers. capability of the SCENE control signals with the REMOTE If the speakers are 6 ohm speakers, set “SP IMP.”…
  • Page 12
    Quick start guide Case C: “I want to listen to a music program of the What do you want to do with this FM/AM radio station…” unit? Press F SCENE4 (or A SCENE4) to select “Radio ■ Customizing the SCENE templates Listening”.
  • Page 13: Connections

    ☞ P. 96 ☞ P. 4 ☞ P. 18-21 DOCK terminal MULTI CH INPUT jacks PRE OUT jacks Connect a Yamaha iPod Connect the input source Connect external amplifiers universal dock component equipped with the and an active subwoofer. (sold separately).

  • Page 14: Placing Speakers

    Subwoofer (SW) The use of a subwoofer with a built-in amplifier, such as the Yamaha Active Servo Processing Subwoofer System, is effective not only for reinforcing bass frequencies from any or all channels, but also for high fidelity sound reproduction of the LFE (low-frequency effect) channel included in Dolby Digital and DTS sources.

  • Page 15: Connecting Speakers

    Connections Connecting speakers Be sure to connect the left channel (L), right channel (R), “+” (red) and “–” (black) properly. If the connections are faulty, this unit cannot reproduce the input sources accurately. Caution • Before connecting the speakers, make sure that this unit is turned off (see page 25). •…

  • Page 16: Connecting The Speaker Cable

    Connections ■ Connecting the speaker cable ■ Connecting the banana plug (except Europe, Asia and Korea models) Remove approximately 10 mm (0.4 in) of insulation from the end of each speaker Tighten the knob and then insert the banana plug connector into the end of the corresponding cable and then twist the exposed wires of the terminal.

  • Page 17: Information On Jacks And Cable Plugs

    Connections Information on jacks and cable plugs Video jacks and cable plugs Audio jacks and cable plugs DIGITAL COMPONENT VIDEO AUDIO DIGITAL VIDEO S VIDEO COAXIAL OPTICAL (White) (Red) (Orange) (Yellow) (Green) (Blue) (Red) Left and right Coaxial Optical Composite S-video Component analog audio…

  • Page 18: Information On Hdmi

    Connections Information on HDMI™ ■ HDMI compatibility with this unit ■ HDMI jack and cable plug Compatible Audio signal Audio signal HDMI HDMI types formats components HDMI cable plug 2ch Linear PCM 2ch, 32-192 kHz, CD, DVD-Video, 16/20/24 bit DVD-Audio, etc. Multi-ch Linear 8ch, 32-192 kHz, DVD-Audio, etc.

  • Page 19: Audio And Video Signal Flow

    Connections Audio and video signal flow ■ Audio signal flow ■ Video signal flow Input Output Input Output HDMI HDMI DIGITAL AUDIO (COAXIAL) COMPONENT VIDEO DIGITAL AUDIO (OPTICAL) AUDIO S VIDEO VIDEO Digital output Through Analog output Video conversion ON (see page 79) Notes Notes •…

  • Page 20: Connecting A Tv Monitor Or Projector

    Connections Connecting a TV monitor or projector Connect your TV (or projector) to the HDMI OUT jack, You can choose to play back HDMI audio signals on this unit or the COMPONENT VIDEO MONITOR OUT jacks, the on another HDMI component connected to the HDMI OUT jack S VIDEO MONITOR OUT jack or the VIDEO of this unit.

  • Page 21: Connecting Other Components

    Connections Connecting other components • When “VIDEO CONV.” is set to “ON” (see page 79), the converted video signals are output only at the MONITOR OUT Make sure that this unit and other jacks. To record a source, make the same type of video components are unplugged from the connections between each component.

  • Page 22
    Connections ■ Connecting a DVD recorder, PVR or VCR AUDIO VIDEO Video in S VIDEO COMPONENT VIDEO VIDEO Video out recorder, PVR or VCR S-video in S-video out DVD recorder, PVR Audio in Audio out ■ Connecting a set-top box Satellite receiver, cable TV receiver or HDTV decoder AUDIO…
  • Page 23: Connecting Audio Components

    Connections ■ Connecting audio components Notes • To make a digital connection to a component other than the default component assigned to each the DIGITAL INPUT jack or the DIGITAL OUTPUT jack, select the corresponding setting for “OPTICAL OUT”, “OPTICAL IN”, or “COAXIAL IN” in “I/O ASSIGNMENT”…

  • Page 24: Connecting An External Amplifier

    Connections ■ Connecting an external amplifier This unit has more than enough power for any home use. However, if you want to add more power to the speaker output or if you want to use another amplifier, connect an external amplifier to the PRE OUT jacks. Each PRE OUT jack outputs the same channel signals as the corresponding SPEAKERS terminals.

  • Page 25
    This unit is equipped with the DOCK terminal on the rear components and start the playback when you use one of the panel that allows you to connect a Yamaha iPod universal SCENE buttons. Refer to the owner’s manuals for details about dock (such as the YDS-10, sold separately) where you can the capability of the SCENE control signals of the components.
  • Page 26: Connecting The Power Cable

    AC OUTLETS than an indoor one. If you experience poor reception quality, install an outdoor antenna. Consult the nearest authorized Yamaha dealer or service center about outdoor antennas. ■ AC OUTLET(S) (SWITCHED) U.K. and Australia models……..1 outlet AM loop…

  • Page 27: Setting The Speaker Impedance

    Connections Setting the speaker impedance Turning this unit on and off ■ Turning on this unit Caution If you are to use 6 ohm speakers, set “SP IMP.” to Press B MASTER ON/OFF on the front panel “6Ω MIN” as follows BEFORE using this unit. 4 ohm inward to the ON position to turn on this unit.

  • Page 28: Front Panel Display

    Lights up when headphones are connected (see page 40). 6 DOCK indicator G SP A B indicators Lights up when you station your iPod in a Yamaha iPod Light up according to the set of front speakers activated universal dock (such as the YDS-10, sold separately) (see page 38).

  • Page 29: Using The Remote Control

    Connections L Radio Data System indicators Using the remote control (Europe model only) PTY HOLD The remote control transmits a directional infrared ray. Be sure to aim the remote control directly at the remote Lights up while searching for the Radio Data System control sensor on this unit during operation.

  • Page 30: Optimizing The Speaker Setting For Your Listening Room

    OPTIMIZING THE SPEAKER SETTING FOR YOUR LISTENING ROOM Optimizing the speaker setting for your listening room This unit employs the YPAO (Yamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer) technology which lets you avoid troublesome listening-based speaker setup and achieves highly accurate sound adjustments automatically. The supplied optimizer microphone collects and this unit analyzes the sound your speakers produce in your actual listening environment.

  • Page 31
    Optimizing the speaker setting for your listening room Press D l / h to select the desired setting Press D l / h to select the desired setting of for “EXTRA SP ASSIGN” and then press D n. “EQ”. Parametric equalizer type EQ Extra speaker assignment EXTRA SP ASSIGN Parametric equalizer adjusts the level of the specified…
  • Page 32
    Optimizing the speaker setting for your listening room This unit performs the following checks: The results displayed under “RESULT” are as follows: Speaker wiring WIRING Number of speakers SP Checks which speakers are connected and the polarity of each speaker. Displays the number of speakers connected to this unit in the following order: Speaker size SIZE…
  • Page 33
    Optimizing the speaker setting for your listening room Press D ENTER to return to the top Press D l / h repeatedly to toggle between the setup result displays. “AUTO:RESULT” display. Press D k / n to toggle between the parameters in a results.
  • Page 34
    Optimizing the speaker setting for your listening room ■ If an error screen appears Press D l / h repeatedly to toggle between Press D k / n / l / h to select “RETRY” or the warning displays. “EXIT” and then press D ENTER. The following display is an example when “E-9:USER WARNING:W-1 CANCEL”…
  • Page 35: Selecting The Scene Templates

    SELECTING THE SCENE TEMPLATES Selecting the SCENE templates This unit is equipped with 17 preset SCENE templates for Rotate the I INPUT selector (or set the various situations of using this unit. As the initial factory operation mode selector to L AMP and then setting, the following SCENE templates are assigned to each SCENE button: press D l / h) to select the desired…

  • Page 36
    Radio Listening Radio programs TUNER (FM/AM) iPod iPod Listening DOCK To listening to the iPod, you need to connect a Yamaha iPod universal dock (sold separately) to this unit (see page 56). TV programs DTV/CBL TV Viewing TV Sports Viewing…
  • Page 37
    You can select “V-AUX” as the input source even if your iPod capability of the SCENE control signals and is connected to is stationed in the Yamaha Universal Dock connected to this the REMOTE OUT jack of this unit, this unit operates the unit.
  • Page 38: Creating Your Original Scene Templates

    Selecting the SCENE templates Creating your original SCENE Press D k / n to select the desired parameter templates of the SCENE template and then D l / h to select the desired value of the selected You can create your original SCENE templates for each parameter.

  • Page 39: Playback

    PLAYBACK Playback Caution Start playback on the selected source Extreme caution should be exercised when you play component or select a broadcast station. back CDs encoded in DTS. If you play back a CD • Refer to the operating instructions for the source encoded in DTS on a DTS-incompatible CD player, component.

  • Page 40: Selecting The Multi Ch Input Component

    Playback Selecting the front speaker set ■ A quick guide to contents Use this feature to turn the front speaker system (FRONT When you want to… A and/or FRONT B) on or off. page Enjoy pure hi-fi stereo sound Press 1 SPEAKERS on the front panel Adjust the tonal quality of the front speakers repeatedly to turn on or off the set of front Adjust the parameters of sound field programs…

  • Page 41: Selecting Audio Input Jacks (Audio Select)

    Playback Selecting audio input jacks Displaying the current status of (AUDIO SELECT) this unit on a video monitor This unit comes with a variety of input jacks. Use this You can display the operating information of this unit on a feature (audio input jack select) to switch between input video monitor.

  • Page 42: Using Your Headphones

    Playback Using your headphones Playing video sources in the background of an audio source Connect a pair of headphones with a stereo You can combine a video image from a video source with analog audio cable plug to the PHONES jack on sound from an audio source.

  • Page 43: Using The Sleep Timer

    Playback ■ Audio information Set the operator mode to L AMP and then press S SLEEP repeatedly to set the amount of time. FORMAT Signal format. When this unit cannot detect a digital signal, it automatically switches to Each time you press S SLEEP, the front panel display analog input.

  • Page 44: Sound Field Programs

    This unit is equipped with a variety of precise digital decoders that allow you to enjoy multi-channel playback from almost any stereo or multi-channel sound source. This unit is also equipped with a Yamaha digital sound field processing (DSP) chip containing several sound field programs which you can use to enhance your playback experience.

  • Page 45
    Sound field programs ■ For audio music sources For audio music sources, we also recommend that you use the Pure Direct mode (see page 48). Notes • The available sound field parameters differ depending on the settings of the speakers. •…
  • Page 46
    Sound field programs ■ For various sources Notes • The available sound field parameters and the created sound fields differ depending on the input sources and the settings of this unit. • “DIALG.LIFT” is available only when “EXTRA SP ASSIGN” in “SPEAKER SET” is set to “PRESENCE” (see page 70). ENTERTAIN ENTERTAINMENT Sports…
  • Page 47
    Sound field programs ■ For movie sources You can select the desired decoder used with following sound field program (except “Mono Movie”). See page 64 for details. Notes • The available sound field parameters and the created sound fields differ depending on the input sources and the settings of this unit. •…
  • Page 48: Stereo Playback

    Sound field programs ■ Stereo playback Note The available parameters differ depending on the input sources and the settings of this unit. STEREO STEREO 2ch STEREO Use this program to mix down multi-channel sources to 2 channels. See page 49 for details. DIRECT STEREO STEREO…

  • Page 49: Enjoying Unprocessed Input Sources (Straight Decoding Mode)

    Sound field programs Before performing the following operation, set the operation mode selector on the remote control to L AMP. Enjoying unprocessed input sources (Straight decoding mode) When this unit is in the “STRAIGHT” mode, 2-channel stereo sources are output from only the front left and right speakers.

  • Page 50: Using Audio Features

    USING AUDIO FEATURES Using audio features Adjusting the speaker level Before performing the following operations, set the operation mode selector on the remote control to L AMP. You can adjust the output level of each speaker while listening to a music source. This is also possible when Enjoying pure hi-fi sound playing sources input at the MULTI CH INPUT jacks.

  • Page 51: Enjoying Multi-Channel Sources In 2-Channel Stereo

    Using audio features Notes Enjoying multi-channel sources in • You cannot use the night listening modes in the following 2-channel stereo cases: –when the Pure Direct mode (see page 48) is selected. You can mix down multi-channel sources to 2 channels –when the component connected to the MULTI CH and enjoy playback in 2-channel stereo.

  • Page 52: Fm/Am Tuning

    FM/AM TUNING FM/AM tuning There are 2 tuning methods: automatic and manual. Automatic tuning is effective when station signals are strong and there is no interference. If the signal from the station you want to select is weak, tune into it manually. You can also use the automatic and manual preset tuning features to store up to 40 stations (A1 to E8: 8 preset station numbers in each of the 5 preset station groups).

  • Page 53: Automatic Preset Tuning

    FM/AM tuning Notes Automatic preset tuning • Any stored station data existing under a preset station number is You can use the automatic preset tuning feature to store up cleared when you store a new station under the same preset to 40 FM stations with strong signals (A1 to E8: 8 preset station number.

  • Page 54: Selecting Preset Stations

    FM/AM tuning Press 5 PRESET/TUNING l / h to select a Press 5 PRESET/TUNING l / h on the front panel (or D PRESET/CH k / n on the preset station number (1 to 8) while the MEMORY indicator is flashing. remote control) to select the desired preset •…

  • Page 55: Radio Data System Tuning (Europe Model Only)

    RADIO DATA SYSTEM TUNING (EUROPE MODEL ONLY) Radio Data System tuning (Europe model only) Radio Data System is a data transmission system used by FM stations in many countries. This unit can receive various Radio Data System data such as PS (program service), PTY (program type), RT (radio text), CT (clock time), and EON (enhanced other networks) when receiving Radio Data System broadcasting stations.

  • Page 56: Selecting The Radio Data System Program Type (Pty Seek Mode)

    Radio Data System tuning (Europe model only) Selecting the Radio Data System Press D PRESET/CH k / n on the remote program type (PTY SEEK mode) control to select the desired program type. The name of the selected program type appears in the Use this feature to select the desired radio program by front panel display.

  • Page 57: Using The Enhanced Other Networks (Eon) Data Service

    Radio Data System tuning (Europe model only) Using the enhanced other Press G PTY SEEK START on the remote networks (EON) data service control to start searching for all the available Radio Data System preset stations. Use this feature to receive the EON (enhanced other The name of the selected program type flashes and networks) data service of the Radio Data System station the PTY HOLD indicator lights up in the front panel…

  • Page 58: Using Ipod

    AUDIO OUT (REC) jacks for recording. • Your iPod battery is automatically charged when your iPod is stationed in a Yamaha iPod universal dock connected to the DOCK terminal of this unit as long as this unit is turned on. You can also select whether this unit charges the battery of the stationed iPod or not when this unit is in the standby mode by selecting the “STANDBY CHARGE”…

  • Page 59
    Using iPod™ ■ The function of the play information Set the operation mode selector to display L SOURCE and then press R DISPLAY on the remote control. iPod [Play] The following display appears in the OSD. 1 / 9 Frankie Zipper Made-to-order iPod Road to India…
  • Page 60: Recording

    RECORDING Recording Recording adjustments and other operations are performed from the recording components. Refer to the operating instructions for those components. Caution The DTS signal is a digital bitstream. Attempting to digitally record the DTS bitstream will result in noise being recorded.

  • Page 61: Advanced Sound Configurations

    ADVANCED SOUND CONFIGURATIONS Advanced sound configurations Changing sound field parameter Press D k / n to select the desired sound settings field parameter and then D l / h to change the selected sound field parameter value. You can enjoy good quality sound with the initial factory settings.

  • Page 62
    Advanced sound configurations ■ Basic configuration of sound field Adjusting the vertical dialogue position programs (DIALG.LIFT) Each sound field program has some parameters defining Use this feature to adjust the vertical position of the the characteristics of the program. To customize the dialogues in movies.
  • Page 63
    Advanced sound configurations ■ Sound field parameters for the advanced configurations Use the following sound field parameters to customize sound field programs in detail. To change sound field parameter settings, see page 59 for details. Sound field parameter Features INIT.DLY Initial delay.
  • Page 64
    Advanced sound configurations Sound field parameter Features ROOM SIZE Room size. Presence, surround, and surround back room size. Adjusts the apparent size of the surround sound field. The larger the value, the larger the surround sound field becomes. As the P.ROOM SIZE sound is repeatedly reflected around a room, the larger the hall is, the longer the time between S.ROOM SIZE…
  • Page 65
    Advanced sound configurations Sound field parameter Features REV.TIME Reverberation time. Adjusts the amount of time taken for the dense, subsequent reverberation sound to decay by 60 dB at 1 kHz. This changes the apparent size of the acoustic environment over an extremely wide range. Set a longer reverberation time for “dead” sources and listening room environments, and a shorter time for “live”…
  • Page 66: Selecting Decoders

    Advanced sound configurations Sound field parameter Features 2ch Stereo 2-channel stereo direct. Bypasses the decoders and the DSP processors of this unit for pure hi-fi stereo sound when playing 2-channel analog sources. DIRECT Choices: AUTO, OFF • Select “AUTO” to bypass the decoders, the DSP processors and the tone control circuitry only when “BASS”…

  • Page 67
    Advanced sound configurations ■ Decoder descriptions Name of the Remote control Category of the program button program PLIIx Music SUR.DECODE SURROUND DECODE PLII Music Dolby Pro Logic IIx (or Dolby Pro Logic II) processing for music sources. The Pro Logic IIx decoder is not available when “SUR.B L/R SP”…
  • Page 68
    Advanced sound configurations Decoder parameter descriptions Decoder parameter Features PLIIx Music Pro Logic IIx Music and Pro Logic II Music panorama. Sends stereo signals to the surround speakers as PLII Music well as the front speakers for a wraparound effect. PANORAMA Choices: OFF, ON PLIIx Music…
  • Page 69: Customizing This Unit (Manual Setup)

    CUSTOMIZING THIS UNIT (MANUAL SETUP) Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) You can use the following parameters in “SET MENU” to adjust a variety of system settings and customize the way this unit operates. Change the initial settings (indicated in bold under each parameter) to reflect the needs of your listening environment.

  • Page 70: Signal Information

    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) Option menu 3 OPTION MENU Use this menu to manually adjust the optional system parameters. Parameter Features Page A)DISPLAY SET Adjusts the brightness of the display and converts video signals. B)MEMORY GUARD Locks sound field program parameters and other “SET MENU” settings. C)AUDIO SELECT Designates the default audio input jack select setting mode for the input sources when you turn on the power of this unit.

  • Page 71: Using Set Menu

    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) Using SET MENU Press D k / n repeatedly and then press D ENTER to select and enter the desired Use the remote control to access and adjust each menu. parameter. The following displays are examples where “SOUND MENU”…

  • Page 72: Sound Menu

    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) FRONT B FRONT B speakers setting 1 SOUND MENU The “FRONT B” parameter is available only when you set “EXTRA SP ASSIGN” to “FRONT B”. Use this feature to manually adjust speaker settings or Use this feature to select the location of the FRONT B compensate for video signal processing delays when using speakers.

  • Page 73
    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) Woofer section of a speaker is 16 cm (6.5 in) or larger: large Woofer section of a speaker is smaller than 16 cm (6.5 in): small Front speakers FRONT SP Surround left/right speakers SUR. L/R SP Choices: SMALL, LARGE Choices: NONE, SML, LRG SOUND MENU…
  • Page 74
    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) LFE/Bass out LFE/BASS OUT Subwoofer phase SUBWOOFER PHASE Use this feature to select the speakers that output the LFE Use this feature to switch the phase of your subwoofer if (low-frequency effect) and the low-frequency signals. bass sounds are lacking or unclear.
  • Page 75
    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) ■ Speaker distance ■ Equalizer C)SP DISTANCE D)EQUALIZER Use this feature to manually adjust the distance of each Use this feature to select the parametric equalizer or the speaker and the delay applied to the respective channel. graphic equalizer.
  • Page 76
    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) ■ Dynamic range Center graphic equalizer CENTER GEQ F)DYNAMIC RANGE Use to match the tonal quality of the center speaker with Use this feature to select the amount of dynamic range that of the front left and right speakers. You can adjust 5 compression to be applied to your speakers or frequency bands (100 Hz, 300 Hz, 1 kHz, 3 kHz and headphones.
  • Page 77
    6.1/7.1 channels using the Dolby Digital EX Choices: RX-V861, OTHER or DTS-ES decoder. • Select “RX-V861” to play back HDMI audio signals • Select “EX” to play back Dolby Digital or DTS signals on this unit. The HDMI audio signals input at the in 6.1/7.1 channels using the Dolby Digital EX…
  • Page 78: Input Menu

    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) 2 INPUT MENU Use this feature to activate the desired decoder manually when this unit cannot detect the signal flag encoded to the input sources Use this menu to reassign the input/output jacks, select the correctly.

  • Page 79
    . (2);;;;;MD/CD-R • You can only rename DOCK when iPod is stationed in the (MD/CD-R ) (3);;;;; Yamaha Universal Dock connected to this unit. (4);;;;;DTV/CBL (DTV/CBL ) Press one of the input selector buttons ( B ) on the remote control to select the input For COAXIAL INPUT jacks 5 and 6 source you want to change the name of.
  • Page 80
    • You can adjust the value for DOCK only when iPod is stationed to the Yamaha Universal Dock connected to this unit. • Select “OFF” to set this unit not to play the video • The default name (“DVD” in the display example above) and source in the background.
  • Page 81: Option Menu

    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) HDMI Up-scaling HDMI UP-SCALING 3 OPTION MENU Use this feature to select the resolution of the HDMI up- conversion of the analog video signals input at the Use this menu to adjust the optional system parameters. VIDEO, S VIDEO and COMPONENT VIDEO jacks so that the up-scaled video signals are output at the HDMI OUT jack.

  • Page 82
    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) HDMI aspect ratio HDMI ASP Source feature OSD display time OSD-SOURCE Use this feature to adjust the aspect ratio for video signals Use this feature to set the amount of time to display the output at the HDMI OUT jack. iPod menu in the OSD after you perform a certain operation.
  • Page 83
    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) ■ Memory guard ■ Parameter initialization B)MEMORY GUARD D)PARAM.INI Use this feature to prevent accidental changes to DSP Use this feature to initialize the parameters of each sound program parameter values and other system settings. field program within a sound field program group.
  • Page 84
    Customizing this unit (MANUAL SETUP) Zone 2 Initial volume INI.VOL. Use this feature to set the volume level of Zone 2 when the power of this unit is turned on. Choices: Off, –80.0 dB to 16.5 dB Control step: 0.5 dB Notes •…
  • Page 85: Remote Control Features

    Remote control features In addition to controlling this unit, the remote control can also operate other audiovisual components made by Yamaha and other manufacturers. To control your TV or other components, you must set up the appropriate remote control code for each input source (see page 86).

  • Page 86: Controlling This Unit, A Tv, Or Other Components

    Remote control features Controlling this unit, a TV, or other components ■ Controlling this unit ■ Controlling a TV Set the operation mode selector to L AMP to control this Set the operation mode selector to L TV to control your unit.

  • Page 87: Controlling Other Components

    Remote control features ■ Controlling other components Set the operation mode selector to L SOURCE to control PRESET/CH LEVEL SET MENU TITLE MENU AUDIO other components selected with the input selector buttons POWER POWER STANDBY POWER PURE DIRECT (B), . You must set the appropriate remote ENTER SCENE A/B/C/D/E…

  • Page 88: Setting Remote Control Codes

    You cannot set a remote control code for the optional area. See page 88 to program buttons operated within this component You may not be able to operate your Yamaha component even if a control area. YAMAHA remote control code is preset as listed above.

  • Page 89
    • The supplied remote control does not contain all possible codes for commercially available audio and video components (including Yamaha components). If operation is not possible with any of the remote control codes, program the new remote control function using the learn feature (see “Programming codes from other remote controls”…
  • Page 90: Programming Codes From Other Remote Controls

    Remote control features Programming codes from other Place this remote control about 5 to 10 cm remote controls (2 to 4 in) apart from the other remote control on a flat surface so that their infrared You can program remote control codes from other remote transmitters are aimed at each other.

  • Page 91: Changing Source Names In The Display Window

    Remote control features Changing source names in the Press and hold the button you want to display window program on the other remote control until “OK” appears in the display window ( J ) on You can change the name of the input source that appears the remote control.

  • Page 92: Macro Programming Features

    Remote control features Macro programming features Press D k / n to select and enter a character. Pressing D n changes the character as follows: The macro programming feature makes it possible to A to Z, 1 to 9, 0, + (plus), – (hyphen), ; (semicolon), perform a series of operations with the press of a single / (slash), and space.

  • Page 93
    (DVD area) (*4) You can turn on some components (including Yamaha components) connected to this unit by connecting them to the AC OUTLETS on the rear panel of this unit. Power control may not be synchronized with this unit depending on the component.
  • Page 94
    Remote control features ■ Programming macro operations Note You can program your own macro and use the macro “AGAIN” appears in the display window ( J ) if you press a programming feature to transmit several remote control button other than a macro button. commands in sequence at the press of a button.
  • Page 95: Clearing Configurations

    Remote control features Clearing configurations Press and hold T CLEAR again for about 3 seconds. You can clear all changes made in each function set, such “WAIT” appears in the display window ( J ). If as learned functions, macros, renamed input area names clearing was successful, “C;OK”…

  • Page 96: Clearing A Learned Function

    Remote control features ■ Clearing a learned function Press and hold T CLEAR using a ballpoint You can clear the function learned for a certain button in each control area. pen or similar object and then press the button you want to clear for about 3 seconds. Set the operation mode selector to L AMP or “C;OK”…

  • Page 97: Clearing A Macro Function

    Remote control features ■ Clearing a macro function Press and hold T CLEAR using a ballpoint You can clear the function programmed for a certain macro button. pen or similar object, then press the macro button you want to clear for about 3 seconds. Set the operation mode selector to L AMP or “C;OK”…

  • Page 98: Using Multi-Zone Configuration

    Yamaha dealer or service center about the Zone 2 connections that best meet your requirements. • Some Yamaha models are able to connect directly to the REMOTE jacks of this unit. If you own these products, you may not need to use an infrared signal emitter.

  • Page 99: Controlling Zone 2

    • Enjoying music stored on your iPod stationed in a ZONE 2 ON/OFF is operational only when MASTER Yamaha iPod universal dock (such as YDS-10 sold ON/OFF on the front panel is pressed inward to the ON position. separately) connected to the DOCK terminal of this…

  • Page 100
    Using multi-zone configuration Turning on or off Zone 2 using the remote control Operate the following operations after activating the Zone 2 I POWER and H STANDBY on the remote control operation mode. work differently depending on the selected zone that Operating Zone 2 appears in the display window ( J ) on the remote control.
  • Page 101: Advanced Setup

    ADVANCED SETUP Advanced setup This unit has additional menus that are displayed in the front panel display. The advanced setup menu offers additional operations to adjust and customize the way this unit operates. Change the initial settings (indicated in bold under each parameter) to reflect the needs of your listening environment.

  • Page 102: Speaker Impedance

    This feature is useful when you ■ Speaker impedance SP IMP. operate this unit and the other Yamaha receivers/ Use this feature to set the speaker impedance of this unit amplifiers in the same room separately. so that it matches that of your speakers.

  • Page 103
    Advanced setup See page 99 for the operation of the advanced setup. Press the numeric buttons ( F ) to enter the four-digit remote control code for the input ■ Remote control TUNER ID REMOTE TUN area you want to use. Use this feature to set the TUNER ID of this unit for remote control recognition.
  • Page 104
    ENHANCER SUR. DECODE NIGHT • Select “ON” when the component connected to the REMOTE OUT jack is the Yamaha component and has SLEEP the capability of the SCENE control signals. This unit automatically sends the remote control signals to the component.
  • Page 105
    Advanced setup ■ Video parameter reset V.RESET Use this feature to initialize the “VIDEO CONV.”, “HDMI UP-SCALING”, “HDMI ASP” and “OSD SHIFT” settings in “DISPLAY SET” (see page 79). Choices: YES, CANCEL ■ Monitor check MON.CHK Use this feature to activate or deactivate the monitor check function of this unit.
  • Page 106: Troubleshooting

    HDCP copy copy protection standards. protection standards. “SUPPORT AUDIO” is set to “OTHER” Set “SUPPORT AUDIO” to “RX-V861” in and “HDMI” audio signals are not being “MANUAL SETUP”. played back on this unit. No picture.

  • Page 107
    Troubleshooting Problem Cause Remedy page The sound suddenly The protection circuitry has been activated Check that the speaker impedance setting is correct. 25, 100 goes off. because of a short circuit, etc. Check that the speaker wires are not touching each —…
  • Page 108
    Troubleshooting Problem Cause Remedy page No sound is heard “LFE/BASS OUT” in “SET MENU” is Set “LFE/BASS OUT” to “SWFR” or “BOTH”. from the subwoofer. set to “FRONT” when a Dolby Digital or DTS signal is being played. “LFE/BASS OUT” in “SET MENU” is Set “LFE/BASS OUT”…
  • Page 109
    Troubleshooting Problem Cause Remedy page “CHECK SP WIRES” Speaker cables are short-circuited. Make sure all speaker cables are connected correctly. appears in the front panel display. There is noise This unit is too close to the digital or high- Move this unit further away from such equipment. —…
  • Page 110
    Troubleshooting ■ Remote control Problem Cause Remedy page The remote control Wrong distance or angle. The remote control will function within a maximum does not work or range of 6 m and no more than 30 degrees off-axis function properly. from the front panel.
  • Page 111: Auto Setup

    Connect error There is a problem with the signal path Turn off this unit and reconnect the Yamaha iPod from your iPod to this unit. universal dock to the DOCK terminal of this unit. Try resetting your iPod.

  • Page 112
    • If a warning message “W-1” appears, corrections are made, but they may not be optimal. • If a warning message “W-2” or “W-3” appears, no corrections are made. • If an error message “E-10” occurs repeatedly, contact a qualified Yamaha service center.
  • Page 113: Resetting The System

    RESETTING THE SYSTEM Resetting the system Use this feature to reset all the parameters of this unit to the initial factory settings. Notes • This procedure completely resets all the parameters of this unit including the “SET MENU” parameters. However, the advanced setup menu parameters will not be initialized.

  • Page 114: Glossary

    GLOSSARY Glossary ■ Bi-amplification connection ■ Dolby Digital EX A bi-amplification connection uses two amplifiers for a Dolby Digital EX creates 6 full-bandwidth output speaker. One amplifier is connected to the woofer section channels from 5.1-channel sources. This is done using a of a loudspeaker while the other is connected to the matrix decoder that derives 3 surround channels from the combined mid and tweeter section.

  • Page 115: Dts Digital Surround

    Glossary ■ DTS 96/24 ■ Neo:6 DTS 96/24 offers an unprecedented level of audio quality Neo:6 decodes the conventional 2-channel sources for for multi-channel sound on DVD video, and is fully 6- channel playback by the specific decoder. It enables backward-compatible with all DTS decoders.

  • Page 116: Sound Field Program Information

    The acoustics in your room could be changed to those of a concert hall, a dance floor, or a room with virtually any size at all. This ability to create sound fields at will is exactly what Yamaha has done with the digital sound field processor. ■ CINEMA DSP…

  • Page 117: Parametric Equalizer Information

    PARAMETRIC EQUALIZER INFORMATION Parametric equalizer information ■ Q factor This unit employs Yamaha Parametric Room Acoustic Optimizer (YPAO) technology to optimize the frequency The width of the specified frequency band is referred to as characteristics of its parametric equalizer to match your the Q factor.

  • Page 118: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS Specifications AUDIO SECTION • Volume Control ……..MUTE/–80 dB to 16.5 dB • Minimum RMS Output Power for Front, Center, Surround, • Tone Control (Front L/R) Surround back BASS Boost/Cut …………. ±10 dB/50 Hz 20 Hz to 20 kHz, 0.06% THD, 8 Ω ……..105 W BASS Turnover Frequency ……….

  • Page 119
    Specifications GENERAL • Power Supply [U.S.A. and Canada models] ……AC 120 V, 60 Hz [General model] ……..AC 110/120/220/230–240 V, 50/60 Hz [Asia model] …………. AC 220/230–240 V, 50/60 Hz [China model] ………… AC 220 V, 50 Hz [Korea model] ………… AC 220 V, 60 Hz [Australia model] ……….
  • Page 120: Index

    INDEX Index ■ Numerics C.IMAGE, Decoder parameter ….66 Connection, VCR …….. 20 Cable plugs ………..15 CROSSOVER, Speaker settings ..72 1 SOUND MENU, Manual setup ..67 CD player connection ……21 CT LEVEL, Sound field parameter ..64 2 INPUT MENU, Manual setup ..67 Cellar Club, Sound field program ..43 CT, Radio Data System information …

  • Page 121
    Index EQ TYPE, Auto setup parameter ..29 Headphones ……….40 Mode, Extended surround decoders ..75 Equalizer type select, Equalizer … 73 Headphones indicator ……26 MON.CHK, Advanced setup ….. 103 Equalizer, Sound menu ……73 HP, Dynamic range ……74 Monitor check, Advanced setup ..103 EQUALIZING, Mono Movie, Sound field program ..
  • Page 122
    Index Parametric equalizer type, REV.TIME, Sound field parameter ..63 Source feature OSD display time, Auto setup parameter ……. 29 Reverberation delay, Display settings ……. 80 Parametric equalizer, Sound field parameter ……63 SP A B indicators …….. 26 Auto setup parameter ……. 30 Reverberation level, SP IMP., Advanced setup ….
  • Page 123
    Index Surround decode mode ……64 VOLUME level indicator …..26 SURROUND DECODE, Volume Trim, Input menu ….78 Decoder category ……65 ■ Surround left speaker level, WIRING, Auto setup parameter ..30 Sound field parameter …… 64 Surround left/right speakers, ■ Speaker settings …….
  • Page 124
    ■ О ….18 ……. 75 ..20 ..68 …….80 ..67 ……… 23 ……65 ..24 ……..25 ..26 ..20 ■ П ..19 ■ Н ..21 ….3 ….30 ….. 76 ……. 17 ….111 ……. 17 ..77 ..36 ……
  • Page 125
    ..49 ..25 ……60 ….54 ….98 …25 … 76 ■ Ф ….54 ..72 ……47 … 77 ..71 ..46 ….. 75 ..72 …78 ……67 ..64 ■ Ц ..51 ….54 ■ ……….71 ……..
  • Page 126
    ..80 ..57 ……. 79 ..80 ……46 ..80 ..80 ..30 ..64 ……77 ……..54 ..70 ..100 ■ ……….. 79 … 74 ……… 74 ..30 ……61 ..74 ..74 ……62 ..45 ■ ..66 ..
  • Page 127: Front Panel


  • Page 128: Remote Control


  • Page 129: List Of Remote Control Codes

    VICTOR 0099 PALSONIC 0699 GOLDSTAR 0171 0206 WARDS 0184 PANASONIC 0517, 0659, 1389 HAMLIN 0036, 0300 EMERSON 0332 YAMAHA 2300, 2301 PHILIPS 0530, 0566, 0673, JERROLD 0030, 0303, 0503, FISHER 0206 0881 0837 GENEXXA 0059, 0332 PIONEER 0552, 0598, 0658,…

  • Page 130: Tape Deck

    FUBA 0423 SONY 0666, 0874, 1666 TELEFUNKEN SONY 0185, 1085, 1185, 0593 STAR CHOICE 0086 1685, 1785 0802 0896 STRONG 1327 YAMAHA 2200 STEREOPHONICS GALAXIS 0890, 1138 1050 GENERAL INSTRUMENT 0847, 1280 SUNFIRE 1340 0896 TANTEC 0482 MD RECORDER TEAC…

  • Page 131
    AMERICA ACTION 0207 DECCA 0064, 0543 HINARI 0036, 0064 MEDION 0695, 0835, 1064 AMPRO 0778 DENON 0172 HISAWA 0482 MEGATRON 0172, 0205 MEMOREX 0036, 0177, 0181, AMSTRAD 0036, 0064, 0198, DIGATRON 0064 HITACHI 0036, 0057, 0119, 0398, 0439, 0460, DIXI 0036, 0064 0132, 0136, 0172, 0205, 0277, 0490,…
  • Page 132
    DUMONT 0027, 0108, 0131 0455 0183, 0205 0064, 0347, 0490, DYNATECH 0027 RADIOSHACK SQUAREVIEW 0650 0267, 0305 0057, 0074, 0181, 0198 YAMAHA 0057, 0172, 0677, ELCATECH 0099 0205, 0207 STANDARD 0036 0796, 0860, ELECTROHOME RADIOLA 0064 STARLITE 0207 2900 (projector),…
  • Page 133
  • Page 134
    RX-V861/RX-V661 The circled numbers and alphabets correspond to those in the Owner’s Manual. Les nombres et lettres dans un cercle correspondent à ceux du mode d’emploi. Die umkreisten Zahlen und Buchstaben entsprechen denen in der Bedienungsanleitung. Inringade nummer och bokstäver motsvarar de som anges i bruksanvisningen.
  • Page 135

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